
Log of /webroot/regexp/visualizer/input.html

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Revision 1.3 - (view) (download) (as text) (annotate) - [select for diffs]
Sun Mar 8 15:14:52 2009 UTC (15 years, 8 months ago) by wakaba
Branch: MAIN
Changes since 1.2: +6 -1 lines
Diff to previous 1.2
++ swe/visualizer/ChangeLog	8 Mar 2009 15:14:36 -0000
2009-03-09  Wakaba  <wakaba@suika.fam.cx>

	* input.html, regexp.cgi: Added links to the document.

Revision 1.2 - (view) (download) (as text) (annotate) - [selected]
Mon Dec 8 12:21:26 2008 UTC (15 years, 11 months ago) by wakaba
Branch: MAIN
Changes since 1.1: +3 -0 lines
Diff to previous 1.1
++ swe/visualizer/ChangeLog	8 Dec 2008 12:21:06 -0000
2008-12-08  Wakaba  <wakaba@suika.fam.cx>

	* input.html: Added |select| for language selection.

	* regexp.cgi: Don't percent-decode query parameter values decoded
	by Message::CGI::HTTP twice.  Added JavaScript regular expression
	support.  Regular expression input was not expanded in |title|

++ swe/lib/Regexp/Parser/ChangeLog	8 Dec 2008 12:17:06 -0000
2008-12-08  Wakaba  <wakaba@suika.fam.cx>

	* JavaScript.pm: New module.

++ swe/lib/Regexp/Visualize/ChangeLog	8 Dec 2008 12:19:40 -0000
2008-12-08  Wakaba  <wakaba@suika.fam.cx>

	* Simple.pm (next_graph): Plot "FAIL" node if necessary.  Don't
	plot "SUCCESS" node if not necessary.
	(add_to_graph): Support for empty []/[^] character classes allowed
	in JavaScript regular expressions.

2008-12-07  Wakaba  <wakaba@suika.fam.cx>

	* Simple.pm (push_regexp_node): Invoke |get_graph_index| to return
	the index of the pushed regexp.  This invocation is necessary such
	that the order the regexps are pushed is reflected to the index.

Revision 1.1 - (view) (download) (as text) (annotate) - [select for diffs]
Sun Dec 7 10:24:21 2008 UTC (15 years, 11 months ago) by wakaba
Branch: MAIN
Diff to selected 1.2
++ swe/visualizer/ChangeLog	7 Dec 2008 10:24:13 -0000
	* input.html: New document.

	* regexp.cgi: Use ?s= as input.  Handle errors.  Specify style

2008-12-07  Wakaba  <wakaba@suika.fam.cx>

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