
Contents of /test/html-webhacc/standards.en.html

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Revision 1.14 - (show annotations) (download) (as text)
Thu Dec 11 05:11:11 2008 UTC (16 years, 2 months ago) by wakaba
Branch: MAIN
Changes since 1.13: +30 -10 lines
File MIME type: text/html
++ ChangeLog	11 Dec 2008 05:09:03 -0000
	* cc-about.en.html: Added links to Regexp modules.

	* cc-script.js: Adds a class name to |iframe| element used instead
	of XHR such that non-Ajax |iframe| element can be distinguished by
	style sheets.

	* cc-style.css: Displays non-Ajax |iframe| element.

	* error-description-source.en.xml: Added catalog entries for
	regexp graph sections.

	* standards.en.html: s/WDCC/WebHACC/g.  Added a subsection on
	regular expressions.

2008-12-11  Wakaba  <wakaba@suika.fam.cx>

++ html/WebHACC/Language/ChangeLog	11 Dec 2008 05:11:06 -0000
	* Table.pm: Bug fix: Subsections are no longer associated with tabs.

	* RegExpJS.pm: Implemented graphization of regular expressions.

2008-12-11  Wakaba  <wakaba@suika.fam.cx>

++ html/WebHACC/ChangeLog	11 Dec 2008 05:10:00 -0000
	* Output.pm (start_section): Don't output |script| element for tab
	control if not desired.

2008-12-11  Wakaba  <wakaba@suika.fam.cx>

2 <html lang=en>
3 <head>
4 <title>WebHACC &mdash; Supported Standards</title>
5 <link rel=stylesheet href=cc-style>
6 </head>
7 <body>
9 <h1><a href="cc/"><abbr title="Web Hypertext Application Conformance
10 Checker"><img src="icons/title" alt="WebHACC"></abbr></a></h1>
12 <div class=section id=standards>
13 <h2>Supported Standards</h2>
15 <p>The table below summarizes Web standards supported by WebHACC. See
16 following subsections for more details.
18 <table>
19 <thead>
20 <tr><th scope=col>Standard<th scope=col>Version<th scope=col>Note
21 </thead>
22 <tbody>
23 <tr><th scope=row><a href="#html"><abbr title="Hypertext Markup Language">HTML</abbr></a>
24 <td rowspan=2><a href="http://whatwg.org/html5">HTML5 Draft Recommendation</a>
25 <td rowspan=2>Most parts
27 <tr><th><a href="#html">XHTML</a>
29 <tr><th rowspan=2><a href="#atom">Atom</a>
30 <td><a href="urn:ietf:rfc:4287">Atom 1.0 <abbr>RFC</abbr></a>
31 <td><!-- Full -->
33 <tr><td><a href="urn:ietf:rfc:4685">Atom Threading 1.0 <abbr>RFC</abbr></a>
35 <tr><th scope=row rowspan=2><abbr title="Extensible Markup Language">XML</abbr>
36 <td>1.0 Fourth Edition
37 <td>Tentative
38 <tr><td>1.1 Second Edition
39 <td>Tentative
40 <tr><th scope=row rowspan=2><abbr title="Extensible Markup Language">XML</abbr>
41 Namespaces
42 <td>1.0 Second Edition
43 <td>Tentative
44 <tr><td>1.1 First Edition
45 <td>Tentative
47 <tr>
48 <th rowspan=2><a href="#css"><abbr title="Cascading Style Sheets">CSS</abbr></a>
49 <td><a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/2007/CR-CSS21-20070719/">CSS 2.1
50 Candidate Recommendation</a>
51 <td>Most parts
53 <tr>
54 <td><a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/2008/WD-css3-color-20080721/">CSS Color
55 Level 3 <abbr title="Last Call Working Draft">LCWD</abbr></a>
56 <td>Most parts
58 <tr>
59 <th scope=row>Selectors
60 <td>3
61 <td><!-- Full -->
62 </tbody>
64 <tbody>
65 <tr><th><a href="#cache-manifest">Cache Manifest</a>
66 <td><a href="http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/#manifests">HTML5
67 Draft Recommendation</a>
68 <td><!-- Full -->
70 <tr><th><a href="#webidl">WebIDL</a>
71 <td><a href="http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/~checkout~/2006/webapi/WebIDL/Overview.html?rev=1.96&amp;content-type=text/html;%20charset=utf-8">Editor's
72 Draft 1.96</a>
73 <td><!-- Full -->
75 <tbody>
76 <tr><th scope=row><abbr title="Hypertext Transfer Protocol">HTTP</abbr>
77 <td>
78 <td>Tentative (no validation)
79 </tbody>
80 </table>
82 <div class=section id=dom>
83 <h3><abbr title="Document Object Model">DOM</abbr></h3>
85 <p>The current implementation assumes that there are following
86 requirements:</p>
87 <ul>
88 <li>The document element (or root element) <em class=rfc2119>MUST</em>
89 be allowed to be a root element. <span class=example>For example,
90 an <code>html</code> element in <code>http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml</code>
91 namespace is allowed to be a root element by the HTML5
92 specification.</span></li>
93 </ul>
94 </div>
96 <div class=section id=html>
97 <h3><abbr title="Hypertext Markup Language">HTML</abbr></h3>
99 <p>HTML5 is partially implemented.</p>
101 <p>In addition, the current implementation assumes that there are following
102 requirements:</p>
103 <ul>
104 <li>Any attribute in the HTML namespace which is not defined by the
105 HTML5 specification (including Web Forms 2.0 specification)
106 <em class=rfc2119>MUST NOT</em> be used.</li>
107 <li>For an element in the HTML namespace, any attribute in the null namespace
108 (or per$B!>(Belement partition) <em class=rfc2119>MUST NOT</em> be used
109 unless it is allowed by the HTML5 specification (including Web Forms 2.0
110 specification).</li>
111 <li class=ed>@@ Forms elements: ...
113 <li>For the attribute not defined in HTML5, the following definitions are
114 applied.
116 <div class="note memo">
117 <p>These definitions are updated version of their original definitions
118 in previous versions of HTML (i.e. HTML 2.x, HTML4, Web Forms 2.0,
119 or early drafts of HTML5).
120 </div>
122 <p>For each row in the table below, if an attribute (i.e. an
123 <code>Attr</code> node) met the following conditions, then the
124 <code>value</code> attribute value of the node <em class=rfc2119>MUST</em>
125 be valid with regard to the constraints shown in the <q>Value</q>
126 cell of the row. The conditions are:
127 <ul>
128 <li>There is an owner element (i.e. the <code>Element</code> node
129 pointed by the <code>ownerElement</code> attribute of the
130 <code>Attr</code> node).
131 <li>The <code>namespaceURI</code> attribute value of the owner element
132 is <code>http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml</code>.
133 <li>The <code>manakaiLocalName</code> attribute value [@@ TODO: ref]
134 of the owner element is equal to the value in the <q>Element</q> cell
135 of the row.
136 <li>The <code>namespaceURI</code> attribute value of the <code>Attr</code>
137 node is <code>null</code>.
138 <li>The <code>manakaiLocalName</code> attribute value of the
139 <code>Attr</code> node is equal to the value in the <q>Attribute</q>
140 cell of the row.
141 </ul>
143 <table>
144 <thead>
145 <tr><th scope=row>Element<th scope=row>Attribute
146 <th scope=row>Value
147 <tbody>
148 <tr><td><code>body</code><td><code>background</code>
149 <td>Syntactically same as <code>img</code> <code>src</code> [HTML5]
150 <tr><td><code>img</code><td><code>longdesc</code>
151 <td>Syntactically same as <code>img</code> <code>src</code> [HTML5]
153 <tr><td><code>input</code><td><code>accept-charset</code>
154 <td>Same as <code>accept-charset</code> attribute of the
155 <code>form</code> element [HTML5]
157 <tr><td><code>input</code> (<code>type</code> attribute is in Image Button
158 state)
159 <td><code>usemap</code>
160 <td>Syntactically same as <code>img</code> <code>usemap</code> [HTML5]
161 <!-- This definition is necessary, since HTML5 definition for usemap=""
162 has changed after <input usemap> is dropped. -->
164 <tr><td><code>object</code><td><code>classid</code> or <code>codebase</code>
165 <td>Syntactically same as <code>img</code> <code>src</code> [HTML5]
167 <tr><td><code>head</code><td><code>profile</code>
168 <td>Same as <code>a</code> <code>ping</code> [HTML5]
169 <!-- This definition is necessary, since HTML5 defnition for attributes
170 with URLs has changed after profile="" is dropped. -->
172 <tr><td><code>object</code><td><code>archive</code>
173 <td>Same as <code>a</code> <code>ping</code> [HTML5]
175 <tr><td><code>object</code><td><code>codetype</code>
176 <td>Same as <code>object</code> <code>type</code> [HTML5]
177 <tr><td><code>param</code><td><code>type</code>
178 <td>Same as <code>object</code> <code>type</code> [HTML5]
179 <tr><td><code>address</code>, <code>div</code>, <code>h1</code>,
180 <code>h2</code>, <code>h3</code>, <code>h4</code>, <code>h5</code>,
181 <code>h6</code>, or <code>p</code>
182 <td><code>align</code>
183 <td>Enumerated attribute [HTML5]
185 <tr><td><code>img</code> or <code>object</code><td><code>align</code>
186 <td>Enumerated attribute [HTML5]
188 <tr><td><code>input</code> (<code>type</code> attribute is in
189 Image Button state)
190 <td><code>align</code>
191 <td>Enumerated attribute [HTML5], where keywords are: <code>top</code>,
192 <code>middle</code>, <code>bottom</code>, <code>left</code>,
193 <code>right</code><!-- Same as HTML4 Transitional DTD definition. See
194 also comment below. -->
196 <tr><td><code>br</code><td><code>clear</code>
197 <td>Enumerated attribute [HTML5]
198 <tr><td><code>param</code><td><code>valuetype</code>
199 <td>Enumerated attribute [HTML5]
200 <tr><td><code>pre</code><td><code>width</code>
201 <td>Valid non-negative integer [HTML5]
202 <tr><td><code>ul</code>, <code>ol</code>, <code>dir</code>,
203 <code>menu</code>, or <code>dl</code><td><code>compact</code>
204 <td>Boolean attribute [HTML5]
206 <tr><td><code>input</code> (<code>type</code> attribute is in Image
207 Button<!-- @@ ref --> state)
208 <td><code>ismap</code>
209 <td>Boolean attribute [HTML5]
211 <tr><td><code>table</code><td><code>frame</code> or <code>rules</code>
212 <td>Enumerated attribute [HTML5]
213 <tr><td><code>td</code><td><code>scope</code>
214 <td>Same as <code>scope</code> attribute of the <code>th</code> element
215 [HTML5]
216 <tr><td><code>tbody</code>, <code>thead</code>, <code>tfoot</code>,
217 <code>colgroup</code>, <code>col</code>, <code>tr</code>, <code>td</code>,
218 or <code>th</code><td><code>align</code> or <code>valign</code>
219 <td>Enumerated attribute [HTML5]
221 <tr><td><code>input</code> (<code>type</code> attribute is in
222 Image Button<!-- @@ ref --> or Submit Button<!-- @@ ref --> state)
223 <td><code>replace</code>
224 <td>Enumerated attribute [HTML5]
226 <tr><td><code>link</code><td><code>target</code>
227 <td>Valid browsing context name or keyword [HTML5]
228 <tr id=html-meta-scheme><td><code>meta</code><td><code>schema</code>
229 <td>Any string
230 <!--
231 NOTE: According to HTML4, values for the |scheme| attribute
232 depend on |name| attribute and |profile| of |head|. Otherwise
233 it is "cdata". The only profile with any scheme value defined
234 is <http://dublincore.org/documents/dcq-html/> (and those
235 references that profile; see
236 <http://suika.fam.cx/gate/2005/sw/scheme#anchor-55> for more
237 information).
238 -->
239 <tr id=html-rev><td><code>a</code> or <code>link</code><td><code>rev</code>
240 <td>Unordered set of unique space-separated tokens [HTML5]
241 (where any word is allowed)
242 <tr id=html-table-cellpadding><td rowspan=2><code>table</code>
243 <td><code>cellpadding</code>
244 <td rowspan=2>A non-negative integer [HTML5] or a non-negative integer
245 [HTML5] followed by a <code>%</code> character
246 <tr id=html-table-cellspacing><td><code>cellspacing</code>
247 <tr id=html-a-charset><td><code>a</code>
248 <td rowspan=2><code>charset</code>
249 <td rowspan=2>Same as <code>script</code> <code>charset</code> [HTML5],
250 syntactically
251 <tr id=html-link-charset><td><code>link</code>
252 </table>
253 <li>Any value <em class=rfc2119>MAY</em> be specified to the
254 <code>version</code> attribute of an <code>html</code> element.
255 <li>@@ elements ...
257 <table>
258 <thead>
259 <tr><th scope=row>Element<th scope=row>Content Model
260 <th scope=row>Allowed Context
261 <tbody>
262 <tr><th scope=col><code>center</code>
263 <td colspan=2>Same as <code>div</code> [HTML5]
264 </table>
265 </ul>
267 <p>For an <code>input</code> element whose <code>type</code> attribute
268 is <code>add</code>, <code>remove</code>, <code>move-up</code>, or
269 <code>move-down</code> (ASCII case-insensitive<!-- ref -->) [WF2],
270 attributes that is not allowed for an <code>input</code> element whose
271 <code>type</code> attribute is in the Button state<!-- ref --> <em
272 class=rfc2119>MUST NOT</em> be specified.<!-- Whether an attribute is
273 applicable or not is normatively defined in the table in the Appendix
274 B of the Web Forms 2.0 specification. However, there is no clause
275 that states that use of an attribute that is not applied is
276 non-conforming. Note that the <code>template</code> attribute, which
277 is applied to the <code>add</code> attribute according to Web Forms
278 2.0, is defined as a global attribute (with different semantics and
279 syntax) by HTML5 as part of the data template feature. -->
281 <p>The <code>inputmode</code> attribute applies to an
282 <code>input</code> element in Text, E-mail, URL, or Password<!-- @@
283 refs --> state. The <code>replace</code> attribute applies to an
284 <code>input</code> element in Image Button or Submit Button<!-- @@
285 refs --> state.<!-- In WF2 normative table, but no MUST NOT there. -->
286 The <code>usemap</code> attribute applies to an <code>input</code>
287 element in Image Button<!-- @@ ref --> state.<!-- In HTML5 prior to
288 r997, usemap="" MAY be specified to an input element with Image (now
289 Image Button) state, but Image state was not defined yet and there
290 were no "MUST NOT".--> The <code>align</code> attribute applies to an
291 <code>input</code> element in Image Button state.<!-- In HTML4, to
292 which state(s) this attribute is applied is not defined at all. In
293 addition, the reference to the definition of the attribute is linked
294 to a wrong place (align attribute of p element and so on). In HTML
295 2.x, DTD comment implies that this attribute applies to type=image.
296 In HTML 2.0, this attribute is only explained for type=image in the
297 prose. --> Any of these attributes <em class=rfc2119>MUST NOT</em> be
298 specified for an <code>input</code> element whose <code>type</code>
299 attribute is in a state where the attribute does not apply.
301 <p id=cache-manifest>The
302 <a href="http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/#manifests">cache
303 manifest syntax</a> is also supported.
304 </div>
306 <div class=section id=atom>
307 <h3>Atom</h3>
309 <p><a href="urn:ietf:rfc:4287">Atom 1.0</a> and
310 <a href="urn:ietf:rfc:4685">Atom Threading 1.0</a> are supported.
312 <p>However, conformance to some <em class=rfc2119>SHOULD</em>-level
313 requirements, as well as some informational guidelines, are currently
314 not checked. In addition, whether an email-address or a Base64
315 encoding is correct or not is not checked either.
317 <p>Use of XML digital signature and encryption is not supported.
319 <p>The current implementation assumes that there are following
320 requirements:</p>
321 <ul>
322 <li>Elements and attributes in the Atom namespace, as well as attributes
323 in the null namespace for an element in the Atom namespace,
324 <em class=rfc2119>MUST NOT</em>
325 be used except for contexts where they are allowed by the Atom
326 specification.</li>
327 <li>Inter-element whitespace [HTML5], processing instructions, and
328 comments <em class=rfc2119>MUST</em> be ignored for the purpose of
329 conformance of the content of an element.
330 </ul>
331 </div>
333 <div class=section id=css>
334 <h3><abbr title="Cascading Style Sheets">CSS</abbr></h3>
336 <p>CSS @namespace and Selectors Level 3 are fully implemented.</p>
338 <p>Most of <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/2007/CR-CSS21-20070719/">CSS 2.1
339 (<time datetime=2007-07-19>19 July 2007</time> Candidate Recommendation)</a>
340 is implemented.
341 <!-- @@ TODO: What is missing? -->
343 <p>Most of <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/2008/WD-css3-color-20080721/">CSS
344 Color Module Level 3 (<time datetime=2008-07-21>21 July 2008</time> Last
345 Call Working Draft)</a> is implemented.
346 <!-- @@ TODO: What is missing? -->
348 <p>Since the <abbr title="Cascading Style Sheets">CSS</abbr> 2.1
349 specification is sometimes ambigious or disagree with browsers,
350 our implementation is tend to copy what browsers do unless
351 there is strong resaon to do different thing.</p>
353 <p>In addition, the current implementation assumes that there are following
354 requirements:</p>
355 <ul>
356 <li id=css-type-charset-param>The <code>charset</code> parameter of the media
357 type <code>text/css</code> <em class=rfc2119>MUST</em> be treated as if it
358 were an unknown parameter for the purpose of determining styling langauge for
359 an <abbr>HTML</abbr> <code>style</code> element.</li>
360 <li id=css-style-content>Content of an <abbr>HTML</abbr> <code>style</code>
361 element whose content is interpreted as a CSS style sheet
362 <em class=rfc2119>MUST</em> consist of zero or more
363 <a href="http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/#text-node">text nodes</a>.
364 Note that it may also contain zero or more comment and/or processing
365 instruction nodes.</li>
366 </ul>
368 </div>
370 <div class=section id=regexp>
371 <h3>Regular expressions</h3>
373 <p>Regular expression defined in ECMAScript Third Edition Section
374 15.10.1 is implemented, with the addition of the support for obsolete
375 octal escape notation commonly supported by Web browsers.
377 <p>To identify ECMAScript regular expressions, the Internet Media Type
378 <a
379 href="http://suika.fam.cx/%7Ewakaba/wiki/sw/n/text+x-regexp-js"><code>text/x-regexp-js</code></a>
380 is used.
382 </div>
384 <div class=section id=webidl>
385 <h3>WebIDL</h3>
387 <p><a href="http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/~checkout~/2006/webapi/WebIDL/Overview.html?rev=1.96&amp;content-type=text/html;%20charset=utf-8">WebIDL
388 Editor's Draft revision 1.96 (<time datetime=2008-09-03>3 September
389 2008</time>)</a> is implemented.</p>
390 </div>
392 </div>
394 </body>
395 </html>

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