Description of Errors

HTML5 Parse Errors

The $0 element cannot be inserted between head and body elements.

A start tag occurs after the head element is closed but before the body element is opened. The document is non-conforming.

There are two attributes with same name.

Attributes must be unique in an element. Specifying attributes with same name more than once is non-conforming.

The motion attribute is not part of the HTML standard. Use img element with animation GIF instead.

Void element syntax (/>) cannot be used for this element.

The void element syntax /> syntax can only be used for base, link, meta, hr, br, img, embed, param, area, col, and input elements. For any other elements, using that syntax is non-conforming.

Unlike XML, the void element syntax (/>) has no effect in HTML.

Element Content Model Errors

Data character is not allowed in this context.

A data character occurs where it is not allowed in this context. The document is non-conforming.

Possible causes:

If the erred element is an inline-level element (such as a or span)

A data character cannot be a child of certain sectioning elements such as body, section, and blockquote.

Any inline-level content must be put in e.g. paragraph element such as p.

If the erred element is a block-level element (such as div or hn)

Though some elements such as div, li, and td allow either one of block-level or inline-level content is allowed. If there is a block-level content, any inline-level content must be put in e.g. paragraph element such as p.

There must be a $0 element as a child of this element.

The content model of the element is so defined that it must contain a $0 child element. Without such an element, the document is non-conforming.

For example:

There must be a td or th element as a child of this element.

The tr element must contain at least one td or th child element. Without such an element, the document is non-conforming.

This element is not allowed in this context.

An element occurs where it is not allowed. The document is non-conforming.

Possible causes:

If the erred element is an inline-level element (such as a or span)

An inline-level element cannot be a child of certain sectioning elements such as body, section, and blockquote.

Any inline-level content must be put in e.g. paragraph element such as p.

If the erred element is a block-level element (such as div or hn)

Though some elements such as div, li, and td allow either one of block-level or inline-level content is allowed. If there is a block-level content, any inline-level content must be put in e.g. paragraph element such as p.

If the erred element is the root html element

In an XHTML document, the root html element must have an xmlns attribute whose value is set to

enumerated:invalid;attribute-error;This attribute only allow a limited set of values and the specified value is not one of them. no DOCTYPE;parse-error;This document does not start with the DOCTYPE declaration. not HTML5;parse-error;This document is written in an old version of HTML. not closed;parse-error;Element $0 is not closed. unmatched end tag;parse-error;Element $0 is not opened. table:no cell in last row;table-model-error;The table has no cell (td or th) in the last row. s:IMT:obsolete subtype;should;An obsolete subtype is used. s:IMT:private subtype;should;A private (x- or x.) subtype is used. s:IMT:unregistered subtype;should;The subtype is not registered to IANA. s:URI::empty path;should;This IRI should explicitly end with /. m:URI::syntax error;must;This IRI is not syntactically valid.

Unsupported Messages

This attribute is not supported by the conformance checker; it might or might not be conforming.

The conformant checker does not support the attribute. It cannot determine whether the document is conforming or not.

This element is not supported by the conformance checker; it might or might not be conforming.

The conformant checker does not support the element. It cannot determine whether the document is conforming or not.

License of This Document

Copyright 2007 Wakaba

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.