#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use lib qw[/home/httpd/html/www/markup/html/whatpm /home/wakaba/work/manakai2/lib]; use CGI::Carp qw[fatalsToBrowser]; require WebHACC::Input; { require Message::CGI::HTTP; my $http = Message::CGI::HTTP->new; require WebHACC::Output; my $out = WebHACC::Output->new; $out->handle (*STDOUT); $out->set_utf8; if ($http->get_meta_variable ('PATH_INFO') ne '/') { $out->http_error (404); exit; } ## TODO: We need real conneg support... my $primary_language = 'en'; if ($ENV{HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE} =~ /ja/) { $primary_language = 'ja'; } $out->load_text_catalog ($primary_language); $out->set_flush; $out->http_header; $out->html_header; $out->unset_flush; $out->generate_input_section ($http); my $u = $http->get_parameter ('uri'); my $s = $http->get_parameter ('s'); if ((not defined $u or not length $u) and (not defined $s or not length $s)) { exit; } require WebHACC::Result; my $result = WebHACC::Result->new; $result->{conforming_min} = 1; $result->{conforming_max} = 1; $result->output ($out); require WebHACC::Input; my $input = WebHACC::Input->get_document ($http => $result => $out); check_and_print ($input => $result => $out); $result->generate_result_section; $out->nav_list; exit; } sub check_and_print ($$$) { my ($input, $result, $out) = @_; my $original_input = $out->input; $out->input ($input); $input->generate_info_section ($result); $input->generate_transfer_sections ($result); unless (defined $input->{s}) { $result->{conforming_min} = 0; return; } my $checker_class = { 'text/cache-manifest' => 'WebHACC::Language::CacheManifest', 'text/css' => 'WebHACC::Language::CSS', 'text/html' => 'WebHACC::Language::HTML', 'text/x-webidl' => 'WebHACC::Language::WebIDL', 'text/xml' => 'WebHACC::Language::XML', 'application/atom+xml' => 'WebHACC::Language::XML', 'application/rss+xml' => 'WebHACC::Language::XML', 'image/svg+xml' => 'WebHACC::Language::XML', 'application/xhtml+xml' => 'WebHACC::Language::XML', 'application/xml' => 'WebHACC::Language::XML', ## TODO: Should we make all XML MIME Types fall ## into this category? ## NOTE: This type has different model from normal XML types. 'application/rdf+xml' => 'WebHACC::Language::XML', }->{$input->{media_type}} || 'WebHACC::Language::Default'; eval qq{ require $checker_class } or die "$0: Loading $checker_class: $@"; my $checker = $checker_class->new; $checker->input ($input); $checker->output ($out); $checker->result ($result); ## TODO: A cache manifest MUST be text/cache-manifest ## TODO: WebIDL media type "text/x-webidl" $checker->generate_syntax_error_section; $checker->generate_source_string_section; my @subdoc; $checker->onsubdoc (sub { push @subdoc, shift; }); $checker->generate_structure_dump_section; $checker->generate_structure_error_section; $checker->generate_additional_sections; my $id_prefix = 0; for my $_subinput (@subdoc) { my $subinput = WebHACC::Input::Subdocument->new (++$id_prefix); $subinput->{$_} = $_subinput->{$_} for keys %$_subinput; $subinput->{base_uri} = $subinput->{container_node}->base_uri unless defined $subinput->{base_uri}; $subinput->{parent_input} = $input; $subinput->start_section ($result); check_and_print ($subinput => $result => $out); $subinput->end_section ($result); } $out->input ($original_input); } # check_and_print =head1 AUTHOR Wakaba . =head1 LICENSE Copyright 2007-2008 Wakaba This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =cut ## $Date: 2008/07/27 10:33:45 $