
Contents of /test/html-webhacc/cc-msg.ja.txt

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Revision 1.17 - (show annotations) (download)
Sun Aug 31 13:28:12 2008 UTC (16 years, 3 months ago) by wakaba
Branch: MAIN
Changes since 1.16: +14 -11 lines
File MIME type: text/plain
++ ChangeLog	31 Aug 2008 13:28:00 -0000
2008-08-31  Wakaba  <wakaba@suika.fam.cx>

	* error-description-source.xml: More error descriptions.

1 WebHACC:Title;;WebHACC (β)
2 WebHACC:Heading;; <a href="../error-description#WebHACC:Heading" rel="help"><abbr title="Web ハイパーテキスト応用適合性検査器 (β)"><img alt="WebHACC" src="../icons/title"></abbr></a>
3 m:illegal-octets-error;error-category-charset;An illegal octet in the input stream.
4 disallowed character encoding;;Character encoding <code><var>{text}</var></code> is not allowed for <abbr>HTML</abbr> document.
5 bad character encoding;;Character encoding <code><var>{text}</var></code> should not be used for <abbr>HTML</abbr> document.
6 non-utf-8 character encoding;;Use of UTF-8 is encouraged (this document is encoded in <code><var>{text}</var></code>).
7 character encoding unchecked;;Conformance for character encoding requirements cannot be checked, since the input is not a byte stream.
8 no character encoding declaration;;There is no character encoding declaration.
9 non ascii superset;;No character encoding metadata is found in lower‐level protocol nor is there <abbr>BOM</abbr>, while character encoding <code><var>{text}</var></code> is not a superset of <abbr>ASCII</abbr>.
10 sniffing:chardet;;Character encoding of this document is sniffed as <code><var>{text}</var></code> (Sniffed because no explicit specification for the character encoding of this document is found in the transfer procotol headers).
11 sniffing:default;;Character encoding of this document is defaulted to <code><var>{text}</var></code> because no explicit specification for the character encoding of this document is found in the transfer procotol headers.
12 chardecode:fallback;;Since no decoder for the document character encoding is found, decoder for the character encoding <code><var>{text}</var></code> is used. Checking results might be <em>wrong</em>.
13 chardecode:no error;;Conformance error checking for the character encoding <code><var>{text}</var></code> is not supported.
14 charset label:matching;;Sniffed character encoding <code><var>{text}</var></code> is same as the character encoding specified in the character encoding declaration. This is <em>not</em> an error.
15 charset label detected;;While parsing the document as <code><var>{text}</var></code>, a character encoding declaration specifying a different character encoding is found. The document is reparsed.
16 NULL;;The <code class="charname">NULL</code> character is not allowed.
17 control char;;Code point <code><var>{text}</var></code> is not allowed.
18 bad attribute name;;Attribute name cannot contain characters <code>"</code>, <code>'</code>, and <code>=</code>.
19 bad attribute value;;Attribute value must be quoted by <code>"</code> or <code>'</code> if it contains a <code>"</code>, <code>'</code>, or <code>=</code> character.
20 bare ero;;The <code>&amp;</code> character must be escaped as <code class="html example">&amp;amp;</code>.
21 bare etago;;A <code>&lt;/</code> string is not followed by a tag name.
22 bare stago;;A <code>&lt;</code> character is not followed by tag name or by a <code>!</code> character.
23 bare nero;;The decimal representation of the code position of a character must be specified after <code>&amp;#</code>.
24 bare hcro;;The hexadecimal representation of the code position of a character must be specified after <code>&amp;#x</code>.
25 bogus comment;;String <code>&lt;!</code> is not followed by <code>--</code>.
26 bogus end tag;;String <code>&lt;/</code> is not followed by tag name.
27 C1 character reference;;Character reference to <code><var>{text}</var></code> is not allowed.
28 CR character reference;;Character reference to <code>U+000D</code> (<code class="charname">CARRIAGE RETURN</code>) is not allowed.
29 dash in comment;;There is a <code>--</code> sequence in a comment.
30 duplicate attribute;;There are two attributes with name <code><var>{text}</var></code>.
31 empty start tag;;Empty start tag (<code>&lt;&gt;</code>) is not allowed.
32 empty end tag;;Empty end tag (<code>&lt;/&gt;</code>) is not allowed.
33 end tag attribute;;終了タグに属性が指定されています。
34 empty unquoted attribute value;;属性値が指定されていません。
35 invalid character reference;;Character reference to <code><var>{text}</var></code> is not allowed.
36 nestc;;Polytheistic slash (<code>/&gt;</code>) cannot be used for this element.
37 no DOCTYPE name;;After the string <code>&lt;!DOCTYPE </code>, the document type name must be specified.
38 no PUBLIC literal;;After the keyword <code>PUBLIC</code>, no oublic identifier is specified.
39 no refc;;Character reference must be closed by a <code>;</code> character.
40 no space before DOCTYPE name;;After the string <code>&lt;!DOCTYPE</code>, there must be at least a white space character before the document type name.
41 no space between attributes;;Attributes must be separeted by at least a white space character.
42 no SYSTEM literal;;After the keyword <code>SYSTEM</code>, no system identifier is specified.
43 pio;;Processing instruction (<code>&lt;?<var>...</var>&gt;</code>) is not allowed in HTML document.
44 string after DOCTYPE name;;There is a bogus string after the document type name.
45 string after PUBLIC;;There is a bogus string after the keyword <code>PUBLIC</code>.
46 string after PUBLIC literal;;There is a bogus string after the public identifier.
47 string after SYSTEM;;There is a bogus string after the keyword <code>SYSTEM</code>.
48 string after SYSTEM literal;;There is a bogus string after the system identifier.
49 unclosed attribute value;;Attribute value is not closed by a quotation mark.
50 unclosed comment;;Comment is not closed by a string <code>--&gt;</code>.
51 unclosed DOCTYPE;;The <code>DOCTYPE</code> is not closed by a <code>&gt;</code> character.
52 unclosed PUBLIC literal;;The public identifier literal is not closed by a quotation mark.
53 unclosed SYSTEM literal;;The system identifier literal is not closed by a quotation mark.
54 unclosed tag;;Tag is not closed by a <code>&gt;</code> character.
55 after after frameset;;<code>html</code> 要素が閉じられた後に開始タグ <code>&lt;<var>{text}</var>&gt;</code> があります。
56 after after frameset:/;;<code>html</code> 要素が閉じられた後に終了タグ <code>&lt;/<var>{text}</var>&gt;</code> があります。
57 after body;;Start tag <code>&lt;<var>{text}</var>&gt;</code> is not allowed after the <code>body</code> is closed.
58 after body:/;;End tag <code>&lt;/<var>{text}</var>&gt;</code> is not allowed after the <code>body</code> is closed.
59 after body:#text;;Non‐white‐space characters are not allowed after the <code>body</code> is closed.
60 after frameset;;Start tag <code>&lt;<var>{text}</var>&gt;</code> is not allowed after the <code>frameset</code> is closed.
61 after frameset:/;;End tag <code>&lt;/<var>{text}</var>&gt;</code> is not allowed after the <code>frameset</code> is closed.
62 after frameset:#text;;Non‐white‐space characters are not allowed after the <code>frame</code> is closed.
63 after head;;The <code><var>{text}</var></code> element cannot be inserted between <code>head</code> and <code>body</code> elements.
64 after html;;Start tag <code>&lt;<var>{text}</var>&gt;</code> is not allowed after the <code>html</code> is closed.
65 after html:/;;End tag <code>&lt;/<var>{text}</var>&gt;</code> is not allowed after the <code>html</code> is closed.
66 after html:#text;;Non‐white‐space characters are not allowed after the <code>html</code> is closed.
67 image;;The <code>image</code> element is obsolete.
68 in a:a;;Anchor cannot be nested.
69 in body;;Start tag <code>&lt;<var>{text}</var>&gt;</code> is not allowed in the <code>body</code> element.
70 in body:#eof;;Some element is not closed before the end of file.
71 in button:button;;The <code>button</code> element cannot be nested.
72 in CDATA:#eof;;Element is not closed before the end of file.
73 in form:form;;Start tag <code>&lt;form&gt;</code> is not allowed in a <code>form</code> element.
74 in frameset;;Start tag <code>&lt;<var>{text}</var>&gt;</code> is not allowed in a <code>framset</code> element.
75 in frameset:/;;End tag <code>&lt;/<var>{text}</var>&gt;</code> is not allowed in a <code>frameset</code> element.
76 in frameset:#text;;Non‐white‐space characters are not allowed in a <code>frameset</code> element.
77 in head:head;;Start tag <code>&lt;head&gt;</code> is not allowed in the <code>head</code> element.
78 in html:#DOCTYPE;;A <code>DOCTYPE</code> appears after any element or data character has been seen.
79 in nobr:nobr;;The <code>nobr</code> element cannot be nested.
80 in noscript;;The <code><var>{text}</var></code> element is not allowed in a <code>noscript</code> element in the <code>head</code> element.
81 in noscript:/;;An end tag <code>&lt;/<var>{text}</var>&gt;</code> appers before the <code>noscript</code> element is closed.
82 in noscript:#eof;;A <code>noscript</code> element is not closed before the end of file.
83 in noscript:#text;;Non‐white‐space characters are not allowed in a <code>noscript</code> element in the <code>head</code> element.
84 in PCDATA:#eof;;Element is not closed before the end of file.
85 in select;;Start tag <code>&lt;<var>{text}</var>&gt;</code> is not allowed in a <code>select</code> element.
86 in select:/;;End tag <code>&lt;/<var>{text}</var>&gt;</code> is not allowed in a <code>select</code> element.
87 in table;;Start tag <code>&lt;<var>{text}</var>&gt;</code> is not allowed in a <code>table</code> element.
88 in table:/;;End tag <code>&lt;/<var>{text}</var>&gt;</code> is not allowed in a <code>table</code> element.
89 in table:#text;;Non‐white‐space character is not allowed within the <code>table</code> element, outside of the caption and cells.
90 isindex;;The <code>isindex</code> element is obsolete.
91 missing start tag:tr;;Start tag of <code>tr</code> element is missing.
92 no DOCTYPE;parse-error;This document does not start with a <code>DOCTYPE</code>.
93 not closed;parse-error;Element <code><var>{text}</var></code> is not closed.
94 not first start tag;parse-error;This <code>&lt;html&gt;</code> tag is not the first start tag.
95 not HTML5;parse-error;This document is written in an old version of HTML.
96 start tag not allowed;parse-error;Start tag <code>&lt;<var>{text}</var>&gt;</code> is not allowed here.
97 unmatched end tag;parse-error;Element <code><var>{text}</var></code> is not opened.
98 basehref after URL attribute;;The <code>base</code> element with the <code>href</code> attribute specified cannot be placed after any attribute with a URL.
99 basetarget after hyperlink;;The <code>base</code> element with the <code>target</code> attribute specified cannot be placed after any element that defines a hyperlink.
100 character not allowed;;Data character is not allowed in this context.
101 character not allowed:empty;;Non‐white‐space characters are not allowed in an empty element.
102 character not allowed:atom|PersonConstruct;;Non‐white‐space characters are not allowed in Person construct.
103 character not allowed:atom|TextConstruct;;Non‐white‐space characters are not allowed in Text construct.
104 child element missing;;There must be an element <code><var>{text}</var></code> as a child of this element.
105 child element missing:td|th;content-model-error;There must be a <code>td</code> or <code>th</code> element as a child of this element.
106 child element missing:atom;;There must be an element <code><var>{text}</var></code> in the Atom namespace as a child of this element.
107 child element missing:atom:link:alternate;;There must be an Atom <code>link</code> element whose <code>rel</code> attribute is set to <code>alternate</code> as a child of this element.
108 child element missing:atom:link:self;;There should be an Atom <code>link</code> element whose <code>rel</code> attribute is set to <code>self</code> as a child of this element.
109 element missing:hn;;There must be at least one <code>h<var>n</var></code> element descendant.
110 element not allowed;;This element is not allowed in this context.
111 element not allowed:area;;An <code>area</code> element cannot be used outside of a <code>map</code> element.
112 element not allowed:base;;There is another <code>base</code> element.
113 element not allowed:datatemplate;;In a <code>datatemplate</code> element, only <code>rule</code> elements are allowed.
114 element not allowed:details legend;;In a <code>details</code> element, only at the beginning of the element a <code>lengend</code> element may be used.
115 element not allowed:empty;;Elements are not allowed in an empty element.
116 element not allowed:figure legend;;In a <code>figure</code> element, only at the beginning or only at the end of the element a <code>lengend</code> element may be used.
117 element not allowed:flow;;This element is not allowed where flow content is expected.
118 element not allowed:flow style;;A <code>style</code> element without <code>scoped</code> attribute is not allowed in this context.
119 element not allowed:head noscript;;This element is not allowed in a <code>noscript</code> element in the <code>head</code> element.
120 element not allowed:head style;;A <code>style</code> element with <code>scoped</code> attribute is not allowed in the <code>head</code> element.
121 element not allowed:head title;;There is another <code>title</code> element.
122 element not allowed:minus;;This element is not allowed in this context.
123 element not allowed:meta charset;;文字符号化宣言が <code>head</code> 要素の最初の子要素ではありません。
124 element not allowed:metadata;;This element is not allowed where metadata content is expected.
125 element not allowed:phrasing;;This element is not allowed where phrasing content is expected.
126 element not allowed:root;;This element is not allowed as the root element of a document.
127 element not allowed:root:xml;;This element is not allowed as the root element of an XML document.
128 element not allowed:ruby base;;This element is not allowed in the <code>ruby</code> element.
129 element not allowed:text;;This element is not allowed in this context.
130 element not allowed:atom|content;;This element is not allowed in an Atom <code>content</code> element.
131 element not allowed:atom|PersonConstruct;;This element is not allowed in Person construct.
132 element not allowed:atom|TextConstruct;;This element is not allowed in Text construct.
133 element not defined;;この要素は定義されていません。
134 no significant content;;No significant content is contained in this element.
135 no significant content before;;There is no significant content before this element.
136 no significant content at the end;;No significant content is contained at the end of this element.
137 ps element missing;;There is no <code><var>{text}</var></code> element before this element.
138 rp:syntax error;;The content of a <code>rp</code> element must be a parenthesis.
139 attribute missing;;Required attribute <code><var>{text}</var></code> is not specified.
140 attribute missing:data|type;;For an <code>object</code> at least one of <code>data</code> and <code>type</code> attributes must be specified.
141 attribute missing:href|target;;For a <code>base</code> element, at least one of <code>href</code> and <code>target</code> attributes must be specified.
142 attribute missing:name|http-equiv;;For a <code>meta</code> element with the <code>content</code> attribute specified, exactly one of <code>name</code> and <code>http-equiv</code> attributes must be specified.
143 attribute missing:name|http-equiv|charset;;For a <code>meta</code> element, exactly one of <code>name</code>, <code>http-equiv</code>, and <code>charset</code> attributes must be specified.
144 attribute not allowed;;Attribute <code><var>{local-name}</var></code> is not allowed for <code><var>{element-local-name}</var></code> element.
145 attribute not allowed:ismap;;The <code>ismap</code> attribute may only be used for the image contained in an <code>a</code> element.
146 attribute not defined;;この属性は定義されていません。
147 in HTML:xml:lang;;The <code>xml:lang</code> attribute in HTML document is ignored.
148 in XML:charset;;The <code>charset</code> attribute is not allowed in XML document.
149 in XML:noscript;;A <code>noscript</code> element cannot be used in XML document.
150 in XML:xml:lang;;名前空間に属さない <code>xml:lang</code> 属性が認められているのは HTML 文書中だけです。
151 in XML:xmlns;;The <code>xmlns</code> attribute in the <code>null</code> namespace is not allowed in XHTML document. The document is non-conforming.
152 xml:lang not allowed;;<code>xml:lang</code> 属性を指定できるのは <code>lang</code> 属性が指定されている時だけです。
153 boolean:invalid;;Attribute value <code><var>{@}</var></code> is not allowed. It must be an empty string or a string <code><var>{local-name}</var></code>.
154 char:syntax error;;The attribute value must be exactly one character.
155 charref in charset;;A character reference cannot be used to represent a character encoding name.
156 charset:not preferred;;Character encoding name <code><var>{value}</var></code> is not the preferred name of that character encoding.
157 charset:not registered;;Character encoding name <code><var>{value}</var></code> is not a registered name.
158 charset:private;;Character encoding name <code><var>{value}</var></code> is a private name.
159 charset:syntax error;;The specified value <code><var>{value}</var></code> is syntactically not a character encoding name.
160 color:syntax error;;The specified value is not a color name or hexadecimal color number.
161 coords:number not 3;;The <code>coords</code> attribute have to contain three (3) numbers (specified: <code><var>{text}</var></code>).
162 coords:number not 4;;The <code>coords</code> attribute have to contain four (4) numbers (specified: <code><var>{text}</var></code>).
163 coords:number lt 6;;The <code>coords</code> attribute have to contain more than or equal to six (6) numbers (specified: <code><var>{text}</var></code>).
164 coords:number not even;;The <code>coords</code> attribute have to contain even number of numbers (specified: <code><var>{text}</var></code>).
165 coords:out of range;;The specified value <code><var>{value}</var></code> is out of range.
166 coords:syntax error;;The specified value is not valid.
167 datetime:bad year;;Year number is out of range.
168 datetime:bad month;;Month number is out of range.
169 datetime:bad day;;Day number is out of range.
170 datetime:bad hour;;Hour number is out of range.
171 datetime:bad minute;;Minute number is out of range.
172 datetime:bad second;;Second number is out of range.
173 datetime:bad timezone hour;;Hour number of the timezone component is out of range.
174 datetime:bad timezone minute;;Minute number of the timezone component is out of range.
175 datetime:syntax error;;The attribute value is not a datetime.
176 dateortime:syntax error;;The value is not a date or time.
177 enumerated:invalid;;This attribute only allow a limited set of values and the specified value <code><var>{@}</var></code> is not one of them.
178 enumerated:invalid:http-equiv:content-type;attribute-value-error;Character encoding declaration syntax <code class="html bad example">&lt;meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=<var>charset-name</var>"&gt;</code> is obsolete.
179 enumerated:non-conforming;;Attribute value <code><var>{@}</var></code> is not allowed.
180 duplicate http-equiv;;There is another pragma <code><var>{value}</var></code>.
181 duplicate ID;attribute-value-error;This identifier has already been assigned to another element.
182 duplicate token;;The token <code><var>{value}</var></code> appears in the attribute value twice.
183 empty attribute value;;属性値が空です。
184 empty style sheet title;;<code>title</code> 属性の値が空です。
185 float:out of range;;The specified value is out of range.
186 float:syntax error;;The attribute value is not a real number.
187 fragment points itself;;A fragment identifier references the element itself.
188 fragment points nothing;;A fragment identifier references no node.
189 hashref:syntax error;;A hash−name reference must start with a <code>#</code> character.
190 id ne name;;The <code>id</code> attribute value is different from the <code>name</code> attribute value.
191 integer:syntax error;;The attribute value is not an integer.
192 link type:bad context;;The link type <code><var>{value}</var></code> cannot be specified for this element.
193 invalid attribute value;attribute-value-error;Attribute value <code><var>{@}</var></code> is not an allowed value.
194 length:syntax error;;The attribute value is not a length value.
195 link type:non-conforming;;The link type <code><var>{value}</var></code> is non-conforming.
196 meta content-type syntax error;;The specified value is not a valid as a long character encoding declaration.
197 mismatched charset name;;The specified character encoding name <code><var>{value}</var></code> is different from the actual document character encoding <code><var>{text}</var></code>.
198 mismatched charset name not checked;;Whether the specified character encoding name <code><var>{value}</var></code> matches to the actual character encoding name cannot be checked since the input is not a byte stream.
199 mode:syntax error;;The attribute value is not a valid mode name.
200 nninteger:out of range;;The specified value is out of range.
201 nninteger:syntax error;;The attribute value is not a non‐negative integer.
202 no referenced map;;The <code>usemap</code> attribute references no image map.
203 no referenced menu;;The <code>contextmenu</code> attribute references no menu.
204 no referenced header cell;;There is no table header cell whose <code>id</code> is <code><var>{value}</var></code> in the same table.
205 refresh:syntax error;;the specified value is not a valid as part of a <code>Refresh</code> pragma.
206 repeat:syntax error;;The attribute value is not an integer or a string <code>template</code>.
207 reserved browsing context name;attribute-value-error;Browsing context name <code><var>{@}</var></code> is reserved.
208 Reserved Prefixes and Namespace Names:Name;;Namespace name <code><var>{text}</var></code> is reserved and cannot be used for an arbitrary prefix.
209 Reserved Prefixes and Namespace Names:Prefix;;Namespace prefix <code><var>{text}</var></code> is reserved and cannot be used for an arbitrary namespace name.
210 link type:proposed;;Link type <code><var>{value}</var></code> is proposed but not accepted yet; it <em>should not</em> be used until it has been accepted.
211 sizes:syntax error;;The specified value <code><var>{value}</var></code> is not a valid value.
212 space in ID;;White space characters are not allowed in the <code>id</code> attribute.
213 template:not template;;The node referenced by the <code>template</code> attribute is not a template.
214 window name:empty;;Browsing context name must not be empty.
215 window name:reserved;;Browsing context name <code><var>{value}</var></code> is reserved.
216 word not allowed;;The word <code><var>{value}</var></code> is not allowed in this attribute.
217 XML 1.0 NCName:syntax error;;The specified value is not a legal XML Namespaces 1.0 <code>NCName</code>.
218 xml:lang ne lang;;<code>xml:lang</code> 属性の値が <code>lang</code> 属性の値と異なります。
219 cell overlapping;;Cell slot (<var>{text}</var>) is filled by multiple cells.
220 colspan creates column with no anchored cell;;This <code>colspan</code> attribute results in creating a table column that does not contain any cell anchored to it.
221 column with no anchored cell;;This column has no anchored cell.
222 table:no cell in last row;table-model-error;The table has no cell (<code>td</code> or <code>th</code>) in the last row.
223 table:rowspan extends table;table-model-error;This <code>rowspan</code> attribute results in creating a table row that does not contain any cell anchored to it.
224 row with no anchored cell;;This row has no anchored cell.
225 rowspan creates row with no anchored cell;;This <code>rowspan</code> attribute results in creating a table row that does not contain any cell anchored to it.
226 boundary:syntax error;;The specified value is not a valid value as a multipart boundary.
227 e4x:syntax error;;The specified value is not a valid value for the attribute <code>e4x</code>.
228 IMT:attribute syntax error;;The specified value, <code><var>{value}</var></code>, is syntactically not a valid attribute name.
229 IMT:composite;;The specified media type is a composite type, which is not allowed in this context.
230 IMT:limited use subtype;;An Internet Media Type whose intended usage is limited use, <code><var>{value}</var></code> is used.
231 IMT:syntax error;;The specified value is not an Internet Media Type.
232 IMT:obsolete parameter;;An obsolete parameter <code><var>{value}</var></code> is used.
233 IMT:obsolete subtype;;廃止されたインターネット媒体型 <code><var>{value}</var></code> が使われています。
234 IMT:parameter missing;;Parameter <code><var>{text}</var></code> have to be specified for the Internet Media Type <code><var>{value}</var></code>.
235 IMT:parameter not allowed;;Parameter <code><var>{value}</var></code> is not allowed for this Internet Media Type.
236 IMT:private subtype;;Use of a private Internet Media Type <code><var>{value}</var></code> is not encouraged.
237 IMT:private type;;Use of a private type <code><var>{value}</var></code> is not encouraged.
238 IMT:subtype syntax error;;Value <code><var>{value}</var></code> is syntactically not a valid subtype value of an Internet Media Type.
239 IMT:type syntax error;;Value <code><var>{value}</var></code> is syntactically not a valid type.
240 IMT:unknown parameter;;An unknown parameter <code><var>{value}</var></code> is used. The conformance checker cannot determine whether use of this parameter is valid or not.
241 IMT:unknown subtype;;An unknown Internet Media Type <code><var>{value}</var></code> is used. At the time of the update of the conformance checker's Internet Media Type database, the subtype is not reigstered to the IANA registry. The subtype, however, might be registerd to the IANA registry thereafter. Please consult the IANA registry.
242 IMT:unregistered subtype;;Use of an Internet Media Type <code><var>{value}</var></code> is not encouraged since it is not part of the IANA registry.
243 IMT:unregistered type;;Use of a type <code><var>{value}</var></code> is not encouraged since it is not a standardized type.
244 not IMT;;A value that is not an Internet Media Type is not allowed here.
245 syntax error:iri3987;;The specified value is syntactically not an IRI.
246 syntax error:iriref3987;;The specified value is syntactically not an IRI reference.
247 syntax error:rdfuriref;;The specified value is syntactically not an RDF URI reference.
248 syntax error:uri2396;;The specified value is syntactically not a URI according to RFC 2396.
249 syntax error:uri3986;;The specified value is syntactically not a URI.
250 URL:address format;;URL host address format <code><var>{text}</var></code> is not defined.
251 URL:default port;;Default port number should be omitted.
252 URL:dot-segment;;A dot-segment (<code>.</code> or <code>..</code>) occurs in an absolute reference.
253 URL:empty host;;The host component of the URL is empty.
254 URL:empty path;;The URL does not end with a <code>/</code> character.
255 URL:empty port;;The port component of the URL is empty.
256 URL fragment not allowed;;The fragment component of the URL is not allowed.
257 URL:long host;;The host component of the URL is too long.
258 URL:lowercase hexadecimal digit;;A lowercase hexadecimal digit is used in percent-encoding.
259 URL:non-DNS host;;The host component of the URL is not a DNS host name.
260 URL:non UTF-8 host;;The host component of the URL is not encoded in UTF-8.
261 URL:password;;Password should not be included in a URL for the security.
262 URL:percent-encoded unreserved;;An unreserved character is percent-encoded.
263 URL:uppercase host;;The host <code><var>{value}</var></code> should be spelt in lowercase.
264 URL:uppercase scheme name;;URL scheme name is in uppercase.
265 mq syntax error;;The specified value has a syntax error as a media query.
266 unknown media type;;Media type <code><var>{value}</var></code> is not supported by the conformance checker.
267 an+b not closed;;Argument list of the pseudo-class is not closed by a <code>)</code> character.
268 ab+b not integer;;Numbers in the argument <code><var>a</var>n+<var>b</var></code> have to be integers.
269 an+b syntax error;;Argument <code><var>a</var>n+<var>b</var></code> is syntactically incorrect.
270 attr selector not closed;;Attribute selector is not closed by a <code>]</code> character.
271 lang selector not closed;;Argument list of the <code>:lang</code> selector is not closed by a <code>)</code> character.
272 namespace prefix:not declared;;Namespace prefix <code><var>{value}</var></code> is not declared.
273 no attr local name;;Attribute local name is missing.
274 no attr match;;Attribute matching operator (e.g. <code>=</code>) is missing.
275 no attr name;;Attribute name is missing.
276 no attr namespace separator;;Attribute namespace wildcard <code>*</code> is not followed by a <code>|</code> character.
277 no attr value;;Attribute value is missing.
278 no class name selector;;Class name is missing.
279 no combinator;;Combinator is missing.
280 no contains string;;No string is specified in the argument list of the <code>:-manakai-contains</code> pseudo-class selector.
281 no lang tag;;Language tag argument is missing.
282 no local name selector;;Local name part of the type selector (or <code>*</code> for the universal selector) is missing.
283 no pseudo-class name;;Pseudo-class name is missing.
284 no pseudo-element name;;Pseudo-element name is missing.
285 no sss;;Sequence of simple selectors is expected.
286 not not closed;;Argument list of the <code>:not</code> selector is not closed by a <code>)</code> character.
287 ss after pseudo-element;;Simple selector is not allowed after a pseudo element.
288 unknown pseudo-class;;Pseudo-class <code>:<var>{value}</var></code> is not supported by the conformance checker.
289 unknown pseudo-element;;Pseudo-element <code>::<var>{value}</var></code> is not supported by the conformance checker.
290 at-rule not allowed;;An <code>@<var>{text}</var></code> rule is not allowed here.
291 at-rule syntax error;;The <code>@<var>{text}</var></code> rule is syntactically incorrect.
292 block not closed;;Block is not closed before the end of file.
293 CSS duplication;;Component <code>&lt;<var>{text}</var>&gt;</code> is already specified.
294 CSS cursor hand;;Value <code>hand</code> is not valid as <code>&lt;'cursor'&gt;</code>.
295 CSS syntax error;;Specified value is syntactically not a correct <code>&lt;<var>{text}</var>&gt;</code>.
296 no declaration block;;No declaration block is found after a group of selectors.
297 no property colon;;A <code>:</code> character is missing after a property name.
298 no property name;;Property name is expected.
299 no property semicolon;;A <code>;</code> character is missing at the end of the property.
300 priority syntax error;;Priority part of the declaration is syntactically incorrect.
301 unknown at-rule;;The <code>@<var>{value}</var></code> rule is not supported by the conformance checker.
302 unknown property;;Property <code><var>{value}</var></code> is not supported by the conformance checker.
303 both in entries and whitelist;;This URL is found both in the explicit or fallback entries and in the online whitelist.
304 different origin from manifest;;The specified URL has different origin from the manifest.
305 different scheme from manifest;;The scheme component of the URL is different from that of the manifest URL. The URL is ignored.
306 duplicate oc namespace;;This oppotunistic caching namespace is already specified.
307 no fallback entry URL;;Fallback entry URL is missing.
308 not manifest;;This document is not a cache manifest.
309 same as manifest URL;;This URL is same as the manifest URL.
310 deprecated:attr;;This attribute is deprecated.
311 deprecated:element;;This element is deprecated.
312 status:cr:element;;This element is in the <strong>call for implementation</strong> stage.
313 status:lc:element;;This element is in the <strong>last call for comments</strong> stage.
314 status:wd:element;;This element is documented in a <strong>working draft</strong>.
315 status:non-standard:element;;This element is <strong>not part of any standard</strong> the conformance checker knows.
316 status:cr:attr;;This attribute is in the <strong>call for implementation</strong> stage.
317 status:lc:attr;;This attribute is in the <strong>last call for comments</strong> stage.
318 status:wd:attr;;This attribute is documented in a <strong>working draft</strong>.
319 status:non-standard:attr;;This attribute is <strong>not part of any standard</strong> the conformance checker knows.
320 langtag:extension:duplication;;There is another extension subtag <code><var>{value}</var></code>.
321 langtag:illegal;;Subtag <code><var>{value}</var></code> is syntactically invalid.
322 langtag:language:case;;It is a good practice to represent ISO 639-1 language code <code><var>{value}</var></code> in lowercase.
323 langtag:language:mul;;Langauge tag <code>mul</code> should not be used.
324 langtag:language:nosemantics;;No semantics is defined for language subtag <code><var>{value}</var></code>.
325 langtag:language:syntax;;The language subtag <code><var>{value}</var></code> is syntactically invalid.
326 langtag:language:und;;Langauge tag <code>und</code> should not be used.
327 langtag:private;;It would be better if a private use language tag (<code><var>{value}</var></code>) is not used.
328 langtag:privateuse:syntax;;Private use subtag <code><var>{value}</var></code> is syntactically invalid.
329 langtag:region:case;;It is a good practice to represent ISO 3166 country code <code><var>{value}</var></code> in uppercase.
330 langtag:region:nosemantics;;No semantics is defined for region subtag <code><var>{value}</var></code>.
331 langtag:region:private;;Use of private use country code <code><var>{value}</var></code> is not allowed.
332 bad rdf namespace;;The namespace URI of an element that represents an RDF concept must be <code>http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#</code>.
333 duplicate rdf id;;The specified value is already used as an ID.
334 duplicate unqualified attr;;Both unqualified attribute and namespace‐qualified RDF attribute are specified, which is not allowed.
335 parse type other;;An invalid value is specified to the <code>parseType</code> attribute.
336 second node element;;There is another element, such that this element is not allowed.
337 unqualified attr;;Unqualified attribute is not allowed.
338 unqualified rdf attr;;RDF attribute should be namespace‐qualified.
339 unknown element;;Conformance checking for element <code><var>{local-name}</var></code> is not supported; <em>it might or might not be conforming</em>.
340 unknown attribute;;Conformance checking for attribute <code><var>{local-name}</var></code> of element <code><var>{element-local-name}</var></code> is not supported; <em>it might or might not be conforming</em>.
341 unknown link type;;Link type <code><var>{value}</var></code> is not standardized or registered at the time of the release of the conformance checker; <em>it is non-conforming unless it now has been registered</em>.
342 event handler;;Conformance checking for event handler attribute is not supported; <em>it might or might not be conforming.</em>
343 media query;;Conformance checking for media query is not supported; <em>it might or might not be conforming.</em>
344 addr-spec not supported;;Conformance checking for an <code>addr-spec</code> is not supported; <em>it might or might not be conforming.</em>
345 XML script lang;;Conformance checking for script language <code><var>{text}</var></code> is not supported; <em>it might or might not be conforming.</em>
346 XML style lang;;Conformance checking for style language <code><var>{text}</var></code> is not supported; <em>it might or might not be conforming.</em>
347 atom|content not supported;;Conformance checking for an Atom <code>content</code> element with <code>type</code> <code><var>{text}</var></code> is not supported.
348 help not available;;これ以上の詳しい情報はありません。
349 Input;;入力
350 By URL;;URL で指定
351 By direct input;;直接入力
352 Options;;検査オプション
353 Check error page;;誤り頁を検査する
354 Content type;;内容型
355 Charset;;文字符号化
356 As specified;;指定通り
357 Japanese charsets;;日本語用文字符号化
358 European charsets;;欧米言語用文字符号化
359 Asian charsets;;アジア諸語用文字符号化
360 Unicode charsets;;Unicode 系文字符号化
361 Document source to check;;検査する文書のソース
362 Check;;検査
363 Setting innerHTML;;<code>innerHTML</code> に値を設定する HTML 要素
364 Information;;情報
365 HTTP Header;;<abbr lang="en" title="Hypertext Transfer Protocol">HTTP</abbr> 頭部
366 Parse Errors Section;;構文誤り
367 Parse Errors;;構文誤り
368 Document Source;;文書のソース
369 Source;;ソース
370 Tables Section;;表の構造
371 Tables;;表
372 Document Tree;;文書木
373 Tree;;木
374 Document;;文書
375 Document Structure;;文書構造
376 Structure;;構造
377 Reformatted Document Source;;再整形した文書のソース
378 Reformatted;;再整形
379 RDF Triples;;<abbr lang="en">RDF</abbr> 三項組
380 RDF;;<abbr lang="en">RDF</abbr>
381 Structural Errors;;構造的誤り
382 Struct. Errors;;構造誤り
383 Transfer Errors;;転送誤り
384 Trans. Errors;;転送誤り
385 Result;;結果
386 manakaiCompatMode:quirks;;奇癖モード
387 manakaiCompatMode:limited quirks;;限定奇癖モード
388 manakaiCompatMode:no quirks;;無奇癖モード
389 manakaiIsHTML:1;;HTML 文書
390 manakaiIsHTML:0;;XML 文書
391 manakaiCharset;;<code lang="en">charset</code> 引数
392 inputEncoding;;入力に用いた文字符号化
393 xmlVersion;;XML <code lang="en">version</code>
394 xmlEncoding;;XML <code lang="en">encoding</code>
395 xmlStandalone;;XML <code lang="en">standalone</code>
396 ... with BOM;; (<code class="charname" lang="en"><abbr title="BYTE ORDER MARK">BOM</abbr></code> つき)
397 URL;;<abbr title="統一資源所在子">URL</abbr>
398 URLs;;<abbr title="統一資源所在子">URL</abbr>
399 Container Node;;この文書を含む節点
400 Table Element;;表要素
401 Base URL;;基底 URL
402 Internet Media Type;;インターネット媒体型
403 Character Encoding;;文字符号化
404 Byte Length;;バイト長
405 Character Length;;文字長
406 ... overridden;; (<i>上書き</i>)
407 ... overridden, official type is #;; (<i>上書き</i>, 公式型は <code class="MIME" lang="en"><var>{text}</var></code>)
408 ... sniffed;; (<i>探知結果</i>)
409 byte;;バイト
410 bytes;;バイト
411 Explicit entries;;明示的項目
412 Fallback entries;;滑り止め項目
413 Opportunistic caching namespace;;日和見的キャッシュ化名前空間
414 Fallback entry;;滑り止\xE3\x82\x81項目
415 Online whitelist;;オンライン・ホワイトリスト
416 No entry;;項目なし
417 Subject;;主語
418 Predicate;;述語
419 Object;;目的語
420 character;;文字
421 characters;;文字
422 Line #;;<var>{text}</var> 行
423 column #;;<var>{text}</var> 列
424 Index #;;索引 #<var>{text}</var>
425 Unknown location;;位置不明
426 (unknown);;(不明)
427 Description;;説明
428 Table #;;表 #<var>{text}</var> の構造
429 Subdocument #;;部分文書 #<var>{text}</var>
430 Sub #;;部分 #<var>{text}</var>
431 ...;;〜
432 Score;;得点
433 Subtotal;;小計
434 Total;;合計
435 Main document;;主文書
436 Subdocuments;;部分文書
437 Transfer L.;;<abbr title="転送プロトコル">転送</abbr>
438 Encode L.;;<abbr title="文字符号化">符号</abbr>
439 Char L.;;<abbr title="符号化文字">文字</abbr>
440 Syntax L.;;構文
441 Structure L.;;構造
442 Semantics L.;;意味
443 N/A;;−
444 No error found.;;誤りは見つかりませんでした。
445 No transfer error found.;;転送プロトコルの頭部に誤りは見つかりませんでした。
446 No parse error found.;;構文解析中に誤りは見つかりませんでした。
447 No structural error found.;;構造上の誤りは見つかりませんでした。
448 This checker is work in progress.;; <p><strong>重要</strong>: この適合性検査サービスは<em>開発中</em>です。 この結果は<em>間違い</em>かもしれません。</p>
449 Conformance is conforming;;この文書に適合性に関わる誤りは見つかりませんでした。
450 Conformance is should-error;;この文書は<strong>おそらく<em>不</em>適合</strong>ですが、 稀に適合している場合もあります。適合性検査器はこの文書が稀な場合に該当するかどうか判定できません。
451 Conformance is non-conforming;;この文書は<strong><em>不</em>適合</strong>です。
452 Conformance is uncertain;;適合性検査器はこの文書が適合するかどうか判定できませんでした。 この文書は適合性検査器が対応していない機能を使っています。 この文書は適合しているかもしれません\xE3\x81\x97、していないかもしれません。
453 Error level m;;<a href="../error-description#Error-level-m" rel="help"><em class="rfc2119" title="REQUIRED">必須</em>級の誤り</a>
454 Error level s;;<a href="../error-description#Error-level-s" rel="help"><em class="rfc2119" title="RECOMMENDED">推奨</em>級の誤り</a>
455 Error level w;;<a href="../error-description#Error-level-w" rel="help">警告</a>
456 Error level i;;<a href="../error-description#Error-level-i" rel="help">情報</a>
457 Error level u;;<a href="../error-description#Error-level-u" rel="help">未対応</a>

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