package WebHACC::Result;
use strict;
sub new ($) {
return bless {
global_status => 'conforming',
# or, 'should-error', 'non-conforming', 'uncertain'
subdoc_results => [],
}, shift;
} # new
sub output ($;$) {
if (@_ > 1) {
if (defined $_[1]) {
$_[0]->{output} = $_[1];
} else {
delete $_[0]->{output};
return $_[0]->{output};
} # output
sub parent_result ($;$) {
if (@_ > 1) {
if (defined $_[1]) {
$_[0]->{parent_result} = $_[1];
} else {
delete $_[0]->{parent_result};
return $_[0]->{parent_result};
} # parent_result
sub layer_applicable ($$) {
my $self = shift;
my $layer = shift;
$self->{layers}->{$layer}->{applicable} = 1;
} # layer_applicable
sub layer_uncertain ($$) {
my $self = shift;
my $layer = shift;
$self->{layers}->{$layer}->{uncertain} ||= 1;
$self->{layers}->{$layer}->{applicable} = 1;
$self->{global_status} = 'uncertain'
unless $self->{global_status} eq 'non-conforming';
} # layer_uncertain
sub add_error ($%) {
my ($self, %opt) = @_;
my $out = $self->output;
$out->has_error (1);
my $error_level = $opt{level};
if (not defined $error_level) {
$error_level = 'm'; ## NOTE: Unknown - an error of the implementation
} elsif ({
m => 1, s => 1, w => 1, i => 1, u => 1,
}->{$error_level}) {
} else {
$error_level = 'm'; ## NOTE: Unknown - an error of the implementation
my $error_layer = $opt{layer};
if (not defined $error_layer) {
$error_layer = 'syntax'; ## NOTE: Unknown - an error of the implementation
} elsif ({
transfer => 1,
encode => 1,
charset => 1,
syntax => 1,
structure => 1,
semantics => 1,
}->{$error_layer}) {
} else {
$error_layer = 'syntax'; ## NOTE: Unknown - an error of the implementation
my $class = qq[level-$error_level layer-$error_layer];
## Line & column numbers (prepare values)
my $line;
my $column;
if (defined $opt{node}) {
$line = $opt{node}->get_user_data ('manakai_source_line');
if (defined $line) {
$column = $opt{node}->get_user_data ('manakai_source_column');
} elsif ($opt{node}->isa ('Message::IF::Node')) {
if ($opt{node}->node_type == $opt{node}->ATTRIBUTE_NODE) {
my $owner = $opt{node}->owner_element;
if ($owner) {
$line = $owner->get_user_data ('manakai_source_line');
$column = $owner->get_user_data ('manakai_source_column');
} else {
my $parent = $opt{node}->parent_node;
if ($parent) {
$line = $parent->get_user_data ('manakai_source_line');
$column = $parent->get_user_data ('manakai_source_column');
unless (defined $line) {
if (defined $opt{token} and defined $opt{token}->{line}) {
$line = $opt{token}->{line};
$column = $opt{token}->{column};
} elsif (defined $opt{line}) {
$line = $opt{line};
$column = $opt{column};
$line = $line - 1 || 1
if defined $line and not (defined $column and $column > 0);
$out->start_tag ('dt', class => $class,
'data-type' => $opt{type},
'data-level' => $error_level,
'data-layer' => $error_layer,
($line ? ('data-line' => $line) : ()),
($column ? ('data-column' => $column) : ()));
my $has_location;
## URL
if (defined $opt{url}) {
$out->url ($opt{url});
$has_location = 1;
## Line & column numbers (real output)
if (defined $line) {
if (defined $column and $column > 0) {
$out->xref ('Line #', text => $line, target => 'line-' . $line);
$out->text (' ');
$out->nl_text ('column #', text => $column);
} else {
$out->xref ('Line #', text => $line, target => 'line-' . $line);
$has_location = 1;
## Node path
if (defined $opt{node}) {
$out->html (' ');
$out->node_link ($opt{node});
$has_location = 1;
if (defined $opt{index}) {
if ($opt{index_has_link}) {
$out->html (' ');
$out->xref ('Index #', text => (0+$opt{index}),
target => 'index-' . (0+$opt{index}));
} else {
$out->html (' ');
$out->nl_text ('Index #', text => (0+$opt{index}));
$has_location = 1;
if (defined $opt{value}) {
$out->html (' ');
$out->code ($opt{value});
$has_location = 1;
unless ($has_location) {
if (defined $opt{input}) {
if (defined $opt{input}->{container_node}) {
my $original_input = $out->input;
$out->input ($opt{input}->{parent_input});
$out->node_link ($opt{input}->{container_node});
$out->input ($original_input);
$has_location = 1;
} elsif (defined $opt{input}->{request_uri}) {
$out->url ($opt{input}->{request_uri});
$has_location = 1;
} elsif (defined $opt{input}->{uri}) {
$out->url ($opt{input}->{uri});
$has_location = 1;
unless ($has_location) {
$out->nl_text ('Unknown location');
$out->start_tag ('dd', class => $class);
## Error level
$out->nl_text ('Error level ' . $error_level);
$out->text (': ');
## Error message
my $error_type_text = $opt{type};
$out->nl_text ($error_type_text, node => $opt{node}, text => $opt{text});
## Additional error description
if (defined $opt{text}) {
$out->html (' (');
$out->text ($opt{text});
$out->html ('
## Link to a long description
my $fragment = $opt{type};
$fragment =~ tr/ /-/;
$fragment = $out->encode_url_component ($fragment);
$out->text (' [');
$out->link ('Description', url => '../error-description#' . $fragment,
rel => 'help');
$out->text (']');
if ($error_level eq 'm') {
$self->{global_status} = 'non-conforming';
} elsif ($error_level eq 's') {
$self->{global_status} = 'should-error'
unless {'non-conforming' => 1,
uncertain => 1}->{$self->{global_status}};
} elsif ($error_level eq 'w') {
} elsif ($error_level eq 'u') {
$self->{global_status} = 'uncertain'
unless $self->{global_status} eq 'non-conforming';
} elsif ($error_level eq 'i') {
} # add_error
sub generate_result_section ($) {
my $self = shift;
my $result = $self;
my $out = $result->output;
$out->start_section (role => 'result');
my $para_class = {
'conforming' => 'result-para no-error',
'should-error' => 'result-para should-errors',
'non-conforming' => 'result-para must-errors',
'uncertain' => 'result-para uncertain',
$out->start_tag ('p', class => $para_class);
$out->nl_text ('Conformance is ' . $self->{global_status});
$out->end_tag ('p');
$out->html (qq[
]); for ('Error level m', 'Error level s', 'Error level w', 'Error level i', 'Score') { $out->start_tag ('th'); $out->nl_text ($_); } my $maindoc_status = {must => 0, should => 0, warning => 0, info => 0, uncertain => 0, applicable => 1}; my $subdocs_status = {must => 0, should => 0, warning => 0, info => 0, uncertain => 0, applicable => 1}; my $global_status = {must => 0, should => 0, warning => 0, info => 0, uncertain => 0, applicable => 1}; my $score_unit = 2; my @row = ( sub { $out->start_tag ('tbody'); $out->start_tag ('tr'); $out->start_tag ('th', colspan => 7, scope => 'col'); $out->nl_text ('Main document'); }, {label => 'Transfer L.', status => $self->{layers}->{transfer}, target => 'transfer-errors', score_base => 20, parent_status => $maindoc_status}, {label => 'Encode L.', status => $self->{layers}->{encode}, target => 'parse-errors', score_base => 10, parent_status => $maindoc_status}, {label => 'Char L.', status => $self->{layers}->{charset}, score_base => 10, parent_status => $maindoc_status}, {label => 'Syntax L.', status => $self->{layers}->{syntax}, target => 'parse-errors', score_base => 20, parent_status => $maindoc_status}, {label => 'Structure L.', status => $self->{layers}->{structure}, target => 'document-errors', score_base => 20, parent_status => $maindoc_status}, {label => 'Semantics L.', status => $self->{layers}->{semantics}, score_base => 20, parent_status => $maindoc_status}, ); if (@{$self->{subdoc_results}}) { push @row, {label => 'Subtotal', status => $maindoc_status, score_base => 100, parent_status => $global_status, is_total => 1}; push @row, sub { $out->start_tag ('tbody'); $out->start_tag ('tr'); $out->start_tag ('th', colspan => 7, scope => 'col'); $out->nl_text ('Subdocuments'); }; for (@{$self->{subdoc_results}}) { push @row, {label => '#' . $_->{input}->full_subdocument_index, status => $_, target => $_->{input}->id_prefix . 'result-summary', score_base => 100, parent_status => $subdocs_status}; } push @row, {label => 'Subtotal', status => $subdocs_status, score_base => 100 * @{$self->{subdoc_results}}, parent_status => $global_status, is_total => 1}; } else { $global_status = $maindoc_status; } push @row, sub { $out->start_tag ('tfoot'); }; push @row, {label => 'Total', status => $global_status, score_base => 100 * (@{$self->{subdoc_results}} + 1), parent_status => {}, is_total => 1}; for my $x (@row) { if (ref $x eq 'CODE') { $x->(); next; } $x->{parent_status}->{$_} += $x->{status}->{$_} for qw/must should warning info uncertain/; my $row_class = $x->{status}->{uncertain} ? 'uncertain' : ''; $row_class .= ' total' if $x->{is_total}; $out->start_tag ('tr', class => $row_class); my $uncertain = $x->{status}->{uncertain} ? '?' : ''; $out->start_tag ('td', class => 'subrow') unless $x->{is_total}; ## Layer name $out->start_tag ('th', colspan => $x->{is_total} ? 2 : 1, scope => 'row'); if (defined $x->{target} and ($x->{status}->{must} or $x->{status}->{should} or $x->{status}->{warning} or $x->{status}->{info} or $x->{status}->{uncertain})) { $out->xref ($x->{label}, target => $x->{target}); } else { $out->nl_text ($x->{label}); } ## MUST-level errors $out->start_tag ('td', class => $x->{status}->{must} ? 'must-errors' : ''); if ($x->{status}->{applicable}) { $out->text (($x->{status}->{must} or 0) . $uncertain); } else { $out->nl_text ('N/A'); } ## SHOULD-level errors $out->start_tag ('td', class => $x->{status}->{should} ? 'should-errors' : ''); if ($x->{status}->{applicable}) { $out->text (($x->{status}->{should} or 0) . $uncertain); } else { $out->nl_text ('N/A'); } ## Warnings $out->start_tag ('td', class => $x->{status}->{warning} ? 'warnings' : ''); if ($x->{status}->{applicable}) { $out->text (($x->{status}->{warning} or 0) . $uncertain); } else { $out->nl_text ('N/A'); } ## Informations $out->start_tag ('td', class => $x->{status}->{info} ? 'infos' : ''); if ($x->{status}->{applicable}) { $out->text (($x->{status}->{info} or 0) . $uncertain); } else { $out->nl_text ('N/A'); } ## Score $out->start_tag ('td', class => $x->{status}->{must} ? 'score must-errors' : $x->{status}->{should} ? 'score should-errors' : 'score'); my $max_score = $x->{score_base}; $max_score -= $x->{status}->{must} * $score_unit; my $min_score = $max_score; $min_score -= $x->{status}->{should} * $score_unit; $out->start_tag ('strong'); if ($x->{status}->{uncertain}) { $out->html ('−∞ '); # negative inifinity $out->nl_text ('...'); $out->html ($max_score < 0 ? ' −' . substr ($max_score, 1) : ' ' . $max_score); } elsif ($min_score != $max_score) { $out->html ($min_score < 0 ? '−' . substr ($min_score, 1) . ' ': $min_score . ' '); $out->nl_text ('...'); $out->html ($max_score < 0 ? ' −' . substr ($max_score, 1) : ' ' . $max_score); } else { $out->html ($max_score < 0 ? '−' . substr ($max_score, 1) : $max_score); } $out->end_tag ('strong'); $out->text (' / ' . $x->{score_base}); } $out->end_tag ('table'); my $parent = $self->parent_result; if ($parent) { $global_status->{input} = $out->input; push @{$parent->{subdoc_results}}, $global_status; } $out->nl_text ('This checker is work in progress.'); $out->end_section; } # generate_result_section 1; |