package WebHACC::Output; use strict; require IO::Handle; use Scalar::Util qw/refaddr/; my $htescape = sub ($) { my $s = $_[0]; $s =~ s/&/&/g; $s =~ s//>/g; $s =~ s/"/"/g; $s =~ s{([\x00-\x09\x0B-\x1F\x7F-\xA0\x{FEFF}\x{FFFC}-\x{FFFF}])}{ sprintf 'U+%04X', ord $1; }ge; return $s; }; sub new ($) { return bless {nav => [], section_rank => 1}, shift; } # new sub input ($;$) { if (@_ > 1) { if (defined $_[1]) { $_[0]->{input} = $_[1]; } else { delete $_[0]->{input}; } } return $_[0]->{input}; } # input sub handle ($;$) { if (@_ > 1) { if (defined $_[1]) { $_[0]->{handle} = $_[1]; } else { delete $_[0]->{handle}; } } return $_[0]->{handle}; } # handle sub set_utf8 ($) { binmode shift->{handle}, ':utf8'; } # set_utf8 sub set_flush ($) { shift->{handle}->autoflush (1); } # set_flush sub unset_flush ($) { shift->{handle}->autoflush (0); } # unset_flush sub html ($$) { shift->{handle}->print (shift); } # html sub text ($$) { shift->html ($htescape->(shift)); } # text sub url ($$%) { my ($self, $url, %opt) = @_; $self->html (q[<]); $self->link ($url, %opt, url => $url); $self->html (q[>]); } # url sub start_tag ($$%) { my ($self, $tag_name, %opt) = @_; $self->html ('<' . $htescape->($tag_name)); # escape for safety if (exists $opt{id}) { my $id = $self->input->id_prefix . $opt{id}; $self->html (' id="' . $htescape->($id) . '"'); delete $opt{id}; } for (keys %opt) { # for safety $self->html (' ' . $htescape->($_) . '="' . $htescape->($opt{$_}) . '"'); } $self->html ('>'); } # start_tag sub end_tag ($$) { shift->html ('(shift) . '>'); } # end_tag sub start_section ($%) { my ($self, %opt) = @_; if (defined $opt{role}) { if ($opt{role} eq 'parse-errors') { $opt{id} ||= 'parse-errors'; $opt{title} ||= 'Parse Errors'; delete $opt{role}; } elsif ($opt{role} eq 'structure-errors') { $opt{id} ||= 'document-errors'; $opt{title} ||= 'Structural Errors'; $opt{short_title} ||= 'Struct. Errors'; delete $opt{role}; } elsif ($opt{role} eq 'reformatted') { $opt{id} ||= 'document-tree'; $opt{title} ||= 'Reformatted Document Source'; $opt{short_title} ||= 'Reformatted'; delete $opt{role} } elsif ($opt{role} eq 'tree') { $opt{id} ||= 'document-tree'; $opt{title} ||= 'Document Tree'; $opt{short_title} ||= 'Tree'; delete $opt{role}; } elsif ($opt{role} eq 'structure') { $opt{id} ||= 'document-structure'; $opt{title} ||= 'Document Structure'; $opt{short_title} ||= 'Structure'; delete $opt{role}; } } $self->{section_rank}++; $self->html ('
input->id_prefix . $opt{id}; $self->html (' id="' . $htescape->($id) . '"'); push @{$self->{nav}}, [$id => $opt{short_title} || $opt{title}] if $self->{section_rank} == 2; } my $section_rank = $self->{section_rank}; $section_rank = 6 if $section_rank > 6; $self->html ('>' . $htescape->($opt{title}) . ''); } # start_section sub end_section ($) { my $self = shift; $self->html ('
'); $self->{handle}->flush; $self->{section_rank}--; } # end_section sub start_error_list ($%) { my ($self, %opt) = @_; if (defined $opt{role}) { if ($opt{role} eq 'parse-errors') { $opt{id} ||= 'parse-errors-list'; delete $opt{role}; } elsif ($opt{role} eq 'structure-errors') { $opt{id} ||= 'document-errors-list'; delete $opt{role}; } } $self->start_tag ('dl', %opt); } # start_error_list sub end_error_list ($%) { my ($self, %opt) = @_; if (defined $opt{role}) { if ($opt{role} eq 'parse-errors') { delete $opt{role}; $self->end_tag ('dl'); ## NOTE: For parse error list, the |add_source_to_parse_error_list| ## method is invoked at the end of |generate_source_string_section|, ## since that generation method is invoked after the error list ## is generated. } elsif ($opt{role} eq 'structure-errors') { delete $opt{role}; $self->end_tag ('dl'); $self->add_source_to_parse_error_list ('document-errors-list'); } else { $self->end_tag ('dl'); } } else { $self->end_tag ('dl'); } } # end_error_list sub add_source_to_parse_error_list ($$) { my $self = shift; $self->script (q[addSourceToParseErrorList ('] . $self->input->id_prefix . q[', '] . shift . q[')]); } # add_source_to_parse_error_list sub start_code_block ($) { shift->html ('
} # start_code_block

sub end_code_block ($) {
  shift->html ('
'); } # end_code_block sub code ($$;%) { my ($self, $content, %opt) = @_; $self->start_tag ('code', %opt); $self->text ($content); $self->html (''); } # code sub script ($$;%) { my ($self, $content, %opt) = @_; $self->start_tag ('script', %opt); $self->html ($content); $self->html (''); } # script sub dt ($$;%) { my ($self, $content, %opt) = @_; $self->start_tag ('dt', %opt); $self->text ($content); } # dt sub link ($$%) { my ($self, $content, %opt) = @_; $self->start_tag ('a', %opt, href => $opt{url}); $self->text ($content); $self->html (''); } # link sub xref ($$%) { my ($self, $content, %opt) = @_; $self->html (''); $self->text ($content); $self->html (''); } # xref sub link_to_webhacc ($$%) { my ($self, $content, %opt) = @_; $opt{url} = './?uri=' . $self->encode_url_component ($opt{url}); $self->link ($content, %opt); } # link_to_webhacc my $get_node_path = sub ($) { my $node = shift; my @r; while (defined $node) { my $rs; if ($node->node_type == 1) { $rs = $node->node_name; $node = $node->parent_node; } elsif ($node->node_type == 2) { $rs = '@' . $node->node_name; $node = $node->owner_element; } elsif ($node->node_type == 3) { $rs = '"' . $node->data . '"'; $node = $node->parent_node; } elsif ($node->node_type == 9) { @r = ('') unless @r; $rs = ''; $node = $node->parent_node; } else { $rs = '#' . $node->node_type; $node = $node->parent_node; } unshift @r, $rs; } return join '/', @r; }; # $get_node_path sub node_link ($$) { my ($self, $node) = @_; $self->xref ($get_node_path->($node), target => 'node-' . refaddr $node); } # node_link sub nav_list ($) { my $self = shift; $self->html (q['); } # nav_list sub http_header ($) { shift->html (qq[Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8\n\n]); } # http_header sub http_error ($$) { my $self = shift; my $code = 0+shift; my $text = { 404 => 'Not Found', }->{$code}; $self->html (qq[Status: $code $text\nContent-Type: text/html ; charset=us-ascii\n\n$code $text]); } # http_error sub html_header ($) { my $self = shift; $self->html (q[ Web Document Conformance Checker (BETA)

Web Document Conformance Checker (beta)

]); } # html_header sub encode_url_component ($$) { shift; require Encode; my $s = Encode::encode ('utf8', shift); $s =~ s/([^0-9A-Za-z_.~-])/sprintf '%%%02X', ord $1/ge; return $s; } # encode_url_component 1;