
Contents of /perl/lib/Encode/SJIS/Pictogram.esr

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Revision 1.2 - (show annotations) (download)
Wed Dec 18 12:57:40 2002 UTC (21 years, 11 months ago) by wakaba
Branch: MAIN
Changes since 1.1: +4 -4 lines
Pictogram charsets support

1 #?PESRC/1.0
2 Name:
3 SJIS::Pictogram
4 ShortDescription:
5 The Encode module for shift JIS coding systems
6 Description:
7 This module defines convertion between perl internal
8 representation and shift JIS coding systems defined
9 in standards of JIS (Japan Industrial Standards).
11 {
12 Name:
13 sjis-imode
14 Alias:
15 x-sjis-imode
16 Cversion:
17 use:charset:Pictogram
18 C:bit=8
19 C:G0=G94:J ## JIS X 0201:1997 Graphic character set for Latin letters
20 C:G1=G94n:B@ ## JIS X 0208:1997
21 C:G2=G94:I ## JIS X 0201:1997 Graphic character set for Katakana
22 C:G3=G256n:CSimode_g3 ## i-mode pictograph set
23 C:option:{undef_char}=["\x22\x2E", {type => 'G94n', charset => 'B', revision => '@'}]
24 Encode:
25 =>ucs_to_jisx0201_latin ucs_to_jisx0208_1997_latin ucs_to_jisx0201_katakana_hw ucs_to_imode
26 ->sjis:C
27 Decode:
28 <-sjis:C
29 <=jisx0201_latin_to_ucs jisx0208_1997_latin_to_ucs jisx0201_katakana_hw_to_ucs imode_to_ucs
30 Description:
31 Shift JIS with i-mode extended pictographs
32 }
34 {
35 Name:
36 sjis-lmode
37 Alias:
38 x-sjis-lmode
39 Cversion:
40 use:charset:Pictogram
41 C:bit=8
42 C:G0=G94:J ## JIS X 0201:1997 Graphic character set for Latin letters
43 C:G1=G94n:B@ ## JIS X 0208:1997
44 C:G2=G94:I ## JIS X 0201:1997 Graphic character set for Katakana
45 C:G3=G256n:CSlmode_g3 ## L-mode pictograph set
46 C:option:{undef_char}=["\x22\x2E", {type => 'G94n', charset => 'B', revision => '@'}]
47 Encode:
48 =>ucs_to_jisx0201_latin ucs_to_jisx0208_1997_latin ucs_to_jisx0201_katakana_hw ucs_to_lmode
49 ->sjis:C
50 Decode:
51 <-sjis:C
52 <=jisx0201_latin_to_ucs jisx0208_1997_latin_to_ucs jisx0201_katakana_hw_to_ucs lmode_to_ucs
53 Description:
54 Shift JIS with L-mode extended pictographs
55 }
57 {
58 Name:
59 sjis-doti
60 Alias:
61 x-sjis-doti
62 Cversion:
63 use:charset:Pictogram
64 C:bit=8
65 C:G0=G94:J ## JIS X 0201:1997 Graphic character set for Latin letters
66 C:G1=G94n:B@ ## JIS X 0208:1997
67 C:G2=G94:I ## JIS X 0201:1997 Graphic character set for Katakana
68 C:G3=G256n:CSdoti_g3 ## dot-i pictograph set
69 C:option:{undef_char}=["\x22\x2E", {type => 'G94n', charset => 'B', revision => '@'}]
70 Encode:
71 =>ucs_to_jisx0201_latin ucs_to_jisx0208_1997_latin ucs_to_jisx0201_katakana_hw ucs_to_doti
72 ->sjis:C
73 Decode:
74 <-sjis:C
75 <=jisx0201_latin_to_ucs jisx0208_1997_latin_to_ucs jisx0201_katakana_hw_to_ucs doti_to_ucs
76 Description:
77 Shift JIS with dot-i extended pictographs
78 }
80 {
81 Name:
82 sjis-jphone
83 Alias:
84 x-sjis-jphone sjis-jsky x-sjis-jsky
85 Cversion:
86 use:charset:Pictogram
87 C:bit=8
88 C:G0=G94:B ## ASCII + YEN SIGN
89 C:G1=G94n:B@ ## JIS X 0208:1997
90 C:G2=G94:I ## JIS X 0201:1997 Graphic character set for Katakana
91 C:G3=G94n:~ ## undef
92 C:option:{undef_char}=["\x22\x2E", {type => 'G94n', charset => 'B', revision => '@'}]
93 Encode:Prepare:
94 C:option:{fallback_from_ucs}=\&Encode::SJIS::_internal_to_page
95 Encode:
96 =>ucs_to_ascii_yen ucs_to_jisx0208_1997_yen ucs_to_jisx0201_katakana_hw ucs_to_jphone
97 ->sjis:C
98 Decode:
99 !& Encode::SJIS::page_to_internal
100 <-sjis:C
101 <=ascii_yen_to_ucs jisx0208_1997_yen_to_ucs jisx0201_katakana_hw_to_ucs jphone_to_ucs
102 Description:
103 Shift JIS with JPHONE extended pictographs
105 RESTRICTION: In current implemention, pictograms can't be outputed in
106 shortest form. For example, C<0x1B 0x24 0x45 0x41 0x0F 0x1B 0x24 0x45 0x42 0x0F>
107 can be represented as C<0x1B 0x24 0x45 0x41 0x42 0x0F> but this encoder
108 always output former style. (Although it is lengthy, it does not mean
109 invalid and decoder supprots both form.)
110 }
116 [ASTEL] "Astel Pictograms",
117 <http://www.yozan.co.jp/asteltokyo/doti/siyou/emoji.htm>.
119 [JGUIDE] "HTML Contents for J-Sky Service Development Guide", J-Phone Co., LTD,
120 2002-01-15, <http://www.dp.j-phone.com/file/JSkyHTMLGuide_20020115.pdf>.
121 See also <http://www.dp.j-phone.com/jsky/tech.html>.
122 (Note that J-PHONE and J-SKY is the trademarks or registered trademarks
123 of J-PHONE Corporation.)
125 [LSPEC] "'L-mode' Technical Specification for Contents Providers, Version 2.2",
126 Nippon Telegraph and Telephone East Corporation,
127 Nippon Telegraph and Telephone West Corportation, 2002-11.
128 Available from <http://www.ntt-east.co.jp/Lmode/06_contents/02_tsukuri.html>.
129 (Note that L-mode is the trade mark of NTT EAST and WEST.)
131 SuikaWiki:"Extention to Shift JIS on portable phones"
132 <http://suika.fam.cx/~wakaba/-temp/wiki/wiki?%B7%C8%C2%D3%C5%C5%CF%C3%A4%CE%A5%B7%A5%D5%A5%C8JIS%B3%C8%C4%A5>
134 L<Encode::SJIS>
137 Copyright %%YEAR%% Nanashi-san <nanashi-san@nanashi.invalid>
139 %%PerlLicense%%

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