Char::Class::RFC1815 - Regular Expression Character Classes - RFC1815


Two ISO/IEC 10646 character repertories, defined by RFC 1815.

RFC 1815 defines two profiled text encoding schemes based on ISO/IEC 10646. Because of the size of full ISO/IEC 10646 character set, full implemention of it is (or WAS at least at the days of RFC 1815 published) too difficult, so a couple of profiled (restricted) ISO/IEC 10646-base coded character sets were defined (as RFC 1815 did). (For details of these schemes, see RFC 1815.)

Both encoding schemes (and most of such schemes) uses two octet BMP form (ie. UCS-2), the only realistic encoding form of those days. Today it should be obsoleted. But their repertories can be useful for interoperability purpose even today.

The repertory of charset ISO-10646 is same as ISO/IEC 8859-1 (MIME name: ISO-8859-1. Aka Latin-1). In most situation you can simply write [-ÿ].

The repertory of charset ISO-10646-J-1 is superset of BASIC JAPANESE plus FULLWIDTH ALPHANUMERICS plus HALFWIDTH KATAKANA, defined by JIS X 0221 Appendix 1.

This repertory includes all available characters of Japanized Windoze NT 3.51. (Note that more characters are available in later versions of Windoze NT.)

Description of RFC 1815 does mention any character of U+21xx and U+24xx. It would be a bug, since ISO-10646-J-1 is defined as alternate of JIS X 0208, including those characters. This module also includes those characters.

Since description of RFC 1815 is ambitious, most of character list of ISO-10646-J-1 is made from the list of JIS X 0221 Appendix 1. (Note that RFC 1815 is not referring JIS X 0221-1995 because of schedule of both memo/standard.)




 use Char::Class::RFC1815;
 if ($s =~ /\p{InISO10646J1}/) {
   print "Match!\n";


RFC 1815 <urn:ietf:rfc:1815>

the Char::Class::UCS manpage

the Char::Class::JISX0221 manpage


Copyright 2007 Wakaba <>

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