## This file is auto-generated (at 2008-11-24T04:21:26Z). ## Do not edit by hand! use strict; package Char::Class::JISX4051; our $VERSION = '1.01'; use Exporter; use vars qw(@EXPORT_OK @ISA $VERSION); @ISA = qw(Exporter); =head1 NAME Char::Class::JISX4051 - Regular Expression Character Classes - C =head1 DESCRIPTION JIS X 4051 character classes represented in UCS, defined by JIS X 4051 Appendix =cut sub import ($;@) { my ($self, @sub) = (shift, @_); for (@sub) { no strict 'refs'; *{'main::'.$_} = \&{$_}; } $Exporter::ExportLevel = 1; $self->SUPER::import (@_); $Exporter::ExportLevel = 0; } @EXPORT_OK = qw(InJISX4051AlphabeticExceptSpace InJISX4051AlphabeticSpace InJISX4051CharacterInDigits InJISX4051CharacterInUnitSymbol InJISX4051CloseBracket InJISX4051FullStop InJISX4051Hiragana InJISX4051JapaneseSpace InJISX4051LineStartKinsokuJapaneseCharacter InJISX4051MiddleDot InJISX4051MiscJapaneseCharacter InJISX4051OpenBracket InJISX4051PostShortenedSymbol InJISX4051PreShortenedSymbol InJISX4051SeparationSymbol InJISX4051UnseparatableCharacter InJISX4051WarichuuCloseBracket InJISX4051WarichuuOpenBracket); sub InJISX4051AlphabeticExceptSpace { < (18) 欧文間隔以外の欧文用文字 =item C (17) 欧文間隔 =item C (15) 連数字中の文字 =item C (16) 単位記号中の文字 =item C (2) 終わり括弧類 =item C (6) 句点類 =item C (11) 平仮名 =item C (10) 和字間隔 =item C (3) 行頭禁則和字 =item C (5) 中点類 =item C (12) (1)〜(11)以外の和字 =item C (1) 始め括弧類 =item C (9) 後置省略記号 =item C (8) 前置省略記号 =item C (4) 区切り約物 =item C (7) 分離禁止文字 =item C (20) 割注終わり括弧類 =item C (19) 割注始め括弧類 =back =cut =head1 EXAMPLE use Char::Class::JISX4051; if ($s =~ /\p{InCharacterInUnitSymbol}/) { print "Match!\n"; } =head1 SEE ALSO JIS X 4051-1995, 『日本語文書の行組版方法 Line composition rules for Japanese documents』, 日本工業標準調査会 Japanese Industrial Standard Commitee (JISC ), 1995. =head1 LICENSE Copyright 2008 わかば Wakaba This library and the library generated by it is free software; you can redistribute them and/or modify them under the same terms as Perl itself. =cut 1; ### JISX4051.pm ends here