=head1 NAME Message::Field::Path -- Perl module for C header field body of Usenet news format messages =cut package Message::Field::Path; use strict; use vars qw(@ISA %REG $VERSION); $VERSION=do{my @r=(q$Revision: 1.2 $=~/\d+/g);sprintf "%d."."%02d" x $#r,@r}; require Message::Util; require Message::Field::Structured; push @ISA, qw(Message::Field::Structured); use Carp; use overload '@{}' => sub {shift->{path}}, '""' => sub {shift->stringify}; *REG = \%Message::Util::REG; $REG{delimiter} = qr/[^0-9A-Za-z.:_-]+/; $REG{delimiter_char} = qr#[!%,/?]#; $REG{path_identity} = qr/[0-9A-Za-z.:_-]+/; $REG{NON_delimiter} = qr#[^!%,/?]#; $REG{NON_path_identity} = qr/[^0-9A-Za-z.:_-]/; =head1 CONSTRUCTORS The following methods construct new objects: =over 4 =cut ## Initialize of this class -- called by constructors sub _init ($;%) { my $self = shift; my %options = @_; my %DEFAULT = ( -check_path_identity => 1, -max_line_length => 50, -output_obs_delimiter => -1, ); $self->SUPER::_init (%DEFAULT, %options); my @a = (); for (grep {/^[^-]/} keys %options) { push @a, $_ => $options{$_}; } $self->add (@a) if $#a > -1; } =item $p = Message::Field::Path->new ([%options]) Constructs a new object. You might pass some options as parameters to the constructor. =cut ## Inherited =item $p = Message::Field::Path->parse ($field-body, [%options]) Constructs a new object with given field body. You might pass some options as parameters to the constructor. =cut sub parse ($$;%) { my $class = shift; my $self = bless {}, $class; my $fbody = shift; $self->_init (@_); my @p = (); $fbody =~ s{^$REG{FWS}($REG{path_identity})}{ push @p, [$1, '']; ''; }ex; $fbody =~ s{($REG{delimiter})($REG{path_identity})}{ my ($delimiter, $path_identity) = ($1, $2); $delimiter =~ tr/\x09\x20//d; push @p, [$path_identity, $delimiter]; ''; }gex; $self->{path} = \@p; $self; } =back =head1 METHODS =over 4 =item $p->add ($path-identity, [$delimiter], [%options]) Adds new C and C (optional). Only one option, C is available. See also L. =cut sub add ($%) { my $self = shift; my %p = @_; my %option = %{$self->{option}}; for (grep {/^-/} keys %p) {$option{substr ($_, 1)} = $p{$_}} for (grep {/^[^-]/} keys %p) { croak "add: $_: invalid path-identity" if $option{check_path_identity} && $_ =~ /$REG{NON_path_identity}/; unshift @{$self->{path}}, [$_, '']; $self->{path}->[1]->[1] = $p{$_} if $#{$self->{path}} > 0; } } =item $p->path_identity ($index) Returns C<$index>'th C, if any. You can't set value. (Is it necessary?) Use C method to add new C. =cut sub path_identity ($$) { my $self = shift; my $i = shift; $self->{path}->[$i]->[0] if ref $self->{path}->[$i]; } =item $p->delimiter ($index) Returns C<$index>'th C, if any. You can't set new value. (Is it necessary?) Note that C<$self-Edelimiter (0)> would return no value in most situation. =cut sub delimiter ($$) { my $self = shift; my $i = shift; $self->{path}->[$i]->[1] if ref $self->{path}->[$i]; } =item $p->stringify ([%options]) Returns C as a string. =cut sub stringify ($;%) { my $self = shift; my %option = %{$self->{option}}; my %p = @_; for (grep {/^-/} keys %p) {$option{substr ($_, 1)} = $p{$_}} my ($r, $l) = ('', 0); for (@{$self->{path}}) { my ($path_identity, $delimiter) = (${$_}[0], ${$_}[1] || '!'); next unless $path_identity; next if $option{check_path_identity} && $path_identity =~ /$REG{NON_path_identity}/; if ($l) { $delimiter = '!' if !$option{output_obs_delimiter} && $delimiter !~ /^$REG{delimiter_char}$/; if ($option{max_line_length} && $l > $option{max_line_length}) { $delimiter .= ' '; $l = 0; } $r .= $delimiter; $l += length $delimiter; } $r .= $path_identity; $l += length $path_identity; } $r; } =item $option-value = $p->option ($option-name) Gets option value. =item $p->option ($option-name, $option-value, ...) Set option value(s). You can pass multiple option name-value pair as parameter when setting. =cut ## Inherited =item $clone = $p->clone () Returns a copy of the object. =cut sub clone ($) { my $self = shift; my $clone = $self->SUPER::clone; my @p; for (@{$self->{path}}) { my $id = ref $_->[0]? $_->[0]->clone: $_->[0]; my $dl = ref $_->[1]? $_->[1]->clone: $_->[1]; push @p, [$id, $dl]; } $clone->{path} = \@p; $clone; } =head1 NOTE C of this module insert SPACE when C is too long. ("long" is determined by the value of option C.) This is intended to be able to fold C field body. But some of implementions does not support folding this line though article format specifications (except son-of-RFC1036) allow to insert white-space character. Implementor shold set value of C as long as possible. (Default value C<50> can be too small...) When C is C<-1>, C does not insert any white-space characters. =head1 EXAMPLE use Message::Field::Path; ## Parse Path: field-body and print path-identity list. my $path = 'foo.isp.example/foo-server/bar.isp.example?' .'!barbaz/baz.isp.example' .'%dialup123.baz.isp.example!x'; my $p = Message::Field::Path->parse ($path); for my $i (0..$#$p) { print $p->delimiter ($i), "\t", $p->path_identity ($i), "\n"; } ## Compose new Path: header field content. (You won't do ## such stupid operation usually. This is only an example.) my $p = new Message::Field::Path; $p->add ('not-for-mail'); $p->add ('spool.foo.example', '!'); $p->add ('injecter.foo.example', '%'); $p->add ('news.local.example' => '/' => 'news.bar.example' => '/'); print "Path: ", fold ($p), "\n"; ## fold() is assumed as a function to fold # Path: news.local.example/news.bar.example/injecter.foo.example% # spool.foo.example!not-for-mail =head1 LICENSE Copyright 2002 wakaba Ew@suika.fam.cxE. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. =head1 CHANGE See F. $Date: 2002/04/13 01:33:54 $ =cut 1;