=head1 NAME Message::Field::MsgID --- Perl module for Message-ID of Internet messages =head1 DESCRIPTION This module supports C defined by RFC 2822. Message-ID generating algorithm suggested by draft-ietf-usefor-msg-id-alt-00 is also supported. =cut package Message::Field::MsgID; use strict; use vars qw(@ISA %REG $VERSION); $VERSION=do{my @r=(q$Revision: 1.5 $=~/\d+/g);sprintf "%d."."%02d" x $#r,@r}; require Message::Util; require Message::Field::Structured; push @ISA, qw(Message::Field::Structured); use overload '""' => sub { $_[0]->stringify }, fallback => 1; *REG = \%Message::Util::REG; ## Inherited: comment, quoted_string, domain_literal ## WSP, FWS, phrase, NON_atom ## msg_id ## M_quoted_string =head1 CONSTRUCTORS The following methods construct new objects: =over 4 =cut ## Initialize of this class -- called by constructors sub _init ($;%) { my $self = shift; my %options = @_; my %DEFAULT = ( -encoding_after_encode => 'unknown-8bit', -encoding_before_decode => 'unknown-8bit', #field_param_name #field_name #format -hash_name => '%none', #hook_encode_string #hook_decode_string -software_name => 'MFMpm', -software_name_hash => '%none', -validate => 1, ); $self->SUPER::_init (%DEFAULT, %options); } =item $m = Message::Field::MsgID->new ([%options]) Constructs a new object. You might pass some options as parameters to the constructor. =cut sub new ($;%) { my $self = shift->SUPER::new (@_); my %option = @_; if ($option{id_left} && $option{id_right}) { $self->{id_left} = $option{id_left}; $self->{id_right} = $option{id_right}; } elsif ($option{addr_spec} || (($option{fqdn} || $option{ip_address} || $option{uucp}) && ($option{login}))) { $self->_newid (\%option); } $self; } sub parse ($;$%) { my $class = shift; my $self = bless {}, $class; my ($body, @c) = $self->Message::Util::delete_comment_to_array (shift); $self->_init (@_); $body = Message::Util::remove_wsp ($body); if ($body =~ /$REG{M_addr_spec}/) { my %s = &{$self->{option}->{hook_decode_string}} ($self, Message::Util::unquote_quoted_string ($1), type => 'quoted-string'); $self->{id_left} = $s{value}; #my %s = &{$self->{option}->{hook_decode_string}} ($self, # Message::Util::unquote_if_domain_literal ($2), type => 'domain'); #$self->{id_right} = $s{value}; $self->{id_right} = $2; } $self; } sub _newid ($\%) { my $self = shift; my $o = shift; $$o{addr_spec} = Message::Util::remove_wsp ($$o{addr_spec}); if ($$o{addr_spec} =~ /$REG{M_addr_spec}/) { $$o{login} = $1; $$o{fqdn} = $2; } if ($self->{option}->{validate} && $$o{fqdn} =~ /[.@](example\.(?:com|org|net)|localdomain|localhost|example|invalid|arpa)$/) { Carp::croak "Msg-ID generation: invalid TLD of FQDN: .$1"; } if (!$$o{fqdn} && $$o{ip_address}) { if ($self->{option}->{validate} && $$o{ip_address}=~/([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)/){ my ($c1, $c2, $c3, $c4) = ($1, $2, $3, $4); Carp::croak "Msg-ID generation: invalid IPv4 address: $c1.$c2.$c3.$c4" ## See [IANAREG] and draft-iana-special-ipv4 if ($c1 == 0) ## "this" network || ($c1 == 10) ## private [RFC1918] || ($c1 == 127) ## loopback || ($c1 == 169 && $c2 == 254) ## "link local" || ($c1 == 172 && 16 <= $c2 && $c2 < 32) ## private [RFC1918] || ($c1 == 192 && (($c2 == 0 && $c3 == 2) ## "TEST-NET" || ($c2 == 88 && $c3 == 99) ## 6to4 anycast [RFC3068] || ($c2 == 168))) ## private [RFC1918] || ($c1 == 198 && ($c2 == 18 || $c2 == 19)) ## benchmark [RFC2544] || ($c1 >= 224); ## class D,E [RFC3171] } $$o{fqdn} ||= '['.$$o{ip_address}.']'; } if (!$$o{fqdn} && $$o{uucp}) { $$o{uucp} .= '.uucp' if $self->{option}->{validate} && $$o{uucp} !~ /\.uucp/i; $$o{fqdn} = $$o{uucp}; } Carp::croak "Msg-ID generation: no FQDN" if $self->{option}->{validate} && !$$o{fqdn}; $self->{id_right} = $$o{fqdn}; Carp::croak "Msg-ID generation: no 'login'" if $self->{option}->{validate} && !$$o{login}; $$o{login} = $self->_hash ($$o{login}, $self->{option}->{hash_name}); my @s = ('0'..'9','a'..'z','-','=','_'); my @t = ('0'..'9','a'..'z'); my $unique = $t[rand @t].$s[rand @s].$s[rand @s].$s[rand @s].'.'; $unique .= join ('.', $self->_base39 (time), $self->_base39 ($$), $self->_hash ($self->{option}->{software_name}, $self->{option}->{software_name_hash})); $self->{id_left} = $unique .'%'.($self->{option}->{hash_name} ne '%none'? $self->_hash ($self->{option}->{hash_name}, '%none') .'%': '') .$$o{login} .($$o{subject_changed}? '-_-': ''); $self; } sub _hash ($$;$$) { my $self = shift; my ($str, $hash_name, $add_unsafe) = (shift, lc shift, shift); $add_unsafe ||= qr#[/.=\x09\x20]#; undef $hash_name if $hash_name eq '%none'; if ($hash_name eq 'md5') { eval {require Digest::MD5} or Carp::croak "Msg-ID generation: $@"; $str = Digest::MD5::md5_base64 ($str); } elsif ($hash_name eq 'sha1') { eval {require Digest::SHA1} or Carp::croak "Msg-ID generation: $@"; $str = Digest::SHA1::sha1_base64 ($str); } elsif ($hash_name eq 'md2') { eval {require Digest::MD2} or Carp::croak "Msg-ID generation: $@"; $str = Digest::MD2::md2_base64 ($str); } elsif ($hash_name eq 'crypt') { my @s = ('0'..'9','A'..'Z','a'..'z'); my $salt = crypt('foobar', '$1$ab$') eq '$1$ab$uAP8qWqcFs3q.Gfl5PkL2.'? '$1$'.join('', map($s[rand @s], 1..8)).'$': $s[rand @s].$s[rand @s]; $str = crypt ($str, $salt); } $str =~ s#($add_unsafe)#sprintf('=%02X', ord($1))#ge; $str =~ s/($REG{NON_atext_dot})/sprintf('=%02X', ord($1))/ge; $str; } sub _base39 ($$) { my $self = shift; my $number = shift; my @digit = ('0'..'9','a'..'z','-','=','_'); my $ret = ''; my ($rem); while ($number > 0) { $rem = $number % @digit; $ret = $digit[ $rem ].$ret; $number = ($number - $rem) / @digit; } $ret; } sub generate ($%) { my $self = shift; my %parameter = @_; for (grep {/^-/} keys %parameter) {$parameter{substr ($_, 1)} = $parameter{$_}} $self->_newid (\%parameter); } sub id_left ($) { my $self = shift; my %e = &{$self->{option}->{hook_encode_string}} ($self, $self->{id_left}, type => 'local-part'); Message::Util::quote_unsafe_string ($e{value}, unsafe_regex => qr/$REG{NON_atext_dot}|^\.|\.$/); } sub id_right ($) { my $self = shift; #my %e = &{$self->{option}->{hook_encode_string}} ($self, # $self->{id_right}, type => 'domain'); #Message::Util::quote_unsafe_domain ($e{value}); Message::Util::quote_unsafe_domain ($self->{id_right}); } sub content ($) { my $self = shift; my ($l, $r) = ($self->id_left, $self->id_right); sprintf '%s@%s', $l, $r if $l && $r; } sub stringify ($;%) { my $self = shift; my ($l, $r) = ($self->id_left, $self->id_right); sprintf '<%s@%s>', $l, $r if $l && $r; } *as_string = \&stringify; =head1 EXAMPLE use Message::Field::MsgID; my $from = 'foo@bar.example'; my $login = 'my-login-name'; my $domain = 'foo.bar.example'; my $ipv4 = ''; my %mid; $mid{no_crypt} = new Message::Field::MsgID addr_spec => $from, -validate => 0; $mid{md5} = new Message::Field::MsgID login => $login, ip_address => $ipv4, -hash_name => 'md5', -validate => 0; $mid{sha1} = new Message::Field::MsgID login => $login, fqdn => $domain, subject_changed => 1, -hash_name => 'sha1', -validate => 0; for (keys %mid) { print $_, ":\t", $mid{$_}, "\n"; } # sha1: # md5: <7fu.bbxkfu.xsem.MFMMpm%md5%eBpd+12mupwxZBc6kMWR9g@[]> # no_crypt: <3vy.bbxkfu.xsem.MFMMpm%foo@bar.example> ## IMPORTANT NOTE: This example uses -validate option with ## '0' (does not validate) value since it uses example (invalid) ## resource names, such as 'foo.bar.example'. Usually, this option ## shall not be used (and default value = '1' = does validate ## should be used). =head1 SEE ALSO RFC 822 Eurn:ietf:rfc:822E, RFC 2822 Eurn:ietf:rfc:2822E RFC 850 Eurn:ietf:rfc:850E, RFC 1036 Eurn:ietf:rfc:1036E, son-of-RFC1036, draft-ietf-usefor-article-06.txt Eurn:ietf:id:draft-ietf-usefor-article-06E draft-ietf-usefor-message-id-01.txt Eurn:ietf:id:draft-ietf-usefor-message-id-01E draft-ietf-usefor-msg-id-alt-00.txt Eurn:ietf:id:draft-ietf-usefor-msg-id-alt-00E =head1 LICENSE Copyright 2002 wakaba Ew@suika.fam.cxE. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. =head1 CHANGE See F. $Date: 2002/05/14 13:42:40 $ =cut 1;