
Contents of /messaging/manakai/lib/Message/Field/Date.pm

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Revision 1.20 - (show annotations) (download)
Sat Dec 28 08:45:50 2002 UTC (21 years, 11 months ago) by wakaba
Branch: MAIN
CVS Tags: before-dis2-200411, manakai-release-0-3-2, manakai-release-0-3-1, manakai-release-0-4-0, manakai-200612, HEAD
Branch point for: branch-suikawiki-1, experimental-xml-parser-200401
Changes since 1.19: +6 -4 lines
*** empty log message ***

2 =head1 NAME
4 Message::Field::Date --- Perl module for various styles of
5 date-time used in Internet messages and so on
7 =cut
9 ## This file is written in UTF-8
11 package Message::Field::Date;
12 use strict;
14 $VERSION=do{my @r=(q$Revision: 1.19 $=~/\d+/g);sprintf "%d."."%02d" x $#r,@r};
15 require Message::Field::Structured;
16 push @ISA, qw(Message::Field::Structured);
17 use Time::Local 'timegm_nocheck';
18 use overload '==' => sub { $_[0]->{date_time} == $_[1] },
19 '<=' => sub { $_[0]->{date_time} <= $_[1] },
20 '>=' => sub { $_[0]->{date_time} >= $_[1] },
21 '0+' => sub { $_[0]->{date_time} },
22 fallback => 1;
24 {
25 %REG = %Message::Util::REG;
26 my $_ALPHA = q{[A-Za-z]};
27 $_ALPHA = q{[A-Za-z\x{0080}-\x{7FFFFFFF}]} if defined $^V && $^V gt v5.7;
28 ## RFC 822/2822 Internet Message Format
29 $REG{M_dt_rfc822} = qr!(?:[A-Za-z]+ ## Day of week
30 [\x09\x20,]*)? ([0-9]+) ## Day
31 [\x09\x20/-]* ($_ALPHA+) ## Month
32 [\x09\x20/-]* ([0-9]+) ## Year
33 [\x09\x20:Tt-]+ ([0-9]+) ## Hour
34 [\x09\x20:]+ ([0-9]+) ## Minute
35 [\x09\x20:]* ([0-9]+)? ## Second
36 ([\x09\x20 0-9A-Za-z+-]+)!x; ## Zone
37 ## RFC 3339 Internet Date/Time Format (A profile of ISO 8601)
38 $REG{M_dt_rfc3339} = qr! ([0-9]{4,}) ## Year
39 [\x09\x20.:/-]+ ([0-9]+) ## Month
40 [\x09\x20.:/-]+ ([0-9]+) ## Day
41 (?:[\x09\x20.:Tt-]+ ([0-9]+) ## Hour
42 [\x09\x20.:]+ ([0-9]+) ## Minute
43 (?:[\x09\x20.:]+ ([0-9]+) ## Second
44 (?:[\x09\x20.:]+ ([0-9]+))?)?)? ## frac.
45 ([\x09\x20 0-9A-Za-z:.+-]*) !x; ## Zone.
46 ## RFC 733 ARPA Internet Message Format
47 $REG{M_dt_rfc733} = qr!(?:[A-Za-z]+ ## Day of week
48 [\x09\x20,]*)? ([0-9]+) ## Day
49 [\x09\x20/-]* ([A-Za-z]+) ## Month
50 [\x09\x20/-]* ([0-9]+) ## Year
51 [\x09\x20:Tt-]+ ([0-9][0-9]) ## Hour
52 [\x09\x20:]* ([0-9][0-9]) ## Minute
53 [\x09\x20:]* ([0-9][0-9])? ## Second
54 ([\x09\x20 0-9A-Za-z+-]+)!x; ## Zone
55 ## RFC 724 ARPA Internet Message Format (slash-date)
56 $REG{M_dt_rfc724} = qr!(?:[A-Za-z]+ ## Day of week
57 [\x09\x20,]*)? ([0-9][0-9]?) ## Month
58 [\x09\x20/]+ ([0-9][0-9]?) ## Day
59 [\x09\x20/]+ ([0-9]{2,}) ## Year
60 [\x09\x20:Tt-]+ ([0-9][0-9]) ## Hour
61 [\x09\x20:]* ([0-9][0-9]) ## Minute
62 [\x09\x20:]* ([0-9][0-9])? ## Second
63 ([\x09\x20 0-9A-Za-z+-]+)!x; ## Zone
64 }
68 The following methods construct new objects:
70 =over 4
72 =cut
74 ## Initialize of this class -- called by constructors
75 %DEFAULT = (
76 -_MEMBERS => [qw|date_time secfrac|],
77 -_METHODS => [qw|unix_time second_fraction
78 comment_add comment_count comment_item comment_delete|],
79 -date_format => 'string', ## 'unix' / 1*ALPHA
80 #field_param_name
81 #field_name
82 #format
83 #hook_encode_string
84 #hook_decode_string
85 -output_comment => 1,
86 -use_comment => 1,
87 -use_military_zone => +1, ## +1 / -1 / 0
88 #zone => [+1, 0, 0],
89 -zone_default_string => '-0000',
90 );
92 %MONTH = (
93 JAN => 1, JANUARY => 1,
94 FEB => 2, FEBRUARY => 2,
95 MAR => 3, MARCH => 3,
96 APR => 4, APRIL => 4, ARL => 4,
97 MAY => 5,
98 JUN => 6, JUNE => 6,
99 JUL => 7, JULY => 7,
100 AUG => 8, AUGUST => 8,
101 SEP => 9, SEPTEMBER => 9, SEPT => 9,
102 OCT => 10, OCTOBER => 10,
103 NOV => 11, NOVEMBER => 11,
104 DEC => 12, DECEMBER => 12,
105 );
107 {
108 my $_p2f = sub { my ($s, $n) = @_; $s eq 'none'? q(%d): $s eq 'SP'? qq(%${n}d): qq(%0${n}d) };
109 my $_tm = sub { $_[0]->{local}?'tm_local':'tm' };
110 ## &$function ({format's parameters}, {caller's parameters})
111 %FMT2STR = (
112 CC => sub { sprintf &$_p2f ($_[0]->{pad}, 2), ## BUG: Support AD only
113 (($_[1]->{ &$_tm ($_[0]) }->[5] + 1899) / 100) + 1 },
114 YYYY => sub { sprintf &$_p2f ($_[0]->{pad}, 4),
115 $_[1]->{ &$_tm ($_[0]) }->[5] + 1900 },
116 YY => sub { sprintf &$_p2f ($_[0]->{pad}, 2),
117 $_[1]->{ &$_tm ($_[0]) }->[5] % 100 },
118 MM => sub { sprintf &$_p2f ($_[0]->{pad}, 2),
119 $_[1]->{ &$_tm ($_[0]) }->[4] + 1 },
120 Mon => sub { qw(Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec)
121 [ $_[1]->{ &$_tm ($_[0]) }->[4] ] },
122 Month => sub { qw(January February March April May June
123 July August September October November December)
124 [ $_[1]->{ &$_tm ($_[0]) }->[4] ] },
125 DD => sub { sprintf &$_p2f ($_[0]->{pad}, 2),
126 $_[1]->{ &$_tm ($_[0]) }->[3] },
127 Wdy => sub { qw(Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat)
128 [ $_[1]->{ &$_tm ($_[0]) }->[6] ] },
129 Weekday => sub {
130 (split /:/, $_[0]->{name}
131 || q(Sunday:Monday:Tuesday:Wednesday:Thursday:Friday:Saturday))
132 [ $_[1]->{ &$_tm ($_[0]) }->[6] ] },
133 shun => sub {
134 my @alphabet = split /:/, $_[0]->{alphabet} || 'a:b:c:c';
135 my $day = $_[1]->{ &$_tm ($_[0]) }->[3];
136 $day < 10? $alphabet[0]: ## 1 - 9 joujun
137 $day < 20? $alphabet[1]: ## 10 - 19 chuujun
138 $day < 30? $alphabet[2]: ## 20 - 29 gejun
139 defined $alphabet[3] ?
140 $alphabet[3]: $alphabet[2]; ## 30 - 31 gejun
141 },
142 HH => sub { sprintf &$_p2f ($_[0]->{pad}, 2),
143 $_[1]->{ &$_tm ($_[0]) }->[2] },
144 TT => sub { sprintf &$_p2f ($_[0]->{pad}, 2),
145 $_[1]->{ &$_tm ($_[0]) }->[1] },
146 SS => sub { sprintf &$_p2f ($_[0]->{pad}, 2),
147 $_[1]->{ &$_tm ($_[0]) }->[0] },
148 unix => sub { sprintf &$_p2f ($_[0]->{pad}, 10),
149 $_[1]->{ $_[0]->{local}?'time_local':'time' } },
150 frac => sub { $_[1]->{ $_[0]->{local}?'secfrac_local':'secfrac' } },
151 zsign => sub { $_[1]->{option}->{zone}->[0] > 0 ? '+' : '-' },
152 zHH => sub { sprintf &$_p2f ($_[0]->{pad}, 2), $_[1]->{option}->{zone}->[1] },
153 zTT => sub { sprintf &$_p2f ($_[0]->{pad}, 2), $_[1]->{option}->{zone}->[2] },
154 comment => sub { $_[1]->{comment} },
155 );
156 }
158 %ZONE = ( ## NA = Northern America
159 ADT => [-1, 3, 0], ## (NA)Atlantic Daylight 733
160 AHST => [-1, 10, 0], ## Alaska-Hawaii Standard
161 AST => [-1, 4, 0], ## (NA)Atlantic Standard 733
162 AT => [-1, 2, 0], ## Azores
163 BDT => [-1, 10, 0], ## 733
164 BST => [-1, 11, 0], ## 733
165 #BST => [+1, 1, 0], ## British Summer
166 #BST => [-1, 3, 0], ## Brazil Standard
167 BT => [+1, 3, 0], ## Baghdad
168 CADT => [+1, 10, 30], ## Central Australian Daylight
169 CAST => [+1, 9, 30], ## Central Australian Standard
170 CAT => [-1, 10, 0], ## Central Alaska
171 CCT => [+1, 8, 0], ## China Coast
172 CDT => [-1, 5, 0], ## (NA)Central Daylight 733, 822
173 CET => [+1, 1, 0], ## Central European
174 CEST => [+1, 2, 0], ## Central European Daylight
175 CST => [-1, 6, 0], ## (NA)Central Standard 733, 822
176 EADT => [+1, 11, 0], ## Eastern Australian Daylight
177 EADT => [+1, 10, 0], ## Eastern Australian Standard
179 ECT => [+1, 1, 0], ## Central European (French)
180 EDT => [-1, 4, 0], ## (NA)Eastern Daylight 733, 822
181 EEST => [+1, 3, 0], ## Eastern European Summer
182 EET => [+1, 2, 0], ## Eastern Europe 1947
183 EST => [-1, 5, 0], ## (NA)Eastern Standard 733, 822
184 EWT => [-1, 4, 0], ## U.S. Eastern War Time
185 FST => [+1, 2, 0], ## French Summer
186 FWT => [+1, 1, 0], ## French Winter
187 GDT => [+1, 1, 0], ## 724
188 #GDT => [+1, 2, 0], ## German Daylight
189 #GM
190 GMT => [+1, 0, 0], ## Greenwich Mean 733, 822
191 #GST => [-1, 3, 0], ## Greenland Standard
192 GST => [+1, 1, 0], ## German Standard
193 #GST => [+1, 10, 0], ## Guam Standard
194 HDT => [-1, 9, 0], ## Hawaii Daylight 733
195 HKT => [+1, 8, 0], ## Hong Kong
196 HST => [-1, 10, 0], ## Hawaii Standard 733
197 IDLE => [+1, 12, 0], ## International Date Line East
198 IDLW => [-1, 12, 0], ## International Date Line West
199 IDT => [+1, 3, 0],
200 IST => [+1, 2, 0], ## Israel standard
201 #IST => [+1, 5, 30], ## Indian standard
202 IT => [+1, 3, 30], ## Iran
203 JST => [+1, 9, 0], ## Japan Central Standard
204 #JT => [+1, 9, 0], ## Japan Central Standard
205 JT => [+1, 7, 30], ## Java
206 KDT => [+1, 10, 0], ## Korean Daylight
207 KST => [+1, 9, 0], ## Korean Standard
208 LCL => [-1, 0, 0], ## (unknown zone used by LSMTP)
209 LOCAL => [-1, 0, 0], ## local time zone
210 #LON
211 LT => [-1, 0, 0], ## Luna Time [RFC 1607]
212 MDT => [-1, 6, 0], ## (NA)Mountain Daylight 733, 822
213 MET => [+1, 0, 0], ## Middle European
214 METDST => [+1, 2, 0],
215 MEST => [+1, 2, 0], ## Middle European Summer
216 MEWT => [+1, 0, 0], ## Middle European Winter
217 MEZ => [+1, 0, 0], ## Central European (German)
218 MST => [-1, 7, 0], ## (NA)Mountain Standard 733, 822
219 MOUNTAIN => [-1, 7, 0], ## (maybe) (NA)Mountain Standard 733, 822
220 MT => [-1, 0, 0], ## Mars Time [RFC 1607]
221 NDT => [-1, 2, 30], ## Newfoundland Daylight
222 NFT => [-1, 3, 30], ## Newfoundland Standard
223 NST => [-1, 3, 30], ## Newfoundland Standard 733
224 #NST => [-1, 6, 30], ## North Sumatra
225 NT => [-1, 11, 0], ## Nome
226 NZD => [+1, 13, 0], ## New Zealand Daylight
227 NZT => [+1, 12, 0], ## New Zealand
228 NZDT => [+1, 13, 0], ## New Zealand Daylight
229 NZS => [+1, 12, 0], ## (maybe) New Zealand Standard
230 NZST => [+1, 12, 0], ## New Zealand Standard
231 PDT => [-1, 7, 0], ## (NA)Pacific Daylight 733, 822
232 #PM
233 PST => [-1, 8, 0], ## (NA)Pacific Standard 733, 822
234 #SAMST
235 SET => [+1, 1, 0], ## Seychelles
236 SST => [+1, 2, 0], ## Swedish Summer
237 #SST => [+1, 7, 0], ## South Sumatra
238 SWT => [+1, 1, 0], ## Swedish Winter
239 UKR => [+1, 2, 0], ## Ukraine
240 UNDEFINED => [-1, 0, 0], ## undefined
241 UT => [+1, 0, 0], ## Universal Time 822
242 UTC => [+1, 0, 0], ## Coordinated Universal Time
243 WADT => [+1, 8, 0], ## West Australian Daylight
244 WAT => [-1, 0, 0], ## West Africa
245 WET => [+1, 0, 0], ## Western European
246 WST => [+1, 8, 0], ## West Australian Standard
247 YDT => [-1, 8, 0], ## Yukon Daylight 733
248 YST => [-1, 9, 0], ## Yukon Standard 733
249 Z => [+1, 0, 0], ## 822, ISO 8601
250 ZP4 => [+1, 4, 0], ## Z+4
251 ZP5 => [+1, 5, 0], ## Z+5
252 ZP6 => [+1, 6, 0], ## Z+6
253 );
255 ## -use_military_zone => +1 / -1 / 0
256 ## Whether military zone names are understood or not.
257 ## +1 Admits them and treats as standard value. (eg. "A" = +0100)
258 ## -1 Admits them but treats as negative value. (eg. "A" = -0100)
259 ## 0 They are ignored and zone is set as -0000. (eg. "A" = -0000)
260 ## Because of typo in BNF comment of RFCs 733 and 822,
261 ## quite a few implemention use these values incorrectly.
262 ## As a result, these zone names carry no worthful information.
263 ## RFC 2822 recommends these names be taken as '-0000' (i.e.
264 ## unknown zone).
266 sub _set_military_zone_name ($) {
267 my $self = shift;
268 my $mode = $self->{option}->{use_military_zone};
269 my $i = 0;
270 if ($mode == 0) {
271 for my $letter ('A'..'Y') {$ZONE{$letter} = [-1, 0, 0]} return;
272 }
273 for my $letter ('Z', 'A'..'I', 'K'..'M') {
274 $ZONE{$letter} = [+1*$mode, $i++, 0];
275 } $i = 1;
276 for my $letter ('N'..'Y') {
277 $ZONE{$letter} = [-1*$mode, $i++, 0];
278 }
279 }
281 sub _init ($;%) {
282 my $self = shift;
283 my $DEFAULT = Message::Util::make_clone (\%DEFAULT);
284 my %option = @_;
285 $self->SUPER::_init (%$DEFAULT, %option);
286 $self->{date_time} = 0;
287 $self->{date_time} = $option{unix} if defined $option{unix};
288 $self->{secfrac} = $option{frac} if defined $option{frac};
289 unless (ref $self->{option}->{zone}) {
290 my $zone = $self->{option}->{zone} || ''; #$main::ENV{TZ} || '';
291 ## Since _zone_string_to_array does not provide full support
292 ## of parsing TZ format (eg. daytime), not seeing it might be
293 ## better way.
294 if (length $zone) {
295 $self->{option}->{zone} = [ $self->_zone_string_to_array ($zone) ];
296 } else {
297 my $time = time;
298 my $ltime = timegm_nocheck (localtime ($time));
299 my $o = int ( ($ltime - $time) / 60);
300 my @zone;
301 $zone[2] = $o % 60; $o = int ( $o / 60 );
302 $zone[1] = $o % 24;
303 $zone[0] = $o >= 0 ? +1 : -1;
304 $self->{option}->{zone} = \@zone;
305 }
306 }
308 my $format = $self->{option}->{format};
309 if ($format =~ /mail-rfc2822/) {
310 $self->{option}->{use_military_zone} = 0;
311 }
313 $self->_set_military_zone_name;
314 }
316 =item $date = Message::Field::Date->new ([%options])
318 Constructs a new object. You might pass some options as parameters
319 to the constructor.
321 =cut
323 ## Inherited
325 =item $date = Message::Field::Date->parse ($field-body, [%options])
327 Constructs a new object with given field body. You might pass
328 some options as parameters to the constructor.
330 =cut
332 sub parse ($$;%) {
333 my $class = shift;
334 my $self = bless {}, $class;
335 my $body = shift;
336 $self->_init (@_);
337 ($body, @{$self->{comment}})
338 = $self->Message::Util::delete_comment_to_array ($body)
339 if $self->{option}->{use_comment};
340 $body =~ s/^$REG{WSP}+//; $body =~ s/$REG{WSP}+$//;
341 if ($self->{option}->{date_format} eq 'unix') {
342 $self->{date_time} = int ($body);
343 } elsif (!$body) {
344 return $self;
345 } elsif ($body =~ /^$REG{M_dt_rfc822}$/x) {
346 my ($day, $month, $year, $hour, $minute, $second, $zone)
347 = ($1, uc $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, uc $7);
348 $month = $MONTH{$month} || 1;
349 $year = $self->_obvious_year ($year) if length($year)<4;
350 my ($zone_sign, $zone_hour, $zone_minute) = $self->_zone_string_to_array ($zone);
351 eval '$self->{date_time} = timegm_nocheck
352 ($second, $minute-($zone_sign*$zone_minute), $hour-($zone_sign*$zone_hour),
353 $day, $month-1, $year);';
354 $self->{secfrac} = '';
355 $self->{option}->{zone} = [$zone_sign, $zone_hour, $zone_minute];
356 } elsif ($body =~ /^$REG{M_dt_rfc3339}$/x) {
357 my ($year,$month,$day,$hour,$minute,$second,$secfrac,$zone)
358 = ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8);
359 my ($zone_sign, $zone_hour, $zone_minute) = $self->_zone_string_to_array ($zone);
360 eval '$self->{date_time} = timegm_nocheck
361 ($second, $minute-($zone_sign*$zone_minute), $hour-($zone_sign*$zone_hour),
362 $day, $month-1, $year);';
363 $self->{secfrac} = $secfrac;
364 $self->{option}->{zone} = [$zone_sign, $zone_hour, $zone_minute];
365 } elsif ($body =~ /^$REG{M_dt_rfc733}$/x) {
366 my ($day, $month, $year, $hour, $minute, $second, $zone)
367 = ($1, uc $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, uc $7);
368 $month = $MONTH{$month} || 1;
369 $year = $self->_obvious_year ($year) if length($year)<4;
370 my ($zone_sign, $zone_hour, $zone_minute) = $self->_zone_string_to_array ($zone);
371 eval '$self->{date_time} = timegm_nocheck
372 ($second, $minute-($zone_sign*$zone_minute), $hour-($zone_sign*$zone_hour),
373 $day, $month-1, $year);';
374 $self->{secfrac} = '';
375 $self->{option}->{zone} = [$zone_sign, $zone_hour, $zone_minute];
376 } elsif ($body =~ /^$REG{M_dt_rfc724}$/x) {
377 my ($month, $day, $year, $hour, $minute, $second, $zone)
378 = ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, uc $7);
379 $year = $self->_obvious_year ($year) if length($year)<4;
380 my ($zone_sign, $zone_hour, $zone_minute) = $self->_zone_string_to_array ($zone);
381 eval '$self->{date_time} = timegm_nocheck
382 ($second, $minute-($zone_sign*$zone_minute), $hour-($zone_sign*$zone_hour),
383 $day, $month-1, $year);';
384 $self->{secfrac} = '';
385 $self->{option}->{zone} = [$zone_sign, $zone_hour, $zone_minute];
386 #} elsif ($body =~ /^[0-9]+$/) {
387 # $self->{date_time} = $&;
388 } else {
389 ## From HTTP::Date (revision 1.40) by Gisle Aas
390 #$body =~ s/^\s+//; # kill leading space
391 $body =~ s/^(?:Sun|Mon|Tue|Wed|Thu|Fri|Sat)[a-z]*,?\s*//i; # Useless weekday
392 my ($day, $month, $year, $hour, $minute, $second);
393 my ($secfrac, $zone, $ampm) = ('', $self->{option}->{zone_default_string});
395 # Then we are able to check for most of the formats with this regexp
396 (($day,$month,$year,$hour,$minute,$second,$zone) =
397 $body =~ m"^
398 (\d\d?) # day
399 (?:\s+|[-\/])
400 (\w+) # month
401 (?:\s+|[-\/])
402 (\d+) # year
403 (?:
404 (?:\s+|:) # separator before clock
405 (\d\d?):(\d\d) # hour:min
406 (?::(\d\d))? # optional seconds
407 )? # optional clock
408 \s*
409 ([-+]?\d{2,4}|(?![APap][Mm]\b)[A-Za-z]+)? # timezone
410 $"x)
412 ||
414 # Try the ctime and asctime format
415 (($month, $day, $hour, $minute, $second, $zone, $year) =
416 $body =~ m"^
417 (\w{1,3}) # month
418 \s+
419 (\d\d?) # day
420 \s+
421 (\d\d?):(\d\d) # hour:min
422 (?::(\d\d))? # optional seconds
423 \s+
424 (?:([A-Za-z]+)\s+)? # optional timezone
425 (\d+) # year
426 $"x)
428 ||
430 # Then the Unix 'ls -l' date format
431 (($month, $day, $year, $hour, $minute, $second) =
432 $body =~ m"^
433 (\w{3}) # month
434 \s+
435 (\d\d?) # day
436 \s+
437 (?:
438 (\d\d\d\d) | # year
439 (\d{1,2}):(\d{2}) # hour:min
440 (?::(\d\d))? # optional seconds
441 )
442 $"x)
444 ||
446 # ISO 8601 format '1996-02-29 12:00:00 -0100' and variants
447 (($year, $month, $day, $hour, $minute, $second, $secfrac, $zone) =
448 $body =~ m"^
449 (\d{4}) # year
450 [-\/]?
451 (\d\d?) # numerical month
452 [-\/]?
453 (\d\d?) # day
454 (?:
455 (?:\s+|[-:Tt]) # separator before clock
456 (\d\d?):?(\d\d) # hour:min
457 (?:
458 :?
459 (\d\d)
460 (?:\.?(\d+))? ## optional second frac.
461 )? # optional seconds
462 )? # optional clock
463 \s*
464 ([-+]?\d\d?:?(:?\d\d)?
465 |Z|z)? # timezone (Z is 'zero meridian', i.e. GMT)
467 $"x)
469 ||
471 # ISO 8601 like format '96-02-29 2:0:0 -0100' and variants
472 (($year, $month, $day, $hour, $minute, $second, $secfrac, $zone) =
473 $body =~ m"^
474 (\d+) # year
475 [-/]
476 (\d\d?) # numerical month
477 [-/]
478 (\d\d?) # day
479 (?:
480 (?:\s+|[-:Tt]) # separator before clock
481 (\d\d?):(\d+) # hour:min
482 (?:
483 :
484 (\d+)
485 (?:\.(\d+)) ## optional second frac.
486 )? # optional seconds
487 )? # optional clock
488 \s*
489 ([-+]?\d+(:\d+)?
490 |Z|z)? # timezone (Z is 'zero meridian', i.e. GMT)
492 $"x)
494 ||
496 # Windows 'dir' 11-12-96 03:52PM
497 (($month, $day, $year, $hour, $minute, $ampm) =
498 $body =~ m"^
499 (\d{2}) # numerical month
500 -
501 (\d{2}) # day
502 -
503 (\d{2}) # year
504 \s+
505 (\d\d?):(\d\d)([APap][Mm]) # hour:min AM or PM
506 $"x)
508 #||
509 #return; # unrecognized format
510 ;
512 $day ||= 1;
513 # Translate month name to number
514 $month ||= 1;
515 $month = $MONTH{uc $month}
516 || int ($month);
518 # If the year is missing, we assume first date before the current,
519 # because of the formats we support such dates are mostly present
520 # on "ls -l" listings.
521 unless (defined $year) {
522 my $cur_mon;
523 ($cur_mon, $year) = (localtime)[4, 5];
524 $year += 1900; $cur_mon++;
525 $year-- if $month > $cur_mon;
526 } elsif (length($year) < 3) {
527 $year = $self->_obvious_year ($year);
528 }
530 # Make sure clock elements are defined
531 $hour = 0 unless defined($hour);
532 $minute = 0 unless defined($minute);
533 $second = 0 unless defined($second);
535 # Compensate for AM/PM
536 if ($ampm) {
537 $ampm = uc $ampm;
538 $hour = 0 if $hour == 12 && $ampm eq 'AM';
539 $hour += 12 if $ampm eq 'PM' && $hour != 12;
540 }
542 my ($zone_sign, $zone_hour, $zone_minute) = $self->_zone_string_to_array ($zone);
543 eval '$self->{date_time} = timegm_nocheck
544 ($second, $minute-($zone_sign*$zone_minute), $hour-($zone_sign*$zone_hour),
545 $day, $month-1, $year);';
546 $self->{secfrac} = $secfrac;
547 $self->{option}->{zone} = [$zone_sign, $zone_hour, $zone_minute];
548 }
549 $self;
550 }
552 sub zone ($;$) {
553 my $self = shift;
554 my $newzone = shift;
555 if (ref $newzone) {
556 $self->{option}->{zone} = $newzone;
557 } elsif (length $newzone) {
558 $self->{option}->{zone} = [$self->_zone_string_to_array ($newzone)];
559 }
560 $self->{option}->{zone};
561 }
563 ## Find "obvious" year
564 sub _obvious_year ($$) {
565 my $self = shift;
566 my $year = shift;
567 if ($self->{option}->{format} =~ /mail|news/) {
568 ## RFC 2822
569 if ( 0 <=$year && $year < 50) {$year += 2000}
570 elsif (50 < $year && $year < 1000) {$year += 1900}
571 } else {
572 ## RFC 2616
573 my $cur_yr = (localtime)[5] + 1900;
574 my $m = $cur_yr % 100;
575 my $tmp = $year;
576 $year += $cur_yr - $m;
577 $m -= $tmp;
578 $year += ($m > 0) ? 100 : -100 if abs($m) > 50;
579 }
580 $year;
581 }
583 =back
585 =head1 METHODS
587 =over 4
590 =head2 $self->unix_time ([$new_time])
592 Returns or set the unix-time (seconds from the Epoch).
594 =cut
596 sub unix_time ($;$) {
597 my $self = shift;
598 my $new_time = shift;
599 if (defined $new_time) {
600 $self->{date_time} = $new_time + 0;
601 }
602 $self->{date_time};
603 }
605 sub set_datetime ($@) {
606 my $self = shift;
607 my ($year,$month,$day,$hour,$minute,$second,%misc) = @_;
608 my ($zone_sign, $zone_hour, $zone_minute)
609 = $self->_zone_string_to_array ($misc{zone});
610 eval '$self->{date_time} = timegm_nocheck
611 ($second, $minute-($zone_sign*$zone_minute), $hour-($zone_sign*$zone_hour),
612 $day, $month-1, $year);';
613 $self->{secfrac} = $misc{secfrac};
614 $self->{option}->{zone} = [$zone_sign, $zone_hour, $zone_minute];
615 }
617 =head2 $self->second_fraction ([$new_fraction])
619 Returns or set the decimal fraction of a second.
620 Value is a string containing of only [0-9]
621 or empty string.
623 Note that this implemention is temporary and in the near future
624 it can be changed.
626 =cut
628 sub second_fraction ($;$) {
629 my $self = shift;
630 my $new_fraction = shift;
631 if (defined $new_fraction) {
632 $self->{secfrac} = $new_fraction unless $new_fraction =~ /[^0-9]/;
633 }
634 $self->{secfrac};
635 }
637 =item $field-body = $date->stringify ()
639 Returns C<field-body> as a string.
641 =cut
643 sub stringify ($;%) {
644 my $self = shift;
645 my %o = @_;
646 my %option = %{$self->{option}};
647 $option{format_parameters} ||= {};
648 for (grep {/^-/} keys %o) {$option{substr ($_, 1)} = $o{$_}}
649 unless ($option{format_template}) {
650 if ($option{format} =~ /mail-rfc2822|news-usefor|mail-rfc822\+rfc1123|news-son-of-rfc1036|mime/) {
651 $option{format_template} = '%Wdy(local);, %DD(local); %Mon(local); %YYYY(local); %HH(local);:%TT(local);:%SS(local); %zsign;%zHH;%zTT;%comment(prefix=>" ");';
652 } elsif ($option{format} =~ /http/) {
653 $option{format_template} = '%Wdy;, %DD; %Mon; %YYYY; %HH;:%TT;:%SS; GMT';
654 } elsif ($option{format} =~ /mail-rfc822|news-rfc1036/) {
655 $option{format_template} = '%Wdy(local);, %DD(local); %Mon(local); %YY(local); (%YYYY(local);) %HH(local);:%TT(local);:%SS(local); %zsign;%zHH;%zTT;%comment(prefix=>" ");';
656 } elsif ($option{format} =~ /news-rfc850/) {
657 $option{format_template} = '%Weekday;, %DD;-%Mon;-%YY; %HH;:%TT;:%SS; GMT';
658 } elsif ($option{format} =~ /asctime/) {
659 $option{format_template} = '%Wdy; %Mon; %DD(pad=>SP); %HH;:%MM;:%SS; %YYYY;';
660 #} elsif ($option{format} =~ /date\(1\)/) {
661 # $option{format_template} = '%Wdy; %Mon; %DD(pad=>SP); %HH;:%MM;:%SS; GMT %YYYY;';
662 } elsif ($option{format} =~ /un[i*]x/) { ## ;-)
663 $option{format_template} = '%unix;';
664 } else { ## RFC 3339 (IETF's ISO 8601)
665 $option{format_template} = '%YYYY(local);-%MM(local);-%DD(local);T%HH(local);:%TT(local);:%SS(local);%frac(prefix=>.);%zsign;%zHH;:%zTT;%comment(prefix=>" ");';
666 }
667 }
668 my $zone = $option{zone};
669 $zone = [ $self->_zone_string_to_array ($zone) ] if not ref $zone && length $zone;
670 $zone = [+0, 0, 0] unless ref $zone;
671 my $l_time = $self->{date_time} + $zone->[0] * ($zone->[1] * 60 + $zone->[2]) * 60;
672 my $c = '';
673 $c = $self->_comment_stringify
674 if $option{output_comment} && @{ $self->{comment} } > 0;
675 &Message::Util::sprintxf ($option{format_template}, {
676 comment => $c,
677 fmt2str => ($option{format_macros} || \%FMT2STR),
678 option => \%option,
679 time => $self->{date_time},
680 time_local => $l_time,
681 tm => [ gmtime $self->{date_time} ],
682 tm_local => [ gmtime $l_time ],
683 secfrac => $self->{secfrac},
684 secfrac_local => $self->{secfrac}, ## Not supported yet
685 %{ $option{format_parameters} },
686 });
687 }
688 *as_string = \&stringify;
689 *as_plain_string = \&stringify;
690 ## You should use stringify instead of as_rfc2822_time
691 sub as_rfc2822_time ($@) {
692 shift->stringify (-format => 'mail-rfc2822', @_);
693 }
695 sub _zone_string_to_array ($$;$) {
696 my $self = shift;
697 my $zone = shift;
698 return (+1, 0, 0) unless defined $zone;
699 my $format = shift;
700 my @azone = [+1, 0, 0];
701 $zone =~ tr/\x09\x20//d;
702 if ($zone =~ /^[^0-9+-]+(?:([+-]?)([0-9]{1,2}))(?::([0-9]{1,2}))?/) {
703 ## $ENV{TZ} format, but is not fully supported
704 my ($s, $h, $m) = ($1, $2, $3);
705 $s ||= '+'; $s =~ tr/+-/-+/;
706 @azone = ("${s}1", 0+$h, 0+$m);
707 } elsif ($zone =~ /^GMT([+-])([0-9][0-9]?)([0-9][0-9])?/i) {
708 @azone = ("${1}1", 0+$2, 0+$3);
709 } elsif ($zone =~ /([+-])([0-9][0-9])([0-9][0-9])/) {
710 @azone = ("${1}1", $2, $3);
711 } elsif ($zone =~ /([+-])([0-9])([0-9][0-9])/) {
712 @azone = ("${1}1", $2, $3);
713 } elsif ($zone =~ /([+-]?)([0-9]+)(?:[:.-]([0-9]+))?/) {
714 @azone = ("${1}1", $2, 0+$3);
715 } else { $zone =~ tr/-//d;
716 if (ref $ZONE{$zone}) {@azone = @{$ZONE{$zone}}}
717 elsif ($zone) {@azone = (-1, 0, 0)}
718 }
719 # }
720 @azone;
721 }
723 =item $option-value = $date->option ($option-name)
725 Gets option value.
727 =item $date->option ($option-name, $option-value, ...)
729 Set option value(s). You can pass multiple option name-value pair
730 as parameter when setting.
732 =item $clone = $date->clone ()
734 Returns a copy of the object.
736 =cut
738 ## option, clone, method_available: Inherited
740 =head1 EXAMPLE
742 use Message::Field::Date;
744 print Message::Field::Date->new (unix => time,
745 -zone => '+0900'),"\n"; ## Thu, 16 May 2002 17:53:44 +0900
746 print Message::Field::Date->new (unix => time,
747 -format_template => ## Century: 21, Year: 02, Month: 05
748 'Century: %CC;, Year: %YY;, Month: %MM;'),"\n";
750 my $field_body = '04 Feb 2002 00:12:33 CST';
751 my $field = Message::Field::Date->parse ($field_body);
753 print "RFC 2822:\t", $field->stringify (-format => 'mail-rfc2822'), "\n";
754 print "HTTP preferred:\t", $field->stringify (-format => 'http-1.1'), "\n";
755 print "ISO 8601:\t", $field->stringify (-format => 'mail-cpim'), "\n";
756 ## RFC 2822: Mon, 04 Feb 2002 00:12:33 -0600
757 ## HTTP preferred: Mon, 04 Feb 2002 06:12:33 GMT
758 ## ISO 8601: 2002-02-04T00:12:33-06:00
760 =head1 LICENSE
762 Copyright 2002 wakaba E<lt>w@suika.fam.cxE<gt>.
764 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
765 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
766 the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
767 (at your option) any later version.
769 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
770 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
772 GNU General Public License for more details.
774 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
775 along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
776 the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
777 Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
779 =head1 CHANGE
781 See F<ChangeLog>.
782 $Date: 2002/11/13 08:08:51 $
784 =cut
786 1;

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