package Message::DOM::TreeWalker; use strict; our $VERSION=do{my @r=(q$Revision: 1.1 $=~/\d+/g);sprintf "%d."."%02d" x $#r,@r}; push our @ISA, 'Message::IF::TreeWalker'; sub AUTOLOAD { my $method_name = our $AUTOLOAD; $method_name =~ s/.*:://; return if $method_name eq 'DESTROY'; if ({ expand_entity_references => 1, filter => 1, root => 1, what_to_show => 1, }->{$method_name}) { no strict 'refs'; eval qq{ sub $method_name (\$) { \$_[0]->{$method_name} } }; goto &{ $AUTOLOAD }; } else { require Carp; Carp::croak (qq); } } # AUTOLOAD sub ___report_error ($$) { $_[1]->throw } ## TODO: Documentation sub clone ($) { return bless {%{$_[0]}}, ref $_[0]; } # clone ## |TreeWalker| attributes sub current_node ($;$) { if (@_ > 1) { if (defined $_[1]) { $_[0]->{current_node} = $_[1]; } else { require Message::DOM::DOMException; report Message::DOM::DOMException -object => $_[0], -type => 'NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR', -subtype => 'NULLPO_ERR'; } } return $_[0]->{current_node}; } # current_node sub expand_entity_references ($); sub filter ($); sub root ($); sub what_to_show ($); ## |TreeWalker| methods sub first_child ($) { local $Error::Depth = $Error::Depth + 1; my $sresult = $_[0]->_test_node ($_[0]->{current_node}); if ($sresult != 12101) { # MANAKAI_FILTER_OPAQUE my @target = (@{$_[0]->{current_node}->child_nodes}); A: while (@target) { my $target = shift @target; my $result = $_[0]->_test_node ($target); if ($result == 1 or $result == 12101) { # FILTER_ACCEPT, MANAKAI_FILTER_OPAQUE return ($_[0]->{current_node} = $target); } elsif ($result == 3) { # FILTER_SKIP unshift @target, @{$target->child_nodes}; } } # A } # not opaque return undef; } # first_child sub last_child ($) { local $Error::Depth = $Error::Depth + 1; my $sresult = $_[0]->_test_node ($_[0]->{current_node}); if ($sresult != 12101) { # MANAKAI_FILTER_OPAQUE my @target = (@{$_[0]->{current_node}->child_nodes}); A: while (@target) { my $target = pop @target; my $result = $_[0]->_test_node ($target); if ($result == 1 or $result == 12101) { # FILTER_ACCEPT, MANAKAI_FILTER_OPAQUE return ($_[0]->{current_node} = $target); } elsif ($result == 3) { # FILTER_SKIP push @target, @{$target->child_nodes}; } } # A } return undef; } # last_child sub next_node ($) { local $Error::Depth = $Error::Depth + 1; my $target = $_[0]->{current_node}; my $tw = $_[0]->clone; $tw->{current_node} = $target; $tw->{root} = $target; my $fc = $tw->first_child; if (defined $fc) { return ($_[0]->{current_node} = $fc); } while (defined $target) { my $current = $target; undef $target; P: while (defined $current and not $current eq $_[0]->{root}) { $target = $current->next_sibling; last P if defined $target; $current = $current->parent_node; } # P return undef unless defined $target; my $result = $_[0]->_test_node ($target); if ($result == 1 or $result == 12101) { # FILTER_ACCEPT, MANAKAI_FILTER_OPAQUE return ($_[0]->{current_node} = $target); } elsif ($result == 3) { # FILTER_SKIP my $tw = $_[0]->clone; $tw->{current_node} = $target; $tw->{root} = $target; my $fc = $tw->first_child; if (defined $fc) { return ($_[0]->{current_node} = $fc); } } } return undef; } # next_node sub next_sibling ($) { local $Error::Depth = $Error::Depth + 1; my $target = $_[0]->{current_node}; while (defined $target) { my $current = $target; undef $target; P: while (defined $current and not $current eq $_[0]->{root}) { $target = $current->next_sibling; last P if defined $target; $current = $current->parent_node; last P unless defined $current; my $presult = $_[0]->_test_node ($current); last P if $presult != 3; # FILTER_SKIP } # P return undef unless defined $target; my $result = $_[0]->_test_node ($target); if ($result == 1 or $result == 12101) { # FILTER_ACCEPT, MANAKAI_FILTER_OPAQUE return ($_[0]->{current_node} = $target); } elsif ($result == 3) { # FILTER_SKIP my $tw = $_[0]->clone; $tw->{current_node} = $target; $tw->{root} = $target; my $fc = $tw->first_child; if (defined $fc) { return ($_[0]->{current_node} = $fc); } } } return undef; } # next_sibling sub parent_node ($) { local $Error::Depth = $Error::Depth + 1; unless ($_[0]->{current_node} eq $_[0]->{root}) { my $target = $_[0]->{current_node}->parent_node; T: while (defined $target) { my $result = $_[0]->_test_node ($target); if ($result == 1 or $result == 12101) { # FILTER_ACCEPT, MANAKAI_FILTER_OPAQUE return ($_[0]->{current_node} = $target); } elsif ($target eq $_[0]->{root}) { return undef; } $target = $target->parent_node; } # T } return undef; } # parent_node sub previous_node ($) { local $Error::Depth = $Error::Depth + 1; my $target = $_[0]->{current_node}; T: { return undef if $target eq $_[0]->{root}; P: { my $ptarget = $target->previous_sibling; if (defined $ptarget) { my $result = $_[0]->_test_node ($ptarget); if ($result == 12101) { # MANAKAI_FILTER_OPAQUE return ($_[0]->{current_node} = $ptarget); } elsif ($result != 2) { # FILTER_REJECT my $tw = $_[0]->clone; $tw->{current_node} = $ptarget; $tw->{root} = $ptarget; my $lc = $tw->last_child; return ($_[0]->{current_node} = defined $lc ? $lc : $ptarget); } else { $target = $ptarget; redo P; } } } # P my $ptarget = $target->parent_node; if (defined $ptarget) { my $result = $_[0]->_test_node ($ptarget); if ($result == 1 or $result == 12101) { # FILTER_ACCEPT, MANAKAI_FILTER_OPAQUE return ($_[0]->{current_node} = $ptarget); } else { $target = $ptarget; redo T; } } } # T return undef; } # previous_node sub previous_sibling ($) { local $Error::Depth = $Error::Depth + 1; my $target = $_[0]->{current_node}; while (defined $target) { my $current = $target; undef $target; P: while (defined $current and not $current eq $_[0]->{root}) { $target = $current->previous_sibling; last P if defined $target; $current = $current->parent_node; last P unless defined $current; my $presult = $_[0]->_test_node ($current); if ($presult != 3 and $presult != 2) { # FILTER_SKIP, FILTER_REJECT last P; } } # P return undef unless defined $target; my $result = $_[0]->_test_node ($target); if ($result == 1 or $result == 12101) { # FILTER_ACCEPT, MANAKAI_FILTER_OPAQUE return ($_[0]->{current_node} = $target); } elsif ($result == 3) { # FILTER_SKIP my $tw = $_[0]->clone; $tw->{current_node} = $target; $tw->{root} = $target; my $fc = $tw->last_child; if (defined $fc) { return ($_[0]->{current_node} = $fc); } } } return undef; } # previous_sibling ## TODO: Document Perl binding for |NodeFilter|. ## TODO: |NodeFilter| constants... sub _test_node ($$) { ## NOTE: There is a code clone in ||. unless ($_[0]->{expand_entity_references}) { my $parent = $_[1]->parent_node; if (defined $parent and $parent->node_type == 5) { # ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE return 2; # FILTER_REJECT ## NOTE: Even if |NodeIterator|. } } if ($_[0]->{what_to_show} != 0xFFFFFFFF) { # SHOW_ALL my $nt = $_[1]->node_type; if ($nt < 33 and ($_[0]->{what_to_show} & (1 << ($nt-1)))) { # } else { return 3; # FILTER_SKIP } } if (defined $_[0]->{filter}) { local $Error::Depth = $Error::Depth + 1; return $_[0]->{filter}->($_[1]); } else { return 1; # FILTER_ACCEPT } } # _test_node package Message::IF::TreeWalker; package Message::DOM::Document; sub create_tree_walker ($$;$$$) { unless (defined $_[1]) { require Message::DOM::DOMException; report Message::DOM::DOMException -object => $_[0], -type => 'NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR', -subtype => 'NULLPO_ERR'; } return bless { root => $_[1], what_to_show => 0+($_[2] or 0), filter => $_[3], expand_entity_references => $_[4] ? 1 : 0, current_node => $_[1], }, 'Message::DOM::TreeWalker'; } # create_tree_walker =pod TODO: Documentation... FirstChild: If the , if any, returns for the , this method return . {NOTE:: By definition, the parent of the node, if any, is either a child of the or a descendant of the where all ancestors between and that node is ped. That means that the only node that might be is the . } @L2Method: @@Name: lastChild If the , if any, returns for the , this method return . {NOTE:: By definition, the parent of the node, if any, is either a child of the or a descendant of the where all ancestors between and that node is ped. That means that the only node that might be is the . } parentNode: For the purpose of this method, be handled by the same way as . nextNode: If the is marked as by the , the method return any descendant of the . Otherwise, it be treated as if . nextSibling: The value be treated as if is specified. previousNode: This method return a descendant of a sibling of the if an ancestor between the descendant and the parent of the (exclusive) is marked as by the if any. If the node that is a candidate to return is an ancestor of the , the value returned by a be treated as if the value is returned. previousSibling: If a node that is a candicate to be returned is marked as , it be treated as when the node is a sibling of the , or as in where the would be the sibling of the actual otherwise. @@mConst: @@@Name: MANAKAI_FILTER_OPAQUE @@@intValue: 12101 @@@enDesc: Accept the node itself while rejecting its children if any. If the value is specified for a node, the node itself be treated as if the value is specified. However, any descendant of the node be hidden from the logical view as if the value is specified for the ancestor node. {NOTE:: This value can be used to emulate the flag. However, unlike that flag, this filtering option makes the engine behave for descendants as if the node is rejected rather than the descendants of the node is rejected. } {ISSUE:: Better name? Any verb? } {ISSUE:: Interaction to s } {NOTE:: The and s, extended by manakai, has values greater than so that it cannot be controled by the flags. } =head1 LICENSE Copyright 2007 Wakaba This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =cut 1; ## $Date: 2007/07/14 16:32:28 $