package Message::DOM::Node; use strict; our $VERSION=do{my @r=(q$Revision: 1.19 $=~/\d+/g);sprintf "%d."."%02d" x $#r,@r}; push our @ISA, 'Message::IF::Node', 'Message::IF::NSResolver'; require Scalar::Util; require Message::DOM::DOMException; ## NOTE: ## Node ## + Attr (2) ## + AttributeDefinition (81002) ## + CharacterData ## + Comment (8) ## + Text (3) ## + CDATASection (4) ## + Document (9) ## + DocumentFragment (11) ## + DocumentType (10) ## + Element (1) ## + ElementTypeDefinition (81001) ## + Entity (6) ## + EntityReference (5) ## + Notation (12) ## + ProcessingInstruction (7) use overload '==' => 'is_equal_node', '!=' => sub { return not ($_[0] == $_[1]); }, #eq => sub { $_[0] eq $_[1] }, ## is_same_node #ne => sub { $_[0] ne $_[1] }, ## not is_same_node fallback => 1; ## The |Node| interface - constants ## Definition group NodeType ## NOTE: Numeric codes up to 200 are reserved by W3C [DOM1SE, DOM2, DOM3]. sub ELEMENT_NODE () { 1 } sub ATTRIBUTE_NODE () { 2 } sub TEXT_NODE () { 3 } sub CDATA_SECTION_NODE () { 4 } sub ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE () { 5 } sub ENTITY_NODE () { 6 } sub PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE () { 7 } sub COMMENT_NODE () { 8 } sub DOCUMENT_NODE () { 9 } sub DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE () { 10 } sub DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE () { 11 } sub NOTATION_NODE () { 12 } sub ELEMENT_TYPE_DEFINITION_NODE () { 81001 } sub ATTRIBUTE_DEFINITION_NODE () { 81002 } ## Definition group DocumentPosition sub DOCUMENT_POSITION_DISCONNECTED () { 0x01 } sub DOCUMENT_POSITION_PRECEDING () { 0x02 } sub DOCUMENT_POSITION_FOLLOWING () { 0x04 } sub DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINS () { 0x08 } sub DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINED_BY () { 0x10 } sub DOCUMENT_POSITION_IMPLEMENTATION_SPECIFIC () { 0x20 } ## |OperationType| from the |UserDataHandler| interface. sub NODE_CLONED () { 1 } sub NODE_IMPORTED () { 2 } sub NODE_DELETED () { 3 } sub NODE_RENAMED () { 4 } sub NODE_ADOPTED () { 5 } sub ____new ($$) { my $self = bless \({}), shift; $$self->{owner_document} = shift; Scalar::Util::weaken ($$self->{owner_document}); return $self; } # ____new sub ___report_error ($$) { $_[1]->throw; } # ___report_error sub AUTOLOAD { my $method_name = our $AUTOLOAD; $method_name =~ s/.*:://; return if $method_name eq 'DESTROY'; if ({ ## Read-only attributes (trivial accessors) owner_document => 1, parent_node => 1, manakai_read_only => 1, }->{$method_name}) { no strict 'refs'; eval qq{ sub $method_name (\$) { return \${\$_[0]}->{$method_name}; } }; goto &{ $AUTOLOAD }; } elsif (my $module_name = { add_event_listener => 'Message::DOM::EventTargetNode', add_event_listener_ns => 'Message::DOM::EventTargetNode', dispatch_event => 'Message::DOM::EventTargetNode', remove_event_listener => 'Message::DOM::EventTargetNode', remove_event_listener_ns => 'Message::DOM::EventTargetNode', }->{$method_name}) { eval qq{ require $module_name } or die $@; goto &{ $AUTOLOAD }; } else { require Carp; Carp::croak (qq); } } # AUTOLOAD ## |Node| attributes ## NOTE: Overridden by |Element|. sub attributes () { undef } sub base_uri ($) { ## NOTE: Overridden by |Attr|, |CharacterData|, |Document|, |DocumentType|, ## |Element|, |EntityReference|, and |ProcessingInstruction|. local $Error::Depth = $Error::Depth + 1; return $_[0]->owner_document->base_uri; } # base_uri sub child_nodes ($) { ## NOTE: Overridden by |CharacterData|, |ElementTypeDefinition|, ## |Notation|, and |ProcessingInstruction|. require Message::DOM::NodeList; return bless \\($_[0]), 'Message::DOM::NodeList::ChildNodeList'; } # child_nodes sub manakai_expanded_uri ($) { my $self = shift; local $Error::Depth = $Error::Depth + 1; my $ln = $self->local_name; if (defined $ln) { my $nsuri = $self->namespace_uri; if (defined $nsuri) { return $nsuri . $ln; } else { return $ln; } } else { return undef; } } # manakai_expanded_uri sub first_child ($) { my $self = shift; return $$self->{child_nodes} ? $$self->{child_nodes}->[0] : undef; } # first_child sub manakai_language ($;$) { my $self = $_[0]; local $Error::Depth = $Error::Depth + 1; if (@_ > 1) { if ($self->node_type == 1) { # ELEMENT_NODE if (defined $_[1]) { if ($self->has_attribute_ns (undef, 'xml:lang')) { $self->set_attribute_ns (undef, [undef, 'xml:lang'] => $_[1]); # or exception } else { $self->set_attribute_ns (q, 'xml:lang', $_[1]); } } else { $self->remove_attribute_ns (q, 'lang'); $self->remove_attribute_ns (undef, 'xml:lang'); } } return undef unless defined wantarray; } my $target = $self; while (defined $target) { if ($target->node_type == 1) { # ELEMENT_NODE ## Step 1 ## Step 1.1 my $r = $target->get_attribute_ns (q, 'lang'); return $r if defined $r; ## Step 1.2 $r = $target->get_attribute_ns (undef, 'xml:lang'); return $r if defined $r; } ## Step 2 $target = $target->parent_node; } ## Step 3 my $od = $self->owner_document; if (defined $od) { return $od->manakai_language; } ## Step 4 ## TODO: from upper-level protocol, if $self isa Document ## Step 5 return ''; } # manakai_language ## TODO: document sub manakai_html_language ($;$) { my $self = $_[0]; local $Error::Depth = $Error::Depth + 1; if (@_ > 1) { if ($self->node_type == 1) { # ELEMENT_NODE if (defined $_[1]) { ## TODO: non HTML if ($self->has_attribute_ns (undef, 'xml:lang')) { $self->set_attribute_ns (undef, [undef, 'xml:lang'] => $_[1]); # or exception } else { $self->set_attribute (lang => $_[1]); } } else { ## TODO: html lang $self->remove_attribute_ns (q, 'lang'); $self->remove_attribute_ns (undef, 'xml:lang'); } } return undef unless defined wantarray; } my $target = $self; while (defined $target) { if ($target->node_type == 1) { # ELEMENT_NODE ## TODO: non-html my $r = $target->get_attribute ('lang'); return $r if defined $r; ## Step 1 ## Step 1.1 $r = $target->get_attribute_ns (q, 'lang'); return $r if defined $r; ## Step 1.2 $r = $target->get_attribute_ns (undef, 'xml:lang'); return $r if defined $r; } ## Step 2 $target = $target->parent_node; } ## Step 3 my $od = $self->owner_document; if (defined $od) { return $od->manakai_language; } ## Step 4 ## TODO: from upper-level protocol, if $self isa Document ## Step 5 return ''; } # manakai_html_language sub last_child ($) { my $self = shift; return $$self->{child_nodes} && $$self->{child_nodes}->[0] ? $$self->{child_nodes}->[-1] : undef; } # last_child sub local_name { undef } sub manakai_local_name { undef } sub namespace_uri { undef } sub next_sibling ($) { my $self = shift; my $parent = $$self->{parent_node}; return undef unless defined $parent; my $has_self; for (@{$parent->child_nodes}) { if ($_ eq $self) { $has_self = 1; } elsif ($has_self) { return $_; } } return undef; } # next_sibling ## NOTE: Overridden by subclasses. sub node_name () { undef } ## NOTE: Overridden by subclasses. sub node_type () { } ## NOTE: Overridden by |Attr|, |AttributeDefinition|, ## |CharacterData|, and |ProcessingInstruction|. sub node_value () { undef } sub owner_document ($); sub manakai_parent_element ($) { my $self = shift; my $parent = $$self->{parent_node}; while (defined $parent) { if ($parent->node_type == ELEMENT_NODE) { return $parent; } else { $parent = $$parent->{parent_node}; } } return undef; } # manakai_parent_element sub parent_node ($); ## NOTE: Overridden by |Element| and |Attr|. sub prefix ($;$) { undef } sub previous_sibling ($) { my $self = shift; my $parent = $$self->{parent_node}; return undef unless defined $parent; my $prev; for (@{$parent->child_nodes}) { if ($_ eq $self) { return $prev; } else { $prev = $_; } } return undef; } # previous_sibling sub manakai_read_only ($); sub text_content ($;$) { ## NOTE: For |Element|, |Attr|, |Entity|, |EntityReference|, ## |DocumentFragment|, and |AttributeDefinition|. In addition, ## |Document|'s |text_content| might call this attribute. ## NOTE: Overridden by |Document|, |DocumentType|, |Notation|, ## |CharacterData|, |ProcessingInstruction|, and |ElementTypeDefinition|. my $self = $_[0]; if (@_ > 1) { if (${$$self->{owner_document} or $self}->{strict_error_checking} and $$self->{manakai_read_only}) { report Message::DOM::DOMException -object => $self, -type => 'NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR', -subtype => 'READ_ONLY_NODE_ERR'; } local $Error::Depth = $Error::Depth + 1; @{$self->child_nodes} = (); if (defined $_[1] and length $_[1]) { ## NOTE: |DocumentType| don't use this code. my $text = ($$self->{owner_document} || $self)->create_text_node ($_[1]); $self->append_child ($text); } } if (defined wantarray) { local $Error::Depth = $Error::Depth + 1; my $r = ''; my @node = @{$self->child_nodes}; while (@node) { my $child = shift @node; my $child_nt = $child->node_type; if ($child_nt == TEXT_NODE or $child_nt == CDATA_SECTION_NODE) { $r .= $child->node_value unless $child->is_element_content_whitespace; } elsif ($child_nt == COMMENT_NODE or $child_nt == PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE or $child_nt == DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE) { # } else { unshift @node, @{$child->child_nodes}; } } return $r; } } # text_content ## |Node| methods sub append_child ($$) { ## NOTE: |Element|, |Entity|, |DocumentFragment|, |EntityReference|. ## NOTE: |Document|, |Attr|, |CharacterData|, |AttributeDefinition|, ## |Notation|, |ProcessingInstruction| |ElementTypeDefinition|, ## and |DocumentType| define their own implementations. my $self = $_[0]; ## NOTE: Depends on $self->node_type: my $self_od = $$self->{owner_document}; ## -- Node Type check my @new_child; my $new_child_parent; if ($_[1]->node_type == DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE) { push @new_child, @{$_[1]->child_nodes}; $new_child_parent = $_[1]; } else { @new_child = ($_[1]); $new_child_parent = $_[1]->parent_node; } ## NOTE: Depends on $self->node_type: if ($$self_od->{strict_error_checking}) { my $child_od = $_[1]->owner_document || $_[1]; # might be DocumentType if ($self_od ne $child_od and $child_od->node_type != DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE) { report Message::DOM::DOMException -object => $self, -type => 'WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR', -subtype => 'EXTERNAL_OBJECT_ERR'; } if ($$self->{manakai_read_only} or (@new_child and defined $new_child_parent and $$new_child_parent->{manakai_read_only})) { report Message::DOM::DOMException -object => $self, -type => 'NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR', -subtype => 'READ_ONLY_NODE_ERR'; } ## NOTE: |Document| has children order check here. for my $cn (@new_child) { unless ({ TEXT_NODE, 1, ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE, 1, ELEMENT_NODE, 1, CDATA_SECTION_NODE, 1, PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE, 1, COMMENT_NODE, 1, }->{$cn->node_type}) { report Message::DOM::DOMException -object => $self, -type => 'HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR', -subtype => 'CHILD_NODE_TYPE_ERR'; } } my $anode = $self; while (defined $anode) { if ($anode eq $_[1]) { report Message::DOM::DOMException -object => $self, -type => 'HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR', -subtype => 'ANCESTOR_NODE_ERR'; } $anode = $$anode->{parent_node}; } } ## NOTE: "Insert at" code only in insert_before and replace_child ## -- Removes from parent if ($new_child_parent) { if (@new_child == 1) { my $v = $$new_child_parent->{child_nodes}; RP: for my $i (0..$#$v) { if ($v->[$i] eq $new_child[0]) { splice @$v, $i, 1, (); last RP; } } # RP } else { @{$$new_child_parent->{child_nodes}} = (); } } ## -- Rewrite the |parentNode| properties for my $nc (@new_child) { $$nc->{parent_node} = $self; Scalar::Util::weaken ($$nc->{parent_node}); } ## NOTE: Depends on method: push @{$$self->{child_nodes}}, @new_child; ## NOTE: Setting |owner_document| in |Document|. return $_[1]; } # apepnd_child sub clone_node ($;$) { my ($self, $deep) = @_; ## TODO: Cloning operation ## for ElementTypeDefinition, and AttributeDefinition nodes, ## as well as new attributes introduced in DOM XML Document Type Definition ## module. ## TODO: if default attributes and attributedefinition are inconsistent local $Error::Depth = $Error::Depth + 1; my $od = $self->owner_document; my $strict_check = $od->strict_error_checking; $od->strict_error_checking (0); my $cfg = $od->dom_config; my $er_copy_asis = $cfg->get_parameter (q); my $r; my @udh; my @node = ([$self]); while (@node) { my ($node, $parent) = @{shift @node}; my $nt = $node->node_type; my $clone; if ($nt == ELEMENT_NODE) { $clone = $od->create_element_ns ($node->namespace_uri, [$node->prefix, $node->local_name]); if ($parent) { $parent->append_child ($clone); } else { $r = $clone; } my $attrs = $node->attributes; my $attrsMax = @$attrs - 1; for my $i (0..$attrsMax) { my $attr = $attrs->[$i]; push @node, [$attr, $clone] if $attr->specified; } if ($deep) { push @node, map {[$_, $clone]} @{$node->child_nodes}; } } elsif ($nt == TEXT_NODE) { $clone = $od->create_text_node ($node->data); if ($parent) { $parent->append_child ($clone); } else { $r = $clone; } $clone->is_element_content_whitespace (1) if $node->is_element_content_whitespace; } elsif ($nt == ATTRIBUTE_NODE) { $clone = $od->create_attribute_ns ($node->namespace_uri, [$node->prefix, $node->local_name]); if ($parent) { $parent->set_attribute_node_ns ($clone); } else { $r = $clone; } $clone->specified (1); push @node, map {[$_, $clone]} @{$node->child_nodes}; } elsif ($nt == COMMENT_NODE) { $clone = $od->create_comment ($node->data); if ($parent) { $parent->append_child ($clone); } else { $r = $clone; } } elsif ($nt == CDATA_SECTION_NODE) { $clone = $od->create_cdata_section ($node->data); if ($parent) { $parent->append_child ($clone); } else { $r = $clone; } } elsif ($nt == PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE) { $clone = $od->create_processing_instruction ($node->target, $node->data); if ($parent) { $parent->append_child ($clone); } else { $r = $clone; } } elsif ($nt == ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE) { $clone = $od->create_entity_reference ($node->node_name); if ($er_copy_asis) { $clone->manakai_set_read_only (0); $clone->text_content (0); for (@{$node->child_nodes}) { $clone->append_child ($_->clone_node (1)); } $clone->manakai_expanded ($node->manakai_expanded); $clone->manakai_set_read_only (1, 1); } # copy asis if ($parent) { $parent->append_child ($clone); } else { $r = $clone; } } elsif ($nt == DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE) { $clone = $od->create_document_fragment; $r = $clone; push @node, map {[$_, $clone]} @{$node->child_nodes}; } elsif ($nt == DOCUMENT_NODE) { $od->strict_error_checking ($strict_check); report Message::DOM::DOMException -object => $self, -type => 'NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR', -subtype => 'CLONE_NODE_NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR'; } elsif ($nt == DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE) { $od->strict_error_checking ($strict_check); report Message::DOM::DOMException -object => $self, -type => 'NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR', -subtype => 'CLONE_NODE_NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR'; } elsif ($nt == ENTITY_NODE) { $od->strict_error_checking ($strict_check); report Message::DOM::DOMException -object => $self, -type => 'NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR', -subtype => 'CLONE_NODE_NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR'; } elsif ($nt == NOTATION_NODE) { $od->strict_error_checking ($strict_check); report Message::DOM::DOMException -object => $self, -type => 'NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR', -subtype => 'CLONE_NODE_NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR'; } else { $od->strict_error_checking ($strict_check); report Message::DOM::DOMException -object => $self, -type => 'NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR', -subtype => 'CLONE_NODE_NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR'; } my $udhs = $$self->{user_data}; push @udh, [$node => $clone, $udhs] if $udhs and %$udhs; } # @node $od->strict_error_checking (1) if $strict_check; ## Calling user data handlers if any for my $sd (@udh) { my $src = $sd->[0]; my $src_ud = $sd->[2]; for my $key (keys %{$src_ud}) { my $dh = $src_ud->{$key}->[1]; if ($dh) { ## NODE_CLONED $dh->handle (1, $key, $src_ud->{$key}->[0], $src, $sd->[1]); ## ISSUE: |handler| method? CODE? } } } return $r; } # clone_node sub compare_document_position ($$) { ## ISSUE: There are implementation specifics ## (see what Gecko does if it implement this method...) ## ISSUE: Maybe we should overload <=> or cmp ## TODO: Too long method name! Too long constant names! ## Too many thing to be done by a method! ## Maybe we should import simpler method implemented by IE. ## TODO: ElementTypeDefinition and AttributeDefinition my @acontainer = ($_[0]); my @bcontainer = ($_[1]); F: { A: while (1) { if ($acontainer[-1] eq $bcontainer[-1]) { last F; } else { my $ap; my $atype = $acontainer[-1]->node_type; if ($atype == ATTRIBUTE_NODE) { $ap = $acontainer[-1]->owner_element; } elsif ($atype == ENTITY_NODE or $atype == NOTATION_NODE or $atype == ELEMENT_TYPE_DEFINITION_NODE) { $ap = $acontainer[-1]->owner_document_type_definition; } elsif ($atype == ATTRIBUTE_DEFINITION_NODE) { $ap = $acontainer[-1]->owner_element_type_definition; } else { $ap = $acontainer[-1]->parent_node; } if (defined $ap) { push @acontainer, $ap; } else { last A; } } } # A B: while (1) { if ($acontainer[-1] eq $bcontainer[-1]) { last F; } else { my $bp; my $btype = $bcontainer[-1]->node_type; if ($btype == ATTRIBUTE_NODE) { $bp = $bcontainer[-1]->owner_element; } elsif ($btype == ENTITY_NODE or $btype == NOTATION_NODE or $btype == ELEMENT_TYPE_DEFINITION_NODE) { $bp = $bcontainer[-1]->owner_document_type_definition; } elsif ($btype == ATTRIBUTE_DEFINITION_NODE) { $bp = $bcontainer[-1]->owner_element_type_definition; } else { $bp = $bcontainer[-1]->parent_node; } if (defined $bp) { push @bcontainer, $bp; } else { last B; } } } # B ## Disconnected if ($bcontainer[-1]->isa ('Message::IF::Node')) { ## ISSUE: Document this in manakai's DOM Perl Binding? return DOCUMENT_POSITION_DISCONNECTED | DOCUMENT_POSITION_IMPLEMENTATION_SPECIFIC | ((${$acontainer[-1]} cmp ${$bcontainer[-1]}) > 0 ? DOCUMENT_POSITION_FOLLOWING : DOCUMENT_POSITION_PRECEDING); } else { ## TODO: Is there test cases for this? return DOCUMENT_POSITION_DISCONNECTED | DOCUMENT_POSITION_IMPLEMENTATION_SPECIFIC | DOCUMENT_POSITION_FOLLOWING; } } # F ## Common container found if (@acontainer >= 2) { if (@bcontainer >= 2) { my $acnt = $acontainer[-2]->node_type; my $bcnt = $bcontainer[-2]->node_type; if ($acnt == ATTRIBUTE_NODE or $acnt == NOTATION_NODE or $acnt == ELEMENT_TYPE_DEFINITION_NODE or $acnt == ATTRIBUTE_DEFINITION_NODE) { if ($acnt == $bcnt) { return DOCUMENT_POSITION_IMPLEMENTATION_SPECIFIC | (($acontainer[-2]->node_name cmp $bcontainer[-2]->node_name) > 0 ? DOCUMENT_POSITION_FOLLOWING : DOCUMENT_POSITION_PRECEDING); } elsif ($bcnt == ATTRIBUTE_NODE or $bcnt == NOTATION_NODE or $bcnt == ELEMENT_TYPE_DEFINITION_NODE or $bcnt == ATTRIBUTE_DEFINITION_NODE) { return (($acnt < $bcnt) ? DOCUMENT_POSITION_FOLLOWING : DOCUMENT_POSITION_PRECEDING); } else { ## A: Non-child and B: child return DOCUMENT_POSITION_FOLLOWING; } } elsif ($bcnt == ATTRIBUTE_NODE or $bcnt == NOTATION_NODE or $bcnt == ELEMENT_TYPE_DEFINITION_NODE or $bcnt == ATTRIBUTE_DEFINITION_NODE) { ## A: Child and B: non-child return DOCUMENT_POSITION_PRECEDING; } else { ## A and B are both children for my $cn (@{$acontainer[-1]->child_nodes}) { if ($cn eq $acontainer[-2]) { return DOCUMENT_POSITION_FOLLOWING; } elsif ($cn eq $bcontainer[-2]) { return DOCUMENT_POSITION_PRECEDING; } } die "compare_document_position: Something wrong (1)"; } } else { ## B contains A return DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINS | DOCUMENT_POSITION_PRECEDING; } } else { if (@bcontainer >= 2) { ## A contains B return DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINED_BY | DOCUMENT_POSITION_FOLLOWING; } else { ## A eq B return 0; } } die "compare_document_position: Something wrong (2)"; } # compare_document_position sub get_feature ($$;$) { my $feature = lc $_[1]; ## TODO: |lc|? $feature =~ s/^\+//; my $version = defined $_[2] ? $_[2] : ''; if ($Message::DOM::DOMImplementation::HasFeature->{$feature}->{$version}) { return $_[0]; } else { return undef; } } # get_feature sub get_user_data ($$) { if (${$_[0]}->{user_data}->{$_[1]}) { return ${$_[0]}->{user_data}->{$_[1]}->[0]; } else { return undef; } } # get_user_data sub has_attributes ($) { for (values %{${$_[0]}->{attributes} or {}}) { return 1 if keys %$_; } return 0; } # has_attributes sub has_child_nodes ($) { return (@{${$_[0]}->{child_nodes} or []} > 0); } # has_child_nodes sub insert_before ($$) { ## NOTE: |Element|, |Entity|, |DocumentFragment|, |EntityReference|. ## NOTE: |Document|, |Attr|, |CharacterData|, |AttributeDefinition|, ## |Notation|, |ProcessingInstruction|, |ElementTypeDefinition|, ## and |DocumentType| define their own implementations. my $self = $_[0]; ## NOTE: Depends on $self->node_type: my $self_od = $$self->{owner_document}; ## -- Node Type check my @new_child; my $new_child_parent; if ($_[1]->node_type == DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE) { push @new_child, @{$_[1]->child_nodes}; $new_child_parent = $_[1]; } else { @new_child = ($_[1]); $new_child_parent = $_[1]->parent_node; } ## NOTE: Depends on $self->node_type: if ($$self_od->{strict_error_checking}) { my $child_od = $_[1]->owner_document || $_[1]; # might be DocumentType if ($self_od ne $child_od and $child_od->node_type != DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE) { report Message::DOM::DOMException -object => $self, -type => 'WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR', -subtype => 'EXTERNAL_OBJECT_ERR'; } if ($$self->{manakai_read_only} or (@new_child and defined $new_child_parent and $$new_child_parent->{manakai_read_only})) { report Message::DOM::DOMException -object => $self, -type => 'NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR', -subtype => 'READ_ONLY_NODE_ERR'; } ## NOTE: |Document| has children order check here. for my $cn (@new_child) { unless ({ TEXT_NODE, 1, ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE, 1, ELEMENT_NODE, 1, CDATA_SECTION_NODE, 1, PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE, 1, COMMENT_NODE, 1, }->{$cn->node_type}) { report Message::DOM::DOMException -object => $self, -type => 'HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR', -subtype => 'CHILD_NODE_TYPE_ERR'; } } my $anode = $self; while (defined $anode) { if ($anode eq $_[1]) { report Message::DOM::DOMException -object => $self, -type => 'HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR', -subtype => 'ANCESTOR_NODE_ERR'; } $anode = $$anode->{parent_node}; } } ## -- Insert at... ## NOTE: Only in insert_before and replace_child my $index = -1; # last if (defined $_[2]) { ## error if $_[1] eq $_[2]; my $cns = $self->child_nodes; my $cnsl = @$cns; C: { $index = 0; for my $i (0..($cnsl-1)) { my $cn = $cns->[$i]; if ($cn eq $_[2]) { $index += $i; last C; } elsif ($cn eq $_[1]) { $index = -1; # offset } } report Message::DOM::DOMException -object => $self, -type => 'NOT_FOUND_ERR', -subtype => 'NOT_CHILD_ERR'; } # C } ## NOTE: "else" only in replace_child ## -- Removes from parent if ($new_child_parent) { if (@new_child == 1) { my $v = $$new_child_parent->{child_nodes}; RP: for my $i (0..$#$v) { if ($v->[$i] eq $new_child[0]) { splice @$v, $i, 1, (); last RP; } } # RP } else { @{$$new_child_parent->{child_nodes}} = (); } } ## -- Rewrite the |parentNode| properties for my $nc (@new_child) { $$nc->{parent_node} = $self; Scalar::Util::weaken ($$nc->{parent_node}); } ## NOTE: Depends on method: if ($index == -1) { push @{$$self->{child_nodes}}, @new_child; } else { splice @{$$self->{child_nodes}}, $index, 0, @new_child; } ## NOTE: Setting |owner_document| in |Document|. return $_[1]; } # insert_before sub is_equal_node ($$) { local $Error::Depth = $Error::Depth + 1; return 0 unless UNIVERSAL::isa ($_[1], 'Message::IF::Node'); my $nt = $_[0]->node_type; return 0 unless $nt == $_[1]->node_type; my @str_attr = qw/node_name local_name namespace_uri prefix node_value/; push @str_attr, qw/public_id system_id internal_subset/ if $nt == DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE; for my $attr_name (@str_attr) { my $v1 = $_[0]->can ($attr_name) ? $_[0]->$attr_name : undef; my $v2 = $_[1]->can ($attr_name) ? $_[1]->$attr_name : undef; if (defined $v1 and defined $v2) { return 0 unless ''.$v1 eq ''.$v2; } elsif (defined $v1 or defined $v2) { return 0; } } my @num_eq_attr = qw/child_nodes attributes/; push @num_eq_attr, qw/entities notations element_types/ if $nt == DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE; push @num_eq_attr, qw/attribute_definitions/ if $nt == ELEMENT_TYPE_DEFINITION_NODE; push @num_eq_attr, qw/declared_type default_type allowed_tokens/ if $nt == ATTRIBUTE_DEFINITION_NODE; for my $attr_name (@num_eq_attr) { my $v1 = $_[0]->can ($attr_name) ? $_[0]->$attr_name : undef; my $v2 = $_[1]->can ($attr_name) ? $_[1]->$attr_name : undef; if (defined $v1 and defined $v2) { return 0 unless $v1 == $v2; } elsif (defined $v1 or defined $v2) { return 0; } } return 1; } # is_equal_node sub is_same_node ($$) { $_[0] eq $_[1] } sub is_supported ($$;$) { my $feature = lc $_[1]; ## TODO: |lc|? my $plus = ($feature =~ s/^\+//); my $version = defined $_[2] ? $_[2] : ''; return $Message::DOM::DOMImplementation::HasFeature->{$feature}->{$version}; } # is_supported; sub manakai_append_text ($$) { ## NOTE: For |Element|, |Attr|, |Entity|, |EntityReference|, ## |DocumentFragment|, and |AttributeDefinition|. In addition, ## |Document|'s |text_content| might call this attribute. ## NOTE: Overridden by |Document|, |DocumentType|, |CharacterData|, ## |ElementTypeDefinition|, |Notation|, and |ProcessingInstruction|. my $self = $_[0]; local $Error::Depth = $Error::Depth + 1; if (@{$$self->{child_nodes}} and $$self->{child_nodes}->[-1]->node_type == TEXT_NODE) { $$self->{child_nodes}->[-1]->manakai_append_text ($_[1]); } else { my $text = ($$self->{owner_document} or $self)->create_text_node ($_[1]); $self->append_child ($text); } } # manakai_append_text sub is_default_namespace ($$) { local $Error::Depth = $Error::Depth + 1; my $namespace_uri = defined $_[1] ? $_[1] : ''; my $nt = $_[0]->node_type; if ($nt == ELEMENT_NODE) { my $el = $_[0]; EL: { unless (defined $el->prefix) { my $elns = $el->namespace_uri; if ($namespace_uri ne '' and defined $elns) { return $namespace_uri eq $elns; } else { return not ($namespace_uri eq '' or defined $elns); } } my $xmlns = $el->get_attribute_ns ('', 'xmlns'); if (defined $xmlns) { if ($namespace_uri ne '') { return ($namespace_uri eq $xmlns); } else { return ($xmlns eq ''); } } $el = $el->manakai_parent_element; redo EL if defined $el; return 0; } # EL; } else { my $el = $nt == DOCUMENT_NODE ? $_[0]->document_element : $nt == ATTRIBUTE_NODE ? $_[0]->owner_element : $_[0]->manakai_parent_element; if (defined $el) { return $el->is_default_namespace ($_[1]); } else { return 0; } } } # is_default_namespace sub lookup_namespace_uri ($$) { my ($self, $prefix) = @_; $prefix = undef if defined $prefix and $prefix eq ''; ## NOTE: Implementation dependent. ## TODO: Check what Gecko does. local $Error::Depth = $Error::Depth + 1; my $nt = $self->node_type; if ($nt == ELEMENT_NODE) { my $el = $self; EL: { my $elns = $el->namespace_uri; if (defined $elns) { my $elpfx = $el->prefix; if ((not defined $prefix and not defined $elpfx) or (defined $prefix and defined $elpfx and $prefix eq $elpfx)) { return $elns; } } AT: for my $attr (@{$el->attributes}) { my $attrns = $attr->namespace_uri; next AT if not defined $attrns or $attrns ne ''; my $attrpfx = $attr->prefix; if (not defined $prefix) { my $attrln = $attr->local_name; if ($attrln eq 'xmlns') { my $attrval = $attr->value; return length $attrval ? $attrval : undef; } } elsif (defined $prefix and defined $attrpfx and $attrpfx eq 'xmlns') { my $attrln = $attr->local_name; if ($attrln eq $prefix) { my $attrval = $attr->value; return length $attrval ? $attrval : undef; } } } # AT $el = $el->manakai_parent_element; redo EL if defined $el; return undef; } # EL; } else { my $el = $nt == DOCUMENT_NODE ? $self->document_element : $nt == ATTRIBUTE_NODE ? $self->owner_element : $self->manakai_parent_element; if (defined $el) { return $el->lookup_namespace_uri ($prefix); } else { return undef; } } } # lookup_namespace_uri sub lookup_prefix ($$) { my $namespace_uri = defined $_[1] ? $_[1] : ''; if ($namespace_uri eq '') { return undef; } local $Error::Depth = $Error::Depth + 1; my $nt = $_[0]->node_type; if ($nt == ELEMENT_NODE) { my $el = $_[0]; EL: { my $elns = $el->namespace_uri; if (defined $elns and $elns eq $namespace_uri) { my $elpfx = $el->prefix; if (defined $elpfx) { my $oeluri = $_[0]->lookup_namespace_uri ($elpfx); if (defined $oeluri and $oeluri eq $namespace_uri) { return $elpfx; } } } AT: for my $attr (@{$el->attributes}) { my $attrpfx = $attr->prefix; next AT if not defined $attrpfx or $attrpfx ne 'xmlns'; my $attrns = $attr->namespace_uri; next AT if not defined $attrns or $attrns ne ''; next AT unless $attr->value eq $namespace_uri; my $attrln = $attr->local_name; my $oeluri = $el->lookup_namespace_uri ($attrln); next AT unless defined $oeluri; if ($oeluri eq $namespace_uri) { return $attrln; } } $el = $el->manakai_parent_element; redo EL if defined $el; return undef; } # EL } else { my $el = $nt == DOCUMENT_NODE ? $_[0]->document_element : $nt == ATTRIBUTE_NODE ? $_[0]->owner_element : $_[0]->manakai_parent_element; if (defined $el) { return $el->lookup_prefix ($_[1]); } else { return undef; } } } # lookup_prefix sub normalize ($) { my $self = shift; my $ptext; local $Error::Depth = $Error::Depth + 1; ## Children my @remove; for my $cn (@{$self->child_nodes}) { if ($cn->node_type == TEXT_NODE) { my $nv = $cn->node_value; if (length $nv) { if (defined $ptext) { $ptext->manakai_append_text ($nv); $ptext->is_element_content_whitespace (1) if $cn->is_element_content_whitespace and $ptext->is_element_content_whitespace; push @remove, $cn; } else { $ptext = $cn; } } else { push @remove, $cn; } } else { $cn->normalize; undef $ptext; } } $self->remove_child ($_) for @remove; my $nt = $self->node_type; if ($nt == ELEMENT_NODE) { ## Attributes $_->normalize for @{$self->attributes}; } elsif ($nt == DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE) { ## Element type definitions $_->normalize for @{$self->element_types}; ## General entities $_->normalize for @{$self->general_entities}; } elsif ($nt == ELEMENT_TYPE_DEFINITION_NODE) { ## Attribute definitions $_->normalize for @{$self->attribute_definitions}; } ## TODO: normalize-characters ## TODO: In this implementation, if a modification raises a ## |NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR|, then any modification before it ## is not reverted. } # normalize sub remove_child ($$) { my ($self, $old_child) = @_; if ($$self->{manakai_read_only} and ${$$self->{owner_document} or $self}->{strict_error_checking}) { report Message::DOM::DOMException -object => $self, -type => 'NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR', -subtype => 'READ_ONLY_NODE_ERR'; } my $parent_list = $$self->{child_nodes} || []; for (0..$#$parent_list) { if ($parent_list->[$_] eq $old_child) { splice @$parent_list, $_, 1, (); delete $$old_child->{parent_node}; return $old_child; } } report Message::DOM::DOMException -object => $self, -type => 'NOT_FOUND_ERR', -subtype => 'NOT_CHILD_ERR'; } # remove_child sub replace_child ($$) { ## NOTE: |Element|, |Entity|, |DocumentFragment|, |EntityReference|. ## NOTE: |Document|, |Attr|, |CharacterData|, |AttributeDefinition|, ## |Notation|, |ProcessingInstruction|, |ElementTypeDefinition|, ## and |DocumentType| define their own implementations. my $self = $_[0]; ## NOTE: Depends on $self->node_type: my $self_od = $$self->{owner_document}; ## -- Node Type check my @new_child; my $new_child_parent; if ($_[1]->node_type == DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE) { push @new_child, @{$_[1]->child_nodes}; $new_child_parent = $_[1]; } else { @new_child = ($_[1]); $new_child_parent = $_[1]->parent_node; } ## NOTE: Depends on $self->node_type: if ($$self_od->{strict_error_checking}) { my $child_od = $_[1]->owner_document || $_[1]; # might be DocumentType if ($self_od ne $child_od and $child_od->node_type != DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE) { report Message::DOM::DOMException -object => $self, -type => 'WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR', -subtype => 'EXTERNAL_OBJECT_ERR'; } if ($$self->{manakai_read_only} or (@new_child and defined $new_child_parent and $$new_child_parent->{manakai_read_only})) { report Message::DOM::DOMException -object => $self, -type => 'NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR', -subtype => 'READ_ONLY_NODE_ERR'; } ## NOTE: |Document| has children order check here. for my $cn (@new_child) { unless ({ TEXT_NODE, 1, ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE, 1, ELEMENT_NODE, 1, CDATA_SECTION_NODE, 1, PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE, 1, COMMENT_NODE, 1, }->{$cn->node_type}) { report Message::DOM::DOMException -object => $self, -type => 'HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR', -subtype => 'CHILD_NODE_TYPE_ERR'; } } my $anode = $self; while (defined $anode) { if ($anode eq $_[1]) { report Message::DOM::DOMException -object => $self, -type => 'HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR', -subtype => 'ANCESTOR_NODE_ERR'; } $anode = $$anode->{parent_node}; } } ## -- Insert at... ## NOTE: Only in insertBefore and replaceChild my $index = -1; # last if (defined $_[2]) { ## error if $_[1] eq $_[2]; my $cns = $self->child_nodes; my $cnsl = @$cns; C: { $index = 0; for my $i (0..($cnsl-1)) { my $cn = $cns->[$i]; if ($cn eq $_[2]) { $index += $i; last C; } elsif ($cn eq $_[1]) { $index = -1; # offset } } report Message::DOM::DOMException -object => $self, -type => 'NOT_FOUND_ERR', -subtype => 'NOT_CHILD_ERR'; } # C } else { ## NOTE: Only in replaceChild report Message::DOM::DOMException -object => $self, -type => 'NOT_FOUND_ERR', -subtype => 'NOT_CHILD_ERR'; } ## -- Removes from parent if ($new_child_parent) { if (@new_child == 1) { my $v = $$new_child_parent->{child_nodes}; RP: for my $i (0..$#$v) { if ($v->[$i] eq $new_child[0]) { splice @$v, $i, 1, (); last RP; } } # RP } else { @{$$new_child_parent->{child_nodes}} = (); } } ## -- Rewrite the |parentNode| properties for my $nc (@new_child) { $$nc->{parent_node} = $self; Scalar::Util::weaken ($$nc->{parent_node}); } ## NOTE: Depends on method: splice @{$$self->{child_nodes}}, $index, 1, @new_child; delete ${$_[2]}->{parent_node}; ## NOTE: Setting |owner_document| in |Document|. return $_[2]; } # replace_child sub manakai_set_read_only ($;$$) { my $value = 1 if $_[1]; if ($_[2]) { my @target = ($_[0]); while (@target) { my $target = shift @target; if ($value) { $$target->{manakai_read_only} = 1; } else { delete $$target->{manakai_read_only}; } push @target, @{$target->child_nodes}; my $nt = $target->node_type; if ($nt == ELEMENT_NODE) { push @target, @{$target->attributes}; } elsif ($nt == ELEMENT_TYPE_DEFINITION_NODE) { push @target, @{$target->attribute_definitions}; } elsif ($nt == DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE) { push @target, @{$target->element_types}; push @target, @{$target->general_entities}; push @target, @{$target->notations}; } } } else { # not deep if ($value) { ${$_[0]}->{manakai_read_only} = 1; } else { delete ${$_[0]}->{manakai_read_only}; } } } # manakai_set_read_only # {NOTE:: Perl application developers are advised to be careful # to include direct or indirect references to the node # itself as user data or in user data handlers. # They would result in memory leak problems unless # the circular references are removed later. # # It would be a good practive to eusure that every user data # registered to a node is later unregistered by setting # as a data for the same key. # sub set_user_data ($$;$$) { my ($self, $key, $data, $handler) = @_; my $v = ($$self->{user_data} ||= {}); my $r = $v->{$key}->[0]; if (defined $data) { $v->{$key} = [$data, $handler]; if (defined $handler) { eval q{ no warnings; sub DESTROY { my $uds = ${$_[0]}->{user_data}; for my $key (keys %$uds) { if (defined $uds->{$key}->[1]) { local $Error::Depth = $Error::Depth + 1; $uds->{$key}->[1]->(3, $key, $uds->{$key}->[0]); # NODE_DELETED } } } }; } } else { delete $v->{$key}; } return $r; } # set_user_data package Message::IF::Node; package Message::IF::NSResolver; =head1 LICENSE Copyright 2007 Wakaba This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =cut 1; ## $Date: 2008/10/21 07:51:59 $