## NOTE: This module will be renamed as Document.pm. package Message::DOM::Document; use strict; our $VERSION=do{my @r=(q$Revision: 1.24 $=~/\d+/g);sprintf "%d."."%02d" x $#r,@r}; push our @ISA, 'Message::DOM::Node', 'Message::IF::Document', 'Message::IF::DocumentTraversal', 'Message::IF::DocumentXDoctype', 'Message::IF::DocumentSelector', # MUST in Selectors API spec 'Message::IF::HTMLDocument'; require Message::DOM::Node; use Char::Class::XML qw/ InXML_NameStartChar10 InXMLNameStartChar11 InXMLNameChar10 InXMLNameChar11 InXML_NCNameStartChar10 InXMLNCNameStartChar11 InXMLNCNameChar10 InXMLNCNameChar11 /; sub ____new ($$) { my $self = shift->SUPER::____new (undef); $$self->{implementation} = $_[0]; $$self->{strict_error_checking} = 1; $$self->{child_nodes} = []; $$self->{'http://suika.fam.cx/www/2006/dom-config/strict-document-children'} = 1; $$self->{'http://suika.fam.cx/www/2006/dom-config/dtd-default-attribute'} = 1; $$self->{'http://suika.fam.cx/www/2006/dom-config/clone-entity-reference-subtree'} = 1; $$self->{'error-handler'} = sub ($) { ## NOTE: Same as one set by |setParameter| with |undef| value. warn $_[0]; return $_[0]->severity != 3; # SEVERITY_FATAL_ERROR }; return $self; } # ____new sub AUTOLOAD { my $method_name = our $AUTOLOAD; $method_name =~ s/.*:://; return if $method_name eq 'DESTROY'; if ({ ## Read-only attributes (trivial accessors) implementation => 1, }->{$method_name}) { no strict 'refs'; eval qq{ sub $method_name (\$) { return \${\$_[0]}->{$method_name}; } }; goto &{ $AUTOLOAD }; } elsif ({ ## Read-write attributes (DOMString, trivial accessors) document_uri => 1, input_encoding => 1, }->{$method_name}) { no strict 'refs'; eval qq{ sub $method_name (\$;\$) { if (\@_ > 1) { if (\${\$_[0]}->{strict_error_checking} and \${\$_[0]}->{manakai_read_only}) { report Message::DOM::DOMException -object => \$_[0], -type => 'NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR', -subtype => 'READ_ONLY_NODE_ERR'; } if (defined \$_[1]) { \${\$_[0]}->{$method_name} = ''.\$_[1]; } else { delete \${\$_[0]}->{$method_name}; } } return \${\$_[0]}->{$method_name}; } }; goto &{ $AUTOLOAD }; } elsif ({ ## Read-write attributes (boolean, trivial accessors) all_declarations_processed => 1, }->{$method_name}) { no strict 'refs'; eval qq{ sub $method_name (\$;\$) { if (\@_ > 1) { if (\${\$_[0]}->{manakai_strict_error_checking} and \${\$_[0]}->{manakai_read_only}) { report Message::DOM::DOMException -object => \$_[0], -type => 'NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR', -subtype => 'READ_ONLY_NODE_ERR'; } if (\$_[1]) { \${\$_[0]}->{$method_name} = 1; } else { delete \${\$_[0]}->{$method_name}; } } return \${\$_[0]}->{$method_name}; } }; goto &{ $AUTOLOAD }; } elsif (my $module_name = { can_dispatch => 'Message::DOM::EventTargetNode', create_attribute => 'Message::DOM::Attr', create_attribute_ns => 'Message::DOM::Attr', create_attribute_definition => 'Message::DOM::AttributeDefinition', create_cdata_section => 'Message::DOM::Text', create_comment => 'Message::DOM::CharacterData', create_document_fragment => 'Message::DOM::DocumentFragment', create_document_type_definition => 'Message::DOM::DocumentType', create_element => 'Message::DOM::Element', create_element_ns => 'Message::DOM::Element', create_element_type_definition => 'Message::DOM::ElementTypeDefinition', create_entity_reference => 'Message::DOM::EntityReference', create_event => 'Message::DOM::EventTargetNode', create_general_entity => 'Message::DOM::Entity', create_notation => 'Message::DOM::Notation', create_processing_instruction => 'Message::DOM::ProcessingInstruction', manakai_create_serial_walker => 'Message::DOM::SerialWalker', create_text_node => 'Message::DOM::Text', create_tree_walker => 'Message::DOM::TreeWalker', query_selector => 'Message::DOM::SelectorsAPI', query_selector_all => 'Message::DOM::SelectorsAPI', }->{$method_name}) { eval qq{ require $module_name } or die $@; goto &{ $AUTOLOAD }; } else { require Carp; Carp::croak (qq); } } # AUTOLOAD sub implementation ($); sub create_attribute ($$); sub create_attribute_ns ($$$); sub create_attribute_definition ($$); sub create_cdata_section ($$); sub create_comment ($$); sub create_document_fragment ($); sub create_document_type_definition ($$); sub create_element ($$); sub create_element_ns ($$$); sub create_element_type_definition ($$); sub create_entity_reference ($$); sub create_general_entity ($$); sub create_notation ($$); sub create_processing_instruction ($$$); sub create_text_node ($$); ## |Node| attributes sub base_uri ($) { my $v = ${$_[0]}->{manakai_entity_base_uri}; if (defined $v) { return $v; } else { return ${$_[0]}->{document_uri}; } ## TODO: HTML5 } # base_uri sub node_name () { '#document' } sub node_type () { 9 } # DOCUMENT_NODE sub text_content ($;$) { my $self = shift; if ($$self->{'http://suika.fam.cx/www/2006/dom-config/strict-document-children'}) { return undef; } else { local $Error::Depth = $Error::Depth + 1; return $self->SUPER::text_content (@_); } } # text_content ## |Node| methods sub adopt_node ($$) { my ($self, $source) = @_; ## TODO: Should we apply |copy-asis| configuration parameter to this method? return undef unless UNIVERSAL::isa ($source, 'Message::DOM::Node'); my $strict = $self->strict_error_checking; if ($strict and $$self->{manakai_read_only}) { report Message::DOM::DOMException -object => $self, -type => 'NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR', -subtype => 'READ_ONLY_NODE_ERR'; } my $parent = $source->parent_node; if ($strict and defined $parent and $$parent->{manakai_read_only}) { report Message::DOM::DOMException -object => $self, -type => 'NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR', -subtype => 'READ_ONLY_NODE_ERR'; } my $nt = $source->node_type; my $oe; if ($nt == 2) { # ATTRIBUTE_NODE $oe = $source->owner_element; if ($strict and defined $oe and $$oe->{manakai_read_only}) { report Message::DOM::DOMException -object => $self, -type => 'NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR', -subtype => 'READ_ONLY_NODE_ERR'; } } elsif ($nt == 9 or $nt == 10 or $nt == 6 or $nt == 12 or $nt == 81001 or $nt == 81002) { # DOCUMENT_NODE, DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE, ENTITY_NODE, NOTATION_NODE, # ELEMENT_TYPE_DEFINITION_NODE, ATTRIBUTE_DEFINITION_NODE report Message::DOM::DOMException -object => $self, -type => 'NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR', -subtype => 'ADOPT_NODE_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR'; ## ISSUE: Define ELEMENT_TYPE_DEFINITION_NODE and ATTRIBUTE_DEFINITION_NODE } my @change_od; my @nodes = ($source); while (@nodes) { my $node = shift @nodes; my $nt = $node->node_type; if ($strict and $$node->{manakai_read_only}) { report Message::DOM::DOMException -object => $self, -type => 'NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR', -subtype => 'READ_ONLY_NODE_ERR'; } push @change_od, $node; push @nodes, @{$node->child_nodes}, @{$node->attributes or []}; } # @nodes local $Error::Depth = $Error::Depth + 1; if (defined $parent) { $parent->remove_child ($source); } elsif (defined $oe) { $oe->remove_attribute_node ($source); } return $source if $self eq $change_od[0]->owner_document; ## NOTE: The array must have more than zero ## nodes by definition. In addition, ## it cannot contain document or document ## type nodes in current implementation. my @ud_node; for my $n (@change_od) { $$n->{owner_document} = $self; Scalar::Util::weaken ($$n->{owner_document}); if ($$n->{user_data}) { push @ud_node, $n; } } for my $src (@ud_node) { my $src_ud = $$src->{user_data}; for my $key (keys %{$src_ud}) { my $dh = $src_ud->{$key}->[1]; if ($dh) { $dh->(5, $key, $src_ud->{$key}->[0], $src, undef); # NODE_ADOPTED } } } return $source; } # adopt_node sub append_child ($$) { ## NOTE: Overrides |Node|'s implementation. my $self = $_[0]; ## NOTE: |$self_od| code here in some $self->node_type. ## -- Node Type check my @new_child; my $new_child_parent; if ($_[1]->node_type == 11) { # DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE push @new_child, @{$_[1]->child_nodes}; $new_child_parent = $_[1]; } else { @new_child = ($_[1]); $new_child_parent = $_[1]->parent_node; } ## NOTE: Depends on $self->node_type: if ($$self->{strict_error_checking}) { my $child_od = $_[1]->owner_document || $_[1]; # might be DocumentType if ($self ne $child_od and $child_od->node_type != 10) { report Message::DOM::DOMException # DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE -object => $self, -type => 'WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR', -subtype => 'EXTERNAL_OBJECT_ERR'; } if ($$self->{manakai_read_only} or (@new_child and defined $new_child_parent and $$new_child_parent->{manakai_read_only})) { report Message::DOM::DOMException -object => $self, -type => 'NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR', -subtype => 'READ_ONLY_NODE_ERR'; } ## NOTE: Only in |Document|: my $strict_children = $self->dom_config->get_parameter (q); if ($strict_children) { my $has_el; my $has_dt; my $child_nt = $_[1]->node_type; if ($child_nt == 1) { # ELEMENT_NODE $has_el = 1; } elsif ($child_nt == 10) { # DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE $has_dt = 1; } elsif ($child_nt == 11) { # DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE for my $cn (@{$_[1]->child_nodes}) { my $cnt = $cn->node_type; if ($cnt == 1) { # ELEMENT_NODE if ($has_el) { report Message::DOM::DOMException -object => $self, -type => 'HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR', -subtype => 'CHILD_NODE_TYPE_ERR'; } $has_el = 1; } elsif ($cnt == 10) { # DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE ## NOTE: |DocumentType| node cannot be contained in ## |DocumentFragment| in strict mode. if ($has_dt) { report Message::DOM::DOMException -object => $self, -type => 'HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR', -subtype => 'CHILD_NODE_TYPE_ERR'; } $has_dt = 1; } } } if ($has_el) { my $anode = $self->last_child; while (defined $anode) { if ($anode->node_type == 1) { # ELEMENT_NODE report Message::DOM::DOMException -object => $self, -type => 'HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR', -subtype => 'CHILD_NODE_TYPE_ERR'; } $anode = $anode->previous_sibling; } } # has_el if ($has_dt) { my $anode = $self->last_child; while (defined $anode) { my $ant = $anode->node_type; if ($ant == 1 or $ant == 10) { # ELEMENT_NODE or DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE report Message::DOM::DOMException -object => $self, -type => 'HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR', -subtype => 'CHILD_NODE_TYPE_ERR'; } $anode = $anode->previous_sibling; } } # has_dt } for my $cn (@new_child) { unless ({ 3, (not $strict_children), # TEXT_NODE 5, (not $strict_children), # ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE 1, 1, # ELEMENT_NODE 4, (not $strict_children), # CDATA_SECTION_NODE 7, 1, # PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE 8, 1, # COMMENT_NODE 10, 1, # DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE }->{$cn->node_type}) { report Message::DOM::DOMException -object => $self, -type => 'HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR', -subtype => 'CHILD_NODE_TYPE_ERR'; } } ## NOTE: Ancestor check here in |Node|. } ## NOTE: "Insert at" code only in insert_before and replace_child ## -- Removes from parent if ($new_child_parent) { if (@new_child == 1) { my $v = $$new_child_parent->{child_nodes}; RP: for my $i (0..$#$v) { if ($v->[$i] eq $new_child[0]) { splice @$v, $i, 1, (); last RP; } } # RP } else { @{$$new_child_parent->{child_nodes}} = (); } } ## -- Rewrite the |parentNode| properties for my $nc (@new_child) { $$nc->{parent_node} = $self; Scalar::Util::weaken ($$nc->{parent_node}); } ## NOTE: Depends on method: push @{$$self->{child_nodes}}, @new_child; ## NOTE: Only in |Document|. for (@new_child) { delete $$_->{implementation}; $$_->{owner_document} = $self; Scalar::Util::weaken ($$_->{owner_document}); } return $_[1]; } # apepnd_child sub manakai_append_text ($$) { my $self = shift; if ($$self->{'http://suika.fam.cx/www/2006/dom-config/strict-document-children'}) { # } else { local $Error::Depth = $Error::Depth + 1; return $self->SUPER::manakai_append_text (@_); } } # manakai_append_text sub insert_before ($$) { ## NOTE: Overrides |Node|'s implementation. my $self = $_[0]; ## NOTE: |$self_od| code here depending on $self->node_type. ## -- Node Type check my @new_child; my $new_child_parent; if ($_[1]->node_type == 11) { # DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE push @new_child, @{$_[1]->child_nodes}; $new_child_parent = $_[1]; } else { @new_child = ($_[1]); $new_child_parent = $_[1]->parent_node; } ## NOTE: Depends on $self->node_type: if ($$self->{strict_error_checking}) { my $child_od = $_[1]->owner_document || $_[1]; # might be DocumentType if ($self ne $child_od and $child_od->node_type != 10) { report Message::DOM::DOMException # DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE -object => $self, -type => 'WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR', -subtype => 'EXTERNAL_OBJECT_ERR'; } if ($$self->{manakai_read_only} or (@new_child and defined $new_child_parent and $$new_child_parent->{manakai_read_only})) { report Message::DOM::DOMException -object => $self, -type => 'NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR', -subtype => 'READ_ONLY_NODE_ERR'; } ## NOTE: Only in |Document|: my $strict_children = $self->dom_config->get_parameter (q); if ($strict_children) { my $has_el; my $has_dt; my $child_nt = $_[1]->node_type; if ($child_nt == 1) { # ELEMENT_NODE $has_el = 1; } elsif ($child_nt == 10) { # DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE $has_dt = 1; } elsif ($child_nt == 11) { # DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE for my $cn (@{$_[1]->child_nodes}) { my $cnt = $cn->node_type; if ($cnt == 1) { # ELEMENT_NODE if ($has_el) { report Message::DOM::DOMException -object => $self, -type => 'HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR', -subtype => 'CHILD_NODE_TYPE_ERR'; } $has_el = 1; } elsif ($cnt == 10) { # DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE ## NOTE: |DocumentType| node cannot be contained in ## |DocumentFragment| in strict mode. if ($has_dt) { report Message::DOM::DOMException -object => $self, -type => 'HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR', -subtype => 'CHILD_NODE_TYPE_ERR'; } $has_dt = 1; } } } ## ISSUE: This code is wrong. Old manakai's implementation ## is better, but it is also wrong in some edge cases. ## Maybe we should remove these code entirely. DOM3Core ## conformance is not important for this bit. It only makes ## things too complex. Same for replace_child's code. if ($has_el) { my $anode = $self->last_child; while (defined $anode) { if ($anode->node_type == 1) { # ELEMENT_NODE report Message::DOM::DOMException -object => $self, -type => 'HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR', -subtype => 'CHILD_NODE_TYPE_ERR'; } $anode = $anode->previous_sibling; } } # has_el if ($has_dt) { my $anode = $self->last_child; while (defined $anode) { my $ant = $anode->node_type; if ($ant == 1 or $ant == 10) { # ELEMENT_NODE or DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE report Message::DOM::DOMException -object => $self, -type => 'HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR', -subtype => 'CHILD_NODE_TYPE_ERR'; } $anode = $anode->previous_sibling; } } # has_dt } for my $cn (@new_child) { unless ({ 3, (not $strict_children), # TEXT_NODE 5, (not $strict_children), # ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE 1, 1, # ELEMENT_NODE 4, (not $strict_children), # CDATA_SECTION_NODE 7, 1, # PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE 8, 1, # COMMENT_NODE 10, 1, # DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE }->{$cn->node_type}) { report Message::DOM::DOMException -object => $self, -type => 'HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR', -subtype => 'CHILD_NODE_TYPE_ERR'; } } ## NOTE: Ancestor check here in |Node|. } ## -- Insert at... ## NOTE: Only in insert_before and replace_child my $index = -1; # last if (defined $_[2]) { ## error if $_[1] eq $_[2]; my $cns = $self->child_nodes; my $cnsl = @$cns; C: { $index = 0; for my $i (0..($cnsl-1)) { my $cn = $cns->[$i]; if ($cn eq $_[2]) { $index += $i; last C; } elsif ($cn eq $_[1]) { $index = -1; # offset } } report Message::DOM::DOMException -object => $self, -type => 'NOT_FOUND_ERR', -subtype => 'NOT_CHILD_ERR'; } # C } ## NOTE: "else" only in replace_child ## -- Removes from parent if ($new_child_parent) { if (@new_child == 1) { my $v = $$new_child_parent->{child_nodes}; RP: for my $i (0..$#$v) { if ($v->[$i] eq $new_child[0]) { splice @$v, $i, 1, (); last RP; } } # RP } else { @{$$new_child_parent->{child_nodes}} = (); } } ## -- Rewrite the |parentNode| properties for my $nc (@new_child) { $$nc->{parent_node} = $self; Scalar::Util::weaken ($$nc->{parent_node}); } ## NOTE: Depends on method: if ($index == -1) { push @{$$self->{child_nodes}}, @new_child; } else { splice @{$$self->{child_nodes}}, $index, 0, @new_child; } ## NOTE: Only in |Document|. for (@new_child) { delete $$_->{implementation}; $$_->{owner_document} = $self; Scalar::Util::weaken ($$_->{owner_document}); } return $_[1]; } # insert_before sub replace_child ($$) { ## NOTE: Overrides |Node|'s implementation. my $self = $_[0]; ## NOTE: |$self_od| code here depending on $self->node_type. ## -- Node Type check my @new_child; my $new_child_parent; if ($_[1]->node_type == 11) { # DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE push @new_child, @{$_[1]->child_nodes}; $new_child_parent = $_[1]; } else { @new_child = ($_[1]); $new_child_parent = $_[1]->parent_node; } ## NOTE: Depends on $self->node_type: if ($$self->{strict_error_checking}) { my $child_od = $_[1]->owner_document || $_[1]; # might be DocumentType if ($self ne $child_od and $child_od->node_type != 10) { report Message::DOM::DOMException # DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE -object => $self, -type => 'WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR', -subtype => 'EXTERNAL_OBJECT_ERR'; } if ($$self->{manakai_read_only} or (@new_child and defined $new_child_parent and $$new_child_parent->{manakai_read_only})) { report Message::DOM::DOMException -object => $self, -type => 'NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR', -subtype => 'READ_ONLY_NODE_ERR'; } ## NOTE: Only in |Document|: my $strict_children = $self->dom_config->get_parameter (q); if ($strict_children) { my $has_el; my $has_dt; my $child_nt = $_[1]->node_type; if ($child_nt == 1) { # ELEMENT_NODE $has_el = 1; } elsif ($child_nt == 10) { # DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE $has_dt = 1; } elsif ($child_nt == 11) { # DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE for my $cn (@{$_[1]->child_nodes}) { my $cnt = $cn->node_type; if ($cnt == 1) { # ELEMENT_NODE if ($has_el) { report Message::DOM::DOMException -object => $self, -type => 'HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR', -subtype => 'CHILD_NODE_TYPE_ERR'; } $has_el = 1; } elsif ($cnt == 10) { # DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE ## NOTE: |DocumentType| node cannot be contained in ## |DocumentFragment| in strict mode. if ($has_dt) { report Message::DOM::DOMException -object => $self, -type => 'HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR', -subtype => 'CHILD_NODE_TYPE_ERR'; } $has_dt = 1; } } } if ($has_el) { my $anode = $self->last_child; while (defined $anode) { if ($anode->node_type == 1) { # ELEMENT_NODE report Message::DOM::DOMException -object => $self, -type => 'HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR', -subtype => 'CHILD_NODE_TYPE_ERR'; } $anode = $anode->previous_sibling; } } # has_el if ($has_dt) { my $anode = $self->last_child; while (defined $anode) { my $ant = $anode->node_type; if ($ant == 1 or $ant == 10) { # ELEMENT_NODE or DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE report Message::DOM::DOMException -object => $self, -type => 'HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR', -subtype => 'CHILD_NODE_TYPE_ERR'; } $anode = $anode->previous_sibling; } } # has_dt } for my $cn (@new_child) { unless ({ 3, (not $strict_children), # TEXT_NODE 5, (not $strict_children), # ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE 1, 1, # ELEMENT_NODE 4, (not $strict_children), # CDATA_SECTION_NODE 7, 1, # PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE 8, 1, # COMMENT_NODE 10, 1, # DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE }->{$cn->node_type}) { report Message::DOM::DOMException -object => $self, -type => 'HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR', -subtype => 'CHILD_NODE_TYPE_ERR'; } } ## NOTE: Ancestor check here in |Node|. } ## -- Insert at... ## NOTE: Only in insertBefore and replaceChild my $index = -1; # last if (defined $_[2]) { ## error if $_[1] eq $_[2]; my $cns = $self->child_nodes; my $cnsl = @$cns; C: { $index = 0; for my $i (0..($cnsl-1)) { my $cn = $cns->[$i]; if ($cn eq $_[2]) { $index += $i; last C; } elsif ($cn eq $_[1]) { $index = -1; # offset } } report Message::DOM::DOMException -object => $self, -type => 'NOT_FOUND_ERR', -subtype => 'NOT_CHILD_ERR'; } # C } else { ## NOTE: Only in replaceChild report Message::DOM::DOMException -object => $self, -type => 'NOT_FOUND_ERR', -subtype => 'NOT_CHILD_ERR'; } ## -- Removes from parent if ($new_child_parent) { if (@new_child == 1) { my $v = $$new_child_parent->{child_nodes}; RP: for my $i (0..$#$v) { if ($v->[$i] eq $new_child[0]) { splice @$v, $i, 1, (); last RP; } } # RP } else { @{$$new_child_parent->{child_nodes}} = (); } } ## -- Rewrite the |parentNode| properties for my $nc (@new_child) { $$nc->{parent_node} = $self; Scalar::Util::weaken ($$nc->{parent_node}); } ## NOTE: Depends on method: splice @{$$self->{child_nodes}}, $index, 1, @new_child; delete ${$_[2]}->{parent_node}; ## NOTE: Only in |Document|. for (@new_child) { delete $$_->{implementation}; $$_->{owner_document} = $self; Scalar::Util::weaken ($$_->{owner_document}); } return $_[2]; } # replace_child ## |Document| attributes ## NOTE: A manakai extension. sub all_declarations_processed ($;$); sub doctype ($) { my $self = $_[0]; for (@{$self->child_nodes}) { if ($_->node_type == 10) { # DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE return $_; } } return undef; } # doctype sub document_element ($) { my $self = shift; for (@{$self->child_nodes}) { if ($_->node_type == 1) { # ELEMENT_NODE return $_; } } return undef; } # document_element sub document_uri ($;$); sub dom_config ($) { require Message::DOM::DOMConfiguration; return bless \\($_[0]), 'Message::DOM::DOMConfiguration'; } # dom_config sub manakai_entity_base_uri ($;$) { my $self = $_[0]; if (@_ > 1) { if ($$self->{strict_error_checking}) { if ($$self->{manakai_read_only}) { report Message::DOM::DOMException -object => $self, -type => 'NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR', -subtype => 'READ_ONLY_NODE_ERR'; } } if (defined $_[1]) { $$self->{manakai_entity_base_uri} = ''.$_[1]; } else { delete $$self->{manakai_entity_base_uri}; } } if (defined $$self->{manakai_entity_base_uri}) { return $$self->{manakai_entity_base_uri}; } else { return $$self->{document_uri}; } } # manakai_entity_base_uri sub input_encoding ($;$); sub strict_error_checking ($;$) { ## NOTE: Same as trivial boolean accessor, except no read-only checking. if (@_ > 1) { if ($_[1]) { ${$_[0]}->{strict_error_checking} = 1; } else { delete ${$_[0]}->{strict_error_checking}; } } return ${$_[0]}->{strict_error_checking}; } # strict_error_checking ## ISSUE: Setting manakai_is_html true shadows ## xml_* properties. Is this desired? sub xml_encoding ($;$) { my $self = $_[0]; if (@_ > 1) { ## NOTE: A manakai extension. if ($$self->{strict_error_checking}) { if ($$self->{manakai_is_html}) { report Message::DOM::DOMException -object => $self, -type => 'NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR', -subtype => 'NON_HTML_OPERATION_ERR'; } if ($$self->{manakai_read_only}) { report Message::DOM::DOMException -object => $self, -type => 'NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR', -subtype => 'READ_ONLY_NODE_ERR'; } } if (defined $_[1]) { $$self->{xml_encoding} = ''.$_[1]; } else { delete $$self->{xml_encoding}; } } if ($$self->{manakai_is_html}) { return undef; } else { return $$self->{xml_encoding}; } } # xml_encoding sub xml_standalone ($;$) { my $self = $_[0]; if (@_ > 1) { if ($$self->{strict_error_checking}) { if ($$self->{manakai_is_html}) { report Message::DOM::DOMException -object => $self, -type => 'NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR', -subtype => 'NON_HTML_OPERATION_ERR'; } ## NOTE: Not in DOM3. if ($$self->{manakai_read_only}) { report Message::DOM::DOMException -object => $self, -type => 'NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR', -subtype => 'READ_ONLY_NODE_ERR'; } } if ($_[1]) { $$self->{xml_standalone} = 1; } else { delete $$self->{xml_standalone}; } } if ($$self->{manakai_is_html}) { return 0; } else { return $$self->{xml_standalone}; } } # xml_standalone sub xml_version ($;$) { my $self = $_[0]; if (@_ > 1) { my $v = ''.$_[1]; if ($$self->{strict_error_checking}) { if ($$self->{manakai_is_html}) { report Message::DOM::DOMException -object => $self, -type => 'NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR', -subtype => 'NON_HTML_OPERATION_ERR'; } if ($v ne '1.0' and $v ne '1.1') { report Message::DOM::DOMException -object => $self, -type => 'NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR', -subtype => 'UNKNOWN_XML_VERSION_ERR'; } if ($$self->{manakai_read_only}) { ## ISSUE: Not in DOM3. report Message::DOM::DOMException -object => $self, -type => 'NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR', -subtype => 'READ_ONLY_NODE_ERR'; } } $$self->{xml_version} = $v; } if (defined wantarray) { if ($$self->{manakai_is_html}) { return undef; } elsif (defined $$self->{xml_version}) { return $$self->{xml_version}; } else { return '1.0'; } } } # xml_version ## |Document| methods sub get_element_by_id ($$) { local $Error::Depth = $Error::Depth + 1; my @nodes = @{$_[0]->child_nodes}; N: while (@nodes) { my $node = shift @nodes; next N unless $node->node_type == 1; # ELEMENT_NODE for my $attr (@{$node->attributes}) { if ($attr->is_id and $attr->value eq $_[1]) { return $node; } } unshift @nodes, @{$node->child_nodes}; } # N return undef; } # get_element_by_id ## TODO: HTML5 case normalization sub get_elements_by_tag_name ($$) { my $name = ''.$_[1]; my $chk; if ($name eq '*') { $chk = sub () { 1 }; } else { $chk = sub ($) { return $_[0]->manakai_tag_name eq $name; }; } require Message::DOM::NodeList; return bless \[$_[0], $chk], 'Message::DOM::NodeList::GetElementsList'; } # get_elements_by_tag_name sub get_elements_by_tag_name_ns ($$$) { my $nsuri = defined $_[1] ? ''.$_[1] : ''; my $lname = ''.$_[2]; my $chk; if ($nsuri eq '*') { if ($lname eq '*') { $chk = sub () { 1 }; } else { $chk = sub ($) { return $_[0]->manakai_local_name eq $lname; }; } } elsif ($nsuri eq '') { if ($lname eq '*') { $chk = sub ($) { return not defined $_[0]->namespace_uri; }; } else { $chk = sub ($) { return (not defined $_[0]->namespace_uri and $_[0]->manakai_local_name eq $lname); }; } } else { if ($lname eq '*') { $chk = sub ($) { my $ns = $_[0]->namespace_uri; return (defined $ns and $ns eq $nsuri); }; } else { $chk = sub ($) { my $ns = $_[0]->namespace_uri; return (defined $ns and $ns eq $nsuri and $_[0]->manakai_local_name eq $lname); }; } } require Message::DOM::NodeList; return bless \[$_[0], $chk], 'Message::DOM::NodeList::GetElementsList'; } # get_elements_by_tag_name ## TODO: import_node ## TODO: normalize_document ## TODO: rename_node ## |DocumentTraversal| methods ## TODO: create_node_iterator sub manakai_create_serial_walker ($$;$$$); sub create_tree_walker ($$;$$$); ## |HTMLDocument| attributes sub compat_mode ($) { if (${$_[0]}->{manakai_is_html}) { if (defined ${$_[0]}->{manakai_compat_mode} and ${$_[0]}->{manakai_compat_mode} eq 'quirks') { return 'BackCompat'; } } return 'CSS1Compat'; } # compat_mode sub manakai_compat_mode ($;$) { if (${$_[0]}->{manakai_is_html}) { if (@_ > 1 and defined $_[1] and {'no quirks' => 1, 'limited quirks' => 1, 'quirks' => 1}->{$_[1]}) { ${$_[0]}->{manakai_compat_mode} = $_[1]; } return ${$_[0]}->{manakai_compat_mode} || 'no quirks'; } else { return 'no quirks'; } } # manakai_compat_mode sub inner_html ($;$) { my $self = $_[0]; local $Error::Depth = $Error::Depth + 1; if ($$self->{manakai_is_html}) { require Whatpm::HTML; if (@_ > 1) { ## Step 1 ## TODO: Stop parsing and ... ## Step 2 my @cn = @{$self->child_nodes}; for (@cn) { ## NOTE: Might throw a |NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR|. $self->remove_child ($_); # } ## Step 3, 4, 5 Whatpm::HTML->parse_string ($_[1] => $self); ## TODO: ## return unless defined wantarray; } require Whatpm::HTML::Serializer; return ${ Whatpm::HTML::Serializer->get_inner_html ($self) }; } else { if (@_ > 1) { ## Step 1 require Whatpm::XMLParser; # MUST my $doc = $self->implementation->create_document; ## Step 2 # ## Step 3 $doc = Whatpm::XMLParser->parse_string ($_[1] => $doc); # MUST ## Step 4 # ## Step 5 ## TODO: ill-formed -> SYNTAX_ERR # MUST ## Step 6 # MUST my @cn = @{$self->child_nodes}; ## TODO: If read-only for (@cn) { $self->remove_child ($_); } ## Step 7, 8, 9, 10 for my $node (@{$doc->child_nodes}) { $self->append_child ($self->adopt_node ($node)); } return unless defined wantarray; } ## TODO: This serializer is currently not conformant to HTML5 spec. require Whatpm::XMLSerializer; my $r = ''; for (@{$self->child_nodes}) { $r .= ${ Whatpm::XMLSerializer->get_outer_xml ($_, sub { ## TODO: INVALID_STATE_ERR }) }; } return $r; } } # inner_html sub manakai_is_html ($;$) { if (@_ > 1) { if ($_[1]) { ${$_[0]}->{manakai_is_html} = 1; } else { delete ${$_[0]}->{manakai_is_html}; delete ${$_[0]}->{manakai_compat_mode}; } } return ${$_[0]}->{manakai_is_html}; } # manakai_is_html package Message::IF::Document; package Message::IF::DocumentTraversal; package Message::IF::DocumentXDoctype; package Message::IF::DocumentSelector; package Message::IF::HTMLDocument; package Message::DOM::DOMImplementation; sub create_document ($;$$$) { my $r = Message::DOM::Document->____new ($_[0]); if (defined $_[2]) { local $Error::Depth = $Error::Depth + 1; $r->append_child ($r->create_element_ns ($_[1], $_[2])); # NAMESPACE_ERR ## NOTE: manakai might raise DOMExceptions in cases not defined ## in DOM3Core spec: XMLNSPREFIX_NONXMLNSNS_ERR, ## XMLNS_NONXMLNSNS_ERR, and NONXMLNSPREFIX_XMLNSNS_ERR. } elsif (defined $_[1]) { report Message::DOM::DOMException -object => $_[0], -type => 'NAMESPACE_ERR', -subtype => 'QNAME_NULLNS_ERR'; } if (defined $_[3]) { if ($_[3]->parent_node) { report Message::DOM::DOMException -object => $_[0], -type => 'WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR', -subtype => 'INUSE_DOCTYPE_ERR'; } local $Error::Depth = $Error::Depth + 1; $r->insert_before ($_[3], $r->first_child); # EXTERNAL_OBJECT_ERR } return $r; } # create_document =head1 LICENSE Copyright 2007 Wakaba This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =cut 1; ## $Date: 2007/11/11 04:23:32 $