Namespace: @DOMCore: @DOMEvents: @DOMViews: @ev: @lang: @license: @ManakaiDOMEvents: @TreeCore:\ Module: @Name: DOMMouseEvents @Namespace: @BindingName: @@@: events @@Type: lang:IDL-DOM @@prefix: @FullName: @@lang:en @@@: DOM Mouse Events Module @Description: @@lang:en @@@: This event module is specifically designed for use with pointing input devices, such as a mouse or a track ball. \ The mouse event module is composed of events listed in HTML 4.0 and additional events that are supported in DOM Level 0 browsers. @Author: @@FullName: Wakaba @@Mail: @License: license:Perl+MPL @Date.RCS: $Date: 2004/10/17 04:46:43 $ @ConditionDef: @@Name:DOM2 @ConditionDef: @@Name:DOM3 @@ISA:DOM2 @NormalCondition:DOM3 @Feature: @@Name:MouseEvents @@Version:2.0 @@FullName: DOM Level 2 Mouse Events @@ImplNote: @@@lang:en @@@@: The support for / is required. @@Condition[list]: DOM2 DOM3 @@Contrib: DOMCore:DOMImplementation:: @Feature: @@Name:MouseEvents @@Version:3.0 @@FullName: DOM Level 3 Mouse Events @@ImplNote: @@@lang:en @@@@: The support for / is required. @@Condition[list]: DOM3 @@Contrib: DOMCore:DOMImplementation:: @Require: @@Module: @@@Name: DOMUIEvents @@@FileName: @@@@@: events.idl @@@@For: lang:IDL-DOM @@@Namespace: EventSet: @Event: @@Name:click @@QName: ev:click @@Description: @@@lang:en @@@@: A pointing device button is clicked over an element. The definition of a depends on the environment configuration. \ In the case of nested elements, this event is always targeted at the most deeply nested element. \ Events and are dispatched before the . The target node must be the same betweeb these three events; otherwise, i.e. and occur betweeb the press and release of the button, cannot occur. @@Type:MouseEvent @@IsBubbling:1 @@IsCancelable:1 @@EventTarget: @@@Type: DOMCore:Element @@SpecLevel:2 @@ContextInfo: @@@Attr: @@@@IF:MouseEvent @@@@Name:screenX @@@Attr: @@@@IF:MouseEvent @@@@Name:screenY @@@Attr: @@@@IF:MouseEvent @@@@Name:clientX @@@Attr: @@@@IF:MouseEvent @@@@Name:clientY @@@Attr: @@@@IF:MouseEvent @@@@Name:altKey @@@Attr: @@@@IF:MouseEvent @@@@Name:ctrlKey @@@Attr: @@@@IF:MouseEvent @@@@Name:shiftKey @@@Attr: @@@@IF:MouseEvent @@@@Name:metaKey @@@ImplNote: @@@@lang:en @@@@@: @@@Attr: @@@@IF:MouseEvent @@@@Name:button @@@Attr: @@@@IF: DOMUIEvents:UIEvent @@@@Name:view @@@Attr: @@@@IF: DOMUIEvents:UIEvent @@@@Name:detail @@@@Type: DOMMain:unsigned-long @@@@Description: @@@@@lang:en @@@@@@: The number of consecutive clicks of a pointing device button during a user action. \ {NOTE:: The notion of consecutive clicks depends on the environment configuration. \ } @Event: @@Name:mousedown @@QName: ev:mousedown @@Description: @@@lang:en @@@@: A pointing device button is pressed over an element. \ In the case of nested elements, this event is always targeted at the most deeply nested element. @@Type:MouseEvent @@IsBubbling:1 @@IsCancelable:1 @@EventTarget: @@@Type: DOMCore:Element @@SpecLevel:2 @@ContextInfo: @@@Attr: @@@@IF:MouseEvent @@@@Name:screenX @@@Attr: @@@@IF:MouseEvent @@@@Name:screenY @@@Attr: @@@@IF:MouseEvent @@@@Name:clientX @@@Attr: @@@@IF:MouseEvent @@@@Name:clientY @@@Attr: @@@@IF:MouseEvent @@@@Name:altKey @@@Attr: @@@@IF:MouseEvent @@@@Name:ctrlKey @@@Attr: @@@@IF:MouseEvent @@@@Name:shiftKey @@@Attr: @@@@IF:MouseEvent @@@@Name:metaKey @@@ImplNote: @@@@lang:en @@@@@: @@@Attr: @@@@IF:MouseEvent @@@@Name:button @@@Attr: @@@@IF: DOMUIEvents:UIEvent @@@@Name:view @@@Attr: @@@@IF: DOMUIEvents:UIEvent @@@@Name:detail @@@@Type: DOMMain:unsigned-long @@@@Description: @@@@@lang:en @@@@@@: The number of consecutive clicks of a pointing device button during a user action. \ {NOTE:: The notion of consecutive clicks depends on the environment configuration. \ } \ {eg:: \ If no click happend before the mousedown, the value will be . \ } @Event: @@Name:mouseup @@QName: ev:mouseup @@Description: @@@lang:en @@@@: A pointing device button is released over an element. \ In the case of nested elements, this event is always targeted at the most deeply nested element. @@Type:MouseEvent @@IsBubbling:1 @@IsCancelable:1 @@EventTarget: @@@Type: DOMCore:Element @@SpecLevel:2 @@ContextInfo: @@@Attr: @@@@IF:MouseEvent @@@@Name:screenX @@@Attr: @@@@IF:MouseEvent @@@@Name:screenY @@@Attr: @@@@IF:MouseEvent @@@@Name:clientX @@@Attr: @@@@IF:MouseEvent @@@@Name:clientY @@@Attr: @@@@IF:MouseEvent @@@@Name:altKey @@@Attr: @@@@IF:MouseEvent @@@@Name:ctrlKey @@@Attr: @@@@IF:MouseEvent @@@@Name:shiftKey @@@Attr: @@@@IF:MouseEvent @@@@Name:metaKey @@@ImplNote: @@@@lang:en @@@@@: @@@Attr: @@@@IF:MouseEvent @@@@Name:button @@@Attr: @@@@IF: DOMUIEvents:UIEvent @@@@Name:view @@@Attr: @@@@IF: DOMUIEvents:UIEvent @@@@Name:detail @@@@Type: DOMMain:unsigned-long @@@@Description: @@@@@lang:en @@@@@@: The number of consecutive clicks of a pointing device button during a user action. \ {NOTE:: The notion of consecutive clicks depends on the environment configuration. \ } @Event: @@Name:mouseover @@QName: ev:mouseover @@Description: @@@lang:en @@@@: A pointing device is moved onto an element. \ In the case of nested elements, this event is always targeted at the most deeply nested element. @@Type:MouseEvent @@IsBubbling:1 @@IsCancelable:1 @@EventTarget: @@@Type: DOMCore:Element @@SpecLevel:2 @@ContextInfo: @@@Attr: @@@@IF:MouseEvent @@@@Name:screenX @@@Attr: @@@@IF:MouseEvent @@@@Name:screenY @@@Attr: @@@@IF:MouseEvent @@@@Name:clientX @@@Attr: @@@@IF:MouseEvent @@@@Name:clientY @@@Attr: @@@@IF:MouseEvent @@@@Name:altKey @@@Attr: @@@@IF:MouseEvent @@@@Name:ctrlKey @@@Attr: @@@@IF:MouseEvent @@@@Name:shiftKey @@@Attr: @@@@IF:MouseEvent @@@@Name:metaKey @@@ImplNote: @@@@lang:en @@@@@: @@@Attr: @@@@IF:MouseEvent @@@@Name:button @@@Attr: @@@@IF: DOMUIEvents:UIEvent @@@@Name:view @@@Attr: @@@@IF:MouseEvent @@@@Name:relatedTarget @@@@Type: DOMEvents:EventTarget @@@@Description: @@@@@lang:en @@@@@@: The event target a pointing device is exiting. @Event: @@Name:mousemove @@QName: ev:mousemove @@Description: @@@lang:en @@@@: A pointing device is moved while it is over an element. \ In the case of nested elements, this event is always targeted at the most deeply nested element. @@Type:MouseEvent @@IsBubbling:1 @@IsCancelable:1 @@EventTarget: @@@Type: DOMCore:Element @@SpecLevel:2 @@ContextInfo: @@@Attr: @@@@IF:MouseEvent @@@@Name:screenX @@@Attr: @@@@IF:MouseEvent @@@@Name:screenY @@@Attr: @@@@IF:MouseEvent @@@@Name:clientX @@@Attr: @@@@IF:MouseEvent @@@@Name:clientY @@@Attr: @@@@IF:MouseEvent @@@@Name:altKey @@@Attr: @@@@IF:MouseEvent @@@@Name:ctrlKey @@@Attr: @@@@IF:MouseEvent @@@@Name:shiftKey @@@Attr: @@@@IF:MouseEvent @@@@Name:metaKey @@@ImplNote: @@@@lang:en @@@@@: @@@Attr: @@@@IF:MouseEvent @@@@Name:button @@@Attr: @@@@IF: DOMUIEvents:UIEvent @@@@Name:view @Event: @@Name:mouseout @@QName: ev:mouseout @@Description: @@@lang:en @@@@: A pointing device is moved away from an element. \ In the case of nested elements, this event is always targeted at the most deeply nested element. @@Type:MouseEvent @@IsBubbling:1 @@IsCancelable:1 @@EventTarget: @@@Type: DOMCore:Element @@SpecLevel:2 @@ContextInfo: @@@Attr: @@@@IF:MouseEvent @@@@Name:screenX @@@Attr: @@@@IF:MouseEvent @@@@Name:screenY @@@Attr: @@@@IF:MouseEvent @@@@Name:clientX @@@Attr: @@@@IF:MouseEvent @@@@Name:clientY @@@Attr: @@@@IF:MouseEvent @@@@Name:altKey @@@Attr: @@@@IF:MouseEvent @@@@Name:ctrlKey @@@Attr: @@@@IF:MouseEvent @@@@Name:shiftKey @@@Attr: @@@@IF:MouseEvent @@@@Name:metaKey @@@ImplNote: @@@@lang:en @@@@@: @@@Attr: @@@@IF:MouseEvent @@@@Name:button @@@Attr: @@@@IF: DOMUIEvents:UIEvent @@@@Name:view @@@Attr: @@@@IF:MouseEvent @@@@Name:relatedTarget @@@@Type: DOMEvents:EventTarget @@@@Description: @@@@@lang:en @@@@@@: The event target a pointing device is entering. @ImplNote: @@lang:en @@@: {P:: An will produce: \ = with that equals . \ = with that equals . \ = with that equals . \ = with that equals . \ = with that equals . \ = with that equals . \ } @ImplNote: @@lang:en @@@: The will be if the user moves the mouse between the mousedown and mouseup. ##EventSet IF: @Name: MouseEvent @Description: @@lang:en @@@: Provide specific contextual information associated with Mouse Events. \ {NOTE:: In the case of nested elements, mouse events are always targeted at the most deeply nested element. \ } @Example: @@FullName: @@@lang:en @@@@: Create an instance of the interface @@Code: @@@Type: lang:Perl @@@@: my $me = $DocumentEvents->createEvent ('MouseEvent'); @ISA: DOMUIEvents:UIEvent @Role: @@@: DOMEvents:Event @@compat: ManakaiDOMEvents:Events @Level[list]: 2 @SpecLevel[list]: 2 3 @Attr: @@Name: screenX @@Description: @@@lang:en @@@@: The horizontal coordinate at which the event occurred relative to the origin of the screen coordinate system. @@Get: @@@Type: DOMMain:long @@@Def: @@@@Type: lang:dis @@@@GetProp: DOMMouseEvents:screenX @Attr: @@Name: screenY @@Description: @@@lang:en @@@@: The vertical coordinate at which the event occurred relative to the origin of the screen coordinate system. @@Get: @@@Type: DOMMain:long @@@Def: @@@@Type: lang:dis @@@@GetProp: DOMMouseEvents:screenY @Attr: @@Name: clientX @@Description: @@@lang:en @@@@: The horizontal coordinate at which the event occurred relative to the client area of the DOM implementation. @@Get: @@@Type: DOMMain:long @@@Def: @@@@Type: lang:dis @@@@GetProp: DOMMouseEvents:clientX @Attr: @@Name: clientY @@Description: @@@lang:en @@@@: The vertical coordinate at which the event occurred relative to the client area of the DOM implementation. @@Get: @@@Type: DOMMain:long @@@Def: @@@@Type: lang:dis @@@@GetProp: DOMMouseEvents:clientY @Attr: @@Name: ctrlKey @@Description: @@@lang:en @@@@: Whether the Ctrl () key modifier is activated or not. @@Get: @@@Type: DOMMain:boolean @@@InCase: @@@@Value: true @@@InCase: @@@@Value: false @Attr: @@Name: shiftKey @@Description: @@@lang:en @@@@: Whether the key modifier is activated or not. @@Get: @@@Type: DOMMain:boolean @@@InCase: @@@@Value: true @@@InCase: @@@@Value: false @Attr: @@Name: altKey @@Description: @@@lang:en @@@@: Whether the (alternative) key modifier is activated or not. \ {NOTE:: The Macintosh key modifier must be represented using this key modifier. \ } @@Get: @@@Type: DOMMain:boolean @@@InCase: @@@@Value: true @@@InCase: @@@@Value: false @Attr: @@Name: metaKey @@Description: @@@lang:en @@@@: Whether the key modifier is activated or not. \ {NOTE:: The Macintosh key modifier must be represented using this key. \ } @@Get: @@@Type: DOMMain:boolean @@@InCase: @@@@Value: true @@@InCase: @@@@Value: false @Attr: @@Name: button @@Description: @@@lang:en @@@@: Mouse button that changed the state. @@Get: @@@Type: DOMMain:unsigned-short @@@Description: @@@@lang:en @@@@@: A number that indicates which mouse button changed the state. @@@InCase: @@@@Value:0 @@@@Description: @@@@@lang:en @@@@@@: The normal button of the mouse. \ {NOTE:: In general, it is the left button or the one button on the Macintosh mouse. \ } @@@@SpecLevel:2 @@@InCase: @@@@Value:1 @@@@Description: @@@@@lang:en @@@@@@: The extra button. \ {NOTE:: In general, it is the middle button and often combined with the mouse wheel. \ } @@@@SpecLevel:2 @@@InCase: @@@@Value:2 @@@@Description: @@@@@lang:en @@@@@@: The contextual property button. \ {NOTE:: In general, it is the right button. \ } @@@@SpecLevel:2 @@@InCase: @@@@Label: @@@@@lang:en @@@@@@: Values higher than @@@@Description: @@@@@lang:en @@@@@@: Other button. @@@@SpecLevel:3 @@@Def: @@@@Type: lang:dis @@@@GetProp: DOMMouseEvents:button @Attr: @@Name: relatedTarget @@Description: @@@lang:en @@@@: The secondary related to a UI event. @@Get: @@@Type: DOMEvents:EventTarget @@@Def: @@@@Type: lang:dis @@@@GetProp: DOMMouseEvents:relatedTarget @ImplNote: @@lang:en @@@: When initializing using or , the DOM implementation should use the client coordinates and for calculation of other coordinates such as target coordinates exposed by the DOM implementation. @Method: @@Name: initMouseEvent @@Description: @@@lang:en @@@@: Initialize the value of a object. It has the same behavior as . @@NSVersion:initMouseEventNS @@Param: @@@Name: typeArg @@@Type: DOMMain:DOMString @@Param: @@@Name: canBubbleArg @@@Type: DOMMain:boolean @@@InCase: @@@@Value: true @@@InCase: @@@@Value: false @@Param: @@@Name: cancelableArg @@@Type: DOMMain:boolean @@@InCase: @@@@Value: true @@@InCase: @@@@Value: false @@Param: @@@Name: viewArg @@@Type: DOMViews:AbstractView @@Param: @@@Name: detailArg @@@Type: DOMMain:long @@Param: @@@Name: screenXArg @@@Type: DOMMain:long @@Param: @@@Name: screenYArg @@@Type: DOMMain:long @@Param: @@@Name: clientXArg @@@Type: DOMMain:long @@Param: @@@Name: clientYArg @@@Type: DOMMain:long @@Param: @@@Name: ctrlKeyArg @@@Type: DOMMain:boolean @@@InCase: @@@@Value: true @@@InCase: @@@@Value: false @@Param: @@@Name: altKeyArg @@@Type: DOMMain:boolean @@@InCase: @@@@Value: true @@@InCase: @@@@Value: false @@Param: @@@Name: shiftKeyArg @@@Type: DOMMain:boolean @@@InCase: @@@@Value: true @@@InCase: @@@@Value: false @@Param: @@@Name: metaKeyArg @@@Type: DOMMain:boolean @@@InCase: @@@@Value: true @@@InCase: @@@@Value: false @@Param: @@@Name: buttonArg @@@Type: DOMMain:unsigned-short @@Param: @@@Name: relatedTargetArg @@@Type: DOMEvents:EventTarget @@Return: @@@Def: @@@@Type: lang:Perl @@@@@: __DEEP{ ## Conditional $self->__SUPER{UIEvent}__::initUIEvent ($typeArg, $canBubbleArg, $cancelableArg, $viewArg, $detailArg); }__; for ($self->{}) { $_->{} = $screenXArg; $_->{} = $screenYArg; $_->{} = $clientXArg; $_->{} = $clientYArg; $_->{} = ''; $_->{} .= ' Control' if $ctrlKeyArg; $_->{} .= ' Alt' if $altKeyArg; $_->{} .= ' Shift' if $shiftKeyArg; $_->{} .= ' Meta' if $metaKeyArg; $_->{} = $buttonArg; $_->{} = $relatedTargetArg; } @@SpecLevel:2 @@Level[list]: 2 3 @Method: @@Name: getModifierState @@Description: @@@lang:en @@@@: Return the state of a modifier. @@Param: @@@Name: keyIdentifierArg @@@Type: ManakaiDOM:ManakaiDOMKeyIdentifier @@@Description: @@@@lang:en @@@@@: The modifier key of which the state is queries. @@@ImplNote: @@@@lang:en @@@@@: If a DOM application wishes to distinguish between left and right key modifiers, use keyboard events. @@Return: @@@Type: DOMMain:boolean @@@InCase: @@@@Value: true @@@@Description: @@@@@lang:en @@@@@@: The is a modifier key and the modifier is activated. @@@InCase: @@@@Value: false @@Level[list]: 3 @@SpecLevel[list]: 3 @Method: @@Name: initMouseEventNS @@Description: @@@lang:en @@@@: Initialize the value of a object. It has the same behavior as . @@NoNSVersion:initMouseEvent @@Param: @@@Name: namespaceURI @@@Type: ManakaiDOM:ManakaiDOMNamespaceURI @@Param: @@@Name: typeArg @@@Type: DOMMain:DOMString @@Param: @@@Name: canBubbleArg @@@Type: DOMMain:boolean @@@InCase: @@@@Value: true @@@InCase: @@@@Value: false @@Param: @@@Name: cancelableArg @@@Type: DOMMain:boolean @@@InCase: @@@@Value: true @@@InCase: @@@@Value: false @@Param: @@@Name: viewArg @@@Type: DOMViews:AbstractView @@Param: @@@Name: detailArg @@@Type: DOMMain:long @@Param: @@@Name: screenXArg @@@Type: DOMMain:long @@Param: @@@Name: screenYArg @@@Type: DOMMain:long @@Param: @@@Name: clientXArg @@@Type: DOMMain:long @@Param: @@@Name: clientYArg @@@Type: DOMMain:long @@Param: @@@Name: buttonArg @@@Type: DOMMain:unsigned-short @@Param: @@@Name: relatedTargetArg @@@Type: DOMEvents:EventTarget @@Param: @@@Name: modifiersList @@@Type: ManakaiDOM:ManakaiDOMKeyIdentifiers @@@Description: @@@@lang:en @@@@@: Modifier key identifiers to be activated. @@Return: @@@Def: @@@@Type: lang:Perl @@@@@: __DEEP{ ## Conditional $self->__SUPER{UIEvent}__::initUIEventNS ($namespaceURI, $typeArg, $canBubbleArg, $cancelableArg, $viewArg, $detailArg); }__; for ($self->{}) { $_->{} = $screenXArg; $_->{} = $screenYArg; $_->{} = $clientXArg; $_->{} = $clientYArg; $_->{} = $buttonArg; $_->{} = $relatedTargetArg; $_->{} = $modifiersList; } @@Level[list]: 3 @@SpecLevel[list]: 3 ##IF:MouseEvent ## DOMMouseEvents.dis ends here