package Message::DOM::DOMException; use strict; our $VERSION=do{my @r=(q$Revision: 1.16 $=~/\d+/g);sprintf "%d."."%02d" x $#r,@r}; push our @ISA, 'Message::Util::Error', 'Message::IF::DOMException'; require Message::Util::Error; sub ___error_def () {+{ INDEX_SIZE_ERR => { -code => 1, -subtype => { INDEX_OUT_OF_BOUND_ERR => { -description => q(Specified index is outside of the bounds), }, }, }, # DOMSTRING_SIZE_ERR == 2 HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR => { -code => 3, -subtype => { ANCESTOR_NODE_ERR => { -description => q(Specified node is an ancestor of the node or the node itself), }, CHILD_NODE_TYPE_ERR => { -description => q(This type of node cannot be inserted to this point), }, INUSE_DEFINITION_ERR => { -description => q(The node is already in use), }, }, }, WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR => { -code => 4, -subtype => { EXTERNAL_OBJECT_ERR => { -description => q(Can't insert into different document), }, INUSE_DOCTYPE_ERR => { -description => q(Document type is already in use), }, }, }, INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR => { -code => 5, -subtype => { MALFORMED_EVENT_TYPE_ERR => { -description => q(Event type is not an XML Namespaces 1.1 |NCName|), }, MALFORMED_NAME_ERR => { -description => q(Not a legal XML |Name|), }, }, }, # NO_DATA_ALLOWED_ERR == 6 NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR => { -code => 7, -subtype => { READ_ONLY_NODE_ERR => { -description => q(Can't modify read-only node), }, READ_ONLY_NODE_LIST_ERR => { -description => q(Can't modify read-only node list), }, }, }, NOT_FOUND_ERR => { -code => 8, -subtype => { NOT_CHILD_ERR => { -description => q(Not a child of this node), }, UNRECOGNIZED_CONFIGURATION_PARAMETER_ERR => { -description => q(Unrecognized configuration parameter is specified), }, }, }, NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR => { -code => 9, -subtype => { ADOPT_NODE_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR => { -description => q(Can't adopt specified type of node), }, CLONE_NODE_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR => { -description => q(Can't clone specified type of node), }, CONFIGURATION_PARAMETER_VALUE_ERR => { -description => q(Can't set the value to the configuration parameter), }, EVENT_INTERFACE_NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR => { -description => q(Can't instantiate specified event interface), }, EXTERNAL_EVENT_ERR => { -description => q(The event has not been created using create_event method of this DOM implementation), }, NON_HTML_OPERATION_ERR => { -description => q(Can't apply to HTML document), }, NULLPO_ERR => { -description => q(NULLPO), }, UNKNOWN_XML_VERSION_ERR => { -description => q(Specified version of XML is not supported), }, }, }, INUSE_ATTRIBUTE_ERR => { -code => 10, -description => q(Attribute is already in use), }, # INVALID_STATE_ERR == 11 SYNTAX_ERR => { -code => 12, -subtype => { INVALID_SELECTORS_ERR => { -description => q(Invalid group of selectors), }, }, }, # INVALID_MODIFICATION_ERR == 13 NAMESPACE_ERR => { -code => 14, -subtype => { MALFORMED_QNAME_ERR => { -description => q(Malformed XML qualified name), }, NONXMLNSPREFIX_XMLNSNS_ERR => { -description => q(Namespace prefix "xmlns" must be used for namespace URI ), }, PREFIXED_NULLNS_ERR => { -description => q(A namespace prefix is specified while namespace URI is null), }, QNAME_NULLNS_ERR => { -description => q(Qualified name is not specified), }, UNDECLARED_PREFIX_ERR => { -description => q(Undeclared prefix "%p (name => {namespace_prefix});"), }, XMLNS_NONXMLNSNS_ERR => { -description => q(Qualified name "xmlns" can only be used with namespace URI ), }, XMLNSPREFIX_NONXMLNSNS_ERR => { -description => q(Namespace prefix "xmlns" cannot be used for namespace URI other than ), }, XMLPREFIX_NONXMLNS_ERR => { -description => q(Namespace prefix "xml" cannot be used for namespace URI other than ), }, }, }, # INVALID_ACCESS_ERR == 15 # VALIDATION_ERR == 16 TYPE_MISMATCH_ERR => { -code => 17, -subtype => { CONFIGURATION_PARAMETER_TYPE_ERR => { -description => q(The value type for this configuration parameter is incompatible with the specified value), }, }, }, }} # ___error_def package Message::IF::DOMException; push our @ISA, 'Message::Util::Error'; ## DOM1 sub INDEX_SIZE_ERR () { 1 } sub DOMSTRING_SIZE_ERR () { 2 } sub HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR () { 3 } sub WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR () { 4 } sub INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR () { 5 } sub NO_DATA_ALLOWED_ERR () { 6 } sub NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR () { 7 } sub NOT_FOUND_ERR () { 8 } sub NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR () { 9 } sub INUSE_ATTRIBUTE_ERR () { 10 } ## DOM2 sub INVALID_STATE_ERR () { 11 } sub SYNTAX_ERR () { 12 } sub INVALID_MODIFICATION_ERR () { 13 } sub NAMESPACE_ERR () { 14 } sub INVALID_ACCESS_ERR () { 15 } ## DOM3 sub VALIDATION_ERR () { 16 } sub TYPE_MISMATCH_ERR () { 17 } =head1 LICENSE Copyright 2007 Wakaba This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =cut 1; ## $Date: 2007/10/08 07:17:18 $