#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; BEGIN { require 'manakai/genlib.pl' } use Message::Util::QName::Filter { ManakaiDOMLS2003 => q, }; use Message::DOM::ManakaiDOMLS2003; use Message::DOM::DOMLS qw/MODE_SYNCHRONOUS/; require 'dommemlist.pl.tmp'; ## Generated by mkdommemlist.pl use Getopt::Long; use Pod::Usage; my %Opt = (); GetOptions ( 'debug' => \$Opt{debug}, 'help' => \$Opt{help}, 'output-file-name=s' => \$Opt{output_file_name}, 'verbose!' => \$Opt{verbose}, ) or pod2usage (2); pod2usage ({-exitval => 0, -verbose => 1}) if $Opt{help}; $Opt{file_name} = shift; pod2usage ({-exitval => 2, -verbose => 0}) unless $Opt{file_name}; $Message::DOM::DOMFeature::DEBUG = 1 if $Opt{debug}; sub status_msg ($) { my $s = shift; $s .= "\n" unless $s =~ /\n$/; print STDERR $s; } sub status_msg_ ($) { my $s = shift; print STDERR $s; } sub verbose_msg ($) { my $s = shift; $s .= "\n" unless $s =~ /\n$/; print STDERR $s if $Opt{verbose}; } sub verbose_msg_ ($) { my $s = shift; print STDERR $s if $Opt{verbose}; } my $start_time; BEGIN { $start_time = time } our $Method; our $IFMethod; our $Attr; my $Assert = { qw/assertDOMException 1 assertEquals 1 assertFalse 1 assertInstanceOf 1 assertNotNull 1 assertNull 1 assertSame 1 assertSize 1 assertTrue 1 assertURIEquals 1/ }; my $Misc = { qw/append 1 assign 1 decrement 1 fail 1 if 1 implementationAttribute 1 increment 1 for 1 plus 1 var 1 while 1/ }; my $Condition = { qw/condition 1 contains 1 contentType 1 equals 1 greater 1 greaterOrEquals 1 hasSize 1 implementationAttribute 1 instanceOf 1 isNull 1 less 1 lessOrEquals 1 not 1 notEquals 1 notNull 1 or 1/ }; my $Status = {Number => 0, our => {Info => 1}}; sub to_perl_value ($;%) { my ($s, %opt) = @_; if (defined $s) { if ($s =~ /^(?!\d)\w+$/) { if ({true => 1, false => 1}->{$s}) { return {true => '1', false => '0'}->{$s}; } else { return perl_var (type => '$', local_name => $s); } } else { return $s; } } elsif (defined $opt{default}) { return $opt{default}; } else { return ''; } } sub body2code ($) { my $parent = shift; my $result = ''; my $children = $parent->child_nodes; for (my $i = 0; $i < $children->length; $i++) { my $child = $children->item ($i); if ($child->node_type == $child->ELEMENT_NODE) { my $ln = $child->local_name; if ($Method->{$ln} or $Attr->{$ln} or $Assert->{$ln} or $Misc->{$ln}) { $result .= node2code ($child); } else { valid_err q.$child->local_name, node => $child; } } elsif ($child->node_type == $child->COMMENT_NODE) { $result .= perl_comment $child->data; } elsif ($child->node_type == $child->TEXT_NODE) { if ($child->data =~ /\S/) { valid_err q.$child->data, node => $child; } } else { valid_err q.$child->node_type, node => $child; } } $result; } sub condition2code ($;%) { my ($parent, %opt) = @_; my $result = ''; my @result; my $children = $parent->child_nodes; for (my $i = 0; $i < $children->length; $i++) { my $child = $children->item ($i); if ($child->node_type == $child->ELEMENT_NODE) { my $ln = $child->local_name; if ($Condition->{$ln}) { push @result, node2code ($child); } else { valid_err q.$child->local_name, node => $child; } } elsif ($child->node_type == $child->COMMENT_NODE) { $result .= perl_comment $child->data; } elsif ($child->node_type == $child->TEXT_NODE) { if ($child->data =~ /\S/) { valid_err q.$child->data, node => $child; } } else { valid_err q.$child->node_type, node => $child; } } $result .= join (($opt{join}||='or' eq 'or' ? ' || ' : $opt{join} eq 'and' ? ' && ' : valid_err q, node => $parent), map {"($_)"} @result); $result; } #condition2code sub node2code ($); sub node2code ($) { my $node = shift; my $result = ''; if ($node->node_type != $node->ELEMENT_NODE) { if ($node->node_type == $node->COMMENT_NODE) { $result .= perl_comment $node->data; } elsif ($node->node_type == $node->TEXT_NODE) { if ($node->data =~ /\S/) { valid_err q.$node->data, node => $node; } } else { valid_err q.$node->node_type, node => $node; } return $result; } my $ln = $node->local_name; if ($ln eq 'var') { my $name = $node->get_attribute_ns (undef, 'name'); my $var = perl_var local_name => $name, scope => 'my', type => '$'; my $type = $node->get_attribute_ns (undef, 'type'); $result .= perl_comment $type; if ($node->has_attribute_ns (undef, 'isNull') and $node->get_attribute_ns (undef, 'isNull') eq 'true') { $result .= perl_statement perl_assign $var => 'undef'; } elsif ($node->has_attribute_ns (undef, 'value')) { $result .= perl_statement perl_assign $var => to_perl_value ($node->get_attribute_ns (undef, 'value')); } else { if ($type eq 'List' or $type eq 'Collection') { my @member; my $children = $node->child_nodes; for (my $i = 0; $i < $children->length; $i++) { my $child = $children->item ($i); if ($child->node_type == $child->ELEMENT_NODE) { if ($child->local_name eq 'member') { push @member, perl_code_literal (to_perl_value ($child->text_content)); } else { valid_err q, node => $child; } } elsif ($child->node_type == $child->COMMENT_NODE) { $result .= perl_comment $child->data; } } $result .= perl_statement perl_assign $var => perl_list \@member; } elsif ($type =~ /Monitor/) { valid_err qq, node => $node; } elsif ($node->has_child_nodes) { valid_err q, node => $node; } else { $result .= perl_statement $var; } } $Status->{var}->{$name}->{type} = $node->get_attribute_ns (undef, 'type'); } elsif ($ln eq 'load') { $result .= perl_statement perl_assign perl_var (type => '$', local_name => $node->get_attribute_ns (undef, 'var')) => 'load (' . perl_literal ($node->get_attribute_ns (undef, 'href')). ')'; } elsif ($ln eq 'hasFeature' and not $node->has_attribute_ns (undef, 'var')) { ## If there is a "hasFeature" element in "body" and ## it does not have "var" attribute, then it is part of the ## implementation condition. $result .= perl_statement 'hasFeature ('. to_perl_value ($node->get_attribute_ns (undef, 'feature'), default => 'undef') . ', '. to_perl_value ($node->get_attribute_ns (undef, 'version'), default => 'undef') . ')'; } elsif ($Method->{$ln} or $Attr->{$ln}) { MA: { M: { last M unless $Method->{$ln}; $result .= perl_var (type => '$', local_name => $node->get_attribute_ns (undef, 'var')). ' = ' if $node->has_attribute_ns (undef, 'var'); my $param; if ($node->has_attribute_ns (undef, 'interface')) { my $if = $node->get_attribute_ns (undef, 'interface'); $param = $IFMethod->{$if}->{$ln}; unless ($param) { last M if $Attr->{$ln}; valid_err "Method $if.$ln not supported", node => $node; } if ($if eq 'Element' and $ln eq 'getElementsByTagName' and not $node->has_attribute_ns (undef, 'name') and $node->has_attribute_ns (undef, 'tagname')) { $node->set_attribute_ns (undef, 'name' => $node->get_attribute_ns (undef, 'tagname')); } } else { $param = $Method->{$ln}; } $result .= perl_var (type => '$', local_name => $node->get_attribute_ns (undef, 'obj')). '->'.$param->[0].' ('. join (', ', map { to_perl_value ($node->get_attribute_ns (undef, $_), default => 'undef') } @$param[1..$#$param]). ");\n"; last MA; } # M A: { if ($node->has_attribute_ns (undef, 'var')) { $result .= perl_var (type => '$', local_name => $node->get_attribute_ns (undef, 'var')). ' = '; } elsif ($node->has_attribute_ns (undef, 'value')) { # } else { valid_err q, node => $node; } my $obj = perl_var (type => '$', local_name => $node->get_attribute_ns (undef, 'obj')); my $if = $node->get_attribute_ns (undef, 'interface'); if (defined $if and $if eq 'DOMString') { if ($ln eq 'length') { $result .= 'length '.$obj; } else { valid_err q<$if.$ln not supported>, node => $node; } } else { $result .= $obj.'->'.$Attr->{$ln}; } if ($node->has_attribute_ns (undef, 'var')) { $result .= ";\n"; } elsif ($node->has_attribute_ns (undef, 'value')) { $result .= " (".to_perl_value ($node->get_attribute_ns (undef, 'value')). ");\n"; } } # A } # MA } elsif ($ln eq 'assertEquals') { my $expected = $node->get_attribute_ns (undef, 'expected'); my $expectedType = $Status->{var}->{$expected}->{type} || ''; $result .= 'assertEquals'. ({Collection => 'Collection', List => 'List'}->{$expectedType}||''); my $ignoreCase = $node->get_attribute_ns (undef, 'ignoreCase') || 'false'; if ($ignoreCase eq 'auto') { $result .= 'AutoCase ('. perl_literal ($node->get_attribute_ns (undef, 'context') || 'element'). ', '; } else { $result .= ' ('; } $result .= perl_literal ($node->get_attribute_ns (undef, 'id')).', '; $result .= join ", ", map { $ignoreCase eq 'true' ? ($expectedType eq 'Collection' or $expectedType eq 'List') ? "toLowerArray ($_)" : "lc ($_)" : $_ } map { to_perl_value ($_) } ( $expected, $node->get_attribute_ns (undef, 'actual'), ); $result .= ");\n"; $Status->{Number}++; } elsif ($ln eq 'assertInstanceOf') { my $obj = perl_code_literal (to_perl_value ($node->get_attribute_ns (undef, 'obj'))); $result .= perl_statement 'assertInstanceOf ('. perl_list ($node->get_attribute_ns (undef, 'id'), $node->get_attribute_ns (undef, 'type'), $obj). ')'; if ($node->has_child_nodes) { $result .= perl_if 'isInstanceOf ('. perl_list ($node->get_attribute_ns (undef, 'type'), $obj) . ')', body2code ($node); } $Status->{Number}++; } elsif ($ln eq 'assertSame') { my $expected = to_perl_value ($node->get_attribute_ns (undef, 'expected')); my $actual = to_perl_value ($node->get_attribute_ns (undef, 'actual')); $result .= perl_statement 'assertSame ('. perl_list ($node->get_attribute_ns (undef, 'id'), $expected, $actual). ')'; if ($node->has_child_nodes) { $result .= perl_if 'same ('.(perl_list $expected, $actual).')', body2code ($node); } $Status->{Number}++; } elsif ($ln eq 'assertSize') { my $size = to_perl_value ($node->get_attribute_ns (undef, 'size')); my $coll = to_perl_value ($node->get_attribute_ns (undef, 'collection')); $result .= perl_statement 'assertSize ('. perl_list ($node->get_attribute_ns (undef, 'id'), perl_code_literal $size, perl_code_literal $coll). ')'; if ($node->has_child_nodes) { $result .= perl_if qq<$size == size ($coll)>, body2code ($node); } $Status->{Number}++; } elsif ($ln eq 'assertTrue' or $ln eq 'assertFalse') { my $condition; if ($node->has_attribute_ns (undef, 'actual')) { $condition = perl_var (type => '$', local_name => $node->get_attribute_ns (undef, 'actual')); if ($node->has_child_nodes) { valid_err q, node => $node; } } elsif ($node->has_child_nodes) { $condition = condition2code ($node); } else { valid_err $ln.q< w/o @actual not supported>, node => $node; } $result .= perl_statement $ln . ' ('. perl_literal ($node->get_attribute_ns (undef, 'id')).', '. $condition. ')'; $Status->{Number}++; } elsif ($ln eq 'assertNotNull' or $ln eq 'assertNull') { $result .= perl_statement $ln . ' (' . perl_literal ($node->get_attribute_ns (undef, 'id')).', '. perl_var (type => '$', local_name => $node->get_attribute_ns (undef, 'actual')). ')'; if ($node->has_child_nodes) { valid_err q, node => $node; } $Status->{Number}++; } elsif ($ln eq 'assertURIEquals') { $result .= perl_statement 'assertURIEquals ('. perl_list ($node->get_attribute_ns (undef, 'id'), perl_code_literal (to_perl_value ($node->get_attribute_ns (undef, 'scheme'), default => 'undef')), perl_code_literal (to_perl_value ($node->get_attribute_ns (undef, 'path'), default => 'undef')), perl_code_literal (to_perl_value ($node->get_attribute_ns (undef, 'host'), default => 'undef')), perl_code_literal (to_perl_value ($node->get_attribute_ns (undef, 'file'), default => 'undef')), perl_code_literal (to_perl_value ($node->get_attribute_ns (undef, 'name'), default => 'undef')), perl_code_literal (to_perl_value ($node->get_attribute_ns (undef, 'query'), default => 'undef')), perl_code_literal (to_perl_value ($node->get_attribute_ns (undef, 'fragment'), default => 'undef')), perl_code_literal (to_perl_value ($node->get_attribute_ns (undef, 'isAbsolute'), default => 'undef')), perl_code_literal (to_perl_value ($node->get_attribute_ns (undef, 'actual')))). ')'; $Status->{Number}++; } elsif ($ln eq 'assertDOMException') { $Status->{use}->{'Message::Util::Error'} = 1; $result .= q[ { my $success = 0; try { ]; my $children = $node->child_nodes; my $errname; for (my $i = 0; $i < $children->length; $i++) { my $child = $children->item ($i); $errname = $child->local_name if $child->node_type == $child->ELEMENT_NODE; $result .= body2code ($child); } $result .= q[ } catch Message::DOM::IF::DOMException with { my $err = shift; $success = 1 if $err->{-type} eq ].perl_literal ($errname).q[; }; assertTrue (].perl_literal ($node->get_attribute_ns (undef, 'id')). q[, $success); } ]; $Status->{Number}++; } elsif ($ln eq 'contentType') { $result .= '$builder->{contentType} eq '. perl_literal ($node->get_attribute_ns (undef, 'type')); $Status->{our}->{builder} = 1; } elsif ($ln eq 'for-each') { my $collection = $node->get_attribute_ns (undef, 'collection'); my $collType = $Status->{var}->{$collection}->{type}; my $coll = to_perl_value ($collection); my $assert; my $code; { local $Status->{Number} = 0; $code = body2code ($node); $assert = $Status->{Number}; } $Status->{Number_local} = 1; $result .= 'for (my $i = 0; $i < '. ({'Collection'=>1,'List'=>1}->{$collType} ? '@{'.$coll.'}' : $coll.'->length'). '; $i++) {'. perl_statement (qq). perl_statement (perl_assign to_perl_value ($node->get_attribute_ns (undef, 'member')) => $coll . ({'Collection'=>1,'List'=>1}->{$collType} ? '->[$i]' : '->item ($i)')). $code. '}'; } elsif ($ln eq 'try') { my $children = $node->child_nodes; my $true = ''; my $false = ''; for (my $i = 0; $i < $children->length; $i++) { my $child = $children->item ($i); if ($child->node_type == $child->ELEMENT_NODE) { if ($child->local_name eq 'catch') { valid_err q, node => $child if $false; my @case; my $children2 = $child->child_nodes; for (my $j = 0; $j < $children2->length; $j++) { my $child2 = $children2->item ($j); if ($child2->node_type == $child2->ELEMENT_NODE) { if ($child2->local_name eq 'ImplementationException') { valid_err q, node => $child2; } else { push @case, '$err->{-type} eq '. perl_literal ($child2->get_attribute_ns (undef, 'code')) => body2code ($child2); } } else { $false .= node2code ($child2); } } $false .= perl_cases @case, else => perl_statement '$err->throw'; } else { $true .= node2code ($child); } } else { $true .= node2code ($child); } } $result = "try { $true } catch Message::DOM::DOMMain::ManakaiDOMException with { my \$err = shift; $false };"; $Status->{use}->{'Message::Util::Error'} = 1; } elsif ($ln eq 'if') { my $children = $node->child_nodes; my $condition; my $true = ''; my $false = ''; my $assert_true = 0; my $assert_false = 0; for (my $i = 0; $i < $children->length; $i++) { my $child = $children->item ($i); if ($child->node_type == $child->ELEMENT_NODE) { if (not $condition) { $condition = node2code ($child); } elsif ($child->local_name eq 'else') { valid_err q, node => $child if $false; local $Status->{Number} = 0; $false = body2code ($child); $assert_false = $Status->{Number}; } else { local $Status->{Number} = 0; $true .= node2code ($child); $assert_true += $Status->{Number}; } } else { $true .= node2code ($child); } } if ($assert_true == $assert_false) { $Status->{Number} += $assert_true; } elsif ($assert_true > $assert_false) { $false .= perl_statement 'skip_n ('. perl_list ($assert_true - $assert_false, msg => q).')'; $Status->{Number} += $assert_true; } else { $true .= perl_statement 'skip_n ('. perl_list ($assert_false - $assert_true, msg => q).')'; $Status->{Number} += $assert_false; } $result = perl_if $condition, $true, $false ? $false : undef; } elsif ($ln eq 'while') { my $children = $node->child_nodes; my $condition; my $true = ''; my $assert = 0; { local $Status->{Number} = 0; for (my $i = 0; $i < $children->length; $i++) { my $child = $children->item ($i); if ($child->node_type == $child->ELEMENT_NODE) { if (not $condition) { $condition = node2code ($child); } else { $true .= node2code ($child); } } else { $true .= node2code ($child); } } $assert = $Status->{Number}; } $Status->{Number_local} = 1; $result .= "while ($condition) { plan_local ($assert); $true }"; } elsif ($ln eq 'or') { $result .= condition2code ($node, join => 'or'); } elsif ($ln eq 'not') { $result .= 'not '.condition2code ($node, join => 'nosupport'); } elsif ($ln eq 'notNull' or $ln eq 'isNull') { $result .= 'defined '. perl_var (type => '$', local_name => $node->get_attribute_ns (undef, 'obj')); $result = 'not ' . $result if $ln eq 'isNull'; } elsif ({less => 1, lessOrEquals => 1, greater => 1, greaterOrEquals => 1}->{$ln}) { $result .= to_perl_value ($node->get_attribute_ns (undef, 'actual')). {less => '<', lessOrEquals => '<=', greater => '>', greaterOrEquals => '>='}->{$ln}. to_perl_value ($node->get_attribute_ns (undef, 'expected')); } elsif ($ln eq 'equals' or $ln eq 'notEquals') { my $case = $node->get_attribute_ns (undef, 'ignoreCase'); if ($case and $case eq 'auto') { $result .= 'equalsAutoCase (' . perl_list ($node->get_attribute_ns (undef, 'context') || 'element', to_perl_value ($node->get_attribute_ns (undef, 'expected')), to_perl_value ($node->get_attribute_ns (undef, 'actual'))) . ')'; } else { my $expected = to_perl_value ($node->get_attribute_ns (undef, 'expected')); my $actual = to_perl_value ($node->get_attribute_ns (undef, 'actual')); if ($case eq 'true') { $result = "(uc ($expected) eq uc ($actual))"; } elsif ($node->has_attribute_ns (undef, 'bitmask')) { my $bm = ' & ' . to_perl_value ($node->get_attribute_ns (undef, 'bitmask')); $result = "($expected$bm == $actual$bm)"; } else { $result = "($expected eq $actual)"; } } $result = "(not $result)" if $ln eq 'notEquals'; } elsif ($ln eq 'increment' or $ln eq 'decrement') { $result .= perl_statement to_perl_value ($node->get_attribute_ns (undef, 'var')). {increment => ' += ', decrement => ' -= '}->{$ln}. to_perl_value ($node->get_attribute_ns (undef, 'value')); } elsif ({qw/plus 1 subtract 1 mult 1 divide 1/}->{$ln}) { $result .= perl_statement (perl_assign to_perl_value ($node->get_attribute_ns (undef, 'var')) => to_perl_value ($node->get_attribute_ns (undef, 'op1')). {qw}->{$ln}. to_perl_value ($node->get_attribute_ns (undef, 'op2'))); } elsif ($ln eq 'append') { $result .= perl_statement 'push @{'. to_perl_value ($node->get_attribute_ns (undef, 'collection')). '}, '. to_perl_value ($node->get_attribute_ns (undef, 'item')); } elsif ($ln eq 'instanceOf') { $result .= 'isInstanceOf ('. perl_list ($node->get_attribute_ns (undef, 'type'), perl_code_literal to_perl_value ($node->get_attribute_ns (undef, 'obj'))). ')'; } elsif ($ln eq 'assign') { $result .= perl_statement perl_assign to_perl_value ($node->get_attribute_ns (undef, 'var')) => to_perl_value ($node->get_attribute_ns (undef, 'value')); } elsif ($ln eq 'fail') { $result .= perl_statement 'fail ('. perl_literal ($node->get_attribute_ns (undef, 'id')). ')'; } else { valid_err q.$ln; } $result; } our $result = ''; my $input = ''; { open my $in, '<', $Opt{file_name} or die "$0: $Opt{file_name}: $!"; while (<$in>) { $input .= $_; } } { my $dom = $Message::DOM::ImplementationRegistry ->get_implementation ({Core => undef, XML => undef, ExpandedURI q => ''}); my $parser = $dom->create_ls_parser (MODE_SYNCHRONOUS); my $in = $dom->create_ls_input; $in->string_data ($input); status_msg_ q; my $src = $parser->parse ($in)->document_element; status_msg q; status_msg_ q; { my $children = $src->owner_document->child_nodes; for (my $i = 0; $i < $children->length; $i++) { my $node = $children->item ($i); if ($node->node_type == $node->COMMENT_NODE) { if ($node->data =~ /Copyright/) { $result .= perl_comment qq. qq. qq<"$Opt{file_name}".\n>. qq. $node->data; } else { $result .= perl_comment $node->data; } } } } my $child = $src->child_nodes; for (my $i = 0; $i < $child->length; $i++) { my $node = $child->item ($i); if ($node->node_type == $node->ELEMENT_NODE) { my $ln = $node->local_name; if ($ln eq 'metadata') { my $md = $node->child_nodes; for (my $j = 0; $j < $md->length; $j++) { my $node = $md->item ($j); if ($node->node_type == $node->ELEMENT_NODE) { my $ln = $node->local_name; if ($ln eq 'title') { $result .= perl_statement perl_assign '$Info->{Name}' => perl_literal $node->text_content; } elsif ($ln eq 'description') { $result .= perl_statement perl_assign '$Info->{Description}' => perl_literal $node->text_content; } else { # valid_err q.$ln, # node => $node; } } elsif ($node->node_type == $node->TEXT_NODE) { if ($node->data =~ /\S/) { valid_err q.$node->data, node => $node; } } elsif ($node->node_type == $node->COMMENT_NODE) { $result .= perl_comment $node->data; } else { valid_err q.$node->node_type, node => $node; } } } elsif ($ln eq 'implementationAttribute') { $result .= perl_statement 'impl_attr ('. perl_list ($node->get_attribute_ns (undef, 'name'), $node->get_attribute_ns (undef, 'value')).')'; } else { $result .= node2code ($node); } } elsif ($node->node_type == $node->COMMENT_NODE) { $result .= perl_comment $node->data; } elsif ($node->node_type == $node->TEXT_NODE) { if ($node->data =~ /\S/) { valid_err q.$node->data, node => $node; } } else { valid_err q.$node->node_type, node => $node; } } } my $pre = "#!/usr/bin/perl -w\nuse strict;\n"; $pre .= perl_statement ('require '.perl_literal 'manakai/domtest.pl'); $pre .= perl_statement ('use Message::Util::Error') if $Status->{use}->{'Message::Util::Error'}; for (keys %{$Status->{our}}) { $pre .= perl_statement perl_var type => '$', local_name => $_, scope => 'our'; } my $plan = $Status->{Number_local} ? 'plan_local' : 'plan'; $pre .= perl_statement qq<$plan (>.(0+$Status->{Number}).q<)>; $result .= perl_statement q; status_msg q; { my $output; my $out_file_path = $Opt{output_file_name}; defined $out_file_path ? (open $output, '>', $out_file_path or die "$0: $out_file_path: $!") : ($output = \*STDOUT); status_msg_ sprintf qq, defined $out_file_path ? q<">.$out_file_path.q<"> : 'to stdout'; print $output $pre.$result; close $output; status_msg q; } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME domtest2perl - DOM Test Suite XML Test File to Perl Test Code Converter =head1 SYNOPSIS perl path/to/domtest2perl.pl input.xml > output.pl perl path/to/domtest2perl.pl input.xml --output-file=output.pl =over 4 =item I The name of file to input. It should be an XML document in the DOM Test Suite. =item I The name of file to output. It is overwritten if already exists. =back =head1 SEE ALSO I, . F F =head1 LICENSE Copyright 2004-2005 Wakaba . All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =cut