
Contents of /messaging/manakai/bin/daf.pl

Parent Directory Parent Directory | Revision Log Revision Log

Revision 1.15 - (show annotations) (download)
Sat May 20 05:11:37 2006 UTC (18 years, 6 months ago) by wakaba
Branch: MAIN
CVS Tags: manakai-release-0-3-2
Changes since 1.14: +4 -1 lines
File MIME type: text/plain
++ manakai/bin/ChangeLog	20 May 2006 05:09:42 -0000
2006-05-20  Wakaba  <wakaba@suika.fam.cx>

	* daf.pl ($VERSION): New variable.
	(--mod-file-suffix): New option.

	(--create-dtd-modules): New option.4a
++ manakai/lib/Message/Markup/ChangeLog	20 May 2006 05:10:32 -0000
2006-05-20  Wakaba  <wakaba@suika.fam.cx>

	* Atom.dis (Atom): The |mv:vid| property is added.

++ manakai/lib/Message/DOM/ChangeLog	20 May 2006 05:10:10 -0000
2006-05-20  Wakaba  <wakaba@suika.fam.cx>

	* XDP.dis (createXDPIf): New method.
	(XDPIfElement): New interface.

++ manakai/lib/manakai/ChangeLog	20 May 2006 05:11:24 -0000
2006-05-20  Wakaba  <wakaba@suika.fam.cx>

	* DISMarkup.dis (mv:vid, mv:shortDescription): New properties.

	* daf-dtd-modules.pl: DTD module file generation and
	element type declaration generation are implemented.

1 #!/usr/bin/perl -w
2 use strict;
3 use Message::Util::QName::Filter {
4 c => q<http://suika.fam.cx/~wakaba/archive/2004/8/18/dom-core#>,
5 DIS => q<http://suika.fam.cx/~wakaba/archive/2005/manakai/Util/DIS#>,
6 dis => q<http://suika.fam.cx/~wakaba/archive/2004/8/18/lang#dis-->,
7 dp => q<http://suika.fam.cx/~wakaba/archive/2005/manakai/Util/DIS#Perl/>,
8 fe => q<http://suika.fam.cx/www/2006/feature/>,
9 ManakaiDOM => q<http://suika.fam.cx/~wakaba/archive/2004/8/18/manakai-dom#>,
10 pc => q<http://suika.fam.cx/~wakaba/archive/2005/manakai/Util/PerlCode#>,
11 swcfg21 => q<http://suika.fam.cx/~wakaba/archive/2005/swcfg21#>,
12 Util => q<http://suika.fam.cx/~wakaba/archive/2005/manakai/Util/>,
13 };
15 our$VERSION=do{my @r=(q$Revision: 1.40 $=~/\d+/g);sprintf "%d."."%02d" x $#r,@r};
16 use Cwd;
17 use Getopt::Long;
18 use Pod::Usage;
19 our %Opt = (create_module => []);
20 my @target_modules;
21 GetOptions (
22 'create-dtd-modules=s' => sub {
23 shift;
24 my $i = [split /\s+/, shift, 3];
25 $i->[3] = 'dtd-modules';
26 push @{$Opt{create_module}}, $i;
27 },
28 'create-perl-module=s' => sub {
29 shift;
30 my $i = [split /\s+/, shift, 3];
31 $i->[3] = 'perl-pm';
32 push @{$Opt{create_module}}, $i;
33 push @target_modules, [$i->[0], $i->[2]];
34 },
35 'create-perl-test=s' => sub {
36 shift;
37 my $i = [split /\s+/, shift, 3];
38 $i->[3] = 'perl-t';
39 push @{$Opt{create_module}}, $i;
40 push @target_modules, [$i->[0], $i->[2]];
41 },
42 'debug' => \$Opt{debug},
43 'dis-file-suffix=s' => \$Opt{dis_suffix},
44 'daem-file-suffix=s' => \$Opt{daem_suffix},
45 'dafs-file-suffix=s' => \$Opt{dafs_suffix},
46 'dafx-file-suffix=s' => \$Opt{dafx_suffix},
47 'help' => \$Opt{help},
48 'load-module=s' => sub {
49 shift;
50 my $i = [split /\s+/, shift, 2];
51 push @target_modules, [$i->[0], $i->[1]];
52 },
53 'mod-file-suffix=s' => \$Opt{mod_suffix},
54 'search-path|I=s' => sub {
55 shift;
56 my @value = split /\s+/, shift;
57 while (my ($ns, $path) = splice @value, 0, 2, ()) {
58 unless (defined $path) {
59 die qq[$0: Search-path parameter without path: "$ns"];
60 }
61 push @{$Opt{input_search_path}->{$ns} ||= []}, $path;
62 }
63 },
64 'search-path-catalog-file-name=s' => sub {
65 shift;
66 require File::Spec;
67 my $path = my $path_base = shift;
68 $path_base =~ s#[^/]+$##;
69 $Opt{search_path_base} = $path_base;
70 open my $file, '<', $path or die "$0: $path: $!";
71 while (<$file>) {
72 if (s/^\s*\@//) { ## Processing instruction
73 my ($target, $data) = split /\s+/;
74 if ($target eq 'base') {
75 $Opt{search_path_base} = File::Spec->rel2abs ($data, $path_base);
76 } else {
77 die "$0: $target: Unknown target";
78 }
79 } elsif (/^\s*\#/) { ## Comment
80 #
81 } elsif (/\S/) { ## Catalog entry
82 s/^\s+//;
83 my ($ns, $path) = split /\s+/;
84 push @{$Opt{input_search_path}->{$ns} ||= []},
85 File::Spec->rel2abs ($path, $Opt{search_path_base});
86 }
87 }
88 ## NOTE: File paths with SPACEs are not supported
89 ## NOTE: Future version might use file: URI instead of file path.
90 },
91 'undef-check!' => \$Opt{no_undef_check},
92 'verbose!' => \$Opt{verbose},
93 ) or pod2usage (2);
94 pod2usage ({-exitval => 0, -verbose => 1}) if $Opt{help};
95 $Opt{no_undef_check} = defined $Opt{no_undef_check}
96 ? $Opt{no_undef_check} ? 0 : 1 : 0;
97 $Opt{dis_suffix} = '.dis' unless defined $Opt{dis_suffix};
98 $Opt{daem_suffix} = '.dafm' unless defined $Opt{daem_suffix};
99 $Opt{dafx_suffix} = '.dafx' unless defined $Opt{dafx_suffix};
100 $Opt{dafs_suffix} = '.dafs' unless defined $Opt{dafs_suffix};
101 $Opt{mod_suffix} = '.mod' unless defined $Opt{mod_suffix};
102 $Message::DOM::DOMFeature::DEBUG = 1 if $Opt{debug};
103 require Error;
104 $Error::Debug = 1 if $Opt{debug};
105 $Message::Util::Error::VERBOSE = 1 if $Opt{verbose};
107 sub status_msg ($) {
108 my $s = shift;
109 $s .= "\n" unless $s =~ /\n$/;
110 print STDERR $s;
111 }
113 sub status_msg_ ($) {
114 my $s = shift;
115 print STDERR $s;
116 }
118 sub verbose_msg ($) {
119 my $s = shift;
120 $s .= "\n" unless $s =~ /\n$/;
121 print STDERR $s if $Opt{verbose};
122 }
124 sub verbose_msg_ ($) {
125 my $s = shift;
126 print STDERR $s if $Opt{verbose};
127 }
129 ## ---- The MAIN Program
131 my $start_time;
132 BEGIN { $start_time = time }
134 use Message::Util::DIS::DNLite;
136 my %feature;
138 for (@{$Opt{create_module}}) {
139 my (undef, undef, undef, $out_type) = @$_;
141 if ($out_type eq 'perl-pm') {
142 require 'manakai/daf-perl-pm.pl';
143 $feature{'+' . ExpandedURI q<Util:PerlCode>} = '1.0';
144 } elsif ($out_type eq 'perl-t') {
145 require 'manakai/daf-perl-t.pl';
146 $feature{ExpandedURI q<fe:GenericLS>} = '3.0';
147 $feature{'+' . ExpandedURI q<DIS:TDT>} = '1.0';
148 $feature{'+' . ExpandedURI q<Util:PerlCode>} = '1.0';
149 } elsif ($out_type eq 'dtd-modules') {
150 require 'manakai/daf-dtd-modules.pl';
151 $feature{ExpandedURI q<fe:GenericLS>} = '3.0';
152 $feature{'+' . ExpandedURI q<fe:XDP>} = '3.0';
153 }
154 }
156 our $limpl = $Message::DOM::ImplementationRegistry->get_implementation
157 ({ExpandedURI q<fe:Min> => '3.0',
158 '+' . ExpandedURI q<DIS:DNLite> => '1.0',
159 '+' . ExpandedURI q<DIS:Core> => '1.0',
160 %feature,
161 });
162 our $impl = $limpl->get_feature (ExpandedURI q<DIS:Core> => '1.0');
164 ## --- Loading and Updating the Database
166 my $HasError;
167 our $db = $impl->create_dis_database;
168 $db->pl_database_module_resolver (\&daf_db_module_resolver);
169 $db->dom_config->set_parameter ('error-handler' => \&daf_on_error);
171 my $parser = $impl->create_dis_parser;
172 my $DNi = $impl->get_feature (ExpandedURI q<DIS:DNLite> => '1.0');
173 my %ModuleSourceDISDocument;
174 my %ModuleSourceDNLDocument;
175 my %ModuleNameNamespaceBinding = (
176 DISCore => q<http://suika.fam.cx/~wakaba/archive/2004/dis/Core#>,
177 ## This builtin binding is required since
178 ## some module has |DISCore:author| property before |dis:Require|
179 ## property.
180 );
182 my $ResourceCount = 0;
183 $db->pl_update_module (\@target_modules,
184 get_module_index_file_name => sub {
185 shift; # $db
186 daf_get_module_index_file_name (@_);
187 },
188 get_module_source_document_from_uri => sub {
189 my ($db, $module_uri, $module_for) = @_;
190 status_msg '';
191 status_msg qq<Loading module <$module_uri> for <$module_for>...>;
192 $ResourceCount = 0;
194 unless (defined $ModuleSourceDNLDocument{$module_uri}) {
195 unless (defined $ModuleSourceDISDocument{$module_uri}) {
196 daf_open_source_dis_document ($module_uri);
197 }
198 daf_convert_dis_document_to_dnl_document ();
199 }
200 return $ModuleSourceDNLDocument{$module_uri};
201 },
202 get_module_source_document_from_resource => sub ($$$$$$) {
203 my ($self, $db, $uri, $ns, $ln, $for) = @_;
204 status_msg '';
205 status_msg qq<Loading module "$ln" for <$for>...>;
206 $ResourceCount = 0;
208 my $module_uri = $ns.$ln;
209 unless (defined $ModuleSourceDNLDocument{$module_uri}) {
210 unless (defined $ModuleSourceDISDocument{$module_uri}) {
211 daf_open_source_dis_document ($module_uri);
212 }
213 daf_convert_dis_document_to_dnl_document ();
214 }
215 return $ModuleSourceDNLDocument{$module_uri};
216 },
217 get_module_source_revision => sub {
218 my ($db, $module_uri) = @_;
219 my $ns = $module_uri;
220 $ns =~ s/(\w+)\z//;
221 my $ln = $1;
223 my $name = dac_search_file_path_stem ($ns, $ln, $Opt{dis_suffix});
224 if (defined $name) {
225 return [stat $name.$Opt{dis_suffix}]->[9];
226 } else {
227 return 0;
228 }
229 },
230 get_referring_module_uri_list => sub {
231 my ($db, $module_uri) = @_;
232 unless (defined $ModuleSourceDNLDocument{$module_uri}) {
233 unless (defined $ModuleSourceDISDocument{$module_uri}) {
234 daf_open_source_dis_document ($module_uri);
235 }
236 }
237 return daf_get_referring_module_uri_list ($module_uri);
238 },
239 on_resource_read => sub ($$) {
240 if ((++$ResourceCount % 10) == 0) {
241 status_msg_ "*";
242 status_msg_ " " if ($ResourceCount % (10 * 10)) == 0;
243 status_msg '' if ($ResourceCount % (10 * 50)) == 0;
244 }
245 });
248 ## Removes reference from document to database
249 our @Document;
250 for my $dis (@Document) {
251 $dis->unlink_from_document;
252 $dis->dis_database (undef);
253 }
255 status_msg '';
257 status_msg qq<Reading properties...>;
258 $ResourceCount = 0;
259 $db->read_properties (on_resource_read => sub ($$) {
260 if ((++$ResourceCount % 10) == 0) {
261 status_msg_ "*";
262 status_msg_ " " if ($ResourceCount % (10 * 10)) == 0;
263 status_msg '' if ($ResourceCount % (10 * 50)) == 0;
264 }
265 });
266 status_msg '';
267 status_msg "done";
269 status_msg_ qq<Writing database files...>;
270 $db->pl_store ('dummy', sub ($$) {
271 my ($db, $mod, $type) = @_;
272 my $ns = $mod->namespace_uri;
273 my $ln = $mod->local_name;
274 my $suffix = $type eq ExpandedURI q<dp:ModuleIndexFile>
275 ? $Opt{dafx_suffix} : $Opt{daem_suffix};
276 my $name = dac_search_file_path_stem ($ns, $ln, $suffix);
277 if (defined $name) {
278 $name .= $suffix;
279 } elsif (defined ($name = dac_search_file_path_stem
280 ($ns, $ln, $Opt{dis_suffix}))) {
281 $name .= $suffix;
282 } else {
283 $name = Cwd::abs_path
284 (File::Spec->canonpath
285 (File::Spec->catfile
286 (defined $Opt{input_search_path}->{$ns}->[0]
287 ? $Opt{input_search_path}->{$ns}->[0] : '.',
288 $ln.$suffix)));
289 }
290 verbose_msg qq<Database >.
291 ($type eq <Q::dp|ModuleIndexFile> ? 'index' : 'module').
292 qq< <$ns$ln> is written to "$name">;
293 return $name;
294 }, no_main_database => 1);
295 status_msg "done";
297 daf_check_undefined ();
299 undef $DNi;
300 undef %ModuleSourceDNLDocument;
301 exit $HasError if $HasError;
303 ## --- Creating Files
305 for (@{$Opt{create_module}}) {
306 my ($mod_uri, $out_file_path, $mod_for, $out_type) = @$_;
308 if ($out_type eq 'perl-pm') {
309 daf_perl_pm ($mod_uri, $out_file_path, $mod_for);
310 } elsif ($out_type eq 'perl-t') {
311 daf_perl_t ($mod_uri, $out_file_path, $mod_for);
312 } elsif ($out_type eq 'dtd-modules') {
313 daf_dtd_modules ($mod_uri, $out_file_path, $mod_for);
314 }
315 }
317 daf_check_undefined ();
319 ## --- The END
321 status_msg_ "Closing the database...";
322 $db->free;
323 undef $db;
324 status_msg "done";
326 undef $limpl;
327 undef $impl;
329 {
330 use integer;
331 my $time = time - $start_time;
332 status_msg sprintf qq<%d'%02d''>, $time / 60, $time % 60;
333 }
334 exit $HasError;
336 END {
337 $db->free if $db;
338 }
340 ## ---- Subroutines
342 sub daf_open_source_dis_document ($) {
343 my ($module_uri) = @_;
345 ## -- Finds |dis| source file
346 my $ns = $module_uri;
347 $ns =~ s/(\w+)\z//;
348 my $ln = $1;
349 my $file_name = dac_search_file_path_stem ($ns, $ln, $Opt{dis_suffix});
350 unless (defined $file_name) {
351 die "$0: Source file for <$ns$ln> is not found";
352 }
353 $file_name .= $Opt{dis_suffix};
355 status_msg_ qq<Opening dis source file "$file_name"...>;
357 ## -- Opens |dis| file and construct |DISDocument| tree
358 open my $file, '<', $file_name or die "$0: $file_name: $!";
359 my $dis = $parser->parse ({character_stream => $file});
360 require File::Spec;
361 $dis->flag (ExpandedURI q<swcfg21:fileName> =>
362 File::Spec->abs2rel ($file_name));
363 $dis->dis_namespace_resolver (\&daf_module_name_namespace_resolver);
364 close $file;
366 ## -- Registers namespace URI
367 my $mod = $dis->module_element;
368 if ($mod) {
369 my $qn = $mod->get_attribute_ns (ExpandedURI q<dis:>, 'QName');
370 if ($qn) {
371 my $prefix = $qn->value;
372 $prefix =~ s/^[^:|]*[:|]\s*//;
373 $prefix =~ s/\s+$//;
374 unless (defined $ModuleNameNamespaceBinding{$prefix}) {
375 $ModuleNameNamespaceBinding{$prefix} = $mod->defining_namespace_uri;
376 }
377 }
378 }
380 $ModuleSourceDISDocument{$module_uri} = $dis;
381 status_msg q<done>;
383 R: for (@{daf_get_referring_module_uri_list ($module_uri)}) {
384 next R if defined $db->{modDef}->{$_};
385 next R if defined $ModuleSourceDNLDocument{$_};
386 next R if defined $ModuleSourceDISDocument{$_};
387 my $idx_file_name = daf_get_module_index_file_name ($_);
388 if (-f $idx_file_name) {
389 daf_open_current_module_index ($_, $idx_file_name);
390 } else {
391 daf_open_source_dis_document ($_);
392 }
393 }
394 } # daf_open_source_dis_document
396 sub daf_open_current_module_index ($$) {
397 my ($module_uri, $file_name) = @_;
398 $db->pl_load_dis_database_index ($file_name);
400 R: for (@{$db->get_module ($module_uri)
401 ->get_referring_module_uri_list}) {
402 next R if defined $db->{modDef}->{$_};
403 next R if defined $ModuleSourceDNLDocument{$_};
404 next R if defined $ModuleSourceDISDocument{$_};
405 my $idx_file_name = daf_get_module_index_file_name ($_);
406 if (-f $idx_file_name) {
407 daf_open_current_module_index ($_, $idx_file_name);
408 } else {
409 daf_open_source_dis_document ($_);
410 }
411 }
412 } # daf_open_current_module_index
414 sub daf_convert_dis_document_to_dnl_document () {
415 M: for my $module_uri (keys %ModuleSourceDISDocument) {
416 my $dis_doc = $ModuleSourceDISDocument{$module_uri};
417 next M unless $dis_doc;
418 verbose_msg_ qq<Converting <$module_uri>...>;
419 my $dnl_doc = $DNi->convert_dis_document_to_dnl_document
420 ($dis_doc, database_arg => $db,
421 base_namespace_binding =>
422 {(map {$_->local_name => $_->target_namespace_uri}
423 grep {$_} values %{$db->{modDef}}),
424 %ModuleNameNamespaceBinding});
425 push @Document, $dnl_doc;
426 $ModuleSourceDNLDocument{$module_uri} = $dnl_doc;
427 $dis_doc->free;
428 delete $ModuleSourceDISDocument{$module_uri};
429 verbose_msg q<done>;
430 }
431 } # daf_convert_dis_document_to_dnl_document
433 sub daf_get_referring_module_uri_list ($) {
434 my $module_uri = shift;
435 my $ns = $module_uri;
436 $ns =~ s/\w+\z//;
437 my $src = $ModuleSourceDNLDocument{$module_uri};
438 $src = $ModuleSourceDISDocument{$module_uri} unless defined $src;
439 my $mod_el = $src->module_element;
440 my $r = [];
441 if ($mod_el) {
442 my $req_el = $mod_el->require_element;
443 if ($req_el) {
444 M: for my $m_el (@{$req_el->child_nodes}) {
445 next M unless $m_el->node_type eq '#element';
446 next M unless $m_el->expanded_uri eq ExpandedURI q<dis:Module>;
447 my $qn_el = $m_el->get_attribute_ns (ExpandedURI q<dis:>, 'QName');
448 if ($qn_el) {
449 push @$r, $qn_el->qname_value_uri;
450 } else {
451 my $n_el = $m_el->get_attribute_ns (ExpandedURI q<dis:>, 'Name');
452 if ($n_el) {
453 push @$r, $ns.$n_el->value;
454 } else {
455 # The module itself
456 }
457 }
458 }
459 }
460 }
461 return $r;
462 } # daf_get_referring_module_uri_list
464 sub dac_search_file_path_stem ($$$) {
465 my ($ns, $ln, $suffix) = @_;
466 require File::Spec;
467 for my $dir (@{$Opt{input_search_path}->{$ns}||[]}) {
468 my $name = Cwd::abs_path
469 (File::Spec->canonpath
470 (File::Spec->catfile ($dir, $ln)));
471 if (-f $name.$suffix) {
472 return $name;
473 }
474 }
475 return undef;
476 } # dac_search_file_path_stem;
478 sub daf_get_module_index_file_name ($$) {
479 my ($module_uri) = @_;
480 my $ns = $module_uri;
481 $ns =~ s/(\w+)\z//;
482 my $ln = $1;
484 verbose_msg qq<Database module index <$module_uri> is requested>;
485 my $suffix = $Opt{dafx_suffix};
486 my $name = dac_search_file_path_stem ($ns, $ln, $suffix);
487 if (defined $name) {
488 $name .= $suffix;
489 } elsif (defined ($name = dac_search_file_path_stem
490 ($ns, $ln, $Opt{dis_suffix}))) {
491 $name .= $suffix;
492 } else {
493 $name = Cwd::abs_path
494 (File::Spec->canonpath
495 (File::Spec->catfile
496 (defined $Opt{input_search_path}->{$ns}->[0]
497 ? $Opt{input_search_path}->{$ns}->[0] : '.',
498 $ln.$suffix)));
499 }
500 return $name;
501 } # daf_get_module_index_file_name
503 sub daf_module_name_namespace_resolver ($) {
504 my $prefix = shift;
506 ## -- From modules in database
507 M: for (values %{$db->{modDef}}) {
508 my $mod = $_;
509 next M unless defined $mod;
510 if ($mod->local_name eq $prefix) {
511 return $mod->target_namespace_uri;
512 }
513 }
515 ## -- From not-in-database-yet module list
516 if (defined $ModuleNameNamespaceBinding{$prefix}) {
517 return $ModuleNameNamespaceBinding{$prefix};
518 }
519 return undef;
520 } # daf_module_name_namespace_resolver
522 sub daf_db_module_resolver ($$$) {
523 my ($db, $mod, $type) = @_;
524 my $ns = $mod->namespace_uri;
525 my $ln = $mod->local_name;
526 my $suffix = {
527 ExpandedURI q<dp:ModuleIndexFile> => $Opt{dafx_suffix},
528 ExpandedURI q<dp:ModuleResourceFile> => $Opt{daem_suffix},
529 ExpandedURI q<dp:ModuleNodeStorageFile> => $Opt{dafs_suffix},
530 }->{$type} or die "Unsupported type: <$type>";
531 verbose_msg qq<Database module <$ns$ln> is requested>;
532 my $name = dac_search_file_path_stem ($ns, $ln, $suffix);
533 if (defined $name) {
534 return $name.$suffix;
535 } else {
536 return undef;
537 }
538 } # daf_db_module_resolver
540 sub daf_on_error ($$) {
541 my ($self, $err) = @_;
542 if ($err->severity == $err->SEVERITY_WARNING) {
543 my $info = ExpandedURI q<dp:info>;
544 if ($err->type =~ /\Q$info\E/) {
545 my $msg = $err->text;
546 if ($msg =~ /\.\.\.\z/) {
547 verbose_msg_ $msg;
548 } else {
549 verbose_msg $msg;
550 }
551 } else {
552 my $msg = $err->text;
553 if ($msg =~ /\.\.\.\z/) {
554 status_msg_ $msg;
555 } else {
556 status_msg $msg;
557 }
558 }
559 } else {
560 warn $err;
561 $HasError = 1;
562 }
563 } # daf_on_error
565 sub daf_check_undefined () {
566 unless ($Opt{no_undef_check}) {
567 status_msg_ "Checking undefined resources...";
568 $db->check_undefined_resource;
569 print STDERR "done\n";
570 }
571 } # daf_check_undefined
573 __END__
575 =head1 NAME
577 dac.pl - Creating "dac" Database File from "dis" Source Files
579 =head1 SYNOPSIS
581 perl path/to/dac.pl [--input-db-file-name=input.dac] \
582 --output-file-name=out.dac [options...] \
583 input.dis
584 perl path/to/dac.pl --help
586 =head1 DESCRIPTION
588 This script, C<dac.pl>, compiles "dis" source files into "dac"
589 database file. The generated database file can be used
590 in turn to generate Perl module file, for example, by another
591 script C<dac2pm.pl> or can be used to create larger database
592 by specifying its file name as the C<--input-db-file-name>
593 argument of another C<dac.pl> execution.
595 This script is part of manakai.
597 =head1 OPTIONS
599 =over 4
601 =item I<input.dis> (Required)
603 The unnamed option specifies a file name path of the source "dis" file
604 from which a database is created. This option is required.
606 =item C<--input-db-file-name=I<file-name>> (Default: none)
608 A file path of the base database. This option is optional; if this
609 option is specified, the database file is loaded first
610 and then I<input.dis> file is loaded in the context of it.
611 Otherwise, a new database is created.
613 =back
615 =head1 SEE ALSO
617 L<lib/Message/Util/DIS.dis> - The actual implementation
618 of the "dis" interpretation.
620 =head1 LICENSE
622 Copyright 2004-2006 Wakaba <w@suika.fam.cx>. All rights reserved.
624 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
625 modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
627 =cut

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