
Contents of /markup/tool/mkdtds.pl

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Revision 1.5 - (show annotations) (download)
Sun Jun 20 05:16:45 2004 UTC (20 years, 5 months ago) by wakaba
Branch: MAIN
Changes since 1.4: +12 -5 lines
File MIME type: text/plain
Minor fix

1 #!/usr/bin/perl
2 use strict;
3 our $SCRIPT_NAME = 'mkdtds';
4 our $VERSION = do{my @r=(q$Revision: 1.4 $=~/\d+/g);sprintf "%d."."%02d" x $#r,@r};
5 {require Message::Markup::SuikaWikiConfig20::Parser;
7 my $parser = new Message::Markup::SuikaWikiConfig20::Parser;
8 local $/ = undef;
9 my $src = $parser->parse_text (scalar <>);
10 my $Info = {};
12 for my $src ($src->get_attribute ('ModuleSet')
13 || $src->get_attribute ('DocumentType')) {
14 for (qw/Description/) {
15 $Info->{$_} = $src->get_attribute_value ($_);
16 }
17 for (qw/Name ID Copyright BaseURI Version/) {
18 $Info->{$_} = normalize_wsp ($src->get_attribute_value ($_));
19 }
20 $Info->{realname} = $Info->{Name};
21 $Info->{Name} .= ' ' . $Info->{Version} if length $Info->{Version};
22 $Info->{ns} = $src->get_attribute ('Namespace');
23 }
25 for (@{$src->child_nodes}) {
26 if ($_->local_name eq 'Attribute') {
27 attrib_module ($_, $Info);
28 } elsif ($_->local_name eq 'Datatype') {
29 datatype_module ($_, $Info);
30 } elsif ($_->local_name eq 'Notation') {
31 notation_module ($_, $Info);
32 } elsif ($_->local_name eq 'Module') {
33 submodule ($_, $Info);
34 } elsif ($_->local_name eq 'Model') {
35 model_module ($_, $Info);
36 $Info->{has_model} = 1;
37 } elsif ($_->local_name eq 'Driver') {
38 dtd_driver ($_, $Info);
39 }
40 }
42 if (ref $src->get_attribute ('ModuleSet')) {
43 qname_module ($src->get_attribute ('ModuleSet'), $Info);
44 }
45 exit}
47 sub normalize_wsp ($;%) {
48 my $s = shift;
49 $s =~ s/\s+/ /g;
50 $s =~ s/^ +//;
51 $s =~ s/ +$//;
52 $s;
53 }
54 sub make_paragraphs ($;%) {
55 my ($para, %opt) = @_;
56 join "\n\n", map {
57 my $s = $_;
58 $s =~ s/\n+$//g;
59 $s =~ s/\n/\n$opt{indent}/g;
60 $opt{indent}.$s;
61 } grep {length} @$para;
62 }
64 sub dot_padding ($%) {
65 my ($s, %opt) = @_;
66 if ($opt{length} - length $s > 0) {
67 return $s . ( ($opt{dot} or q(.)) x ($opt{length} - length $s) );
68 } else {
69 return $s;
70 }
71 }
73 sub submodule_id_of ($$;%) {
74 my ($src, $Info, %opt) = @_;
75 my $id = $src->get_attribute_value ('ID') || $opt{default};
76 unless ($id) {
77 die "$0: Submodule identifier not specified";
78 }
79 $id;
80 }
81 sub xml_datatype_of ($$;%) {
82 my ($src, $Info, %opt) = @_;
83 my $type = $src->get_attribute_value ('XMLType') || $opt{default};
84 $type =~ s/\s+//g;
85 $type;
86 }
87 sub system_id_of ($$;%) {
88 my ($src, $Info, %opt) = @_;
89 my $sysid = $src->get_attribute_value ('SYSTEM');
90 if ($sysid =~ /<([^>]+)>/) {
91 return $1;
92 } else {
93 return $opt{base}.($sysid || $opt{default});
94 }
95 }
96 sub external_id_of ($$;%) {
97 my ($src, $Info, %opt) = @_;
98 my $sysid = system_id_of ($src, $Info, %opt);
99 my $pubid = $src->get_attribute_value ('PUBLIC');
100 if ($pubid) {
101 if ($sysid) {
102 return qq(PUBLIC "$pubid"\n\t "$sysid");
103 } else {
104 return qq(PUBLIC "$pubid");
105 }
106 } else {
107 return qq(SYSTEM "$sysid");
108 }
109 }
110 sub name_of ($$;%) {
111 my ($src, $Info, %opt) = @_;
112 unless (ref $src) {require Carp; Carp::croak ('$src undefined')}
113 my $name = $src->get_attribute_value ($opt{key} || 'Name');
114 if ($name =~ /^:(.+)/) { ## Global namespace
115 return $1;
116 } elsif ($name =~ /([^:]+):(.+)/) { ## Named space
117 return $1.($opt{delim}||'.').$2;
118 } else { ## Default namespace
119 return $Info->{ID}.($opt{delim}||'.').$name;
120 }
121 }
122 sub local_name_of ($$;%) {
123 my ($src, $Info, %opt) = @_;
124 my $name = $src->get_attribute_value ($opt{key} || 'Name');
125 if ($name =~ /^:(.+)/) { ## Global namespace
126 return $1;
127 } elsif ($name =~ /[^:]+:(.+)/) { ## Named space
128 return $1;
129 } else { ## Default namespace
130 return $name;
131 }
132 }
133 sub set_name_of ($$;%) {
134 my ($src, $Info, %opt) = @_;
135 my $name = $src->get_attribute_value ($opt{key} || 'Name');
136 if ($name =~ /^:.+/) { ## Global namespace
137 return 'XHTML';
138 } elsif ($name =~ /([^:]+):.+/) { ## Named space
139 return $1;
140 } else { ## Default namespace
141 return $Info->{ID};
142 }
143 }
144 sub class_name_of ($$;%) {
145 my ($src, $Info, %opt) = @_;
146 my $name = name_of ($src, $Info, %opt);
147 unless ($name =~ /\.(class|mix|content|datatype)$/) {
148 $name .= '.class';
149 }
150 $name;
151 }
152 sub convert_content_model ($$;%) {
153 my ($src, $Info, %opt) = @_;
154 my $model = $src->get_attribute_value ($opt{key} || 'Content') || $opt{default};
155 $model =~ s/\s//g;
156 my $nonsymbol = qr/[^%#?,\$;()+*|:]/;
157 $model =~ s/(?<![%#.])((?:\$|\b)$nonsymbol+(?::$nonsymbol+)?|\$?:$nonsymbol+|"[^"]+")/get_model_token ($1, $Info)/ge;
158 $model;
159 }
160 sub sparalit ($) {
161 my $s = paralit (shift);
162 $s =~ s/&/&#x26;/g;
163 $s =~ s/%/&#x25;/g;
164 $s;
165 }
166 sub paralit ($) {
167 my $s = shift;
168 if ($s =~ /"/) {
169 if ($s =~ /'/) {
170 $s =~ s/'/&#x27;/g;
171 return qq("$s");
172 } else {
173 return qq('$s');
174 }
175 } else {
176 return qq("$s");
177 }
178 }
179 sub description ($$;%) {
180 my ($src, $Info, %opt) = @_;
181 my $desc = $src->get_attribute_value ('Description');
182 $desc =~ s/\n/\n /g;
183 unless ($desc) {
184 $desc = {
185 load_module => {
186 AttributeModule => q/Common Attributes Module/,
187 DatatypeModule => q/Datatypes Module/,
188 NotationModule => q/Notation Module/,
189 QNameModule => q/QName Module/,
190 },
191 }->{$opt{context}}->{$opt{id} || $src->get_attribute_value ($opt{id_key}||'ID')};
192 }
193 $desc = qq(<!-- $desc -->\n) if $desc;
194 $desc;
195 }
196 sub xml_condition_section ($$;%) {
197 my ($condition, $content, %opt) = @_;
198 qq(<![%$condition;[\n)
199 . $content
200 . qq(<!-- end of $condition -->]]>\n);
201 }
202 sub xml_parameter_ENTITY ($%) {
203 my ($name, %opt) = @_;
204 qq(<!ENTITY % $name @{[paralit $opt{value}]}>\n);
205 }
207 sub entity_declaration ($$;%) {
208 my ($src, $Info, %opt) = @_;
209 my $val;
210 if ($src->get_attribute_value ('ID')
211 || $src->get_attribute_value ('SYSTEM')
212 || $src->get_attribute_value ('PUBLIC')) {
213 $val = "\n\t".external_id_of ($src, $Info, default => $src->get_attribute_value ('ID'));
214 } elsif (ref $src->get_attribute ('Declaration')) {
215 $val = "\n\t".sparalit submodule_declarations ($src->get_attribute ('Declaration'), $Info);
216 } else {
217 $val = paralit $src->get_attribute_value ('EntityValue');
218 }
219 my $s = <<EOH;
220 @{[description ($src, $Info)]}<!ENTITY @{[$opt{param}?'% ':'']}@{[$src->get_attribute_value ('Name')]} $val>
222 EOH
223 $s;
224 }
226 sub dtd_driver ($$) {
227 my ($src, $Info) = @_;
228 my $s = '';
229 my %s;
230 my @module_set;
231 for my $src (@{$src->child_nodes}) {
232 if ($src->local_name eq 'Module') {
233 $s .= dtd_driver_load_module ($src, $Info);
234 } elsif ($src->local_name eq 'DTD') {
235 $s .= dtd_driver_load_dtd ($src, $Info);
236 } elsif ($src->local_name eq 'ModuleSet') {
237 push @module_set, $src;
238 } elsif ($src->local_name =~ /^(?:QName|Attribute|Datatype|Notation)Module/) {
239 $s{$src->local_name} .= dtd_driver_load_module ($src, $Info);
240 } elsif ($src->local_name eq 'IfModuleSet') {
241 $s .= qq(<![%@{[$src->get_attribute_value ('ModuleSet')]}.module;[\n);
242 $s .= submodule_declarations ($src, $Info);
243 $s .= qq(]]>\n);
244 } elsif ($src->local_name eq 'GeneralEntity') {
245 $s .= entity_declaration ($src, $Info, param => 0);
246 } elsif ($src->local_name eq 'ParameterEntity') {
247 $s .= entity_declaration ($src, $Info, param => 1);
248 }
249 }
251 $s{ModelModule} = $src->get_attribute_value ('NoModelModule') ? '' :
252 $Info->{has_model} ? <<EOH : '';
253 <!-- Document Model module -->
254 <!ENTITY % $Info->{ID}-model.module "INCLUDE">
255 <![%$Info->{ID}-model.module;[
256 <!ENTITY % $Info->{ID}-model.decl
257 'SYSTEM "$Info->{ID}-model.mod"'>
258 <!ENTITY % $Info->{ID}-model.mod %$Info->{ID}-model.decl;>
259 %$Info->{ID}-model.mod;]]>
261 EOH
263 $s = dtd_driver_module_sets (\@module_set, $Info)
264 . $s{QNameModule}.$s{DatatypeModule}.$s{NotationModule}.$s{AttributeModule}
265 . $s{ModelModule}
266 .$s;
267 make_dtd ($src, $Info, $src->get_attribute_value ('ID'), $s);
268 }
270 sub dtd_driver_module_sets ($$) {
271 my ($srces, $Info) = @_;
272 my @src = map {{src => $_}} @$srces;
273 my $s = qq(<!-- Switchers to include/ignore each vocabulary -->\n);
274 for my $module_set (@src) {
275 $module_set->{ID} = $module_set->{src}->get_attribute_value ('ID') || 'XHTML';
276 $s .= qq(<!ENTITY % $module_set->{ID}.module "@{[$module_set->{src}->get_attribute_value ('Default') > 0 ? 'INCLUDE' : 'IGNORE']}">\n);
277 }
278 $s .= qq(\n<!-- Namespace names -->\n);
279 for my $module_set (@src) {
280 $module_set->{ns} = $module_set->{src}->get_attribute ('Namespace');
281 $s .= qq(<!ENTITY % $module_set->{ID}.xmlns "@{[$module_set->{ns}->get_attribute_value ('Name')]}">\n);
282 }
283 $s .= qq(\n<!-- Base URIs for the relavant DTD modules -->\n);
284 for my $module_set (@src) {
285 $s .= qq(<!ENTITY % $module_set->{ID}.sysid.base "@{[$module_set->{src}->get_attribute_value ('BaseURI')]}">\n);
286 }
287 $s .= qq(\n<!-- Namespace prefix -->\n);
288 $s .= qq(<!ENTITY % NS.prefixed "@{[$Info->{ns}->get_attribute_value ('UsePrefix') > 0 ? 'INCLUDE' : 'IGNORE']}">\n);
289 for my $module_set (@src) {
290 $s .= qq(<!ENTITY % $module_set->{ID}.prefix "@{[$module_set->{ns}->get_attribute_value ('DefaultPrefix')]}">\n);
291 $s .= qq(<!ENTITY % $module_set->{ID}.prefixed "@{[$module_set->{ns}->get_attribute_value ('UsePrefix') > 0 ? 'INCLUDE' : $module_set->{ns}->get_attribute_value ('UsePrefix') < 0 ? 'IGNORE' : '%NS.prefixed;']}">\n);
292 }
293 $s .= qq(\n<!-- a URI reference -->\n<!ENTITY % URI.datatype "CDATA">\n);
294 $s .= qq(\n<!-- Placefolders for foreign namespace declarations -->\n);
295 for my $module_set (@src) {
296 $s .= qq(<!ENTITY % $module_set->{ID}.xmlns.extra.attrib "">\n);
297 }
298 $s .= qq(\n<!-- Namespace declarations -->\n);
299 for my $module_set (@src) {
300 $s .= qq(<![%$module_set->{ID}.module;[
301 <![%$module_set->{ID}.prefixed;[
302 <!ENTITY % $module_set->{ID}.xmlns.decl.attrib
303 "xmlns:%$module_set->{ID}.prefix; %URI.datatype; #FIXED '%$module_set->{ID}.xmlns;'">
304 ]]>
305 <!ENTITY % $module_set->{ID}.xmlns.decl.attrib
306 "xmlns %URI.datatype; #FIXED '%$module_set->{ID}.xmlns;'">
307 ]]>
308 <!ENTITY % $module_set->{ID}.xmlns.decl.attrib "">\n\n);
309 }
310 $s .= <<EOH;
311 <!-- Declare a parameter entity %XSI.prefix as a prefix to use for
312 XML Schema Instance attributes. -->
313 <!ENTITY % XSI.prefix "xsi">
315 <!ENTITY % XSI.pfx "%XSI.prefix;:">
317 <!ENTITY % XSI.xmlns "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
319 <!-- Declare a parameter entity %XSI.xmlns.attrib as support for
320 the schemaLocation attribute. -->
321 <!ENTITY % XSI.xmlns.attrib
322 "xmlns:%XSI.prefix; %URI.datatype; #FIXED '%XSI.xmlns;'">
323 EOH
324 $s .= qq(\n<!ENTITY % NS.decl.attrib
325 ").join ("\n\t", (map {qq(%$_->{ID}.xmlns.decl.attrib;)} @src),
326 map {qq(%$_->{ID}.xmlns.extra.attrib;)} @src)
327 .qq(\n\t%XSI.xmlns.attrib;">\n);
328 $s .= qq(\n);
329 for my $module_set (@src) {
330 $s .= qq(<!ENTITY % $module_set->{ID}.xmlns.attrib "%NS.decl.attrib;">\n);
331 }
332 $s .= qq(\n\n);
333 $s;
334 }
336 sub dtd_driver_load_module ($$) {
337 my ($src, $Info) = @_;
338 my $module_name = name_of ($src, $Info, key => 'ID');
339 my $module_hyphen_name = name_of ($src, $Info, key => 'ID', delim => '-');
340 my $module_set_name = set_name_of ($src, $Info, key => 'ID');
341 my $module_id = local_name_of ($src, $Info, key => 'ID');
343 my $s .= <<EOH;
344 @{[description ($src, $Info, context => 'load_module', id => $src->local_name)]}<![%$module_set_name.module;[
345 <!ENTITY % $module_name.module "@{[$src->get_attribute_value ('Default') >= 0 ? 'INCLUDE' : 'IGNORE']}">
346 <![%$module_name.module;[
347 @{[submodule_declarations ($src, $Info)]}<!ENTITY % $module_name.decl
348 @{[paralit external_id_of ($src, $Info, default => qq($module_hyphen_name.mod), base => qq(%$module_set_name.sysid.base;))]}>
349 <!ENTITY % $module_name.mod %$module_name.decl;>
350 %$module_name.mod;]]>
351 ]]>
353 EOH
354 $s;
355 }
357 sub dtd_driver_load_dtd ($$) {
358 my ($src, $Info) = @_;
359 my $module_set_name = $src->get_attribute_value ('ID');
361 my $s .= <<EOH;
362 @{[description ($src, $Info)]}<![%$module_set_name.module;[
363 @{[submodule_declarations ($src, $Info)]}<!ENTITY % $module_set_name.dtd.sysid "@{[system_id_of ($src, $Info, default => $src->get_attribute_value ('ID').'.dtd', base => qq(%$module_set_name.sysid.base;))]}">
364 @{[do{
365 my $pubid = $src->get_attribute_value ('PUBLIC');
366 if ($pubid) {
367 qq(<!ENTITY % $module_set_name.dtd.fpi "$pubid">\n<!ENTITY % $module_set_name.dtd.fpi.defined "INCLUDE">\n);
368 } else {
369 qq(<!ENTITY % $module_set_name.dtd.fpi "">\n<!ENTITY % $module_set_name.dtd.fpi.defined "IGNORE">\n);
370 }
371 }]}
372 <![%$module_set_name.dtd.fpi.defined;[
373 <!ENTITY % $module_set_name.dtd.decl
374 'PUBLIC "%$module_set_name.dtd.fpi;"
375 "%$module_set_name.dtd.sysid;"'>
376 ]]>
377 <!ENTITY % $module_set_name.dtd.decl
378 'SYSTEM "%$module_set_name.dtd.sysid;"'>
379 <!ENTITY % $module_set_name.dtd %$module_set_name.dtd.decl;>
380 %$module_set_name.dtd;]]>
382 EOH
383 $s;
384 }
386 sub model_module ($$) {
387 my ($src, $Info) = @_;
388 my $s = '';
389 for my $src (@{$src->child_nodes}) {
390 if ($src->local_name eq 'Class') {
391 $s .= qq(@{[description ($src, $Info)]}<!ENTITY % @{[class_name_of ($src, $Info)]} @{[paralit convert_content_model ($src, $Info)]}>\n\n);
392 } elsif ($src->local_name eq 'Content') {
393 $s .= element_content_def ($src, $Info);
394 }
395 }
396 make_module ($src, $Info, submodule_id_of ($src, $Info, default => 'model'), $s);
397 }
399 sub datatype_module ($$) {
400 my ($src, $Info) = @_;
401 my $s = '';
402 for my $src (@{$src->child_nodes}) {
403 if ($src->local_name eq 'Type') {
404 $s .= qq(@{[get_desc ($src, $Info)]}<!ENTITY % @{[name_of ($src, $Info)]}.datatype "@{[xml_datatype_of ($src, $Info, default => 'CDATA')]}">\n\n);
405 }
406 }
407 make_module ($src, $Info, submodule_id_of ($src, $Info, default => 'datatype'), $s);
408 }
410 sub notation_module ($$) {
411 my ($src, $Info) = @_;
412 my $s = '';
413 for my $src (@{$src->child_nodes}) {
414 if ($src->local_name eq 'Notation') {
415 $s .= qq(@{[get_desc ($src, $Info)]}<!NOTATION @{[name_of ($src, $Info)]} @{[external_id_of ($src, $Info)]}>\n\n);
416 }
417 }
418 make_module ($src, $Info, submodule_id_of ($src, $Info, default => 'notation'), $s);
419 }
421 sub qname_module ($$) {
422 my ($src, $Info) = @_;
423 my $ID = $Info->{ID};
424 my $ns = $src->get_attribute ('Namespace');
425 my $s = <<EOH;
426 <!ENTITY % sgml.tag.minimizable "IGNORE">
428 <!ENTITY % NS.prefixed "@{[$ns->get_attribute_value ('UsePrefix')==1?
429 q(INCLUDE):q(IGNORE)]}">
431 <!-- Section A: XML Namespace Framework :::::::::::::::::::::::::: -->
433 <!-- 1. Declare a %$ID.prefixed; conditional section keyword, used
434 to activate namespace prefixing. -->
435 <!ENTITY % $ID.prefixed "@{[$ns->get_attribute_value ('UsePrefix')==1?
436 q(INCLUDE):
437 $ns->get_attribute_value ('UsePrefix')==-1?
438 q(IGNORE):
439 q(%NS.prefixed;)]}">
441 <!ENTITY % $ID.global.attrs.prefixed "@{[$ns->get_attribute_value ('UsePrefix')==1?
442 q(INCLUDE):
443 $ns->get_attribute_value ('UsePrefix')==-1?
444 q(IGNORE):
445 q(%NS.prefixed;)]}">
447 <!ENTITY % $ID.xsi.attrs "INCLUDE">
449 <!-- 2. Declare a parameter entity %$ID.xmlns; containing
450 the URI reference used to identity the namespace. -->
451 <!ENTITY % $ID.xmlns "@{[$ns->get_attribute_value ('Name')]}">
453 <!-- 3. Declare parameter entity %$ID.prefix; containing
454 the default namespace prefix string to use when prefixing
455 is enabled. This may be overridden in the DTD driver or the
456 internal subset of a document instance.
458 NOTE: As specified in XML Namespace speficications, the namespace
459 prefix serves as a proxy for the URI reference, and is not in itself
460 significant. -->
461 <!ENTITY % $ID.prefix "@{[$ns->get_attribute_value ('DefaultPrefix')]}">
463 <!-- 4. Declare parameter entity %$ID.pfx; containing the
464 colonized prefix (e.g, '%$ID.prefix;:') used when
465 prefixing is active, an empty string when it is not. -->
466 <![%$ID.prefixed;[
467 <!ENTITY % $ID.pfx "%$ID.prefix;:">
468 ]]>
469 <!ENTITY % $ID.pfx "">
471 <!-- declare qualified name extensions here ............ -->
472 <!ENTITY % ${ID}-qname-extra.mod "">
473 %${ID}-qname-extra.mod;
475 <!-- 5. The parameter entity %$ID.xmlns.extra.attrib; may be
476 redeclared to contain any foreign namespace declaration
477 attributes for namespaces embedded. The default
478 is an empty string. -->
479 <!ENTITY % $ID.xmlns.extra.attrib "">
481 <!-- The parameter entity %URI.datatype; should already be defined in
482 Datatype module. -->
483 <!ENTITY % URI.datatype; "CDATA">
485 <![%$ID.prefixed;[
486 <!ENTITY % $ID.xmlns.decl.attrib
487 "xmlns:%$ID.prefix; %URI.datatype; #FIXED '%$ID.xmlns;'">
488 ]]>
489 <!ENTITY % $ID.xmlns.decl.attrib
490 "xmlns %URI.datatype; #FIXED '%$ID.xmlns;'">
492 <!-- Declare a parameter entity %XSI.prefix as a prefix to use for
493 XML Schema Instance attributes. -->
494 <!ENTITY % XSI.prefix "xsi">
496 <!ENTITY % XSI.pfx "%XSI.prefix;:">
498 <!ENTITY % XSI.xmlns "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
500 <!-- Declare a parameter entity %XSI.xmlns.attrib as support for
501 the schemaLocation attribute. -->
502 <!ENTITY % XSI.xmlns.attrib
503 "xmlns:%XSI.prefix; %URI.datatype; #FIXED '%XSI.xmlns;'">
505 <![%$ID.prefixed;[
506 <!ENTITY % NS.decl.attrib
507 "%$ID.xmlns.decl.attrib;
508 %$ID.xmlns.extra.attrib;
509 %XSI.xmlns.attrib;">
510 ]]>
511 <!ENTITY % NS.decl.attrib
512 "%$ID.xmlns.extra.attrib;
513 %XSI.xmlns.attrib;">
515 <!-- Declare a parameter entity containing all XML namespace declaration
516 attributes used, including a default xmlns declaration when prefixing
517 is inactive. -->
518 <![%$ID.prefixed;[
519 <!ENTITY % $ID.xmlns.attrib
520 "%NS.decl.attrib;">
521 ]]>
522 <!ENTITY % $ID.xmlns.attrib
523 "%$ID.xmlns.decl.attrib;
524 %NS.decl.attrib;">
526 <!-- @{[dot_padding qq(Section B: $Info->{realname} Qualified Names ),
527 length => 71-9, dot => q(:)]} -->
529 <!-- placeholder for qualified name redeclarations -->
530 <!ENTITY % ${ID}-qname.redecl "">
531 %${ID}-qname.redecl;
533 <!-- 6. This section declare parameter entities used to provide
534 namespace-qualified names for all element types and global
535 attribute names. -->
536 EOH
537 for my $lname (sort keys %{$Info->{QName}}) {
538 $s .= qq(<!ENTITY % )
539 . (dot_padding qq($Info->{ID}.$lname.qname),
540 length => 15 + length ($Info->{ID}), dot => ' ')
541 . qq( "%$Info->{ID}.pfx;$lname">\n);
542 }
543 $s .= qq(\n);
544 for my $lname (sort keys %{$Info->{QNameA}}) {
545 $s .= qq(<!ENTITY % )
546 . (dot_padding qq($Info->{ID}.$lname.attrib.qname),
547 length => 15 + length ($Info->{ID}), dot => ' ')
548 . qq( "%$Info->{ID}.prefix;:$lname">\n);
549 }
550 $s .= qq(\n);
551 for my $lname (sort keys %{$Info->{QNameB}}) {
552 $s .= qq(<!ENTITY % )
553 . (dot_padding qq($Info->{ID}.$lname.attribute.qname),
554 length => 15 + length ($Info->{ID}), dot => ' ')
555 . qq( "%$Info->{ID}.pfx;$lname">\n);
556 }
557 make_module ($src->get_attribute ('QName', make_new_node => 1), $Info, 'qname', $s);
558 }
560 sub get_name ($$;$) {
561 my ($src, $Info, $key) = @_;
562 my $name = $src->get_attribute_value ($key || 'Name');
563 if ($name =~ /^:(.+)/) {
564 $name = $1;
565 } elsif ($name =~ /([^:]+):(.+)/) {
566 $name = qq($1.$2);
567 } else {
568 $name = qq($Info->{ID}.$name);
569 }
570 $name;
571 }
573 sub get_qname ($$) {
574 my ($src, $Info) = @_;
575 my $name = $src->get_attribute_value ('Name');
576 if ($name =~ /"([^"]+)"/) {
577 $name = qq($1);
578 } elsif ($name =~ /^:(.+)/) {
579 $name = qq(%$1.qname;);
580 } elsif ($name =~ /([^:]+):(.+)/) {
581 $name = qq(%$1.$2.qname;);
582 } elsif ($name =~ /\{([^{}]+)\}/) {
583 $Info->{QNameB}->{$1} = 1;
584 $name = qq(%$Info->{ID}.$1.attribute.qname;);
585 } else {
586 $Info->{QNameA}->{$name} = 1;
587 $name = qq(%$Info->{ID}.$name.attrib.qname;);
588 }
589 $name;
590 }
592 sub get_atype ($$) {
593 my ($src, $Info) = @_;
594 my $name = $src->get_attribute_value ('Type');
595 if ($name =~ /^:(.+)/) {
596 $name = qq(%$1.datatype;);
597 } elsif ($name =~ /([^:]+):(.+)/) {
598 $name = qq(%$1.$2.datatype;);
599 } elsif ($name =~ /"([^"]+)"/) {
600 $name = qq($1);
601 } else {
602 $name = qq(%$Info->{ID}.$name.datatype;);
603 }
604 $name;
605 }
607 sub get_adefault ($$) {
608 my ($src, $Info) = @_;
609 my $name = $src->get_attribute_value ('Default');
610 if (defined $name) {
611 } else {
612 $name = qq(#IMPLIED);
613 }
614 $name;
615 }
617 sub get_desc ($$;%) {
618 my ($src, $Info, %opt) = @_;
619 my $desc = $src->get_attribute_value ('Description');
620 $desc =~ s/\n/\n /g;
621 if (length $desc) {
622 $desc = qq($opt{prefix}$desc);
623 $desc .= q( ) if $opt{padding_length};
624 $desc = q(<!-- ).(dot_padding $desc, length => $opt{padding_length},
625 dot => $opt{padding_dot}).qq( -->\n);
626 } elsif (length $opt{default}) {
627 $desc = $opt{default};
628 $desc .= q( ) if $opt{padding_length};
629 $desc = q(<!-- ).(dot_padding $desc, length => $opt{padding_length},
630 dot => $opt{padding_dot}).qq( -->\n);
631 }
632 $desc;
633 }
635 sub attset_def ($$) {
636 my ($src, $Info) = @_;
637 my $name = get_name ($src, $Info);
638 my $s .= qq(@{[get_desc ($src, $Info)]}<!ENTITY % $name.attrib\n\t);
639 my @s;
640 if ($name eq qq($Info->{ID}.common)) {
641 push @s, qq(%$Info->{ID}.common.extra.attrib;);
642 push @s, qq(%$Info->{ID}.xmlns.attrib;);
643 }
644 for my $src (@{$src->child_nodes}) {
645 ## Attribute Definition
646 if ($src->local_name eq 'Attribute') {
647 push @s, attrib_def ($src, $Info);
648 ## Reference to Attribute Definition
649 } elsif ($src->local_name eq 'ref') {
650 push @s, attrib_ref ($src, $Info);
651 } elsif ($src->local_name eq 'REF') {
652 push @s, attrib_REF ($src, $Info);
653 }
654 }
655 $s .= paralit join "\n\t", @s;
656 $s .= qq(>\n\n);
657 $s;
658 }
660 sub attrib_module ($$) {
661 my ($src, $Info) = @_;
662 my $s = <<EOH;
663 <!ENTITY % $Info->{ID}.common.extra.attrib "">
665 EOH
666 my $output_common = 0;
667 for my $src (@{$src->child_nodes}) {
668 ## Attributes Set
669 if ($src->local_name eq 'Attribute' or $src->local_name eq 'AttributeSet') {
670 $s .= attset_def ($src, $Info);
671 $output_common = 1 if get_name ($src, $Info) eq qq($Info->{ID}.common);
672 }
673 }
674 unless ($output_common) {
675 $s .= <<EOH;
676 <!ENTITY % $Info->{ID}.common.attrib
677 "%$Info->{ID}.common.extra.attrib;
678 %$Info->{ID}.xmlns.attrib;">
680 EOH
681 }
682 make_module ($src, $Info, ($src->get_attribute_value ('ID') || 'attribs'), $s);
683 }
685 sub attrib_def ($$) {
686 my ($src, $Info) = @_;
687 my $s = qq(@{[get_qname ($src, $Info)]} @{[get_atype ($src, $Info)]} @{[get_adefault ($src, $Info)]});
688 $s;
689 }
691 sub attrib_ref ($$) {
692 my ($src, $Info) = @_;
693 my $name = $src->value;
694 if ($name =~ /^:(.+)/) {
695 $name = $1;
696 } elsif ($name =~ /([^:]+):(.+)/) {
697 $name = qq($1.$2);
698 } else {
699 $name = qq($Info->{ID}.$name);
700 }
701 qq(%$name.attrib;);
702 }
704 sub attrib_REF ($$) {
705 my ($src, $Info) = @_;
706 {
707 'xml:base' => q<xml:base %URI.datatype; #IMPLIED>,
708 'xml:lang' => q<xml:lang %LanguageCode.datatype; #IMPLIED>,
709 'xml:space' => q<xml:space (default|preserve) #IMPLIED>,
710 'xsi:nil' => q<%XSI.prefix;:nil (true|false|1|0) #IMPLIED>,
711 'xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation' => q<%XSI.prefix;:noNamespaceSchemaLocation CDATA #IMPLIED>,
712 'xsi:schemaLocation' => q<%XSI.prefix;:schemaLocation CDATA #IMPLIED>,
713 'xsi:type' => q<%XSI.prefix;:type NMTOKEN #IMPLIED>,
714 }->{$src->value};
715 }
717 sub submodule ($$) {
718 my ($src, $Info) = @_;
719 local $Info->{elements} = [];
720 my $s = submodule_declarations ($src, $Info);
721 make_module ($src, $Info, $src->get_attribute_value ('ID'), $s);
722 }
724 sub submodule_declarations ($$) {
725 my ($src, $Info) = @_;
726 my $s = '';
727 for my $src (@{$src->child_nodes}) {
728 if ($src->local_name eq 'Element') {
729 $s .= element_def ($src, $Info);
730 } elsif ($src->local_name eq 'Attribute') {
731 $s .= attlist_def ($src, $Info);
732 } elsif ($src->local_name eq 'AttributeSet') {
733 $s .= attset_def ($src, $Info);
734 } elsif ($src->local_name eq 'Class') {
735 $s .= qq(@{[description ($src, $Info)]}<!ENTITY % @{[class_name_of ($src, $Info)]} @{[paralit convert_content_model ($src, $Info)]}>\n\n);
736 } elsif ($src->local_name eq 'Content') {
737 $s .= element_content_def ($src, $Info);
738 } elsif ($src->local_name eq 'IfModuleSet') {
739 $s .= qq(<![%@{[$src->get_attribute_value ('ModuleSet')]}.module;[\n);
740 $s .= submodule_declarations ($src, $Info);
741 $s .= qq(<!-- end of -->]]>\n);
742 } elsif ($src->local_name eq 'ElementSwitch') {
743 $s .= qq(<!ENTITY % @{[name_of ($src, $Info)]}.element "@{[$src->get_attribute_value ('Use')>0?'INCLUDE':'IGNORE']}">\n);
744 } elsif ($src->local_name eq 'AttributeSwitch') {
745 $s .= qq(<!ENTITY % @{[name_of ($src, $Info)]}.attlist "@{[$src->get_attribute_value ('Use')>0?'INCLUDE':'IGNORE']}">\n);
746 } elsif ($src->local_name eq 'ModuleSwitch') {
747 $s .= qq(<!ENTITY % @{[name_of ($src, $Info)]}.module "@{[$src->get_attribute_value ('Use')>0?'INCLUDE':'IGNORE']}">\n);
748 } elsif ($src->local_name eq 'GeneralEntity') {
749 $s .= entity_declaration ($src, $Info, param => 0);
750 } elsif ($src->local_name eq 'ParameterEntity') {
751 $s .= entity_declaration ($src, $Info, param => 1);
752 }
753 }
754 $s;
755 }
757 sub element_content_def ($$) {
758 my ($src, $Info) = @_;
759 qq(<!ENTITY % @{[name_of ($src, $Info, key => 'ElementType')]}.content @{[paralit convert_content_model ($src, $Info, default => 'EMPTY')]}>\n);
760 }
762 sub element_def ($$) {
763 my ($src, $Info) = @_;
764 my $name = get_name ($src, $Info);
765 my $mname = $name =~ /^\Q$Info->{ID}.\E/ ? $name : qq($Info->{ID}.$name);
766 my $short_name = $name;
767 if ($name =~ /^\Q$Info->{ID}\E\.(.+)/) {
768 $Info->{QName}->{$1} = 1;
769 push @{$Info->{elements}}, $1;
770 $short_name = $1;
771 }
772 my $s = get_desc $src, $Info, prefix => qq($short_name: ),
773 padding_length => 51, padding_dot => q(.),
774 default => qq($short_name);
775 $s .= "\n";
776 $s .= xml_parameter_ENTITY qq($mname.element), value => 'INCLUDE';
777 my $cm = convert_content_model ($src, $Info, default => 'EMPTY');
778 $s .= xml_condition_section (qq($mname.element) =>
779 xml_parameter_ENTITY (qq($name.content), value => $cm)
780 . xml_parameter_ENTITY (qq($name.qname), value => $short_name)
781 . xml_parameter_ENTITY (qq($name.tagmin.start), value => q<->)
782 . xml_parameter_ENTITY (qq($name.tagmin.end), value => $cm eq 'EMPTY' ? q<o> : q<->)
783 . xml_condition_section (qq(sgml.tag.minimizable) =>
784 xml_parameter_ENTITY (qq($name.tagmin),
785 value => qq"%$name.tagmin.start; %$name.tagmin.end;"))
786 . xml_parameter_ENTITY (qq($name.tagmin), value => q"")
787 . qq(<!ELEMENT %$name.qname; %$name.tagmin; %$name.content;>\n));
788 $s .= "\n";
789 $s .= attlist_def (scalar $src->get_attribute ('Attribute', make_new_node => 1), $Info, $mname);
790 $s;
791 }
793 sub get_model_token ($$) {
794 my ($name, $Info) = @_;
795 my $suffix = '.qname';
796 if ($name =~ s/^\$//) {
797 $suffix = $name =~ /\.(?:mix|class|content|datatype)$/ ? '' : '.class';
798 }
799 if ($name =~ /^:(.+)/) {
800 $name = qq(%$1$suffix;);
801 } elsif ($name =~ /([^:]+):(.+)/) {
802 $name = qq(%$1.$2$suffix;);
803 } elsif ($name =~ /"([^"]+)"/) {
804 $name = qq($1);
805 } else {
806 $name = qq(%$Info->{ID}.$name$suffix;);
807 }
808 $name;
809 }
811 sub attlist_def ($$;$) {
812 my ($src, $Info, $name) = @_;
813 $name ||= get_name ($src, $Info, 'ElementType');
814 my $mname = get_name ($src, $Info);
815 $mname = ($name =~ /^\Q$Info->{ID}.\E/ ? $name : qq($Info->{ID}.$name))
816 if $mname eq "$Info->{ID}.";
817 $Info->{QName}->{$1} = 1 if $name =~ /^\Q$Info->{ID}\E\.(.+)/;
818 my $s = qq(<!ATTLIST %$name.qname;);
819 for my $src (@{$src->child_nodes}) {
820 ## Attribute Definition
821 if ($src->local_name eq 'Attribute') {
822 $s .= "\n\t". attrib_def ($src, $Info);
823 ## Reference to Attribute Definition
824 } elsif ($src->local_name eq 'ref') {
825 $s .= "\n\t". attrib_ref ($src, $Info);
826 } elsif ($src->local_name eq 'REF') {
827 $s .= "\n\t". attrib_REF ($src, $Info);
828 }
829 }
830 if ($_[2]) {
831 $s .= qq(\n\t%$Info->{ID}.common.attrib;);
832 }
833 $s .= qq(>\n);
834 qq(@{[description ($src, $Info)]}<!ENTITY % $mname.attlist "INCLUDE">\n)
835 . xml_condition_section (qq($mname.attlist) => $s)
836 . "\n";
837 }
839 sub make_module ($$$$;%) {
840 my ($src, $Info, $id, $s, %opt) = @_;
841 my $name = $src->get_attribute_value ('Name')
842 || {arch => q/Base Architecture/,
843 attribs => q/Common Attributes/,
844 blkphras => q/Block Phrasal/,
845 blkpres => q/Block Presentation/,
846 blkstruct => q/Block Structural/,
847 charent => q/Character Entities/,
848 datatype => q/Datatypes/,
849 framework => q/Modular Framework/,
850 inlphras => q/Inline Phrasal/,
851 inlpres => q/Inline Presentation/,
852 inlstruct => q/Inline Structural/,
853 legacy => q/Legacy Markup/,
854 list => q/Lists/,
855 meta => q/Metainformation/,
856 model => q/Document Model/,
857 notations => q/Notations/,
858 pres => q/Presentation/,
859 qname => q/QName (Qualified Name)/,
860 struct => q/Document Structure/,
861 text => q/Text/,
862 }->{$id}
863 || $id;
864 return unless $s;
866 my $r = <<EOH;
867 <!-- ...................................................................... -->
868 <!-- @{[do{
869 my $s = qq($Info->{Name} $name Module );
870 if (70 - length $s > 0) {
871 $s = dot_padding $s, length => 70, dot => q(.);
872 } else {
873 $s = qq( $name Module );
874 $s = qq($Info->{Name}\n ) . dot_padding $s, length => 70, dot => q(.);
875 }
876 $s;
877 }]} -->
878 <!-- file: $Info->{ID}-$id.mod
880 @{[make_paragraphs [$Info->{Description}], indent => q< >]}
882 Copyright @{[(gmtime)[5]+1900]} $Info->{Copyright}, All Rights Reserved.
884 Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this DTD and its
885 accompanying documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby
886 granted in perpetuity, provided that the above copyright notice and
887 this paragraph appear in all copies. The copyright holders make no
888 representation about the suitability of the DTD for any purpose.
890 It is provided "as is" without expressed or implied warranty.
892 Revision: @{[sprintf '%04d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:%02d+00:00',
893 (gmtime)[5]+1900, (gmtime)[4]+1, (gmtime)[3,2,1,0]
894 ]} (Generated by $SCRIPT_NAME/$VERSION)
896 This DTD module is identified by the SYSTEM identifier:
898 SYSTEM "$Info->{BaseURI}$Info->{ID}-$id.mod"
900 ...................................................................... -->
902 EOH
903 ## TODO: Support PUBLIC identifier.
905 ## Module description
906 my @para = ({
907 arch => (join "\n",
908 q!This optional module includes declarations that enable to be used!,
909 q!as a base architecture according to the 'Architectural Forms Definition!,
910 q!Requirements' (Annex A.3, ISO/IEC 10744, 2nd edition). For more!,
911 q!information on use of architectural forms, see the HyTime web site at!,
912 q!<http://www.hytime.org/>.!),
913 attribs => q/This module declares many of the common attributes./,
914 blkphras => qq/This module declares the element types and their attributes used\n/.
915 q/to support block-level phrasal markup./,
916 blkpres => qq/This module declares the element types and their attributes used\n/.
917 q/to support block-level presentational markup./,
918 blkstruct => qq/This module declares the element types and their attributes used\n/.
919 q/to support block-level structural markup./,
920 charent => q/This module declares the set of character entities./,
921 datatype => q/This module defines containers for the datatypes./,
922 framework => qq/This module imstantiates the modules needed to support\n/.
923 q/the modularization model./,
924 inlphras => qq/This module declares the element types and their attributes used\n/.
925 q/to support inline phrasal markup./,
926 inlpres => qq/This module declares the element types and their attributes used\n/.
927 q/to support inline presentational markup./,
928 inlstruct => qq/This module declares the element types and their attributes used\n/.
929 q/to support inline structural markup./,
930 legacy => q/This module declares additional markup that is considered obsolete./,
931 list => qq/This module declares the list-oriented element types\n/.
932 q/and their attributes./,
933 meta => qq/This module declares the element types and their attributes\n/.
934 q/to support metainformation markup./,
935 model => qq/This model describes the groupings of element types that\n/.
936 q/make up common content models./,
937 pres => qq/This module declares the element types and their attributes used\n/.
938 q/to support presentational markup./,
939 qname => (join "\n",
940 q!This module is contained in two parts, labeled Section 'A' and 'B':!,
941 q!!,
942 q! Section A declares parameter entities to support namespace-qualified!,
943 q! names, namespace declarations, and name prefixing.!,
944 q!!,
945 q! Section B declares parameter entities used to provide namespace-qualified!,
946 q! names for all element types and global attribute names.!),
947 struct => qq/This module defines the major structural element types and\n/.
948 q/their attributes./,
949 }->{$id}, $src->get_attribute_value ('Description'));
950 unshift @para, ' '.join ', ', sort @{$Info->{elements}||[]} if @{$Info->{elements}||[]};
951 if (@para) {
952 $name = qq($Info->{realname} QName (Qualified Name) Module)
953 if $id eq 'qname';
954 $r .= <<EOH;
955 <!-- $name
957 @{[make_paragraphs \@para, indent => ' ']}
958 -->
960 EOH
961 }
963 $r .= $s;
965 $r .= qq(\n<!-- end of $Info->{ID}-$id.mod -->\n);
967 my $file = qq"$Info->{ID}-$id.mod";
968 open FILE, '>', $file or die "$0: $file: $!";
969 print FILE $r;
970 close FILE;
971 print STDERR "$0: $file created\n";
972 }
974 sub make_dtd ($$$$) {
975 my ($src, $Info, $id, $s) = @_;
976 $id = "-$id" if $id;
978 my $r = <<EOH;
979 <!-- ....................................................................... -->
980 <!-- @{[ dot_padding "$Info->{Name} DTD ", length => 71, dot => q(.) ]} -->
981 <!-- file: $Info->{ID}.dtd
982 -->
984 <!-- $Info->{Name} DTD
986 @{[make_paragraphs [$Info->{Description}], indent => q< >]}
988 Copyright @{[(gmtime)[5]+1900]} $Info->{Copyright}, All Rights Reserved.
990 Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this DTD and its
991 accompanying documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby
992 granted in perpetuity, provided that the above copyright notice and
993 this paragraph appear in all copies. The copyright holders make no
994 representation about the suitability of the DTD for any purpose.
996 It is provided "as is" without expressed or implied warranty.
998 Revision: @{[sprintf '%04d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:%02d+00:00',
999 (gmtime)[5]+1900, (gmtime)[4]+1, (gmtime)[3,2,1,0]]}
1001 -->
1002 <!-- This is the driver file for the $Info->{Name} DTD.
1004 This DTD is identified by the SYSTEM identifier:
1006 SYSTEM "$Info->{BaseURI}$Info->{ID}$id.dtd"
1007 -->
1009 EOH
1011 $r .= $s;
1013 $r .= qq(\n<!-- end of $Info->{ID}$id.dtd -->\n);
1015 my $file = qq"$Info->{ID}$id.dtd";
1016 open FILE, '>', $file or die "$0: $file: $!";
1017 print FILE $r;
1018 close FILE;
1019 print STDERR "$0: $file created\n";
1020 }
1023 =head1 NAME
1025 mkdtds.pl - Modularized XML Document Type Definition (DTD) Generator
1027 =head1 DESCRIPTION
1029 This script generates XML DTD module implementations and/or DTD drivers,
1030 that can be used with modularized XHTML DTDs.
1032 =head1 USAGE
1034 $ perl mkdtds.pl driver.dds
1035 mkdtds.pl: driver.dtd created
1036 mkdtds.pl: driver-model.mod created
1038 $ perl mkdtds.pl moduleset.dms
1039 mkdtds.pl: moduleset-datatype.mod created
1040 mkdtds.pl: moduleset-attrib.mod created
1041 mkdtds.pl: moduleset-module1.mod created
1045 (((See examples on <http://suika.fam.cx/gate/cvs/markup/>)))
1049 This script uses C<Message::Markup::SuikaWikiConfig20::Node> and
1050 C<Message::Markup::SuikaWikiConfig20::Parser>. Please retrive it from
1051 <http://suika.fam.cx/gate/cvs/messaging/manakai/lib/Message/Markup/SuikaWikiConfig20/>
1052 and put into your C<lib> directory.
1054 =head1 AUTHOR
1056 Wakaba <w@suika.fam.cx>
1058 =head1 LICENSE
1060 Copyright 2003-2004 Wakaba <w@suika.fam.cx>
1062 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
1063 modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
1065 Note that author claims no copyright with regard to DTD modules/drivers generated
1066 by this script. Author(s) of DTD modules/drivers should explicily state their
1067 license terms in them and their documentation (if any).
1069 =cut

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