#?SuikaWikiConfig/2.0 ModuleSet: @Name: Markup Language for IETF RFCs @Version: (RFC 2629) @ID: rfc2629 @BaseURI: http://suika.fam.cx/gate/cvs/*checkout*/markup/rfc/dtd/2629/ @Namespace: @@Name: urn:x-suika-fam-cx:markup:ietf:rfc:2629: @@DefaultPrefix: rfc @@UsePrefix: -1 @Copyright: Wakaba @RCSDate: $Date: 2003/10/30 07:06:48 $ Datatype: @Type: @@Name: NUMBER @@XMLType: NMTOKEN @@Description: [0-9]+ @Type: @@Name: NUMBERS @@XMLType: CDATA @@Description: [NUMBER *("," NUMBER)] @Type: @@Name: DAY @@XMLType: NMTOKEN @@Description: "1" / "2" / ... / "31" @Type: @@Name: MONTH @@XMLType: (January|February|March|April|May|June|July |August|September|October|November|December) @@Description: 'January' / 'February' / ... / 'December' @Type: @@Name: YEAR @@XMLType: NMTOKEN @@Description: 4DIGIT @Type: @@Name: :URI @@XMLType: CDATA @@Description: URI Reference @Type: @@Name: ATEXT @@XMLType: CDATA @@Description: [U+0020-U+007E]+ (attribute value) @Type: @@Name: CTEXT @@XMLType: #PCDATA @@Description: [U+0020-U+007E]+ (content of element) @Type: @@Name: TEXT @@XMLType: #PCDATA @@Description: *CHAR (content of mixed context element) @Type: @@Name: country @@XMLType: #PCDATA @@Description: should be a two-letter code from ISO 3166 @Type: @@Name: list-style @@XMLType: (numbers|symbols|hanging|empty) @Type: @@Name: series-name @@XMLType: CDATA @@Description: 'RFC' / ... @Type: @@Name: truefalse @@XMLType: (true|false) Attribute: @Attribute: @@Name: anchor @@Attribute: @@@Name: "anchor" @@@Type: "ID" @@@Description: Cross-referencing with the xref element @Attribute: @@Name: abbrev @@Attribute: @@@Name: "abbrev" @@@Type: ATEXT @Attribute: @@Name: section-title @@Attribute: @@@Name: "title" @@@Type: ATEXT @@@Default: #REQUIRED @Attribute: @@Name: target-uri @@Attribute: @@@Name: "target" @@@Type: :URI Module: @Name: Block Structual @ID: blkstruct @Element: @@Name: section @@Content: ($:Block.mix)* @@Attribute: @@@ref: anchor @@@ref: section-title @@Description: A section of the document @Element: @@Name: t @@Content: ( $TEXT.datatype | $list | $:Inline.mix | vspace $blockcontent $t-figure )* @@Attribute: @@@Attribute: @@@@Name: "hangText" @@@@Type: ATEXT @Element: @@Name: vspace @@Content: "EMPTY" @@Attribute: @@@Attribute: @@@@Name: "blankLines" @@@@Type: NUMBER @@@@Default: "0" @@@@Description: A physical linebreak is specified by "0". @Element: @@Name: abstract @@Content: (t)+ @Element: @@Name: note @@Content: (t)+ @@Attribute: @@@Attribute: @@@@Name: "title" @@@@Type: ATEXT @@@@Default: #REQUIRED @@Description: In general, the note element contains text from the IESG @Element: @@Name: list @@Content: (t)+ @@Attribute: @@@Attribute: @@@@Name: "style" @@@@Type: list-style # @@@@Default: "empty" @@@@Description: Default value is inherited from parent list, if any, or "empty". (DTD shown in RFC 2629 is incorrect.) Module: @Name: Figure @ID: figure @Element: @@Name: figure @@Content: ( preamble?, artwork, postamble? ) @@Attribute: @@@ref: anchor @@@Attribute: @@@@Name: "title" @@@@Type: ATEXT @@@@Default: "" @Element: @@Name: preamble @@Content: ( $TEXT.datatype | $:Inline.mix $blockcontent )* @Element: @@Name: postamble @@Content: ( $TEXT.datatype | $:Inline.mix $blockcontent )* @Element: @@Name: artwork @@Content: ($TEXT.datatype)* @@Attribute: @@@Attribute: @@@@Name: "xml:space" @@@@Type: "(default|preserve)" @@@@Default: "preserve" @@Description: Contains "ASCII artwork" Module: @Name: Metainformational @ID: metainfo @Element: @@Name: title @@Content: $metaterm.content @@Attribute: @@@ref: abbrev @@Description: The title of the document \ abbrev should also be provided if the title is more than 42 characters @Element: @@Name: author @@Content: ( organization, address? ) @@Attribute: @@@Attribute: @@@@Name: "initials" @@@@Type: ATEXT @@@Attribute: @@@@Name: "surname" @@@@Type: ATEXT @@@Attribute: @@@@Name: "fullname" @@@@Type: ATEXT @@Description: A document author \ Attributes initials, surname and fullname must be present if the author is a person @Element: @@Name: organization @@Content: $metaterm.content @@Attribute: @@@ref: abbrev @Element: @@Name: address @@Content: ( postal?, phone?, facsimile?, email?, uri? ) @Element: @@Name: postal @@Content: ( street+, ( city | region | code | country )* ) @@Description: At most one of each the city, region, code, and country elements may be present @Element: @@Name: street @@Content: $metaterm.content @Element: @@Name: city @@Content: $metaterm.content @Element: @@Name: region @@Content: $metaterm.content @@Description: State or province @Element: @@Name: code @@Content: $metaterm.content @@Description: Zipcode or postal code @Element: @@Name: country @@Content: ($country.datatype) @@Description: The value should be a two-letter code from ISO 3166 @Element: @@Name: phone @@Content: $metaterm.content @Element: @@Name: facsimile @@Content: $metaterm.content @Element: @@Name: email @@Content: $metaterm.content @Element: @@Name: uri @@Content: $metaterm.content @Element: @@Name: date @@Content: "EMPTY" @@Attribute: @@@Attribute: @@@@Name: "day" @@@@Type: DAY @@@Attribute: @@@@Name: "month" @@@@Type: MONTH @@@@Default: #REQUIRED @@@Attribute: @@@@Name: "year" @@@@Type: YEAR @@@@Default: #REQUIRED @@Description: The publication date of the document @Element: @@Name: area @@Content: $metaterm.content @@Description: A general category for the document (e.g., one of "Applications", "General", "Internet", "Management", "Operations", "Routing", "Security", "Transport", or "User") @Element: @@Name: workgroup @@Content: $metaterm.content @@Description: The IETF working groups that produced the document @Element: @@Name: keyword @@Content: $metaterm.content @@Description: Useful search terms @Element: @@Name: seriesInfo @@Content: "EMPTY" @@Attribute: @@@Attribute: @@@@Name: "name" @@@@Type: series-name @@@@Default: #REQUIRED @@@@Description: The document series @@@Attribute: @@@@Name: "value" @@@@Type: ATEXT @@@@Default: #REQUIRED @@@@Description: Series entry Module: @Name: Reference @ID: reference @Element: @@Name: references @@Content: (reference+) @@Description: The document's bibliography @Element: @@Name: reference @@Content: ( front, seriesInfo* ) @@Attribute: @@@ref: anchor @@@ref: target-uri @Element: @@Name: xref @@Content: ($CTEXT.datatype)* @@Attribute: @@@Attribute: @@@@Name: "target" @@@@Type: "IDREF" @@@@Default: #REQUIRED @@@Attribute: @@@@Name: "pageno" @@@@Type: truefalse @@@@Default: "false" @@Description: Cross-reference sections, figures, tables, and references @Element: @@Name: eref @@Content: ($CTEXT.datatype)* @@Attribute: @@@Attribute: @@@@Name: "target" @@@@Type: :URI @@@@Default: #REQUIRED @@Description: Reference external documents @Element: @@Name: iref @@Content: "EMPTY" @@Attribute: @@@Attribute: @@@@Name: "item" @@@@Type: ATEXT @@@@Default: #REQUIRED @@@@Description: The primary key the information is stored under @@@Attribute: @@@@Name: "subitem" @@@@Type: ATEXT @@@@Default: "" @@@@Description: The secondary key @@Description: Indexing of text Module: @ID: struct @Element: @@Name: rfc @@Content: ( front, middle, back? ) @@Attribute: @@@Attribute: @@@@Name: "number" @@@@Type: NUMBER @@@Attribute: @@@@Name: "obsoletes" @@@@Type: NUMBERS @@@@Default: "" @@@Attribute: @@@@Name: "updates" @@@@Type: NUMBERS @@@@Default: "" @@@Attribute: @@@@Name: "category" @@@@Type: "(std|bcp|info|exp|historic)" @@@@Default: "info" @@@Attribute: @@@@Name: "seriesNo" @@@@Type: NUMBER @@@Attribute: @@@@Name: "ipr" @@@@Type: "(full2026|noDerivativeWorks2026|none)" @@@Attribute: @@@@Name: "docName" @@@@Type: ATEXT @@@@Description: The document (not file) name associated with this Internet-Draft @Element: @@Name: front @@Content: ( $front-title, author+, date, area*, workgroup*, keyword*, abstract?, note* ) @Element: @@Name: middle @@Content: (section)+ @Element: @@Name: back @@Content: ( references*, section* )