#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use utf8; use lib q; our $REPOSITORY_PATH = q; our $FEED_NAME = q<冬様もすなる☆日記というもの>; our $FEED_TAG = q; our $BASE_URI = q; our $BASE_LANG = 'ja'; our $FEED_CURRENT_PATH = $REPOSITORY_PATH.'current.'.$BASE_LANG.'.atom'; our $AUTHOR_NAME = q<わかば>; our $AUTHOR_URI = q; our $AUTHOR_MAIL = q; use Message::Markup::Atom; use Message::DOM::DOMFeature; use Message::DOM::GenericLS; use Message::DOM::XMLParser; use Message::DOM::SimpleLS; use Encode::EUCJP1997; my ($year, $month) = @ARGV; $year += 0; $month += 0; my $atom = q; my $fe = q; my $cfg = q; my $html = q; my $xml = q; my $xhtml2 = q; my $h2h = q; my $gls = $Message::DOM::ImplementationRegistry->get_dom_implementation ({ $fe.'GenericLS' => '3.0', }); my $aimpl = $gls->get_feature ($fe.'Atom' => '1.0'); my $xp = $gls->create_gls_parser ({ LS => '3.0', }); my $feed_doc = $aimpl->create_atom_feed_document ($FEED_TAG.$year.':'.$month.':'); $feed_doc->dom_config->set_parameter ($cfg.'create-child-element' => 1); my $atom_feed = $feed_doc->document_element; $atom_feed->set_attribute_ns ($xml, 'xml:base', $BASE_URI); $atom_feed->set_attribute_ns ($xml, 'xml:lang', $BASE_LANG); $atom_feed->title_element->text_content ($FEED_NAME); for my $author_el ($atom_feed->append_child ($feed_doc->create_element_ns ($atom, 'author'))) { $author_el->name ($AUTHOR_NAME); $author_el->uri ($AUTHOR_URI) if defined $AUTHOR_URI; $author_el->email ($AUTHOR_MAIL) if defined $AUTHOR_MAIL; } for my $link_el ($atom_feed->append_child ($feed_doc->create_element_ns ($atom, 'link'))) { $link_el->rel ('alternate'); $link_el->href (sprintf 'd%04d%02d.%s.html', $year, $month, $BASE_LANG); $link_el->type ('text/html'); $link_el->hreflang ($BASE_LANG); } for my $link_el ($atom_feed->append_child ($feed_doc->create_element_ns ($atom, 'link'))) { $link_el->rel ('self'); $link_el->href (sprintf 'd%04d%02d.%s.atom', $year, $month, $BASE_LANG); $link_el->type ('application/atom+xml'); $link_el->hreflang ($BASE_LANG); } my $dir_name = $REPOSITORY_PATH.sprintf ('%04d', $year); my $dym = sprintf 'd%04d%02d', $year, $month; opendir my $dir, $dir_name or die "$0: $dir_name: $!"; for my $file_name (sort {$a cmp $b} grep {substr ($_, 0, 7) eq $dym and substr ($_, -(6 + length ($BASE_LANG))) eq '.'.$BASE_LANG.'.atom'} readdir $dir) { open my $entry_file, '<', $dir_name.'/'.$file_name or die "$0: $dir_name/$file_name: $!"; my $entry_doc = $xp->parse ({byte_stream => $entry_file, encoding => 'utf-8'}); $atom_feed->append_child ($feed_doc->adopt_node ($entry_doc->document_element)); } close $dir; my $feed_file_name = $REPOSITORY_PATH.sprintf ('d%04d%02d', $year, $month) . '.'.$BASE_LANG.'.atom'; my $ls = $gls->create_gls_serializer ({ $fe.'SerializeDocumentInstance' => '1.0', }); open my $feed_file, '>', $feed_file_name or die "$0: $feed_file_name: $!"; my $data = Encode::encode ('utf-8', $ls->write_to_string ($feed_doc)); warn qq; print $feed_file $data; close $feed_file; system 'chmod', 'go+r', $feed_file_name; $? == -1 and die "$0: chmod $feed_file_name: $!"; open my $feed_file, '>', $FEED_CURRENT_PATH or die "$0: $FEED_CURRENT_PATH: $!"; warn qq; print $feed_file $data; close $feed_file;