
Contents of /doc/rfc-ja/rfc1873-ja.html

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Fri Jul 26 11:56:16 2002 UTC (22 years, 6 months ago) by wakaba
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3 <html>
4 <head profile="http://suika.fam.cx/~wakaba/lang/rfc/translation/html-profile">
5 <meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css"/>
6 <title>
7 RFC 1873:
8 Message/External-Body Content-ID $B@\B37?(B (Message/External-Body Content-ID Access Type)
9 </title>
10 <link rel="stylesheet" href="http://suika.fam.cx/~wakaba/lang/rfc/translation/rfc-ja-style.css" type="text/css"/>
11 <link rel="alternate" href="http://suika.fam.cx/uri-res/N2L?urn:ietf:rfc:1873" hreflang="en" title="RFC 1873"/>
12 <link rev="made" href="http://www.rfceditor.org/" title="RFC Editor"/>
13 <link rev="translate" href="#rfc-translators-note"/>
14 <meta name="author" content="Edward Levinson, James Clark, "/>
15 </head>
16 <body>
17 <div id="rfc--table">
18 <ul id="rfc--table-left">
19 <li>Network Working Group</li>
20 <li>Request for Comments: 1873</li>
21 <li>
22 <span class="t-pair">
23 <span xml:lang="en" class="t-l-en">Category: Experimental</span>
24 </span>
25 </li>
26 <li>
27 <span class="t-pair">
28 <span xml:lang="ja" class="t-l-ja">$BJ,N`(B: $B<B83E*(B</span>
29 </span>
30 </li>
31 </ul>
32 <ul id="rfc--table-right">
33 <li title="Edward Levinson">E. Levinson</li>
34 <li>Accurate Information Systems, Inc.</li>
35 <li title="James Clark">J. Clark</li>
36 <li>
37 <span class="t-pair">
38 <span xml:lang="en" class="t-l-en"> December 1995</span>
39 </span>
40 </li>
41 <li>
42 <span class="t-pair">
43 <span xml:lang="ja" class="t-l-ja">1995$BG/(B12$B7n(B</span>
44 </span>
45 </li>
46 </ul>
47 </div>
48 <div class="t-pair t-heading" id="rfc-title">
49 <h1 class="rfc-title t-l-en" xml:lang="en">Message/External-Body Content-ID Access Type</h1>
50 <h1 class="rfc-title t-l-ja" xml:lang="ja">Message/External-Body Content-ID $B@\B37?(B</h1>
51 </div>
52 <div id="rfc-status" class="rfc-section">
53 <div class="t-pair">
54 <h1 xml:lang="en" class="t-l-en">Status of this Memo</h1>
55 <h1 xml:lang="ja" class="t-l-ja">$B$3$N%a%b$N0LCVIU$1(B</h1>
56 </div>
57 <div class="rfc-t">
58 <div class="t-pair">
59 <p class="t-l-en" xml:lang="en">
60 This memo defines an Experimental Protocol for the Internet community.
61 It does not specify an Internet standard of any kind.
62 Discussion and suggestions for improvement are requested.
63 Distribution of this memo is unlimited.
64 </p>
65 <p class="t-l-ja" xml:lang="ja">
66 $B$3$N%a%b$O!"(B Internet $B<R2q8~$1$N<B83E*%W%m%H%3%k$rDj5A$9$k$b$N$G$9!#$$$+$J$k<oN`$N(B
67 Internet $BI8=`$r5,Dj$9$k$b$N$G$b$"$j$^$;$s!#2~NI$N0Y$N5DO@$dDs0F$r5a$a$^$9!#$3$N%a%b$NG[I[$O@)8B$7$^$;$s!#(B
68 </p>
69 </div>
70 </div>
71 </div>
72 <div class="rfc-section" id="rfc.abstract">
73 <div class="t-pair t-heading">
74 <h1 xml:lang="en" class="t-l-en">Abstract</h1>
75 <h1 xml:lang="ja" class="t-l-ja">$B35MW(B</h1>
76 </div>
77 <div class="rfc-t" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
78 <div class="t-pair" xmlns="">
79 <p xml:lang="en" class="t-l-en">
80 When using MIME <span class="rfc-xref">
81 <a href="#MIME" title="MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) Part One: Mechanisms for Specifying and Describing the Format of Internet Message Bodies">[MIME]</a>
82 </span> to encapsulate a
83 structured object that
84 consist of many elements, for example an SGML <span class="rfc-xref">
85 <a href="#SGML" title="Information processing $B!=!=(B Text and office systems $B!=!=(B Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML)">[SGML]</a>
86 </span>
87 document, a
88 single element may occur several times. An encapsulation normally
89 maps each of the structured objects elements to a MIME entity. It is
90 useful to include elements that occur multiple time exactly once. To
91 accomplish that and to preserve the object structure it is desirable
92 to unambiguously refer to another body part of the same message.
93 </p>
94 <p xml:lang="ja" class="t-l-ja">
95 MIME <a href="#MIME" title="MIME ($BB?L\E*(B Internet $B%a%$%k3HD%(B) $BBh(B1$BIt(B: Internet $B%a%C%;!<%8K\J8$N=q<0$N;XDj@bL@5!9=(B">[MIME]</a> $B$r;H$C$FB?$/$NMWAG$G9=@.$5$l$k9=B$2=J*BN(B,
96 $BNc$($P(B SGML <a href="#SGML" title="$B>pJs=hM}!=!=%F%-%9%H5Z$S;vL3=j7OE}!=!=I8=`HFMQ%^!<%/IU$18@8l(B (SGML)">[SGML]</a>
97 $BJ8=q$r%+%W%;%k2=$9$k;~!"0l$D$NMWAG$,4vEY$b=P8=$9$k$+$b$7$l$^$;$s!#%+%W%;%k2=$ODL>o3F9=B$2=J*BNMWAG$H(B
98 MIME $B<BBN$rBP1~$5$;$^$9!#J#?t2s8=$l$kMWAG$r0l$D$@$14^$a$k$3$H$,=PMh$l$PJXMx$G$9!#$3$l$rC#@.$7$+$DJ*BN9=B$$rJ]$D$?$a!"F1$8%a%C%;!<%8$NB>$NK\J8ItJ,$r[#KfL5$/;2>H=PMh$k$N$,K>$^$7$$$G$7$g$&!#(B
99 </p>
100 </div>
101 </div>
102 <div class="rfc-t" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
103 <div class="t-pair" xmlns="">
104 <p xml:lang="en" class="t-l-en">
105 The existing MIME Content-Type Message/External-Body access-types
106 allow a MIME entity (body-part) to refer to an object that is not in
107 the message by specifying how to access that object. The Content-ID
108 access method described in this document provides the capability to
109 refer to an object within the message.
110 </p>
111 <p xml:lang="ja" class="t-l-ja">
112 $B4{B8$N(B MIME Content-Type Message/External-Body access-type
113 $B$G$O(B MIME $B<BBN(B ($BK\J8ItJ,(B)
114 $B$,!"%a%C%;!<%8Cf$KL5$$J*BN$r!";XDj$7$?J*BN$X$N@\B3J}K!$G;2>H$9$k$3$H$,=PMh$^$7$?!#$3$NJ8=q$G@bL@$9$k(B
115 Content-ID $B@\B3J}K!$O!"%a%C%;!<%8Cf$NJ*BN$r;2>H$9$kJ}K!$rDs6!$7$^$9!#(B
116 </p>
117 </div>
118 </div>
119 </div>
121 <div class="rfc-section" id="rfc.section.1">
122 <div class="t-pair t-heading">
123 <h1 xml:lang="en" class="t-l-en" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">1. Introduction</h1>
124 <h1 xml:lang="ja" class="t-l-ja" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">1.
125 $B$O$8$a$K(B</h1>
126 </div>
127 <div class="rfc-t" id="rfc.section.1.p.1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
128 <div class="t-pair" xmlns="">
129 <p xml:lang="en" class="t-l-en">
130 Consider a MIME multipart entity several of whose body parts contain
131 the same data (body) but different parameters or Content-* headers.
132 Representing those body parts without duplicating the data in each
133 one promotes efficient use of resources (bandwidth and storage
134 space). To achieve these benefits an access-type is defined that
135 permits one message part to refer to another one in the same message.
136 </p>
137 <p xml:lang="ja" class="t-l-ja">
138 MIME $BB?ItJ,<BBN$G!"$=$NK\J8ItJ,$N4v$D$+$OF1$8%G!<%?(B
139 ($BK\J8(B) $B$G$"$k$,!"%Q%i%a!<%?!<$d(B
140 Content-* $BF,$,0c$C$F$$$k>l9g$r9M$($F$_$F2<$5$$!#$3$l$i$NK\J8ItJ,$r!"%G!<%?$rFs=E$K$;$:$K$=$l$>$l0l2s$:$DI=8=$9$k$3$H$G!";q8;(B
141 ($BBS0h$dJ]4I6u4V(B) $B$rG=N(E*$K;H$&$3$H$rB%?J=PMh$^$9!#$=$3$G!"(B
142 $B$"$k%a%C%;!<%8ItJ,$,F1$8%a%C%;!<%8Cf$NB>$NItJ,$r;2>H=PMh$k(B
143 access-type $B$rDj5A$7$^$9!#(B
144 </p>
145 </div>
146 </div>
147 </div>
149 <div class="rfc-section" id="rfc.section.2">
150 <div class="t-pair t-heading">
151 <h1 xml:lang="en" class="t-l-en" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">2. The Content-ID Access Type</h1>
152 <h1 xml:lang="ja" class="t-l-ja" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">2.
153 Content-ID $B@\B37?(B</h1>
154 </div>
156 <div class="rfc-section" id="rfc.section.2.1">
157 <div class="t-pair t-heading">
158 <h2 xml:lang="en" class="t-l-en" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">2.1. Registration Information</h2>
159 <h2 xml:lang="ja" class="t-l-ja" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">2.1.
160 $BEPO?>pJs(B</h2>
161 </div>
162 <dl class="rfc-list-hanging">
163 <dt>MIME access-type name</dt>
164 <dt xml:lang="ja" class="t-l-ja">MIME access-type $BL>(B</dt>
165 <dd>content-id</dd>
167 <dt>Required parameters</dt>
168 <dt xml:lang="ja" class="t-l-ja">$BI,?\%Q%i%a!<%?!<(B</dt>
169 <dd>
170 <div class="t-pair">
171 <p xml:lang="en" class="t-l-en">none</p>
172 <p xml:lang="ja" class="t-l-ja">$B$J$7(B</p>
173 </div>
174 </dd>
176 <dt>Optional parameters</dt>
177 <dt xml:lang="ja" class="t-l-ja">$B>JN,2DG=%Q%i%a!<%?!<(B</dt>
178 <dd>
179 <div class="t-pair">
180 <p xml:lang="en" class="t-l-en">none</p>
181 <p xml:lang="ja" class="t-l-ja">$B$J$7(B</p>
182 </div>
183 </dd>
185 <dt>Published specification</dt>
186 <dt xml:lang="ja" class="t-l-ja">$B=PHG$5$l$?;EMM=q(B</dt>
187 <dd>
188 <div class="t-pair">
189 <p xml:lang="en" class="t-l-en">this document</p>
190 <p xml:lang="ja" class="t-l-ja">$B$3$NJ8=q(B</p>
191 </div>
192 </dd>
194 <dt>Person &amp; email address to contact for further information</dt>
195 <dt xml:lang="ja" class="t-l-ja">$B>\$7$$>pJs$NO"Mm@h$N?M$HEE;R%a%$%k!&%"%I%l%9(B</dt>
196 <dd>
197 Ed Levinson
198 &lt;ELevinson@accurate.com&gt;
200 </dd>
202 <dt>Additional requirements</dt>
203 <dt xml:lang="ja" class="t-l-ja">$BDI2C$NMW7o(B</dt>
204 <dd>
206 <div class="rfc-t" id="rfc.section.2.1.p.1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
207 <div class="t-pair" xmlns="">
208 <p xml:lang="en" class="t-l-en">
209 The content-id header of the access-type=content-id MIME
210 entity must match (be identical to) exactly one content-id
211 in the same message, excluding other access-type=content-id
212 entities. Thus, the content-id access type can only occur
213 within a multipart message and can refer to another body
214 part anywhere in the same message.
215 </p>
216 <p xml:lang="ja" class="t-l-ja">
217 <code xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">access-type=content-id</code> MIME
218 $B<BBN$N(B content-id $BF,$O!"B>$N(B
219 <code xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">access-type=content-id</code>
220 $B$N<BBN$r=|$$$F!"F1$8%a%C%;!<%8Cf$NCzEY0l$D$N(B
221 content-id $B$H$N$_0lCW$9$k(B ($BF10l$G$"$k(B)
222 $B$b$N$G$J$1$l$P$J$j$^$;$s!#$G$9$+$i!"(B
223 content-id $B@\B37?$OB?ItJ,%a%C%;!<%8Cf$G$N$_;H$&$3$H$,=PMh$^$9$7!"F1$8%a%C%;!<%8Cf$N$I$3$K$"$kB>$NK\J8ItJ,$r$b;2>H$9$k$3$H$,=PMh$^$9!#(B
224 </p>
225 </div>
226 </div>
228 <div class="rfc-t" id="rfc.section.2.1.p.2" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
229 <div class="t-pair" xmlns="">
230 <p xml:lang="en" class="t-l-en">
231 A MIME User Agent (MUA) constructs the resultant MIME
232 body part as described below. We call the
233 access-type=content-id MIME entity the referring body
234 part and the MIME body part to which it refers,
235 the one with the matching content-id, the referenced
236 body part. The MIME entity that results from
237 content-id access type consists of:
238 </p>
239 <p xml:lang="ja" class="t-l-ja">
240 MIME $BMxMQ<TBeM}<T(B (<abbr xml:lang="en" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">MUA</abbr>)
241 $B$O7k2L$H$7$F@8$8$k(B MIME
242 $BK\J8ItJ,$r<!$K@bL@$9$k$h$&$K$7$F9=C[$7$^$9!#$3$3$G!"(B
243 <code xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">access-type=content-id</code>
244 $B$N(B MIME
245 $B<BBN$r;2>H$9$kK\J8ItJ,$H(B,
246 $B;2>H$9$kK\J8ItJ,$,;2>H$9$k(B MIME $BK\J8ItJ,(B,
247 $B$D$^$j0lCW$9$k(B content-id
248 $B$r;}$D$b$N$r;2>H$5$l$kK\J8ItJ,$H8F$S$^$9!#(B
249 content-id $B@\B37?$N7k2L$N(B MIME
250 $B<BBN$O<!$N$b$N$+$i9=@.$5$l$^$9!#(B
251 </p>
252 </div>
253 </div>
255 <dl class="rfc-list-hanging">
256 <dt>(a)</dt>
257 <dd>
258 <div class="t-pair">
259 <p xml:lang="en" class="t-l-en">
260 the referenced body part's content-type header,
261 </p>
262 <p xml:lang="ja" class="t-l-ja">
263 <span title="$B;2>H$5$l$kK\J8ItJ,(B: $B;2>H$9$kK\J8ItJ,$,;2>H$9$k(B MIME $BK\J8ItJ,(B, $B$D$^$j0lCW$9$k(B content-id $B$r;}$D$b$N(B" class="ja-word">$B;2>H$5$l$kK\J8ItJ,(B</span>$B$N(B content-type
264 $BF,(B
265 </p>
266 </div>
267 </dd>
268 <dt>(b)</dt>
269 <dd>
270 <div class="t-pair">
271 <p xml:lang="en" class="t-l-en">
272 the referring body part's headers except its
273 content-type header,
274 </p>
275 <p xml:lang="ja" class="t-l-ja">
276 <span title="$B;2>H$9$kK\J8ItJ,(B: access-type=content-id $B$N(B MIME $B<BBN(B" class="ja-word">$B;2>H$9$kK\J8ItJ,(B</span>$B$N(B content-type
277 $BF,0J30$NF,(B
278 </p>
279 </div>
280 </dd>
281 <dt>(c)</dt>
282 <dd>
283 <div class="t-pair">
284 <p xml:lang="en" class="t-l-en">
285 any headers in the referenced body part not in the
286 referring one,
287 </p>
288 <p xml:lang="ja" class="t-l-ja">
289 <span title="$B;2>H$5$l$kK\J8ItJ,(B: $B;2>H$9$kK\J8ItJ,$,;2>H$9$k(B MIME $BK\J8ItJ,(B, $B$D$^$j0lCW$9$k(B content-id $B$r;}$D$b$N(B" class="ja-word">$B;2>H$5$l$kK\J8ItJ,(B</span>$B$N!"(B<span title="$B;2>H$9$kJ}(B: access-type=content-id $B$N(B MIME $B<BBN(B" class="ja-word">$B;2>H$9$kJ}(B</span>$B$K$J$$F,(B
290 </p>
291 </div>
292 </dd>
293 <dt>(d)</dt>
294 <dd>
295 <div class="t-pair">
296 <p xml:lang="en" class="t-l-en">
297 the line separating the headers from the body, and
298 </p>
299 <p xml:lang="ja" class="t-l-ja">
300 $BF,$HK\J8$r6h@Z$k9T(B
301 </p>
302 </div>
303 </dd>
304 <dt>(e)</dt>
305 <dd>
306 <div class="t-pair">
307 <p xml:lang="en" class="t-l-en">
308 the referenced body part's body.
309 </p>
310 <p xml:lang="ja" class="t-l-ja">
311 <span title="$B;2>H$5$l$kK\J8ItJ,(B: $B;2>H$9$kK\J8ItJ,$,;2>H$9$k(B MIME $BK\J8ItJ,(B, $B$D$^$j0lCW$9$k(B content-id $B$r;}$D$b$N(B" class="ja-word">$B;2>H$5$l$kK\J8ItJ,(B</span>$B$NK\J8(B
312 </p>
313 </div>
314 </dd>
315 </dl>
316 </dd>
317 </dl>
318 </div>
320 <div class="rfc-section" id="rfc.section.2.2">
321 <div class="t-pair t-heading">
322 <h2 xml:lang="en" class="t-l-en" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">2.2. Example Usage</h2>
323 <h2 xml:lang="ja" class="t-l-ja" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">2.2.
324 $B;HMQNc(B</h2>
325 </div>
326 <div class="rfc-figure">
327 <span class="rfc-figure-id" id="rfc.figure.u.1">&#x00A0;</span>
328 <div class="rfc-preamble">
329 <div class="t-pair">
330 <p xml:lang="en" class="t-l-en">
331 The following example shows a message that consists of two identical images.
332 </p>
333 <p xml:lang="ja" class="t-l-ja">
334 $B<!$NNc$O!"(B2$B$D$NF1$82hA|$+$i9=@.$5$l$k%a%C%;!<%8$G$9!#(B
335 </p>
336 </div>
337 </div>
339 <div class="t-pair">
340 <p xml:lang="en" class="t-l-en">
343 <pre class="rfc-artwork" xml:space="preserve"> MIME-Version: 1.0
344 Content-Type: Multipart/Mixed;
345 boundary=tiger-lily
347 --tiger-lily
348 Content-Type: image/jpeg
349 Content-ID: &lt;950323.1552@XIson.com&gt;
351 AAAcdb...
352 --tiger-lily
353 Content-type: Message/External-Body;
354 access-type=content-id
355 Content-ID: &lt;950323.1552@XIson.com&gt;
356 Content-Description:
357 This body part is duplicated by reference
359 --tiger-lily--
360 </pre>
361 </p>
362 <p xml:lang="ja" class="t-l-ja">
363 <pre class="rfc-artwork" xml:space="preserve"> MIME-Version: 1.0
364 Content-Type: Multipart/Mixed;
365 boundary=tiger-lily
367 --tiger-lily
368 Content-Type: image/jpeg
369 Content-ID: &lt;950323.1552@XIson.com&gt;
371 AAAcdb...
372 --tiger-lily
373 Content-type: Message/External-Body;
374 access-type=content-id
375 Content-ID: &lt;950323.1552@XIson.com&gt;
376 Content-Description:
377 $B$3$N(B&amp;ja.mime.body-part;$B$O;2>H$GJ#@=$5$l$^$9!#(B
379 --tiger-lily--
380 </pre>
381 </p>
382 </div>
383 </div>
385 <div class="rfc-figure">
386 <span class="rfc-figure-id" id="rfc.figure.u.2">&#x00A0;</span>
387 <div class="rfc-preamble">
388 <div class="t-pair">
389 <p xml:lang="en" class="t-l-en">
390 The equivalent MIME entity for the second body part is:
391 </p>
392 <p xml:lang="ja" class="t-l-ja">
393 2$B$D$a$NK\J8ItJ,$HF1Ey$N(B
394 MIME $B<BBN$r<!$K5s$2$^$9!#(B
395 </p>
396 </div>
397 </div>
399 <div class="t-pair">
400 <p xml:lang="en" class="t-l-en">
401 <pre class="rfc-artwork" xml:space="preserve"> --tiger-lily
402 Content-Type: image/jpeg
403 Content-ID: &lt;950323.1552@XIson.com&gt;
404 Content-Description:
405 $B$3$N(B&amp;ja.mime.body-part;$B$O;2>H$GJ#@=$5$l$^$9!#(B
407 AAAcdb...
408 --tiger-lily</pre>
409 </p>
410 <p xml:lang="ja" class="t-l-ja">
411 <pre class="rfc-artwork" xml:space="preserve"> --tiger-lily
412 Content-Type: image/jpeg
413 Content-ID: &lt;950323.1552@XIson.com&gt;
414 Content-Description:
415 This body part is duplicated by reference
417 AAAcdb...
418 --tiger-lily</pre>
419 </p>
420 </div>
421 </div>
422 </div>
423 </div>
425 <div class="rfc-section" id="rfc.section.3">
426 <div class="t-pair t-heading">
427 <h1 xml:lang="en" class="t-l-en" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">3. Security Considerations</h1>
428 <h1 xml:lang="ja" class="t-l-ja" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">3.
429 $B0BA4@-$K4X$7$F(B</h1>
430 </div>
431 <div class="rfc-t" id="rfc.section.3.p.1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
432 <div class="t-pair" xmlns="">
433 <p xml:lang="en" class="t-l-en">
434 The content-id access-type does not impact the security of messages
435 or systems. The referenced MIME entity may have security
436 implications.
437 </p>
438 <p xml:lang="ja" class="t-l-ja">
439 content-id access-type $B$O%a%C%;!<%8$d=hM}7O$N0BA4@-$K>W7b$rM?$($^$;$s!#(B<span title="$B;2>H$5$l$?(B&#10;MIME $B<BBN(B: $B;2>H$9$kK\J8ItJ,$,;2>H$9$k(B MIME $BK\J8ItJ,(B, $B$D$^$j0lCW$9$k(B content-id $B$r;}$D$b$N(B" class="ja-word">$B;2>H$5$l$?(B
440 MIME $B<BBN(B</span>$B$O0BA4@-$K4X78$9$k$+$b$7$l$^$;$s!#(B
441 </p>
442 </div>
443 </div>
444 </div>
446 <div class="rfc-section" id="rfc.references">
447 <div class="t-pair t-heading">
448 <h1 xml:lang="en" class="t-l-en">4. References</h1>
449 <h1 xml:lang="ja" class="t-l-ja">4. $B;29MJ88%(B</h1>
450 </div>
451 <dl>
452 <dt id="RFC822">[RFC822]</dt>
453 <dd>$B!X(B<cite>Standard for the format of ARPA Internet text messages</cite>$B!Y(B<span class="t-pair">
454 <span xml:lang="ja" class="t-l-ja">, $B!X(B<cite>ARPA Internet
455 $B%F%-%9%H%a%C%;!<%8$N=q<0$NI8=`(B</cite>$B!Y(B</span>
456 </span>, <span title="@fullname">Crocker, D.</span>, <a href="http://suika.fam.cx/uri-res/N2L?urn:ietf:std:11" title="URI: &lt;http://suika.fam.cx/uri-res/N2L?urn:ietf:std:11>">STD 11</a>, <a href="http://suika.fam.cx/uri-res/N2L?urn:ietf:rfc:822" title="URI: &lt;http://suika.fam.cx/uri-res/N2L?urn:ietf:rfc:822>">RFC 822</a>$B!#(B</dd>
458 <dt id="SGML">[SGML]</dt>
459 <dd>$B!X(B<cite>Information processing $B!=!=(B Text and office systems
460 $B!=!=(B Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML)</cite>$B!Y(B<span class="t-pair">
461 <span xml:lang="ja" class="t-l-ja">, $B!X(B<cite>$B>pJs=hM}!=!=%F%-%9%H5Z$S;vL3=j7OE}!=!=I8=`HFMQ%^!<%/IU$18@8l(B (SGML)</cite>$B!Y(B</span>
462 </span>, ISO
463 &#x00A0;8879:1988$B!#(B<span class="t-add-info">
464 <ins class="t-note t-l-ja" xml:lang="ja">
465 <span class="t-note-title">$BLuCm(B: </span>$BF|K\9)6H5,3J$G$O!"(B JIS X 4151
466 $B!XJ8=q5-=R8@8l(BSGML$B!Y$,BP1~$7$^$9!#(B
467 ($B;29M(B:
468 <a href="http://www1.u-netsurf.ne.jp/~7l1rll/SGMLindex.html" title="URI: &lt;http://www1.u-netsurf.ne.jp/~7l1rll/SGMLindex.html>" class="rfc-eref">JIS X 4151-1992 (ISO 8859:1986 $B$KBP1~(B)</a>)</ins>
469 </span>
470 </dd>
472 <dt id="MIME">[MIME]</dt>
473 <dd>$B!X(B<cite>MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions)
474 Part One: Mechanisms for Specifying and Describing the Format
475 of Internet Message Bodies</cite>$B!Y(B<span class="t-pair">
476 <span xml:lang="ja" class="t-l-ja">, $B!X(B<cite>MIME ($BB?L\E*(B Internet $B%a%$%k3HD%(B)
477 $BBh(B1$BIt(B: Internet $B%a%C%;!<%8K\J8$N=q<0$N;XDj@bL@5!9=(B</cite>$B!Y(B</span>
478 </span>, <span title="@fullname">Borenstein, N.</span>, <span title="@fullname">Freed, N.</span>, <a href="http://suika.fam.cx/uri-res/N2L?urn:ietf:rfc:1521" title="URI: &lt;http://suika.fam.cx/uri-res/N2L?urn:ietf:rfc:1521>">RFC 1521</a>$B!#(B</dd>
479 </dl>
480 </div>
481 <div id="rfc-authors" class="rfc-section">
482 <div id="rfc.authors" class="t-pair t-heading">
483 <h1 xml:lang="en" class="t-l-en">5. Author's Addresses</h1>
484 <h1 xml:lang="ja" class="t-l-ja">5. $BCx<T$NO"Mm@h(B</h1>
485 </div>
486 <ul class="rfc-author">
487 <li class="rfc-author-fullname">Edward Levinson</li>
488 <li class="rfc-organization">Accurate Information Systems, Inc.</li>
489 <li class="rfc-street">2 Industrial Way</li>
490 <li class="rfc-city">Eatontown</li>
491 <li class="rfc-region">NJ</li>
492 <li class="rfc-code">07724-2265</li>
493 <li class="rfc-country">USA</li>
494 <li class="rfc-phone">$BEEOC(B: +1 908 389 5550</li>
495 <li class="rfc-email">$BEE;R%a%$%k(B: &lt;<a href="mailto:ELevinson@Accurate.com">ELevinson@Accurate.com</a>&gt;</li>
496 </ul>
497 <ul class="rfc-author">
498 <li class="rfc-author-fullname">James Clark</li>
499 <li class="rfc-street">90 Clarendon Road</li>
500 <li class="rfc-city">London W11 2HR</li>
501 <li class="rfc-country">UK</li>
502 <li class="rfc-email">$BEE;R%a%$%k(B: &lt;<a href="mailto:jjc@jclark.com">jjc@jclark.com</a>&gt;</li>
503 </ul>
504 </div>
505 <ins id="rfc-translators-note" class="t-note t-l-ja" xml:lang="ja">
506 <div class="rfc-section">
507 <div>
508 <h1 xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">Content-ID $B$N;XDj(B</h1>
509 </div>
510 <p class="rfc-t" id="rfc.section.1.p.1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">MIME <a href="#MIME" title="MIME ($BB?L\E*(B Internet $B%a%$%k3HD%(B) $BBh(B1$BIt(B: Internet $B%a%C%;!<%8K\J8$N=q<0$N;XDj@bL@5!9=(B" xmlns="">[MIME]</a> $B$N5,Dj$H>H$i$79g$o$;$k$H!"(B
511 <a href="http://suika.fam.cx/~wakaba/-temp/wiki/wiki?message%2Fexternal%2Dbody%C7%DE%C2%CE%B7%BF" title="URI: &lt;http://suika.fam.cx/~wakaba/-temp/wiki/wiki?message%2Fexternal%2Dbody%C7%DE%C2%CE%B7%BF>" class="rfc-eref" xmlns="">$B$I$3$K(B
512 Content-ID: $BMs$r=q$/$N$+$K$D$$$F5?Ld$,$"$j$^$9(B</a>$B!#(B</p>
513 </div>
514 <div class="rfc-section">
515 <div>
516 <h1 xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">IANA $B$K4X$7$F(B</h1>
517 </div>
518 <p class="rfc-t" id="rfc.section.2.p.1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
519 <a href="http://www.iana.org/assignments/access-types" title="URI: &lt;http://www.iana.org/assignments/access-types>" class="rfc-eref" xmlns="">IANA
520 $BEPO?Jm(B</a>$B$K$O!"(B access-type "Content-ID" $B$OEPO?$5$l$F$$$^$;$s!#(B
521 (2002$BG/(B7$B7n8=:_(B)</p>
522 </div>
523 <div class="rfc-section" id="t-change">
524 <h1>$BK]Lu$NJQ99MzNr(B</h1>
525 <dl>
526 <dt>2002-05-20 <a href="mailto:w@suika.fam.cx" title="$BEE;R%a%$%k(B: &lt;w@suika.fam.cx>">$B$o$+$P(B</a>
527 </dt>
528 <dd>
529 <ul>
530 <li>$BF|K\8l$KK]Lu!#(B</li>
531 </ul>
532 </dd>
533 <dt>2002-07-26 <a href="mailto:w@suika.fam.cx" title="$BEE;R%a%$%k(B: &lt;w@suika.fam.cx>">$B$o$+$P(B</a>
534 </dt>
535 <dd>
536 <ul>
537 <li>
538 <a href="http://suika.fam.cx/uri-res/N2L?urn:ietf:rfc:2629" title="RFC 2629">RFC 2629</a> $B$G%^!<%/IU$1!#(B</li>
539 </ul>
540 </dd>
541 </dl>
542 </div>
543 <div class="rfc-section" id="rfc-t-copyright">
544 <h1>$BLuJ8$K$D$$$F$NCx:n8"@<L@(B</h1>
545 <p>$B$3$NK]LuJ8$O!"<+M3$KJ#@=!&G[I[!&2~JQ$7$F9=$$$^$;$s!#(B
546 (rfc-copyright-story $B$b;2>H$7$F2<$5$$!#(B)</p>
547 </div>
548 </ins>
549 </body>
550 </html>

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