=head1 NAME RCSFormat - Low-level Interface to RCS Format =head1 DESCRIPTION RCS format is widely used to manage revision history of files by tools such as RCS and CVS. This module provides some low-level interface to RCS format. =cut package RCSFormat; use strict; our $VERSION=do{my @r=(q$Revision: 1.2 $=~/\d+/g);sprintf "%d."."%02d" x $#r,@r}; sub new ($;%) { my $self = bless {}, shift; $self; } { my $WSP = qr/[\x08-\x0D\x20]+/; my $NUM = qr/[0-9.]+/; my $IDNONUM = qr/[^\x08-\x0D\x200-9\$,:;\@]+/; my $SYM = qr/[^\x08-\x0D\x20\$,.:;\@]+/; my $STR = qr/\@[^\@]*(?>[^\@]+|\@\@)*\@/; sub parse_text ($$;%) { my ($self, $s) = @_; $s = \$_[1] unless ref $s; delete $self->{admin}; delete $self->{desc}; delete $self->{delta}; $$s =~ /\G$WSP/gco; ## admin $self->___parse_fields ($s, hash => $self->{admin} ||= {}, context => 'admin'); $self->{admin}->{access} ||= []; $self->{admin}->{symbols} ||= []; $self->{admin}->{locks} ||= []; ## delta unless (exists $self->{desc}) { while ($$s =~ /\G($NUM)/gco) { my $rev = $1; $$s =~ /\G$WSP/gco; $self->___parse_fields ($s, hash => $self->{delta}->{$rev} ||= {}, context => qq'delta[$rev]'); $self->{delta}->{$rev}->{branches} ||= []; last if exists $self->{desc}; }} ## deltatext while ($$s =~ /\G($NUM)/gco) { my $rev = $1; $$s =~ /\G$WSP/gco; $self->___parse_fields ($s, hash => $self->{deltatext}->{$rev} ||= {}, context => qq'deltatext[$rev]'); } } sub ___parse_fields ($$%) { my ($self, $s, %opt) = @_; while ($$s =~ /\G((?>$NUM)?$IDNONUM(?>$IDNONUM|$NUM)*)/gco) { my $keyword = $1; $$s =~ /\G$WSP/gco; if ({qw/desc 1 log 1 text 1/}->{$keyword}) { warn "$opt{cotnext}/$keyword: invalid" if $keyword eq 'desc' and exists $self->{$keyword}; if ($$s =~ /\G($STR)/gco) { my $t = $1; $t =~ s/^\@//; $t =~ s/\@$//; $t =~ s/\@\@/\@/g; ($keyword eq 'desc' ? $self->{desc} : $opt{hash}->{$keyword}) = $t; } else { warn "$keyword: value required"; ($keyword eq 'desc' ? $self->{desc} : $opt{hash}->{$keyword}) = ""; } $$s =~ /\G$WSP/gco; ($keyword eq 'desc' ? return : next); } elsif ($$s =~ /\G([^;\@]*(?>[^;\@]+|$STR)*)/gco) { my $val = $1; $val =~ /$WSP$/o; if (exists $opt{hash}->{$keyword}) { warn "$opt{context}/$keyword: duplicate"; } $opt{hash}->{$keyword} = length $val ? $val : undef; } else { $opt{hash}->{$keyword} = undef; } if ({qw/symbols 1 locks 1/}->{$keyword}) { $opt{hash}->{$keyword} = [map {[split /(?:$WSP)?:(?:$WSP)?/]} split m#$WSP#o, $opt{hash}->{$keyword}]; } elsif ({qw/comment 1 expand 1/}->{$keyword}) { $opt{hash}->{$keyword} =~ s/^\@//; $opt{hash}->{$keyword} =~ s/\@$//; $opt{hash}->{$keyword} =~ s/\@\@/\@/g; } elsif ({qw/access 1 branches 1/}->{$keyword}) { $opt{hash}->{$keyword} = [split m#$WSP#o, $opt{hash}->{$keyword}]; } if ($$s =~ /\G[^;]+/gc) { warn "$opt{context}/$keyword: extra data"; } $$s =~ /\G;/gc or warn "$opt{context}/$keyword: semicoron required"; $$s =~ /\G$WSP/gco; } } } sub stringify ($;%) { my $self = shift; my $s = ''; ## admin $s .= qq(head ) . $self->___stringify_value ($self->{admin}->{head}, type => 'number', min => 0, max => 1) . ";\x0A"; if (exists $self->{admin}->{branch}) { $s .= qq(branch ) . $self->___stringify_value ($self->{admin}->{branch}, type => 'num', min => 0, max => 1) . ";\x0A"; } if (defined $self->{admin}->{access}) { $s .= qq(access ) . $self->___stringify_value ($self->{admin}->{access}, type => 'id', min => 0, max => -1) . ";\x0A"; } else { $s .= qq(access;\x0A); } $s .= qq(symbols); for (@{$self->{admin}->{symbols}}) { $s .= "\x0A\t" . $self->___stringify_value ($_->[0], type => 'sym', min => 1, max => 1) . ':' . $self->___stringify_value ($_->[1], type => 'num', min => 1, max => 1); } $s .= ";\x0A"; $s .= qq(locks); for (@{$self->{admin}->{locks}}) { $s .= "\x0A\t" . $self->___stringify_value ($_->[0], type => 'id', min => 1, max => 1) . ':' . $self->___stringify_value ($_->[1], type => 'num', min => 1, max => 1); } $s .= ";"; $s .= " strict;" if exists $self->{admin}->{strict}; $s .= "\x0A"; if (exists $self->{admin}->{comment}) { $s .= qq(comment ) . $self->___stringify_value ($self->{admin}->{comment}, type => 'str', min => 0, max => 1) . ";\x0A"; } if (exists $self->{admin}->{expand}) { $s .= qq(expand ) . $self->___stringify_value ($self->{admin}->{expand}, type => 'str', min => 0, max => 1) . ";\x0A"; } for (grep !{qw/head 1 branch 1 access 1 symbols 1 locks 1 strict 1 comment 1 expand 1/}->{$_}, keys %{$self->{admin}}) { $s .= qq($_ ) . $self->___stringify_value ($self->{admin}->{$_}) . ";\x0A"; } $s .= "\x0A"; ## delta for my $rev ($self->sort_by_revision (keys %{$self->{delta}})) { $s .= "\x0A$rev\x0A"; $s .= qq(date ) . $self->___stringify_value ($self->{delta}->{$rev}->{date}, type => 'num', min => 1, max => 1) . ";\t"; $s .= qq(author ) . $self->___stringify_value ($self->{delta}->{$rev}->{author}, type => 'id', min => 1, max => 1) . ";\t"; $s .= qq(state ) . $self->___stringify_value ($self->{delta}->{$rev}->{state}, type => 'id', min => 0, max => 1) . ";\x0A"; $s .= qq(branches) . $self->___stringify_value ($self->{delta}->{$rev}->{branches}, type => 'num', min => 0, max => -1) . ";\x0A"; $s .= qq(next ) . $self->___stringify_value ($self->{delta}->{$rev}->{next}, type => 'num', min => 0, max => 1) . ";\x0A"; for (grep !{qw/date 1 author 1 state 1 branches 1 next 1/}->{$_}, keys %{$self->{delta}->{$rev}}) { $s .= qq($_ ) . $self->___stringify_value ($self->{delta}->{$rev}->{$_}) . ";\x0A"; } } # desc $s .= qq(\x0A\x0Adesc\x0A) . $self->___stringify_value ($self->{desc}, type => 'str', min => 1, max => 1) . "\x0A"; ## deltatext for my $rev ($self->sort_by_revision (keys %{$self->{deltatext}})) { $s .= "\x0A\x0A$rev\x0A"; $s .= qq(log\x0A) . $self->___stringify_value ($self->{deltatext}->{$rev}->{log}, type => 'str', min => 1, max => 1) . "\x0A"; $s .= qq(text\x0A) . $self->___stringify_value ($self->{deltatext}->{$rev}->{text}, type => 'str', min => 1, max => 1) . "\x0A"; for (grep !{qw/log 1 text 1/}->{$_}, keys %{$self->{deltatext}->{$rev}}) { $s .= qq($_ ) . $self->___stringify_value ($self->{deltatext}->{$rev}->{$_}) . ";\x0A"; } } $s .= "\x0A" if keys %{$self->{deltatext}} > 1; $s; } sub ___stringify_value ($$%) { my ($self, $s, %opt) = @_; if ($opt{type} eq 'str') { $s =~ s/\@/\@\@/g; return "\@$s\@"; } elsif ($opt{max} == -1 or $opt{max} > 1) { my $t = ''; for (@{$s}) { $t .= "\x0A\t" . $_; } return $t; } else { return $s; } } sub sort_by_revision ($@) { shift; map { $_->[0] } sort { my $r; for my $i (0..$#{$a->[1]}) { $r = $b->[1]->[$i] <=> $a->[1]->[$i]; return $r if $r; } 0; } map { [$_, [split /\./, $_]] } @_; } =head1 SEE ALSO rcsfile(5) =head1 LICENSE Copyright 2004 Wakaba . All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =cut 1; # $Date: 2007/08/14 09:52:34 $