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wakaba |
1.2 |
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[9] [DFN[[CODE(HTMLa)@en[[[role]]]] [[属性]]]]は、
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値が[[名前空間]]に属するようになった [CODE(HTMLa)@en[[[class]]]]
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([Q[[[役割]]]] ([Q@en[[[role]]]]) より)
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:状態:[[W3C]] [[WD]]
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- [CODE(URI)@en[[[http://www.w3.org/2002/06/xhtml2/]]]]
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-- [[XHTML 2.0]] の[[名前空間URI]] です。
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-- [[XHTML 2.0]] の[[名前空間]]に属する[[要素]]で使った場合の動作は[[未規定]]です。
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- [CODE(URI)@en[[[http://www.w3.org/2002/06/xhtml2]]]]
26 |
-- [[XHTML 2.0]] の古い[[名前空間URI]] です。
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-- ただし、この [[URI]] を使っていて公開された [[WD]]
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のうちで [CODE(HTMLa)@en[[[role]]]] を定義していたものはありません。
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-- 巷の使用例でこの [[URI]] を使っているものがありました。
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- [CODE(URI)@en[[[http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml2]]]]
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-- 巷の使用例でこの [[URI]] を使っているものがありました。
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- [CODE(URI)@en[[[http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml]]]]
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-- [CODE(HTMLa)@en[[[role]]]] の [[WD]]
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- [[null名前空間]]
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-- [CODE(URI)@en[[[http://www.w3.org/2002/06/xhtml2/]]]] や
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wakaba |
1.7 |
** 歴史
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[77] [[XHTML2]] 第7次案で追加されました。
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;; [CITE@en[XHTML 2.0 - XHTML Role Access Module]] ([TIME[2005-05-28 06:57:41 +09:00]] 版) <http://www.w3.org/TR/2005/WD-xhtml2-20050527/mod-role.html#adef_role_role>
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** メモ
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wakaba |
1.2 |
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[CITE[Role Taxonomy for Accessible Adaptable Applications]] <http://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/GUI/>
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[CITE[Re: note element in XHTML 2.0 from Steven Pemberton on 2006-03-21 (www-html@w3.org from March 2006)]] <http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-html/2006Mar/0023>
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([[名無しさん]] [WEAK[2006-03-28 03:09:01 +00:00]])
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[CITE[XHTML Role Attribute Module]] <http://htmlwg.mn.aptest.com/htmlwg/xhtml-role/>
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([[名無しさん]] [WEAK[2006-06-17 09:51:23 +00:00]])
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[CITE[XHTML Role Attribute Module]] <http://www.w3.org/TR/2006/WD-xhtml-role-20060725/>
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([[名無しさん]] [WEAK[2006-07-26 00:40:20 +00:00]])
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>>7 つっこみどころがたくさんありすぎる件。
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([[名無しさん]] [WEAK[2006-07-26 00:50:12 +00:00]])
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[CITE[List of comments for XHTML role attribute module (2006-07-25) from Karl Dubost on 2006-08-10 (www-html@w3.org from August 2006)]] <http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-html/2006Aug/0087.html>
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Karl たん乙。でもどうせ他にも問題があるだろww
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([[名無しさん]] [WEAK[2006-08-12 14:47:05 +00:00]])
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[CITE[アクセシビリティのある DHTML]] <http://www.mozilla-japan.org/access/dhtml/>
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[CITE[[whatwg] Dynamic content accessibility in HTML today]] <http://listserver.dreamhost.com/pipermail/whatwg-whatwg.org/2006-August/thread.html#6995>
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[CITE[XHTML Role Attribute Module]] <http://www.w3.org/TR/2006/WD-xhtml-role-20061113/>
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([[名無しさん]] [WEAK[2006-11-13 23:49:57 +00:00]])
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[CITE[Roles for Accessible Rich Internet Applications (WAI-ARIA Roles)]] <http://www.w3.org/TR/2006/WD-aria-role-20061220/>
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([[名無しさん]] [WEAK[2006-12-21 16:00:01 +00:00]])
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[CITE@ja[drry+@->]] ([CODE[2007-02-17 03:45:53 +09:00]] 版) <http://blog.drry.jp/>
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Real world example。 [CODE(MIME)@en[[[application/xhtml+xml]]]]
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で [CODE(URI)@en[[[http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml]]]]
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に属する[[要素]]の [[null名前空間]]の[[属性]]として。
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Role module で定義されている役割を使用しています。
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([[名無しさん]] [WEAK[2007-02-25 11:14:06 +00:00]])
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[CITE@en[Re: Use the role-attribute instead of predefined class names]] ([[Matthew Raymond]] 著, [CODE[2007-04-06 20:31:09 +09:00]] 版) <http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-html/2007Apr/0295.html>
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([[名無しさん]] [WEAK[2007-04-07 04:07:29 +00:00]])
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[CITE@en[XHTML Role Attribute Module]] ([CODE[2007-04-03 10:17:35 +09:00]] 版) <http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/2007/ED-xhtml-role-20070402/>
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([[名無しさん]] [WEAK[2007-04-07 14:22:31 +00:00]])
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[CITE@en[XHTML Document Development Area]] ([CODE[2007-04-07 01:58:13 +09:00]] 版) <http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/Drafts/#xhtml-role>
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([[名無しさん]] [WEAK[2007-04-07 14:23:22 +00:00]])
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[CITE@en[Creating Accessible Widgets | The Dojo Toolkit]] ([CODE[2007-06-08 23:49:26 +09:00]] 版) <http://www.dojotoolkit.org/book/dojo-book-0-4/part-8-internationalization-and-accessiblity/accessibility/creating-accessible-wi>
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[CITE@en[XHTML Role Attribute Module]] ([CODE[2007-06-06 22:42:49 +09:00]] 版) <http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/2007/ED-xhtml-role-20070606/>
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([[名無しさん]] [WEAK[2007-06-09 08:10:48 +00:00]])
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[CITE@en[XHTML Role Attribute Module]] ([CODE[2007-07-03 22:37:19 +09:00]] 版) <http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/2007/ED-xhtml-role-20070703/>
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[CITE@en[Built-in Accessibility Roles in HTML5]] ([[Henri Sivonen]] 著, [CODE[2007-07-19 16:17:28 +09:00]] 版) <http://hsivonen.iki.fi/html5-roles/>
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([[名無しさん]] [WEAK[2007-07-28 02:57:21 +00:00]])
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[CITE@en-US[Embedding Accessibility Role and State Metadata in HTML Documents]] ([CODE[2007-02-05 23:18:51 +09:00]] 版) <http://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/adaptable/HTML4/embedding-20061212.html>
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>>39 必死だなという以外に適当な言葉が見つからない。
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[CITE@en[XHTML Role Attribute Module]] ([CODE[2007-08-18 00:17:16 +09:00]] 版) <http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/2007/ED-xhtml-role-20070817/>
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[CITE@en[XHTML Role Attribute Module]] ([CODE[2007-09-06 05:43:46 +09:00]] 版) <http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/2007/ED-xhtml-role-20070905/>
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[CITE[ARIA Proposal]] ([CODE[2007-09-27 01:58:08 +09:00]] 版) <http://simon.html5.org/specs/aria-proposal>
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[CITE@en[Re: direct link to latest version of S. Pieters' ARIA Proposal]] ([[Doug Schepers]] 著, [CODE[2007-10-05 05:13:06 +09:00]] 版) <http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xhtml2/2007Oct/0020.html>
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[CITE@en[XHTML Role Attribute Module]] ([CODE[2007-10-06 01:19:45 +09:00]] 版) <http://www.w3.org/TR/2007/WD-xhtml-role-20071004/>
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[CITE@en['''['''XHTML-Role''']''' Remove role attribute in http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml namespace]] ([[Simon Pieters]] 著, [CODE[2007-09-26 02:35:10 +09:00]] 版) <http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-html-editor/2007JulSep/0032.html>
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[CITE@en[Re: '''['''XHTML-Role''']''' Remove role attribute in http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml namespace]] ([[Simon Pieters]] 著, [CODE[2007-09-26 03:45:19 +09:00]] 版) <http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-html-editor/2007JulSep/0033.html>
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[CITE[HTML5 IRC logs: freenode / #whatwg / 20071009]] ([CODE[2007-10-10 09:49:44 +09:00]] 版) <http://krijnhoetmer.nl/irc-logs/whatwg/20071009#l-24>
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> [04:31] <Hixie> (i mean, netscape 2.0 is a compliant role module implementation as far as i can tell)
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>>46 よく見ると [CODE(HTMLa)@en[[[role]]]] [[属性]]がどこで使えるのかの定義が全然ない。 ([[属性]]を定義する[[モジュール]]だから意図的にそうした? でも他の[[モジュール]]の例に倣うなら[Q[[[共通]][[属性集合]]に[[属性]] [CODE(HTMLa)@en[[[role]]]] を追加する。]]のような定義があるべきだと思うが。)
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>>50 [[大域属性]]の件は[[適合性]]の章に言及があった。
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> [04:51] <Hixie> it is literally true that my desk is a compliant XHTML Role Attribute Module implementation
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[CITE@ja[Taken SPC : role 属性値を基にノードを選択する]] ([CODE[2007-10-19 23:05:58 +09:00]] 版) <http://taken.s101.xrea.com/blog/article.php?id=812>
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>>53 そこまで苦労するだけの価値が [CODE(HTMLa)@en[[[role]]]] [[属性]]にあるのだろうか・・・
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[CITE@en-US[Roles for Accessible Rich Internet Applications (WAI-ARIA Roles) Version 1.0]] ([CODE[2007-10-20 00:25:56 +09:00]] 版) <http://www.w3.org/TR/2007/WD-aria-role-20071019/>
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[CITE@en[ARIA in HTML -- a new FAQ, and a proposal]] ([[Aaron M Leventhal]] 著, [CODE[2007-09-21 00:24:55 +09:00]] 版) <http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-html/2007Sep/0436.html>
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[CITE@en[ARIA: Accessible Rich Internet Applications/Relationship to HTML FAQ - MDC]] ([CODE[2007-10-27 08:28:56 +09:00]] 版) <http://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/ARIA:_Accessible_Rich_Internet_Applications/Relationship_to_HTML_FAQ>
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[CITE@en-us[Illinois Center for Information Technology Accessibility: ARIA Examples]] ([CODE[2007-11-03 11:54:50 +09:00]] 版) <http://test.cita.uiuc.edu/aria/>
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[CITE@en[ARIA Proposal]] ([[Simon Pieters]] 著, [CODE[2007-09-27 01:56:15 +09:00]] 版) <http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xhtml2/2007Sep/0016.html>
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[CITE[ARIA, role, and W3C politics - Anne’s Weblog]] ([CODE[2007-10-06 09:32:53 +09:00]] 版) <http://annevankesteren.nl/2007/10/w3c-politics>
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[CITE@en[XHTML Role Attribute Module]] ([CODE[2008-01-29 03:05:16 +09:00]] 版) <http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/2008/ED-xhtml-role-20080128/>
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[CITE@en[XHTML Role Attribute Module]] ([CODE[2008-03-19 03:08:37 +09:00]] 版) <http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/2008/ED-xhtml-role-20080318/>
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[CITE@en[XHTML Role Attribute Module]] ([CODE[2008-04-10 03:36:01 +09:00]] 版) <http://www.w3.org/TR/2008/WD-xhtml-role-20080407/>
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[CITE[2007-10-14 - vantguarde - web:g]] ([CODE[2008-05-11 14:42:11 +09:00]] 版) <http://web.g.hatena.ne.jp/vantguarde/20071014#1192352580>
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[CITE@en[XHTML Role Attribute Module]] ([CODE[2008-06-18 06:20:15 +09:00]] 版) <http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/2008/ED-xhtml-role-20080617/>
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[CITE@en[XHTML Role Attribute Module]] ([CODE[2008-06-25 23:25:21 +09:00]] 版) <http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/2008/ED-xhtml-role-20080625/>
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[CITE@en[XHTML Role Attribute Module]] ([CODE[2008-09-25 02:26:02 +09:00]] 版) <http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/2008/ED-xhtml-role-20080924/>
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[CITE@en[XHTML Role Attribute Module]] ([CODE[2008-10-19 05:57:36 +09:00]] 版) <http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/2008/ED-xhtml-role-20081018/>
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[CITE@en[XHTML Role Attribute Module]] ([CODE[2008-10-23 19:56:18 +09:00]] 版) <http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/2008/ED-xhtml-role-20081023/>
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[CITE[Pronunciation Lexicon Specification (PLS) Version 1.0]] ([CODE[2008-10-13 23:03:02 +09:00]] 版) <http://www.w3.org/TR/2008/REC-pronunciation-lexicon-20081014/#S4.4>
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[CITE@ja[XHTML Role属性 | | プログラマ2.0日報 | あすなろBLOG]] ([TIME[2008-11-02 01:43:50 +09:00]] 版) <http://blog.pasonatech.co.jp/sugiura/7657.html>
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wakaba |
1.16 |
[72] [CITE[The SMIL 3.0 Linking Modules]] ([TIME[2008-12-02 00:45:09 +09:00]] 版) <http://www.w3.org/TR/2008/REC-SMIL3-20081201/smil-extended-linking.html#Linking-SummaryOfChanges>
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>The SMIL 3.0 specification had expected to integrate the general features of the HTML-5/XHTML-2 access and role attributes as an extension and replacement for the accessKey attribute, but a lack of consensus among the proposals from XHTML-2 and HTML-5 has caused us to postpone this integration to a future version of SMIL.
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[73] [CITE[SMIL 3.0 DAISY Profile]] ([TIME[2008-12-02 00:45:09 +09:00]] 版) <http://www.w3.org/TR/2008/REC-SMIL3-20081201/smil-daisy-profile.html#DaisyProfileNS-XhtmlRole>
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[74] [CITE[Document Structure – SVG Tiny 1.2]] ([TIME[2008-12-20 02:31:29 +09:00]] 版) <http://www.w3.org/TR/2008/REC-SVGTiny12-20081222/struct.html#RoleAttribute>
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[76] [CITE@en[Duck-typing and XForms | webBackplane]] ([TIME[2009-02-11 18:55:58 +09:00]] 版) <http://webbackplane.com/mark-birbeck/blog/2009/01/duck-typing-and-xforms>
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>The second aspect -- the 'what to display part' -- is actually common to a number of elements in XForms, such as xf:output, xf:help, xf:alert, and so on; they can all either display inline text, or text that is obtained from the instance data.
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But the role attribute opens up the possibility of assigning functionality to non-XForms elements, for example:
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[PRE(XML example code)[
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<span role="xf:hint">Please enter your name</span>
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Now we get our duck-typing in reverse; 'if an element says that it wants to be a duck, give it the waddle and quack methods'.
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wakaba |
1.15 |
[78] [CITE@en[Status & Future of Role Module update (was Re: Agenda 2010-01-06)]]
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([[Gregory J. Rosmaita]] 著, [TIME[2010-01-06 08:54:36 +09:00]] 版)
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[79] [CITE[Role Attribute 1.0]]
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( ([TIME[2010-09-18 00:51:11 +09:00]] 版))
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[80] [CITE[History of changes to WAI-ARIA Roles]]
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( ([TIME[2010-09-15 05:52:15 +09:00]] 版))
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[81] [CITE[Role Attribute 1.0]]
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( ([TIME[2011-01-13 04:57:11 +09:00]] 版))
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[82] [CITE[IRC logs: freenode / #whatwg / 20110118]]
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( ([TIME[2011-02-12 21:17:44 +09:00]] 版))
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[83] [CITE[IRC logs: freenode / #whatwg / 20110119]]
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( ([TIME[2011-02-13 12:47:51 +09:00]] 版))
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wakaba |
1.2 |
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wakaba |
1.15 |
[84] [CITE@en[Web Applications 1.0 r5981 10066]]
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( ([TIME[2011-04-09 08:24:00 +09:00]] 版))
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wakaba |
1.14 |
<http://html5.org/tools/web-apps-tracker?from=5980&to=5981> |