'''MIX and MIXAL? [INS[MIX と MIXAL?]]''' - Network Working Group - Request for Comments: 473 - NIC: 14811 - D. Walden - BBN-NET - 28 February 1973 > Is there an interpreter for Knuth's hypothetical computer, MIX, together with an assemble for the MIX assembly language, MIXAL, available on any ARPA Network Host? If not, will not some Network Host make them available (cheaply)?--it would be considerable service to all of us who are students of the "Art of Computer Programming." Knuth の仮説計算機 [[MIX]] の解釈器と MIX アセンブリ言語 [[MIXAL]] のアセンブラはどこかの [[ARPA]] ネットワーク・ホストで利用可能ですか? もし駄目なら、どこかのネットワーク・ホストが (安く) 利用可能にしませんか? ——私達「計算機プログラム芸術」の学生全てにかなりサービスでしょう。 > [This RFC was put into machine readable form for entry] [into the online RFC archives by Helene Morin, Via Genie 12/1999] * RFC の License - [[RFCのライセンス]] * メモ [1] HdufPP prclzhfucldm, [url=http://ciymxywhdvko.com/]ciymxywhdvko[/url], [link=http://xgiyjwubugah.com/]xgiyjwubugah[/link], http://jvpkduykhiko.com/ ([[uunhjnjfp]] [rghoft@bjdyrc.com] [WEAK[2008-05-31 08:02:56 +00:00]])