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wakaba |
1.4 |
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[2] [[MIME]] の [DFN[[CODE(MIME)[multipart/alternative]] [[媒体型]]]]は、
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4 |
5 |
[3] 例えば、[[電子メイル]]の[[宛先]]が正しくないことを伝える [[DSN]]
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[[MNG]] 版と [[GIF]] 版を提供し、受け取った側で使える方を使ってもらうということができます。
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本質的には同じものを表す複数の[[表現]]を提供する技術としては [[HTTP]]
12 |
の[[内容折衝]]が有名ですが、 [[HTTP]] は提供側 ([[鯖]])
13 |
と利用側 ([[利用者エージェント]]) が直接通信するので、
14 |
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([[表現]]の選択) を行います。それに対して[[送信者]]と[[受信者]]が時間的・空間的に離れている[[電子メイル]]では、
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[CODE(MIME)[[[multipart/alternative]]]] 形式に詰め込み、
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[5] 仕様書:
21 |
= [DEL[[[RFC 1341]] ([[MIME]] 1[SUP[st]]) ([[IETF]] [[提案標準]]) <urn:ietf:rfc:1341>]]
22 |
= [DEL[[[RFC 1521]] ([[MIME]] 2[SUP[nd]]) ([[IETF]] [[原案標準]]) <urn:ietf:rfc:1521>]]
23 |
= [DEL[[[RFC 1766]] ([CODE(MIME)[differences]] 引数) ([[IETF]] [[提案標準]]) <urn:ietf:rfc:1766>]] ([[RFC 3282]] により[[廃止]])
24 |
= [[RFC 2046]] ([[MIME]] 3[SUP[rd]]) ([[IETF]] [[原案標準]]) <urn:ietf:rfc:2046>
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-- [CSECTION@en[5.1.4. Alternative Subtype]]
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* 構文
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[6] [CODE(MIME)[multipart/alternative]] の構文は、
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他の [CODE(MIME)[[[multipart/[VAR[*]]]]]] [[媒体型]]と共通です。
32 |
[[本体]]の部分に複数の[[本体部分]]を [CODE(MIME)[[[boundary]]]]
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[8] 含まれる各[[本体部分]]の順序は、
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後の方程[Q[オリジナル]]に近いものにします。例えば元々の [[PDF]]
37 |
版、それから作成した [[HTML]] 版、[RUBY[[[平文]]] @en[プレイン・テキスト]]版と
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3つあれば、[[平文]]、 [[HTML]]、 [[PDF]] の順で並べます。
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このような順序にするのは、 [[MIME]] に対応していない[[利用者エージェント]]で見た時に
41 |
(つまり[[平文]]として見た時に) できるだけ[Q[ごみ]]が[[利用者]]に見えないようにと配慮されたことによります。
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([[松本]] [windingbird@hotmail.com] [WEAK[2007-12-21 04:07:01 +00:00]])
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([[松本]] [windingbird@hotmail.com] [WEAK[2007-12-21 04:08:22 +00:00]])
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** 引数
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,引数名 ,引数値 ,既定値 ,説明 ,状態 ,出典
60 |
,[CODE(MIME)[[[boundary]]]] , ,(必須) ,境界文字列 ,[[IETF]] [[原案標準]] ,[[MIME]]
61 |
,[CODE(MIME)[[[differences]]]] , , ,違う点 ,廃止 ([[IETF]] [[提案標準]]) ,[[RFC 1766]]
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* 仕様書から
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** RFC 2046 (MIME 3[SUP[rd]]) 5.1.4. Alternative Subtype
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71 |
> The "multipart/alternative" type is syntactically identical to
72 |
"multipart/mixed", but the semantics are different. In particular,
73 |
each of the body parts is an "alternative" version of the same
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[DFN[[CODE(MIME)[multipart/alternative]]]] 型は構文的には
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[CODE(MIME)[[[multipart/mixed]]]] と同じですが、
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> Systems should recognize that the content of the various parts are
82 |
interchangeable. Systems should choose the "best" type based on the
83 |
local environment and references, in some cases even through user
84 |
interaction. As with "multipart/mixed", the order of body parts is
85 |
significant. In this case, the alternatives appear in an order of
86 |
increasing faithfulness to the original content. In general, the
87 |
best choice is the LAST part of a type supported by the recipient
88 |
system's local environment.
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[Q[最善]]な型を選ぶべきです。 [CODE(MIME)[[[multipart/mixed]]]]
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> "Multipart/alternative" may be used, for example, to send a message
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in a fancy text format in such a way that it can easily be displayed anywhere:
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[CODE(MIME)[multipart/alternative]] は例えば装飾付きの文章書式で[[メッセージ]]を送る時にどこでも簡単に表示できるようにするために使うことができます。
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[PRE(822 example code)[
104 |
From: Nathaniel Borenstein <nsb@bellcore.com>
105 |
To: Ned Freed <ned@innosoft.com>
106 |
Date: Mon, 22 Mar 1993 09:41:09 -0800 (PST)
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Subject: Formatted text mail
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MIME-Version: 1.0
109 |
Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary=boundary42
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111 |
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
112 |
... plain text version of message goes here ...
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114 |
Content-Type: text/enriched
115 |
... RFC 1896 text/enriched version of same message
116 |
goes here ...
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Content-Type: application/x-whatever
119 |
... fanciest version of same message goes here ...
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In this example, users whose mail systems understood the
125 |
"application/x-whatever" format would see only the fancy version,
126 |
while other users would see only the enriched or plain text version,
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depending on the capabilities of their system.
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131 |
In general, user agents that compose "multipart/alternative" entities
132 |
must place the body parts in increasing order of preference, that is,
133 |
with the preferred format last. For fancy text, the sending user
134 |
agent should put the plainest format first and the richest format
135 |
last. Receiving user agents should pick and display the last format
136 |
they are capable of displaying. In the case where one of the
137 |
alternatives is itself of type "multipart" and contains unrecognized
138 |
sub-parts, the user agent may choose either to show that alternative,
139 |
an earlier alternative, or both.
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NOTE: From an implementor's perspective, it might seem more sensible
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to reverse this ordering, and have the plainest alternative last.
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However, placing the plainest alternative first is the friendliest
146 |
possible option when "multipart/alternative" entities are viewed
147 |
using a non-MIME-conformant viewer. While this approach does impose
148 |
some burden on conformant MIME viewers, interoperability with older
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mail readers was deemed to be more important in this case.
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It may be the case that some user agents, if they can recognize more
154 |
than one of the formats, will prefer to offer the user the choice of
155 |
which format to view. This makes sense, for example, if a message
156 |
includes both a nicely- formatted image version and an easily-edited
157 |
text version. What is most critical, however, is that the user not
158 |
automatically be shown multiple versions of the same data. Either
159 |
the user should be shown the last recognized version or should be
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given the choice.
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"multipart/alternative" entity represents the same data, but the
166 |
mappings between the two are not necessarily without information
167 |
loss. For example, information is lost when translating ODA to
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PostScript or plain text. It is recommended that each part should
169 |
have a different Content-ID value in the case where the information
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content of the two parts is not identical. And when the information
171 |
content is identical -- for example, where several parts of type
172 |
"message/external-body" specify alternate ways to access the
173 |
identical data -- the same Content-ID field value should be used, to
174 |
optimize any caching mechanisms that might be present on the
175 |
recipient's end. However, the Content-ID values used by the parts
176 |
should NOT be the same Content-ID value that describes the
177 |
"multipart/alternative" as a whole, if there is any such Content-ID
178 |
field. That is, one Content-ID value will refer to the
179 |
"multipart/alternative" entity, while one or more other Content-ID
180 |
values will refer to the parts inside it.
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* "difference" パラメーター
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RFC 1766 が定義していました。 multipart/alternative
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RFC 1766 では値として、 one or more 個の "Content-Type" / "Content-Language"
190 |
/ iana-token が指定できるとされています。値は RFC
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わかりませんが、読点 (comma) 区切りと解するのが適当でしょうか。
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RFC 1766 を廃止する RFC 3282 では、 differences
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differences パラメーターも廃止しています。
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値は IANA に登録することになってますが、それっぽい登録簿は
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* 歴史
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** RFC 1766
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- [14] [CITE@en[RFC 1766 - Tags for the Identification of Languages]]
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* 関連
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[9] [CODE(MIME)[[[Content-ID]]:]]
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[CODE(MIME)[[[multipart/alternative]]]] 内の各[[本体部分]]の
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[CODE(MIME)[Content-ID]] は同じものでも構わないとされています。
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* メモ
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引数 [CODE(MIME)[[[differences]]]]
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と似たようなのが [CODE(HTTP)[[[URI:]]]] 欄にもあったっけ。
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[12] [CITE@en[RFC 5621 - Message Body Handling in the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)]]
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([TIME[2009-09-12 07:37:40 +09:00]] 版)
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[13] [CITE@en[RFC 5621 - Message Body Handling in the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)]]
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([TIME[2009-09-12 07:37:40 +09:00]] 版)
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1.3 |
<http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5621#section-6> |