[1] [[manakai]] makes use of some user data names (as used with [CODE(DOMm)@en[[[getUserData]]]] and [CODE(DOMm)@en[[[setUserData]]]] methods of [CODE(DOMi)@en[[[Node]]]] interface) for its own purpose. [2] ,User Data Name ,Value ,Description ,[CODE(DOM)@en[[[manakai_has_reference]]]] ,[CODE(IDL)@en[[[boolean]]]] ,"[CODE(perl)@en[[[Whatpm::HTML]]]] sets this user data to [CODE(HTMLa)@en[[[charset]]]] attribute of [CODE(HTMLe)@en[[[meta]]]] element, as a flag whether the attribute contains any character entity reference or not. This user data is referenced by [CODE(perl)@en[[[Whatpm::ContentChecker::HTML]]]] for conformance checking of [CODE(HTMLa)@en[[[charset]]]] attribute." ,[CODE(DOM)@en[[[manakai_di]]]],[CODE(DOM)@en[[[integer]]?]],Source document ID ,[CODE(DOM)@en[[[manakai_pos]]]],Array reference of array reference of four Perl numbers,"List of line and column numbers in the value followed by line and column numbers in the source. (OBSOLETE)" ,[CODE(DOM)@en[[[manakai_source_column]]]],[CODE(DOM)@en[[[integer]]]],"The column number in the line in the source file, from which the node has been created by the parser." ,[CODE(DOM)@en[[[manakai_source_f]]]],Perl [CODE(perl)@en[[[Path::Class]]]],"The [CODE(perl)@en[[[Path::Class]]]] object identifying the source file from which the node has been created by the parser. Typically used in the [CODE(DOMi)@en[[[Document]]]] node." ,[CODE(DOM)@en[[[manakai_source_file_name]]]],[CODE(DOM)@en[[[DOMString]]]],"The path to the source file from which the node has been created by the parser." ,[CODE(DOM)@en[[[manakai_source_line]]]],[CODE(DOM)@en[[[integer]]]],"The line number in the source file, from which the node has been created by the parser." ,[CODE(DOM)@en[[[manakai_sps]]]],"sps" data structure,"Source positions data structure for the node" ,[CODE(DOM)@en[[[manakai_title_metadata]]]],[CODE(DOM)@en[[[DOMString]]]],"This user data can be specified for a [CODE(DOMi)@en[[[Document]]]]. It represents the title metadata from a higher-level protocol. It is used to check the conformance of an HTML document with no [CODE(HTMLe)@en[[[title]]]] element."