
Contents of /suikawiki/script/wiki.cgi

Parent Directory Parent Directory | Revision Log Revision Log

Revision 1.40 - (show annotations) (download)
Thu Dec 19 09:50:18 2002 UTC (21 years, 5 months ago) by wakaba
Branch: MAIN
Changes since 1.39: +3 -3 lines
Calender: New plugin

1 #!/usr/bin/perl
2 #
3 # wiki.cgi - This is YukiWiki, yet another Wiki clone.
4 #
5 # Copyright (C) 2000-2002 by Hiroshi Yuki.
6 # <hyuki@hyuki.com>
7 # http://www.hyuki.com/yukiwiki/
8 #
9 # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
10 # modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
11 #
12 # walwiki.cgi based on yukiwiki.cgi - Yet another WikiWikiWeb clone.
14 # Walrus add (debug) start
15 my $walrus_log;
16 my $walrus_debugging = 0;
17 # Walrus add (debug) end
19 # Libraries.
20 use strict;
21 use lib qw(./WalWiki/lib);
22 use CGI qw(:standard);
23 use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser);
24 use Yuki::RSS;
25 use Yuki::DiffText qw(difftext);
26 use Yuki::YukiWikiDB;
27 use AnyDBM_File;
28 require 'jcode.pl';
29 require Jcode;
30 use Fcntl;
31 my $version = '2.0.beta1.2002-05-29';
32 my $walversion;
33 ##############################
34 #
35 # You MUST modify following '$modifier_...' variables.
36 #
37 my $modifier_mail = 'w@suika.fam.cx'; # Your mail address, like 'walrus@digit.que.ne.jp'.
38 my $modifier_url = 'http://suika.fam.cx/~wakaba/'; # Your web page, like 'http://digit.que.ne.jp/work/'.
39 my $modifier_name = '和'; # Your name, like 'Makio Tsukamoto'.
40 # my $modifier_dbtype = 'AnyDBM_File'; # Fast, not available on some server, page size limited.
41 # my $modifier_dbtype = 'dbmopen'; # Fast, not available on some server, page size limited.
42 my $modifier_dbtype = 'YukiWikiDB'; # Slow, available on all environment.
43 # my $modifier_sendmail = '/usr/sbin/sendmail -t -n'; # Your sendmail.
44 my $modifier_sendmail = ''; # If you don't need mail notification.
45 my $modifier_dir_data = './wikidata'; # Your data directory.
46 my $modifier_rss_title = "SuikaWiki $walversion";
47 my $modifier_rss_link = 'http://suika.fam.cx/~wakaba/-temp/wiki2/wiki'; # Blank is not allowed.
48 my $modifier_rss_description = 'This is SuikaWiki';
49 ##############################
50 #
51 # You MAY modify following variables.
52 #
53 $SuikaWiki::Plugin::plugin_directory = q(./SuikaWiki/Plugin/);
54 my $file_touch = "$modifier_dir_data/touched.txt";
55 my $file_resource = "$modifier_dir_data/resource.txt";
56 my $file_FrontPage = "$modifier_dir_data/frontpage.txt";
57 my $file_conflict = "$modifier_dir_data/conflict.txt";
58 my $file_format = "$modifier_dir_data/format.txt";
59 my $url_cgi = '/~wakaba/-temp/wiki/wiki'; ## MUST be started from '/'
60 my $url_stylesheet = $url_cgi.'?mycmd=TEXT_CSS;mypage=WikiHTMLStyle';
61 my $icontag = '<img src="/icons/folder" alt="*" width="40" height="40" />';
62 my $maxrecent = 50;
63 my $cols = 80;
64 my $rows = 20;
65 ##############################
66 #
67 # You MAY, but do NOT NEED modify following variables.
68 #
69 my $dataname = "$modifier_dir_data/wiki";
70 my $infoname = "$modifier_dir_data/info";
71 my $diffname = "$modifier_dir_data/diff";
72 my $editchar = '?';
73 my $subject_delimiter = ' - ';
74 my $use_autoimg = 1; # automatically convert image URL into <img> tag.
75 my $use_exists = 0; # If you can use 'exists' method for your DB.
76 ##############################
77 my $InterWikiName = 'InterWikiName';
78 my $RecentChanges = 'RecentChanges';
79 my $AdminChangePassword = 'AdminChangePassword';
80 my $CompletedSuccessfully = 'CompletedSuccessfully';
81 my $FrontPage = 'HomePage';
82 my $IndexPage = 'IndexPage';
83 my $SearchPage = 'SearchPage';
84 my $CreatePage = 'CreatePage';
85 my $ErrorPage = 'ErrorPage';
86 my $RssPage = 'RssPage';
87 my $NAME_OF_WikiPageLicense = 'WikiPageLicense';
88 my $AdminSpecialPage = 'Admin Special Page'; # must include spaces.
89 ##############################
90 my $bracket_name = '\[\[(\S+?)\]\]';
91 my $embedded_name = '\[\[(#\S+?)\]\]';
92 my %fmt; ## formatter objects
93 ##############################
94 my $embed_comment = '[[#comment]]';
95 my $embed_rcomment = '[[#rcomment]]';
96 my $embed_comment_Name_Prompt = '名前:';
97 my $DEFAULT_embed_comment_name = '名無しさん';
98 my $embed_interwiki = '^\[\[#(box|text|password):(\S+)\]\]$'; # Walrus add (5)
99 my %embed_command = (
100 searched => '^\[\[#searched:([^\]]+)\]\]$',
101 form => qw/\[\[\#form(?:\(([A-Za-z0-9-]+)\))?:'((?:[^'\\]|\\.)*)':'((?:[^'\\]|\\.)*)'(?::'((?:[^'\\]|\\.)*)')?\]\]/,
102 );
103 ##############################
104 my $info_LastModified = 'LastModified';
105 my $info_IsFrozen = 'IsFrozen';
106 my $info_AdminPassword = 'AdminPassword';
107 ##############################
108 my $kanjicode = 'euc';
109 my $charset = 'EUC-JP';
110 my $lang = 'ja';
111 my %fixedpage = (
112 $IndexPage => 1,
113 $CreatePage => 1,
114 $ErrorPage => 1,
115 $RssPage => 1,
116 $RecentChanges => 1,
117 $SearchPage => 1,
118 $AdminChangePassword => 1,
119 $CompletedSuccessfully => 1,
120 #$FrontPage => 1,
121 WikiUserAgentList => 1,
122 WikiPluginInfo => 1,
123 );
124 my %form;
125 my %database;
126 my %infobase;
127 my %diffbase;
128 my %resource;
129 my %interwiki;
130 ##############################
131 my %page_command = (
132 $IndexPage => 'index',
133 $SearchPage => 'searchform',
134 $CreatePage => 'create',
135 $RssPage => 'rss',
136 $AdminChangePassword => 'adminchangepasswordform',
137 #$FrontPage => 'FrontPage',
138 WikiPluginInfo => 'x_WikiPluginInfo',
139 );
140 my %command_do = (
141 read => \&do_read,
142 TEXT_CSS => \&do_output_css,
143 edit => \&do_edit,
144 adminedit => \&do_adminedit,
145 adminchangepasswordform => \&do_adminchangepasswordform,
146 adminchangepassword => \&do_adminchangepassword,
147 write => \&do_write,
148 index => \&do_index,
149 searchform => \&do_searchform,
150 search => \&do_search,
151 create => \&do_create,
152 createresult => \&do_createresult,
153 FrontPage => \&do_FrontPage,
154 comment => \&do_comment,
155 RandomJump => \&do_random_jump,
156 rss => \&do_rss,
157 diff => \&do_diff,
158 interwikibox => \&do_interwiki_box, # Walrus add (5)
159 wikiform => \&do_wikiform,
160 x_WikiPluginInfo => \&do_wikiplugininfo,
161 );
162 ##############################
163 my $walversion = '2.0.beta1.wal.1'; # Walrus add (1)
164 ##############################
165 # &test_convert;
166 my $UA = ''; ## User agent name
167 ##############################
169 sub main {
170 $UA = $main::ENV{HTTP_USER_AGENT};
171 &init_resource;
172 &open_db;
173 &init_form;
174 &init_InterWikiName;
175 if ($command_do{$form{mycmd}}) {
176 &{$command_do{$form{mycmd}}};
177 } else {
178 &do_FrontPage;
179 }
180 &close_db;
181 }
183 sub do_read {
184 my $content = $database{$form{mypage}};
185 my $lm = &get_info($form{mypage}, $info_LastModified);
186 wiki::referer::add ($form{mypage}, $ENV{HTTP_REFERER});
187 wiki::useragent::add ($ENV{HTTP_USER_AGENT});
188 my ($r, $c) = get_search_result ($form{mypage});
189 my $rl = wiki::referer::list_html ($form{mypage});
190 my @toc;
191 push @toc, qq(-<a href="#wikipage-see-also">See Also</a>) if $c;
192 push @toc, qq(-<a href="#wikipage-referer">参照元</a>) if $rl;
193 my $cf = 'SuikaWiki/0.9';
194 ## Should be support at least:
195 ## - 'SuikaWiki/0.9' CRLF
196 ## - 'H2H/' ("0.9" / "1.0" / "1.1") CRLF
197 ## - "/*" WSP* 'W3C-CSS/' ("1.0" / "2.0") "*/" CRLF
198 $cf = $1 if $content =~ s#^(?:/\*\s*|[\#<]\?)?([A-Z][A-Za-z0-9-]+/[0-9.]+(?:[^0-9.\x0D\x0A][^\x0D\x0A]*)?)[\x0D\x0A]+##s;
199 if ($cf =~ m!^(?:\#\?)?SuikaWiki/0.9(?:$|\s)!) {
200 &print_header ($form{mypage}, -last_modified => $lm,
201 -content_format => $cf, -noindex => $cf =~ /obsoleted="yes"/);
202 &print_content ($content, content_format => $cf, last_modified => $lm,
203 -toc => \@toc);
204 print &text_to_html (q([[#comment]])) if $cf !~ /obsoleted="yes"/ && !$fixedpage{$form{mypage}};
205 } else {
206 &print_header($form{mypage}, -last_modified => $lm);
207 print "<pre>@{[&escape($content)]}</pre>";
208 }
209 if ($c) {
210 print qq{<h2 @{[&id_and_name('wikipage-see-also')]}>See also</h2>};
211 print $r;
212 }
213 if ($rl) {
214 print qq(<div @{[&id_and_name('wikipage-referer')]}><h2>参照元</h2>\n$rl</div>\n);
215 }
216 &print_footer($form{mypage}, $lm);
217 }
219 sub do_output_css {
220 wiki::referer::add ($form{mypage}, $ENV{HTTP_REFERER});
221 wiki::useragent::add ($ENV{HTTP_USER_AGENT});
222 my $content = $database{$form{mypage}};
223 if ($content =~ m#^\s*/\*\s*W3C-CSS#) {
224 my $lm = &get_info($form{mypage}, $info_LastModified);
225 print scalar make_navigate_links ($form{mypage});
226 print "Content-Type: text/css; charset=$charset\n";
227 print "Last-Modified: $lm\n";
228 print "\n";
229 print $content;
230 } else {
231 print "Status: 406 Unsupported Media Type\n";
232 &print_header('WikiPageIsNotCSS', -noindex => 1);
233 &print_content($database{WikiPageIsNotCSS});
234 &print_footer('WikiPageIsNotCSS');
235 }
236 }
238 sub id_and_name ($) {
239 my $name = shift;
240 if ($UA =~ m#Mozilla/[12]\.|Microsoft Internet Explorer#) {
241 qq{id="$name"><a name="$name"></a};
242 } else {
243 qq{id="$name"};
244 }
245 }
247 sub do_edit {
248 my ($page) = &unarmor_name(&armor_name($form{mypage}));
249 &print_header($page, -noindex => 1);
250 if (not &is_editable($page)) {
251 &print_message($resource{cantchange});
252 } elsif (&is_frozen($page)) {
253 &print_message($resource{cantchange});
254 } else {
255 &print_editform($database{$page}, &get_info($page, $info_LastModified), admin=>0);
256 }
257 wiki::referer::add ($form{mypage}, $ENV{HTTP_REFERER});
258 wiki::useragent::add ($ENV{HTTP_USER_AGENT});
259 my ($r, $c) = get_search_result ($form{mypage});
260 my $rl = wiki::referer::list_html ($form{mypage});
261 if ($c) {
262 print q{<h2 id="wikipage-see-also">See also</h2>};
263 print $r;
264 }
265 if ($rl) {
266 print qq(<div id="wikipage-referer"><h2>参照元</h2>\n$rl</div>\n);
267 }
268 &print_footer($page);
269 }
271 sub do_adminedit {
272 my ($page) = &unarmor_name(&armor_name($form{mypage}));
273 &print_header($page, -noindex => 1);
274 if (not &is_editable($page)) {
275 &print_message($resource{cantchange});
276 } else {
277 &print_message($resource{passwordneeded});
278 &print_editform($database{$page}, &get_info($page, $info_LastModified), admin=>1);
279 }
280 &print_footer($page);
281 }
283 sub do_adminchangepasswordform {
284 &print_header($AdminChangePassword, -noindex => 1);
285 &print_passwordform;
286 &print_footer($AdminChangePassword);
287 }
289 sub do_adminchangepassword {
290 if ($form{mynewpassword} ne $form{mynewpassword2}) {
291 &print_error($resource{passwordmismatcherror});
292 }
293 my ($validpassword_crypt) = &get_info($AdminSpecialPage, $info_AdminPassword);
294 if ($validpassword_crypt) {
295 if (not &valid_password($form{myoldpassword})) {
296 &send_mail_to_admin(<<"EOD", "AdminChangePassword");
297 myoldpassword=$form{myoldpassword}
298 mynewpassword=$form{mynewpassword}
299 mynewpassword2=$form{mynewpassword2}
300 EOD
301 &print_error($resource{passworderror});
302 }
303 }
304 my ($sec, $min, $hour, $day, $mon, $year, $weekday) = localtime(time);
305 my (@token) = ('0'..'9', 'A'..'Z', 'a'..'z');
306 my $salt1 = $token[(time | $$) % scalar(@token)];
307 my $salt2 = $token[($sec + $min*60 + $hour*60*60) % scalar(@token)];
308 my $crypted = crypt($form{mynewpassword}, "$salt1$salt2");
309 &set_info($AdminSpecialPage, $info_AdminPassword, $crypted);
311 &print_header($CompletedSuccessfully, -noindex => 1);
312 &print_message($resource{passwordchanged});
313 &print_footer($CompletedSuccessfully);
314 }
316 sub do_index {
317 wiki::referer::add ($form{mypage}, $ENV{HTTP_REFERER});
318 wiki::useragent::add ($ENV{HTTP_USER_AGENT});
319 &print_header($IndexPage);
320 print qq(<ul>);
321 foreach my $page (sort keys %database) {
322 if (&is_editable($page)) {
323 print qq(<li><a href="$url_cgi?@{[&encode($page)]}">@{[&escape($page)]}</a>@{[&escape(&get_subjectline($page))]}</li>);
324 # print qq(<li>@{[&get_info($page, $info_IsFrozen)]}</li>);
325 # print qq(<li>@{[0 + &is_frozen($page)]}</li>);
326 }
327 }
328 print qq(</ul>);
329 my ($r, $c) = get_search_result ($form{mypage});
330 if ($c) {
331 print qq{<h2 @{[&id_and_name('wikipage-see-also')]}>See also</h2>};
332 print $r;
333 }
334 my $rl = wiki::referer::list_html ($form{mypage});
335 if ($rl) {
336 print qq(<div @{[&id_and_name('wikipage-referer')]}><h2>??????</h2>\n$rl</div>\n);
337 }
338 &print_footer($IndexPage);
339 }
341 sub do_write {
342 if (&frozen_reject()) {
343 return;
344 }
346 if (not &is_editable($form{mypage})) {
347 &print_header($form{mypage}, -noindex => 1);
348 &print_message($resource{cantchange});
349 &print_footer($form{mypage});
350 return;
351 }
353 if (&conflict($form{mypage}, $form{mymsg})) {
354 return;
355 }
357 # Making diff
358 {
359 &open_diff;
360 my @msg1 = split(/\n/, $database{$form{mypage}});
361 my @msg2 = split(/\n/, $form{mymsg});
362 $diffbase{$form{mypage}} = &difftext(\@msg1, \@msg2);
363 &close_diff;
364 }
366 if ($form{mymsg}) {
367 $database{$form{mypage}} = $form{mymsg};
368 &send_mail_to_admin($form{mypage}, "Modify");
369 if ($form{mytouch}) {
370 &set_info($form{mypage}, $info_LastModified, '' . localtime);
371 &update_recent_changes;
372 }
373 &set_info($form{mypage}, $info_IsFrozen, 0 + $form{myfrozen});
374 my $fragment = '';
375 $fragment .= qq(;after_edit_cmd=@{[&encode($form{after_edit_cmd})]}) if $form{after_edit_cmd};
376 if ($form{__comment_anchor_index}) {
377 $fragment .= qq(#anchor-$form{__comment_anchor_index});
378 } elsif ($form{__wikiform_anchor_index}) {
379 $fragment .= qq(#wikiform-$form{__wikiform_anchor_index});
380 }
381 &print_header($CompletedSuccessfully, -noindex => 1, -goto => $url_cgi.'?mycmd='.&encode($form{after_edit_cmd}||'read').';mypage='.&encode($form{mypage}).qq(;x-param=@{[time.[0..9]->[rand 10]]}$fragment));
382 &print_message($resource{saved});
383 &print_content("$resource{continuereading} @{[&armor_name($form{mypage})]}");
384 &print_footer($CompletedSuccessfully);
385 } else {
386 &send_mail_to_admin($form{mypage}, "Delete");
387 delete $database{$form{mypage}};
388 delete $infobase{$form{mypage}};
389 if ($form{mytouch}) {
390 &update_recent_changes;
391 }
392 &print_header($form{mypage}, -noindex => 1);
393 &print_message($resource{deleted});
394 &print_footer($form{mypage});
395 }
396 }
398 sub do_searchform {
399 &print_header($SearchPage);
400 &print_searchform("");
401 &print_footer($SearchPage);
402 }
404 sub do_search {
405 my $word = $form{mymsg};
406 &print_header($SearchPage);
407 &print_searchform(&escape($word));
408 print scalar get_search_result ($word, -output_not_found => 1, -match_myself => 1);
409 &print_footer($SearchPage);
410 }
412 sub get_search_result ($;%) {
413 my $word = lc shift;
414 my %option = @_;
415 my @r;
416 foreach my $page (keys %database) {
417 next if $page eq $RecentChanges || ($page eq $word && !$option{-match_myself});
418 my $content = $database{$page};
419 my $cf = 'SuikaWiki/0.9';
420 $cf = $1 if $content =~ s/^\#\?([^\x0A\x0D]+)//s;
421 next if $cf =~ /obsoleted="yes"/;
422 if (index (lc $page, $word) > -1) {
423 my $c = $content =~ s/\Q$word\E//gi;
424 push @r, [$page, $c+20];
425 } elsif (index ($word, lc $page) > -1) {
426 my $c = $content =~ s/\Q$word\E//gi;
427 push @r, [$page, $c+10];
428 } elsif (my $c = $content =~ s/\Q$word\E//gi) {
429 push @r, [$page, $c];
430 }
431 }
432 my $em = sub { my $s = shift; $s =~ s#(\Q$word\E)#<em>$1</em>#gi; $s };
433 my $r = join "\n", map {qq(<li>[$_->[1]] <a href ="$url_cgi?@{[&encode($_->[0])]}" class="wiki">@{[&$em(&escape($_->[0]))]}</a> <span class="wikipage-summary">@{[&$em(&escape(&get_subjectline($_->[0])))]}</span></li>)} sort {$b->[1] <=> $a->[1] || $a->[0] cmp $b->[0]} @r;
434 $r = qq|<ul class="search-result">$r</ul>| if $r;
435 get_message ($resource{notfound}) if @r == 0 && $option{-output_not_found};
436 wantarray? ($r, scalar @r): $r;
437 }
439 sub do_create {
440 &print_header($CreatePage);
441 print <<"EOD";
442 <form action="$url_cgi" method="post">
443 <input type="hidden" name="mycmd" value="edit">
444 <strong>$resource{newpagename}</strong><br>
445 <input type="text" name="mypage" value="" size="20">
446 <input type="submit" value="$resource{createbutton}"><br>
447 </form>
448 EOD
449 &print_footer($CreatePage);
450 }
452 sub do_random_jump {
453 my @list = keys %database;
454 my $name = &encode ($list[rand @list]);
455 my ($scheme) = 'http';
456 $scheme = $1 if $main::ENV{SERVER_PROTOCOL} =~ m#([A-Za-z0-9+.%-]+)#;
457 print "Location: $scheme://$main::ENV{SERVER_NAME}:$main::ENV{SERVER_PORT}$url_cgi?$name\n";
458 print "\n";
459 }
461 sub do_FrontPage {
462 open(FILE, $file_FrontPage) or &print_error("($file_FrontPage)");
463 my $content = join('', <FILE>);
464 &code_convert(\$content, $kanjicode);
465 close(FILE);
466 &print_header($FrontPage);
467 &print_content($content);
468 &print_footer($FrontPage);
469 }
471 sub print_error {
472 my ($msg) = @_;
473 &print_header($ErrorPage, -noindex => 1);
474 print qq(<p><strong class="error">$msg</strong></p>);
475 &print_footer($ErrorPage);
476 exit(0);
477 }
479 sub print_header ($;%) {
480 my ($page, %option) = @_;
481 my $bodyclass = "normal";
482 if (&is_frozen($page) and $form{mycmd} =~ /^(read|write)$/) {
483 $bodyclass = "frozen";
484 }
485 $bodyclass .= " wiki-page-obsoleted" if $option{-content_format} =~ /obsoleted="yes"/;
486 if ($option{-goto}) {
487 if ($UA =~ m#Opera|MSIE 2\.#) {
488 $option{-goto} =~ tr/;/&/ if $UA =~ m#Opera#;
489 print qq{Refresh: 0; url=$option{-goto}\n};
490 $option{-goto} = qq(<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; url=$option{-goto}">);
491 } else {
492 $option{-goto} =~ tr/;/&/ if $UA =~ m#Mozilla/[1-4]\.#;
493 print qq{Refresh: 0; url="$option{-goto}"\n};
494 $option{-goto} = qq(<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; url=&quot;@{[&escape($option{-goto})]}&quot;">);
495 }
496 }
497 print qq{Last-Modified: $option{-last_modified}\n} if $option{-last_modified};
498 my $meta_ct = '';
499 if ($UA =~ m#Mozilla/2#) {
500 $meta_ct = qq{text/html; charset=@{[&x_charset($charset)]}};
501 print qq{Content-Type: $meta_ct\n};
502 $meta_ct = qq{<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="$meta_ct">};
503 } elsif ($UA =~ m#Infomosaic#) {
504 print qq{Content-Type: text/html\n};
505 } else {
506 print qq{Content-Type: text/html; charset=$charset\n};
507 }
508 my $cookedpage = &encode($page);
509 my $escapedpage = &escape($page);
510 my ($Links, $links) = &make_navigate_links ($page);
511 print $Links;
512 print <<"EOD";
513 Content-Language: $lang
514 Content-Style-Type: text/css
516 <!--
517 <!DOCTYPE html
518 PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
519 "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd"> + RUBY -->
520 <html lang="$lang">
521 <head profile="http://suika.fam.cx/~wakaba/-temp/wiki/wiki?WikiHTMLMetaProfile">
522 $meta_ct$option{-goto}
523 <title>$escapedpage</title>
524 @{[($UA !~ m#Mozilla/[1-4]\.# || $UA =~ m#MSIE (?:[4-9]\.|\d\d)#) ? qq(<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="@{[&escape($url_stylesheet)]}">) : '']}
525 @{[$option{-noindex} ? q(<meta name="ROBOTS" content="NOINDEX">) : '']}
526 $links
527 </head>
528 <body class="$bodyclass">
529 EOD
530 &print_navigate_links ($page);
531 print <<EOD;
532 <h1 class="header">@{[&escape($page)]}</h1>
533 EOD
534 }
536 sub x_charset ($) {
537 my $charset = lc shift;
538 if ($charset eq 'euc-jp') {
539 $charset = 'x-euc-jp';
540 } elsif ($charset eq 'shift_jis') {
541 $charset = 'x-sjis';
542 }
543 $charset;
544 }
546 sub print_navigate_links (@) {
547 my ($page) = @_;
548 my $editable = 0;
549 my $admineditable = 0;
550 if (&is_frozen($page) and $form{mycmd} =~ /^(read|write)$/) {
551 $editable = 0;
552 #$admineditable = 1;
553 } elsif (&is_editable($page) and $form{mycmd} =~ /^(read|write)$/) {
554 #$admineditable = 1;
555 $editable = 1;
556 } else {
557 $editable = 0;
558 }
559 my $cookedpage = &encode($page);
560 print <<EOH;
561 <div class="tools">
562 @{[ $admineditable
563 ? qq(<a title="$resource{admineditthispage}" href="$url_cgi?mycmd=adminedit;mypage=$cookedpage" class="wiki-cmd">$resource{admineditbutton}</a> | )
564 : qq()
565 ]}
566 @{[ $editable
567 ? #qq(<a title="$resource{editthispage}" href="$url_cgi?mycmd=edit;mypage=$cookedpage" accesskey="E">$resource{editbutton} <kbd>E</kbd></a> | )
568 qq(<a title="$resource{editthispage}" href="$url_cgi?mycmd=edit;mypage=$cookedpage" accesskey="E" class="wiki-cmd">編集</a> | )
569 : qq()
570 ]}
571 <a href="$url_cgi?mycmd=read;mypage=$cookedpage;x-param=@{[time.[0..9]->[rand 10]]}" class="wiki-cmd">表示</a> |
572 @{[ $admineditable
573 ? qq(<a href="$url_cgi?mycmd=diff;mypage=$cookedpage" class="wiki-cmd">$resource{diffbutton}</a> | )
574 : qq()
575 ]}
576 <a href="$url_cgi?$CreatePage" class="wiki">新規</a> |
577 <a href="$url_cgi?$IndexPage" class="wiki">$resource{indexbutton}</a> |
578 <a href="$url_cgi?$FrontPage" class="wiki">首頁</a> |
579 <a href="$url_cgi?$SearchPage" class="wiki">$resource{searchbutton}</a> |
580 <a href="$url_cgi?mycmd=RandomJump;x-param=@{[time.[0..9]->[rand 10]]}" class="wiki randomlink">どこか</a> |
581 <a href="$url_cgi?$RecentChanges" class="wiki">最新</a>
582 </div>
583 EOH
584 }
586 sub make_navigate_links ($) {
587 my $page = shift;
588 my @link;
589 push @link, {rel=>'edit', href=>"$url_cgi?mycmd=edit;mypage=@{[&encode($page)]}", class=>"wiki-command", title=>$resource{editbutton}} if &is_editable ($page) && !&is_frozen ($page);
590 push @link, {rel=>'edit', href=>"$url_cgi?mycmd=adminedit;mypage=@{[&encode($page)]}", class=>"wiki-command", title=>$resource{admineditbutton}} if &is_editable ($page) || &is_frozen ($page);
591 push @link, {rel=>'view', href=>"$url_cgi?mycmd=read;mypage=@{[&encode($page)]};x-p=@{[time.[0..9]->[rand 10]]}", class=>'wiki-command', title=>'View latest version of this page'};
592 push @link, {rel=>'myself', href=>"$url_cgi?@{[&encode($page)]}", class=>'wiki'};
593 push @link, {rel=>'index', href=>"$url_cgi?$IndexPage", class=>'wiki', title=>$resource{indexbutton}};
594 push @link, {rel=>'home', href=>"$url_cgi?$FrontPage", class=>'wiki', title=>$FrontPage};
595 push @link, {rel=>'News', href=>"$url_cgi?WikiNews", class=>'wiki', title=>'News on this wiki'};
596 push @link, {rel=>'News', href=>"$url_cgi?$RecentChanges", class=>"wiki", title=>$resource{recentchangesbutton}};
597 push @link, {rel=>'News', href=>"$url_cgi?$RssPage", class=>"wiki", title=>$resource{rssbutton}, type=>'application/xml'};
598 push @link, {rel=>'search', href=>"$url_cgi?$SearchPage", class=>'wiki', title=>$resource{searchbutton}};
599 push @link, {rel=>'help', href=>"$url_cgi?WikiHelp", class=>'wiki'};
600 push @link, {rel=>'copyright', href=>"$url_cgi?WikiPageLicense", class=>'wiki'};
601 push @link, {rel=>'jump', href=>q(javascript:var%20WikiName=prompt('Please%20input%20the%20WikiName:','','Jump%20to%20SuikaWiki');if(WikiName)%7B_content.location.href='http://suika.fam.cx/%7Ewakaba/-temp/wiki/wiki%3F'+encodeURIComponent(WikiName)%7D), class=>'wiki-cmd', title=>'Jump to...'};
602 push @link, {rel=>'jump', href=>q(javascript:var%20WikiName=prompt('Please%20input%20the%20WikiName:','','Jump%20to%20SuikaWiki');if(WikiName)%7B_content.location.href='http://suika.fam.cx/%7Ewakaba/-temp/wiki/wiki%3Fmycmd=edit;mypage='+encodeURIComponent(WikiName)%7D), class=>'wiki-cmd', title=>'Jump to (edit)...'};
603 push @link, {rel=>'lucky', href=>"$url_cgi?mycmd=RandomJump;x-param=@{[time.[0..9]->[rand 10]]}", class=>'wiki randomlink', title=>'Somewhere'};
604 my ($Links, $links) = ('', '');
605 for my $e (@link) {
606 $links .= qq(<link);
607 $Links .= qq(Link: <$e->{href}>);
608 for my $attr (qw/rel rev href title class type hreflang charset/) {
609 $links .= qq( $attr="@{[&escape($e->{$attr})]}") if $e->{$attr};
610 }
611 for my $attr (qw/rel rev title/) {
612 $Links .= qq(; $attr="@{[do{$e->{$attr} =~ s/([\\\"])/\\$1/g; $e->{$attr}}]}") if $e->{$attr};
613 }
614 $links .= qq(>\n);
615 $Links .= qq(\n);
616 }
617 wantarray ? ($Links, $links) : $Links;
618 }
620 sub print_footer {
621 my ($page, $lm) = @_;
622 my $epage = &encode ($page);
623 $walrus_log = ($walrus_debugging) ? &text_to_html("----\n$walrus_log") : ''; # Walrus add (debug)
624 # Walrus mod (1) start
625 my $cvslog1 = q$Revision: 1.39 $;
626 my $cvslog2 = q$Date: 2002/12/18 13:08:39 $;
627 print_navigate_links ($page);
628 print <<"EOD";
629 @{[ $lm ? qq(<div id="wikipage-last-modified">Last modified: $lm</div>) : '' ]}
630 <div class="footer">
631 <a href="http://www.hyuki.com/yukiwiki/" title="$version &copy; 2000-2002 by Hiroshi Yuki">YukiWiki</a> <a href="http://digit.que.ne.jp/work/" title="$walversion &copy; 2000-2002 by Makio Tsukamoto">WalWiki</a>
632 <a href="/gate/cvs/wakaba/wiki/" title="CVS Repository of this script ($cvslog2)">SuikaWiki $cvslog1</a>
633 <div class="navigation">
634 [<a href="/" title="このサーバーの首頁">/</a>
635 <a href="/map" title="このサーバーの案内">地図</a>
636 <a href="/search/" title="このサーバーの検索">検索</a>]
637 </div>
638 <div class="myuri">
639 &lt;<a href="$url_cgi?$epage">$url_cgi?$epage</a>&gt;
640 </div>
641 </div>
642 $walrus_log
643 </body>
644 </html>
645 EOD
646 }
648 sub escape {
649 my $s = shift;
650 $s =~ s|\r\n|\n|g;
651 $s =~ s|&|&amp;|g;
652 $s =~ s|<|&lt;|g;
653 $s =~ s|>|&gt;|g;
654 $s =~ s|"|&quot;|g;
655 return $s;
656 }
658 sub unescape {
659 my $s = shift;
660 # $s =~ s|\n|\r\n|g;
661 $s =~ s|&lt;|<|g;
662 $s =~ s|&gt;|>|g;
663 $s =~ s|&quot;|"|g;
664 $s =~ s|&amp;|&|g;
665 return $s;
666 }
668 sub print_content ($;$) {
669 my ($rawcontent, %option) = @_;
670 print &text_to_html($rawcontent, toc=>1, %option);
671 }
673 sub text_to_html {
674 my ($txt, %option) = @_;
675 my (@txt) = split(/\n/, $txt);
676 my @toc;
677 my @toc2 = @{$option{-toc}||[]};
678 my $tocnum = 0;
679 my (@saved, @result);
680 unshift(@saved, "</p>");
681 push(@result, "<p>");
682 foreach (@txt) {
683 chomp;
684 if (/^\*\*\*\*\*([^\x0D\x0A]*)/) {
685 push(@toc, qq(----- <a href="#i$tocnum">@{[&escape($1)||$tocnum]}</a>\n));
686 push(@result, splice(@saved), qq(<h6 @{[&id_and_name("i$tocnum")]}>) . &inline($1) . '</h6>');
687 $tocnum++;
688 } elsif (/^\*\*\*\*([^\x0D\x0A]*)/) {
689 push(@toc, qq(---- <a href="#i$tocnum">@{[&escape($1)||$tocnum]}</a>\n));
690 push(@result, splice(@saved), qq(<h5 @{[&id_and_name("i$tocnum")]}>) . &inline($1) . '</h5>');
691 $tocnum++;
692 } elsif (/^\*\*\*([^\x0D\x0A]*)/) {
693 push(@toc, qq(--- <a href="#i$tocnum">@{[&escape($1)||$tocnum]}</a>\n));
694 push(@result, splice(@saved), qq(<h4 @{[&id_and_name("i$tocnum")]}>) . &inline($1) . '</h4>');
695 $tocnum++;
696 } elsif (/^\*\*([^\x0D\x0A]*)/) {
697 # if (/^\*\*(.*)/) {
698 # Walrus mod (6) end
699 push(@toc, qq(-- <a href="#i$tocnum">@{[&escape($1)||$tocnum]}</a>\n));
700 push(@result, splice(@saved), qq(<h3 @{[&id_and_name("i$tocnum")]}>) . &inline($1) . '</h3>');
701 $tocnum++;
702 } elsif (/^\*([^\x0D\x0A]*)/) {
703 push(@toc, qq(- <a href="#i$tocnum">@{[&escape($1)||$tocnum]}</a>\n));
704 push(@result, splice(@saved), qq(<h2 @{[&id_and_name("i$tocnum")]}>) . &inline($1) . '</h2>');
705 $tocnum++;
706 } elsif (/^(={1,6})(.*)/) {
707 &back_push('ol', length($1), \@saved, \@result);
708 push(@result, '<li>' . &inline($2) . '</li>');
709 } elsif (/^(-{1,6})(.*)/) {
710 &back_push('ul', length($1), \@saved, \@result);
711 my ($pf, $l) = ('', $2);
712 if (!$main::_EMBEDED && $l =~ s/^\s*\[([0-9]+)\]//) {
713 my $num = 0+$1;
714 $pf = qq(<a name="anchor-$num" id="anchor-$num" class="anchor">[$num]</a>);
715 }
716 push(@result, '<li>' . $pf . &inline ($l) . '</li>');
717 } elsif (/^:([^:]+):(.*)/) {
718 &back_push('dl', 1, \@saved, \@result);
719 push(@result, '<dt>' . &inline($1) . '</dt>', '<dd>' . &inline($2) . '</dd>');
720 } elsif (/^(?!>>\d)(>{1,5})(.*)/) {
721 &back_push('blockquote', length($1), \@saved, \@result);
722 push @result, "<p>";
723 push(@result, &inline($2));
724 unshift @saved, "</p>";
725 } elsif (/^\s*$/) {
726 push(@result, splice(@saved));
727 push(@result, "<p>");
728 unshift(@saved, "</p>");
729 } elsif (/^(\s+.*)$/) {
730 &back_push('pre', 1, \@saved, \@result);
731 #push(@result, &escape($1)); # Not &inline, but &escape
732 push(@result, &inline($1));
733 # } elsif (/^\,(.*)$/) { # Walrus del (BF)
734 } elsif (/^\,(.*?)[\x0D\x0A]*$/) { # Walrus add (BF)
735 &back_push('table', 1, \@saved, \@result, ' border="1"');
736 #######
737 # This part is taken from Mr. Ohzaki's Perl Memo and Makio Tsukamoto's WalWiki.
738 # XXXXX
739 my $tmp = "$1,";
740 my @value = map {/^"(.*)"$/ ? scalar($_ = $1, s/""/"/g, $_) : $_} ($tmp =~ /("[^"]*(?:""[^"]*)*"|[^,]*),/g);
741 my @align = map {(s/^\s+//) ? ((s/\s+$//) ? ' align="center"' : ' align="right"') : ''} @value;
742 my @colspan = map {($_ eq '==') ? 0 : 1} @value;
743 for (my $i = 0; $i < @value; $i++) {
744 if ($colspan[$i]) {
745 while ($i + $colspan[$i] < @value and $value[$i + $colspan[$i]] eq '==') {
746 $colspan[$i]++;
747 }
748 $colspan[$i] = ($colspan[$i] > 1) ? sprintf(' colspan="%d"', $colspan[$i]) : '';
749 $value[$i] = sprintf('<td%s%s>%s</td>', $align[$i], $colspan[$i], &inline($value[$i]));
750 } else {
751 $value[$i] = '';
752 }
753 }
754 push(@result, join('', '<tr>', @value, '</tr>'));
755 # XXXXX
756 #######
757 } elsif (/^\[(INS|DEL|PRE)\[\s*$/) {
758 push @result, splice (@saved), '<'.lc($1).'>';
759 unshift @saved, "</p>";
760 push @result, "<p>";
761 } elsif (/^\](INS|DEL|PRE)\]\s*$/) {
762 push @result, splice (@saved), '</'.lc($1).'>';
763 } elsif (/^\[([0-9]+)\](.*)$/ && !$main::_EMBEDED) {
764 my $num = 0+$1;
765 push @result, qq(<a name="anchor-$num" id="anchor-$num" class="anchor">[$num]</a>);
766 push @result, &inline ($2);
767 } else {
768 push(@result, &inline($_));
769 }
770 }
771 push(@result, splice(@saved));
773 my $toc = '';
774 if ($option{toc}) {
775 # Convert @toc (table of contents) to HTML.
776 # This part is taken from Makio Tsukamoto's WalWiki.
777 my (@tocsaved, @tocresult);
778 foreach (@toc,@toc2) {
779 if (/^(-{1,6})(.*)$/) {
780 &back_push('ul', length($1), \@tocsaved, \@tocresult);
781 push(@tocresult, '<li>' . $2 . '</li>');
782 }
783 }
784 push(@tocresult, splice(@tocsaved));
785 $toc = join("\n", @tocresult);
786 $toc = $toc ? qq(<div id="wikipage-toc">$toc</div>) : '';
787 }
788 $toc .= join("\n", @result);
789 $toc =~ s#<p>\n</p>##g;
790 $toc =~ s#[\x0D\x0A]+</#</#g;
791 $toc =~ s#<pre>\n#<pre>#g;
792 $toc;
793 }
795 sub back_push {
796 my ($tag, $level, $savedref, $resultref, $attr) = @_;
797 while (@$savedref > $level) {
798 push(@$resultref, shift(@$savedref));
799 }
800 if ($savedref->[0] ne "</$tag>") {
801 push(@$resultref, splice(@$savedref));
802 }
803 while (@$savedref < $level) {
804 unshift(@$savedref, "</$tag>");
805 push(@$resultref, "<$tag$attr>");
806 }
807 }
809 sub inline {
810 my ($line) = @_;
811 $line = &escape($line);
812 $line =~ s{$embed_command{form}}{&make_custom_form ($1, $2, $3, $4)}ge;
813 $line =~ s{\[(INS|DEL|SUP|SUB|VAR|CODE|KBD|SAMP|DFN)(?:\(([A-Za-z0-9\x20-]+)\))?\[(.+?)\]\]}{<@{[lc $1]}@{[$2 ? qq( class="$2") : '']}>$3</@{[lc $1]}>}g;
814 $line =~ s:\[(WEAK)\[(.+?)\]\]:<span class="@{[lc $1]}">$2</span>:g;
815 $line =~ s:\[ABBR\[([^]]+)\] \[([^]]+)\]\]:<acronym title="$2">$1</acronym>:g;
816 $line =~ s:\[RUBYB\[([^]]+)\] \[([^]]+)\] \[([^]]+)\]\]:<span class="ruby"><ruby class="rb"><rb>$1</rb><rp>(</rp><rt>$2</rt><rp>)</rp></ruby><span class="rp"> (</span><span class="rt-below">$3</span><span class="rp">) </span></span>:g;
817 $line =~ s:\[RUBY\[([^]]+)\] \[([^]]+)\]\]:<ruby><rb>$1</rb><rp>(</rp><rt>$2</rt><rp>)</rp></ruby>:g;
818 $line =~ s:\[RUBYB\[([^]]+)\] \[([^]]+)\]\]:<span class="ruby"><span class="rb">$1</span><span class="rp"> (</span><span class="rt-below">$2</span><span class="rp">) </span></span>:g;
819 $line =~ s%\[Q\[([^]]+)\](?: \[&lt;([\x21-\x5A\x5E-\x7E]+)&gt;\])?\]%「<q@{[$2?qq( cite="$2"):'']}>$1</q>」%g;
820 $line =~ s|'''([^']+)'''|<strong>$1</strong>|g;
821 $line =~ s|''([^']+)''|<em>$1</em>|g;
822 $line =~ s{
823 ((?:$bracket_name)) # [[likethis]], [[#comment]], [[Friend:remotelink]]
824 |\[\[([^[]+?)]&gt;&gt;([0-9]+)] # [[WikiName]>>1]
825 |&gt;&gt;([0-9]+)
826 |&lt;([A-Za-z0-9%]+:(?:(?!&gt;).)+)&gt;
827 }{
828 my ($l, $page,$anchor, $anum, $uri) = ($1, $3,$4, 0+$5, $6);
829 if ($l) {
830 &make_link($l)
831 } elsif (defined $page) {
832 &make_wikilink ($page, anchor => 0+$anchor);
833 } elsif ($anum) {
834 qq(<a href="#anchor-$anum" class="wiki-anchor">&gt;&gt;$anum</a>);
835 } elsif ($uri) {
836 &make_urilink ($uri);
837 }
838 }gex;
839 return $line;
840 }
842 sub make_wikilink ($%) {
843 my ($ename, %option) = @_;
844 my $name = &unescape ($ename);
845 if ($database{$name}) {
846 my $subject = &escape (&get_subjectline ($name, delimiter => ''));
847 if ($option{anchor}) {
848 return qq(<a title="$subject" href="$url_cgi?@{[&encode($name)]}#anchor-$option{anchor}" class="wiki">$ename&gt;&gt;$option{anchor}</a>);
849 } else {
850 return qq(<a title="$subject" href="$url_cgi?@{[&encode($name)]}" class="wiki">$ename</a>);
851 }
852 } else {
853 return qq(<a title="$resource{editthispage}" href="$url_cgi?mycmd=edit;mypage=@{[&escape($name)]}" class="wiki not-exist">$ename<span class="mark">$editchar</span></a>);
854 }
855 }
857 sub make_urilink ($;%) {
858 require URI;
859 my $uri = shift;
860 if ($uri =~ s/^IW://) { ## InterWiki (not URI)
861 $uri = &unescape ($uri);
862 if ($uri =~ /^([^\x00-\x2F\x3A-\x40\x5B-\x60\x7B-\x7F]+|"(?:\\.|[^"\\])+"):([^\x00-\x2F\x3A-\x40\x5B-\x60\x7B-\x7F]+|"(?:\\.|[^"\\])+")$/) {
863 my ($site, $name) = ($1, $2);
864 for ($site, $name) {
865 if (s/^"//) { s/"$//; s/\\(.)/$1/g }
866 }
867 if ($interwiki{$site}) {
868 my $uri = &escape ($fmt{interwiki}->replace ($interwiki{$site} => {site => $site, name => $name}));
869 $site = &escape ($site); $name = &escape ($name);
870 qq(&lt;<a href="$uri" class="out-of-wiki interwiki" title="$name ($site); URI: &lt;$uri&gt;"><span class="interwiki-site">$site:</span><span class="interwiki-name">$name</span></a>&gt;);
871 } else {
872 qq(&lt;未登録の <a href="$url_cgi?InterWikiName" class="wiki">InterWikiName</a>: @{[&escape ($site)]}>);
873 }
874 } else {
875 qq(&lt;不正な <a href="$url_cgi?InterWikiName" class="wiki">InterWikiName</a>: @{[&escape($uri)]}>);
876 }
877 } elsif ($uri =~ /^urn:/) { ## URN
878 my $uri2 = &escape (URI->new ('/uri-res/N2L?'.&unescape ($uri), 'http')->canonical);
879 qq(&lt;<a href="$uri2" title="URI: &lt;$uri&gt; (via &lt;$uri2&gt;)" class="out-of-wiki urn">$uri</a>&gt;);
880 } elsif ($uri =~ s/^MAIL://) { ## mail address (not URI)
881 my $uri2 = &escape (URI->new ('mailto:'.&unescape ($uri))->canonical);
882 qq(&lt;<a href="$uri2" class="out-of-wiki mail">$uri</a>&gt;);
883 } elsif ($uri =~ s/^IMG(?:\([^)]+\))?://) { ## image (not URI itself)
884 my $uri2 = &escape (URI->new (&unescape ($uri))->canonical);
885 qq(<img src="$uri2" alt="" title="URI: &lt;$uri2&gt;" class="out-of-wiki">);
886 } else { ## misc. URI
887 CGI::Carp::warningsToBrowser (0);
888 my $uri2 = &escape (URI->new (&unescape ($uri))->canonical);
889 CGI::Carp::warningsToBrowser (1);
890 qq(&lt;<a href="$uri2" title="URI: &lt;$uri2&gt;" class="out-of-wiki">$uri</a>&gt;);
891 }
892 }
894 my $FormIndex = 0;
895 sub make_custom_form ($$$$) {
896 my ($wfname, $definition, $template, $option) = @_;
897 ## $template and $option is currently not used in this procedure.
898 unless ($main::_EMBEDED) {
899 $FormIndex++;
900 if (length $definition) {
901 my $param = bless {}, 'SuikaWiki::Plugin';
902 my $lastmodified = &get_info($form{mypage}, $info_LastModified);
903 &load_formatter (qw/form_input form_option/);
904 $definition = &unescape ($definition);
905 $definition =~ s/\\(.)/$1/g;
906 $option = &unescape ($option);
907 $option =~ s/\\(.)/$1/g;
908 $fmt{form_option}->replace ($option, $param);
909 $definition .= ' %submit;' if $definition !~ /%submit/ && !$param->{output}->{nosubmit};
910 my $target_page = $param->{output}->{page} || $form{mypage};
911 $param->{form_disabled} = 1 if $fixedpage{$target_page};
912 my $target_form = $param->{output}->{id};
913 my $r = <<EOH;
914 <form method="post" action="$url_cgi" id="wikiform-$FormIndex" class="wikiform">
915 <input type="hidden" name="mycmd" value="@{[$param->{form_disabled}?'read':'wikiform']}">
916 <input type="hidden" name="mypage" value="@{[&escape($target_page)]}">
917 <input type="hidden" name="myLastModified" value="$lastmodified">
918 <input type="hidden" name="mytouch" value="on">
919 <input type="hidden" name="@{[$target_form? qq(wikiform_targetform" value="@{[&escape($target_form)]}) : qq(wikiform_index" value="$FormIndex)]}">
920 EOH
921 $r .= qq(<a name="wikiform-$FormIndex"></a>) if $UA =~ m#Mozilla/[12]\.#;
922 $r .= $fmt{form_input}->replace ($definition, $param);
923 $r .= <<EOH;
924 </form>
925 EOH
926 $r;
927 } else { ## No input-interface WikiForm
928 qq(<a id="wikiform-$FormIndex" name="wikiform-$FormIndex"><!-- #form --></a>);
929 }
930 } else {
931 q(<ins class="wiki-error"><strong>Warning</strong>: form in embeded page is currently not supported.</ins>);
932 }
933 }
935 ## to be obsoleted
936 sub make_link {
937 my $chunk = shift;
938 # Walrus add (3) start
939 $chunk =~ s/^&lt;(.*)&gt;$/$1/;
940 my $name = $chunk;
941 $name = &unarmor_name($name);
942 # Walrus add (3) end
943 if ($chunk =~ /^$embedded_name$/) {
944 return &embedded_to_html($chunk);
945 } else {
946 $chunk = &unarmor_name($chunk);
947 $chunk = &unescape($chunk); # To treat '&' or '>' or '<' correctly.
948 my $cookedchunk = &encode($chunk);
949 if ($database{$chunk}) {
950 my $subject = &escape(&get_subjectline($chunk, delimiter => ''));
951 # return qq(<a title="$subject" href="$url_cgi?$cookedchunk">$chunk</a>); # Walrus del (3)
952 return qq(<a title="$subject" href="$url_cgi?$cookedchunk" class="wiki">@{[&escape($name)]}</a>); # Walrus add (3)
953 } elsif ($page_command{$chunk}) {
954 # return qq(<a title="$chunk" href="$url_cgi?$cookedchunk">$chunk</a>); # Walrus del (3)
955 return qq(<a title="$chunk" href="$url_cgi?$cookedchunk" class="wiki">@{[&escape($name)]}</a>); # Walrus add (3)
956 } else {
957 return qq(<a title="$resource{editthispage}" href="$url_cgi?mycmd=edit;mypage=$cookedchunk" class="wiki">@{[&escape($name)]}<span class="mark">$editchar</span></a>);
958 }
959 }
960 }
962 sub print_message {
963 my ($msg) = @_;
964 print qq(<p><strong>$msg</strong></p>);
965 }
967 sub get_message {
968 my ($msg) = @_;
969 qq(<p><strong>$msg</strong></p>);
970 }
972 sub init_form {
973 if (param()) {
974 foreach my $var (param()) {
975 $form{$var} = param($var);
976 }
977 }
978 $form{mypage} = &code_convert(\$form{mypage}, $kanjicode);
979 if ($main::ENV{QUERY_STRING} && $main::ENV{QUERY_STRING} !~ /[&;=]/) {
980 my $query = &decode($main::ENV{QUERY_STRING});
981 $query = &code_convert(\$query, $kanjicode);
982 if ($page_command{$query}) {
983 $form{mycmd} = $page_command{$query};
984 $form{mypage} = $query;
985 } else {
986 $form{mypage} = $query;
987 $form{mycmd} = $database{$form{mypage}} ? 'read' : 'edit';
988 }
989 }
990 $form{mypage} ||= 'HomePage';
991 $form{mycmd} ||= 'read';
993 # mypreview_edit -> do_edit, with preview.
994 # mypreview_adminedit -> do_adminedit, with preview.
995 # mypreview_write -> do_write, without preview.
996 foreach (keys %form) {
997 if (/^mypreview_(.*)$/) {
998 $form{mycmd} = $1;
999 $form{mypreview} = 1;
1000 }
1001 }
1003 #
1004 # $form{mycmd} is frozen here.
1005 #
1007 for (grep /^wikiform__/, keys %form) {
1008 $form{$_} = &code_convert (\$form{$_}, $kanjicode);
1009 }
1010 $form{mymsg} = &code_convert(\$form{mymsg}, $kanjicode);
1011 $form{myname} = &code_convert(\$form{myname}, $kanjicode);
1012 }
1014 sub update_recent_changes {
1015 my $update = "- @{[&get_now]} [[@{[&escape($form{mypage})]}]] @{[&get_subjectline($form{mypage})]}";
1016 my @oldupdates = split(/\r?\n/, $database{$RecentChanges});
1017 shift (@oldupdates); ## '#?' magic line
1018 my @updates;
1019 foreach (@oldupdates) {
1020 /^\- \d\d\d\d\-\d\d\-\d\d \([^)]+\) \d\d:\d\d \[\[(\S+?)\]\]/;
1021 my $name = $1;
1022 if ($name ne $form{mypage}) {
1023 push @updates, $_;
1024 }
1025 }
1026 if (&is_exist_page($form{mypage})) {
1027 unshift @updates, $update;
1028 }
1029 splice(@updates, $maxrecent + 1);
1030 $database{$RecentChanges} = "#?SuikaWiki/0.9\n" . join("\n", @updates);
1031 if ($file_touch) {
1032 open(FILE, "> $file_touch");
1033 print FILE localtime() . "\n";
1034 close(FILE);
1035 }
1036 }
1038 sub get_subjectline {
1039 my ($page, %option) = @_;
1040 if (not &is_editable($page)) {
1041 return "";
1042 } else {
1043 # Delimiter check.
1044 my $delim = $subject_delimiter;
1045 if (defined($option{delimiter})) {
1046 $delim = $option{delimiter};
1047 }
1049 # Get the subject of the page.
1050 my $subject = $database{$page};
1051 $subject =~ s#^(?:\#\?)?SuikaWiki/0.9[^\x0D\x0A]*[\x0D\x0A]+##s;
1052 $subject =~ s/\r?\n.*//s;
1053 return "$delim$subject".$option{tail};
1054 }
1055 }
1057 sub send_mail_to_admin {
1058 my ($page, $mode) = @_;
1059 return unless $modifier_sendmail;
1060 my $message = <<"EOD";
1061 To: $modifier_mail
1062 From: $modifier_mail
1063 Subject: [Wiki]
1064 MIME-Version: 1.0
1065 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-2022-JP
1066 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
1068 --------
1069 MODE = $mode
1072 --------
1073 $page
1074 --------
1075 $database{$page}
1076 --------
1077 EOD
1078 &code_convert(\$message, 'jis');
1079 open(MAIL, "| $modifier_sendmail");
1080 print MAIL $message;
1081 close(MAIL);
1082 }
1084 sub open_db {
1085 if ($modifier_dbtype eq 'dbmopen') {
1086 dbmopen(%database, $dataname, 0666) or &print_error("(dbmopen) $dataname");
1087 dbmopen(%infobase, $infoname, 0666) or &print_error("(dbmopen) $infoname");
1088 } elsif ($modifier_dbtype eq 'AnyDBM_File') {
1089 tie(%database, "AnyDBM_File", $dataname, O_RDWR|O_CREAT, 0666) or &print_error("(tie AnyDBM_File) $dataname");
1090 tie(%infobase, "AnyDBM_File", $infoname, O_RDWR|O_CREAT, 0666) or &print_error("(tie AnyDBM_File) $infoname");
1091 } else {
1092 tie(%database, "Yuki::YukiWikiDB", $dataname) or &print_error("(tie Yuki::YukiWikiDB) $dataname");
1093 tie(%infobase, "Yuki::YukiWikiDB", $infoname) or &print_error("(tie Yuki::YukiWikiDB) $infoname");
1094 }
1095 }
1097 sub close_db {
1098 if ($modifier_dbtype eq 'dbmopen') {
1099 dbmclose(%database);
1100 dbmclose(%infobase);
1101 } elsif ($modifier_dbtype eq 'AnyDBM_File') {
1102 untie(%database);
1103 untie(%infobase);
1104 } else {
1105 untie(%database);
1106 untie(%infobase);
1107 }
1108 }
1110 sub open_diff {
1111 if ($modifier_dbtype eq 'dbmopen') {
1112 dbmopen(%diffbase, $diffname, 0666) or &print_error("(dbmopen) $diffname");
1113 } elsif ($modifier_dbtype eq 'AnyDBM_File') {
1114 tie(%diffbase, "AnyDBM_File", $diffname, O_RDWR|O_CREAT, 0666) or &print_error("(tie AnyDBM_File) $diffname");
1115 } else {
1116 tie(%diffbase, "Yuki::YukiWikiDB", $diffname) or &print_error("(tie Yuki::YukiWikiDB) $diffname");
1117 }
1118 }
1120 sub close_diff {
1121 if ($modifier_dbtype eq 'dbmopen') {
1122 dbmclose(%diffbase);
1123 } elsif ($modifier_dbtype eq 'AnyDBM_File') {
1124 untie(%diffbase);
1125 } else {
1126 untie(%diffbase);
1127 }
1128 }
1130 sub print_searchform {
1131 my ($word) = @_;
1132 print <<"EOD";
1133 <form action="$url_cgi" method="get">
1134 <input type="hidden" name="mycmd" value="read">
1135 <input type="text" name="mypage" value="$word" size="20">
1136 <input type="submit" value="$resource{searchbutton}">
1137 </form>
1138 EOD
1139 }
1141 sub print_editform {
1142 my ($mymsg, $lastmodified, %mode) = @_;
1143 my $frozen = &is_frozen($form{mypage});
1145 if ($form{mypreview}) {
1146 if ($form{mymsg}) {
1147 unless ($mode{conflict}) {
1148 print qq(<h3>$resource{previewtitle}</h3>\n);
1149 print qq($resource{previewnotice}\n);
1150 print qq(<div class="preview">\n);
1151 &print_content($form{mymsg});
1152 print qq(</div>\n);
1153 }
1154 } else {
1155 print qq($resource{previewempty});
1156 }
1157 $mymsg = &escape($form{mymsg});
1158 } else {
1159 $mymsg = &escape($mymsg || $database{NewPageTemplate});
1160 }
1161 my $magic = '';
1162 $magic = $1 if $mymsg =~ m/^([^\x0A\x0D]+)/s;
1164 my $edit = $mode{admin} ? 'adminedit' : 'edit';
1165 my $escapedmypage = &escape($form{mypage});
1166 my $escapedmypassword = &escape($form{mypassword});
1167 my $selected = 'read';
1168 if ($form{after_edit_cmd}) {
1169 $selected = $form{after_edit_cmd};
1170 } elsif ($magic =~ /Config/ || $magic =~ /CSS/) {
1171 $selected = 'edit';
1172 }
1173 my $afteredit = <<EOH;
1174 <select name="after_edit_cmd">
1175 <option value="read" label="View changed page"@{[$selected eq 'read' ? ' selected="selected"':'']}>read</option>
1176 <option value="edit" label="Edit changed page"@{[$selected eq 'edit' ? ' selected="selected"':'']}>edit</option>
1177 </select>
1178 EOH
1180 print <<"EOD";
1181 <form action="$url_cgi" method="post">
1182 <h2>$escapedmypageの編集</h2>
1183 @{[ $mode{conflict} ? '' : qq(<input type="submit" name="mypreview_write" value="$resource{savebutton}"><kbd>S</kbd>) ]}
1184 @{[ $mode{admin} ? qq($resource{frozenpassword} <input type="password" name="mypassword" value="$escapedmypassword" size="10">) : "" ]} [@{[do {my $n = 0;
1185 $mymsg =~ s/(?:-+\s)?\[([0-9]+)\]/$n = $1 if $1 > $n; $&/mge;
1186 ++$n}]}]<br>
1187 <input type="hidden" name="myLastModified" value="$lastmodified">
1188 <input type="hidden" name="mypage" value="$escapedmypage">
1189 <textarea cols="$cols" rows="$rows" name="mymsg" tabindex="1">$mymsg</textarea><br>
1190 @{[
1191 $mode{admin} ?
1192 qq(
1193 <input type="radio" name="myfrozen" value="1" @{[$frozen ? qq(checked="checked") : ""]}>$resource{frozenbutton}
1194 <input type="radio" name="myfrozen" value="0" @{[$frozen ? "" : qq(checked="checked")]}>$resource{notfrozenbutton}<br>)
1195 : ""
1196 ]}
1197 @{[
1198 $mode{conflict} ? "" :
1199 qq(
1200 <input type="checkbox" name="mytouch" value="on" checked="checked">$resource{touch}<br>
1201 <input type="submit" name="mypreview_$edit" value="$resource{previewbutton}">
1202 <input type="submit" name="mypreview_write" value="$resource{savebutton}" accesskey="S"><kbd>S</kbd>
1203 $afteredit
1204 <br>
1205 )
1206 ]}
1207 </form>
1208 EOD
1209 unless ($mode{conflict}) {
1210 # Show the format rule.
1211 my $help = $database{'WikiEditHelp'};
1212 $help =~ s!^\#\?([A-Z][A-Za-z0-9-]+/[0-9.]+(?:[^0-9.\x0D\x0A][^\x0D\x0A]*)?)[\x0D\x0A]+!!s;
1213 print &text_to_html ($help, toc => 0);
1214 # open(FILE, $file_format) or &print_error("($file_format)");
1215 # my $content = join('', <FILE>);
1216 # &code_convert(\$content, $kanjicode);
1217 # close(FILE);
1218 # print &text_to_html($content, toc=>0);
1219 }
1220 }
1222 sub print_passwordform {
1223 print <<"EOD";
1224 <form action="$url_cgi" method="post">
1225 <input type="hidden" name="mycmd" value="adminchangepassword">
1226 $resource{oldpassword} <input type="password" name="myoldpassword" size="10"><br>
1227 $resource{newpassword} <input type="password" name="mynewpassword" size="10"><br>
1228 $resource{newpassword2} <input type="password" name="mynewpassword2" size="10"><br>
1229 <input type="submit" value="$resource{changepasswordbutton}"><br>
1230 </form>
1231 EOD
1232 }
1234 sub is_editable {
1235 my ($page) = @_;
1236 if ($fixedpage{$page} || $page =~ /\s/ || $page =~ /^\#/) {
1237 return 0;
1238 } else {
1239 return 1;
1240 }
1241 }
1243 # armor_name:
1244 # WikiName -> WikiName
1245 # not_wiki_name -> [[not_wiki_name]]
1246 sub armor_name { qq([[$_[0]]]) }
1248 # unarmor_name:
1249 # [[bracket_name]] -> bracket_name
1250 # WikiName -> WikiName
1251 sub unarmor_name {
1252 my ($name) = @_;
1253 if ($name =~ /^$bracket_name$/) {
1254 return $1;
1255 } else {
1256 return $name;
1257 }
1258 }
1260 sub decode {
1261 my ($s) = @_;
1262 $s =~ tr/+/ /;
1263 $s =~ s/%([A-Fa-f0-9][A-Fa-f0-9])/pack("C", hex($1))/eg;
1264 return $s;
1265 }
1267 sub encode {
1268 my ($s) = @_;
1269 my $encoded = '';
1270 foreach my $ch (split(//, $s)) {
1271 if ($ch =~ /[A-Za-z0-9_]/) {
1272 $encoded .= $ch;
1273 } else {
1274 $encoded .= '%' . sprintf("%02X", ord($ch));
1275 }
1276 }
1277 return $encoded;
1278 }
1280 sub init_resource {
1281 open(FILE, $file_resource) or &print_error("(resource)");
1282 while (<FILE>) {
1283 s/[\x0A\x0D]+$//g;
1284 next if /^#/;
1285 my ($key, $value) = split(/=/, $_, 2);
1286 $resource{$key} = &code_convert(\$value, $kanjicode);
1287 }
1288 close(FILE);
1289 }
1291 sub conflict {
1292 my ($page, $rawmsg) = @_;
1293 if ($form{myLastModified} eq &get_info($page, $info_LastModified)) {
1294 return 0;
1295 }
1296 open(FILE, $file_conflict) or &print_error("(conflict)");
1297 my $content = join('', <FILE>);
1298 &code_convert(\$content, $kanjicode);
1299 close(FILE);
1300 &print_header($page, -noindex => 1);
1301 &print_content($content);
1302 &print_editform($rawmsg, $form{myLastModified}, frozen=>0, conflict=>1);
1303 &print_footer($page);
1304 return 1;
1305 }
1307 sub get_now {
1308 my (@week) = qw(Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat);
1309 my (@week) = qw(日 月 火 水 木 金 土);
1310 my ($sec, $min, $hour, $day, $mon, $year, $weekday) = localtime(time);
1311 $year += 1900;
1312 $mon++;
1313 $mon = "0$mon" if $mon < 10;
1314 $day = "0$day" if $day < 10;
1315 $hour = "0$hour" if $hour < 10;
1316 $min = "0$min" if $min < 10;
1317 #$sec = "0$sec" if $sec < 10;
1318 $weekday = $week[$weekday];
1319 return "$year-$mon-$day ($weekday) $hour:$min";
1320 }
1322 sub init_InterWikiName {
1323 my @content = split /\n/, $database{$InterWikiName};
1324 for (@content) {
1325 if (/^([^#]\S*)\s+(\S[^\x0A\x0D]+)/) {
1326 $interwiki{$1} = $2;
1327 }
1328 }
1329 require Message::Util::Formatter;
1330 $fmt{interwiki} = Message::Util::Formatter->new;
1331 $fmt{interwiki}->{encoded} = sub {
1332 my ($o, $p) = @_;
1333 if ($o->{except}) {
1334 $o->{except} =~ tr/\x00-\x20\x22%\x2D<>^[\x5C]`{|}\x7F-\xFF//d;
1335 }
1336 my $s = &code_convert (\$p->{name}, $o->{charset} || 'iso-2022-7bit');
1337 $s =~ s/([^$o->{except}A-Za-z0-9_-])/sprintf '%%%02X', unpack 'C', $1/ge;
1338 $s;
1339 };
1340 $fmt{interwiki}->{ykwk} = sub { ## YukiWiki1
1341 my ($o, $p) = @_;
1342 my $s = $p->{name};
1343 $s = qq([[$s]]) if $s !~ /^[A-Z][a-z]+(?:[A-Z][a-z]+)+$/;
1344 &encode (&code_convert (\$p->{name}, $o->{charset} || 'shift_jis'));
1345 };
1346 }
1349 sub get_info {
1350 my ($page, $key) = @_;
1351 my %info = map { split(/=/, $_, 2) } split(/\n/, $infobase{$page});
1352 return $info{$key};
1353 }
1355 sub set_info {
1356 my ($page, $key, $value) = @_;
1357 my %info = map { split(/=/, $_, 2) } split(/\n/, $infobase{$page});
1358 $info{$key} = $value;
1359 my $s = '';
1360 for (keys %info) {
1361 $s .= "$_=$info{$_}\n";
1362 }
1363 $infobase{$page} = $s;
1364 }
1366 sub frozen_reject {
1367 my ($isfrozen) = &get_info($form{mypage}, $info_IsFrozen);
1368 my ($willbefrozen) = $form{myfrozen};
1369 if (not $isfrozen and not $willbefrozen) {
1370 # You need no check.
1371 return 0;
1372 } elsif (valid_password($form{mypassword})) {
1373 # You are admin.
1374 return 0;
1375 } else {
1376 &print_error($resource{passworderror});
1377 return 1;
1378 }
1379 }
1381 sub valid_password {
1382 my ($givenpassword) = @_;
1383 my ($validpassword_crypt) = &get_info($AdminSpecialPage, $info_AdminPassword);
1384 if (crypt($givenpassword, $validpassword_crypt) eq $validpassword_crypt) {
1385 return 1;
1386 } else {
1387 return 0;
1388 }
1389 }
1391 sub is_frozen {
1392 my ($page) = @_;
1393 if (&get_info($page, $info_IsFrozen)) {
1394 return 1;
1395 } else {
1396 return 0;
1397 }
1398 }
1400 sub do_comment {
1401 my ($content) = $database{$form{mypage}};
1402 my $default_name; ## this code does not strict.
1403 $default_name = $1 if $content =~ /default-name="([^"]+)"/;
1404 my $datestr = '[WEAK['.&get_now.']]';
1405 my $namestr = $form{myname} || $default_name || $DEFAULT_embed_comment_name;
1406 ($namestr = '', $datestr = '') if $form{myname} eq 'nodate';
1407 if ($namestr =~ /^(?:>>)?[0-9]/) {
1408 $namestr = qq( ''$namestr'': );
1409 } elsif (length $namestr) {
1410 $namestr = qq( ''[[$namestr]]'': );
1411 }
1412 my $anchor = &get_new_anchor_index ($content);
1413 my $i = 1; my $o = 0;
1414 $content =~ s{(\Q$embed_comment\E|\Q$embed_rcomment\E)}{
1415 my $embed = $1;
1416 if ($i == $form{comment_index}) {
1417 if ($embed eq $embed_comment) {
1418 $embed = "- [$anchor] $datestr$namestr$form{mymsg}\n$embed"; $o = 1;
1419 } else {
1420 $embed .= "\n- [$anchor] $datestr$namestr$form{mymsg}"; $o = 1;
1421 }
1422 }
1423 $i++; $embed;
1424 }ge;
1425 unless ($o) {
1426 $content = "#?SuikaWiki/0.9\n\n" unless $content;
1427 $content .= "\n" unless $content =~ /\n$/s;
1428 $content .= "- [$anchor] $datestr$namestr$form{mymsg}\n";
1429 }
1430 $form{__comment_anchor_index} = $anchor;
1431 if ($form{mymsg} || $form{myname}) {
1432 $form{mymsg} = $content;
1433 $form{mytouch} = 'on';
1434 &do_write;
1435 } else {
1436 $form{mycmd} = 'read';
1437 &do_read;
1438 }
1439 }
1441 sub get_new_anchor_index ($) {
1442 my $content = shift;
1443 my $anchor = 0;
1444 $content =~ s/^(?:[-=]+\s*)?\[([0-9]+)\]/$anchor = $1 if $1 > $anchor; $&/mge;
1445 $anchor + 1;
1446 }
1448 my $CommentIndex = 0;
1449 sub embedded_to_html {
1450 my ($embedded) = @_;
1451 if ($embedded eq $embed_comment or $embedded eq $embed_rcomment) {
1452 unless ($main::_EMBEDED) {
1453 my $lastmodified = &get_info($form{mypage}, $info_LastModified);
1454 return <<"EOD";
1455 <form action="$url_cgi" method="post" id="x-comment-@{[++$CommentIndex]}" class="comment"><p>
1456 <input type="hidden" name="mycmd" value="comment">
1457 <input type="hidden" name="mypage" value="$form{mypage}">
1458 <input type="hidden" name="myLastModified" value="$lastmodified">
1459 <input type="hidden" name="mytouch" value="on">
1460 <input type="hidden" name="comment_index" value="$CommentIndex">
1461 $embed_comment_Name_Prompt
1462 <input type="text" name="myname" value="" size="10" class="comment-name">
1463 <input type="text" name="mymsg" value="" size="60" class="comment-msg">
1464 <input type="submit" value="$resource{commentbutton}" class="comment-submit">
1465 </p></form>
1466 EOD
1467 } else {
1468 return <<"EOD";
1469 <del><form action="$url_cgi" method="get">
1470 <input type="hidden" name="mycmd" value="read">
1471 <input type="hidden" name="mypage" value="$form{mypage}">
1472 $embed_comment_Name_Prompt
1473 <input type="text" name="myname" value="" size="10" disabled="disabled">
1474 <input type="text" name="mymsg" value="" size="60" disabled="disabled">
1475 <input type="submit" value="$resource{commentbutton}" disabled="disabled">
1476 </form></del>
1477 EOD
1478 }
1479 } elsif ($embedded =~ /$embed_command{searched}/) {
1480 return get_search_result ($1, -match_myself => 1);
1481 # Walrus add (5) start
1482 } elsif ($embedded =~ /$embed_interwiki/ and my $remoteurl = $interwiki{$2}) {
1483 $_ = &make_interwiki_box($1, $2);
1484 return ($_) ? $_ : $embedded;
1485 # Walrus add (5) end
1486 } elsif ($embedded =~ /^\[\[\#embed:(.+)\]\]$/) {
1487 my ($name, $r) = ($1, '');
1488 if ($main::_EMBEDED != 1) {
1489 my ($content, $cf) = ($database{$name}, 'SuikaWiki/0.9');
1490 $cf = $1 if $content =~ s!^(?:[\#<]\?|/\*\s*)?([A-Z][A-Za-z0-9-]+/[0-9.]+(?:[^0-9.][^\x0D\x0A]*)?)[\x0D\x0A]+!!s;
1491 if ($cf =~ m!^(?:\#\?)?SuikaWiki/0.9(?:$|\s)!) {
1492 $main::_EMBEDED = 1;
1493 $r = &text_to_html ($content, content_format => $cf);
1494 $main::_EMBEDED = 0;
1495 } elsif (length $content) {
1496 $r = "<pre>@{[&escape ($content)]}</pre>";
1497 } else {
1498 $r = &text_to_html ("[INS[\n埋め込まれている [[$name]] はまだ書かれていません。\n]INS]\n", content_format => 'SuikaWiki/0.9');
1499 }
1500 } else { ## nested #EMBED
1501 $r = &text_to_html ("[INS[\n[[$name]] の埋め込みは (入り組んでいるので) 解決されませんでした。\n]INS]\n", content_format => 'SuikaWiki/0.9');
1502 }
1503 return qq(<blockquote title="@{[&escape($name)]}" class="wiki-embed">$r<div class="cite-note">『<cite><a href="$url_cgi?@{[&encode($name)]}" class="wiki">@{[&escape($name)]}</a></cite>』</div></blockquote>);
1504 } elsif ($embedded =~ /^\[\[\#randomlink:(.+)\]\]$/) {
1505 return qq(<a href="$url_cgi?mycmd=RandomJump;x-param=@{[time.[0..9]->[rand 10]]}" class="wiki randomlink">$1</a>);
1506 } else {
1507 return $embedded;
1508 }
1509 }
1511 sub load_formatter (@) {
1512 for my $t (@_) {
1513 unless ($fmt{$t}) {
1514 $fmt{$t} = Message::Util::Formatter->new;
1515 for (@{$SuikaWiki::Plugin::List{'wiki'.$t}||[]}) {
1516 $_->load_formatter ($fmt{$t}, type => 'wiki'.$t);
1517 }
1518 }
1519 }
1520 }
1522 sub do_wikiform {
1523 my $content = $database{$form{mypage}};
1524 my $anchor = &get_new_anchor_index ($content);
1525 &load_formatter (qw/form_template form_option/);
1526 my $write = 0;
1527 my $i = 1;
1528 $content =~ s{$embed_command{form}}{
1529 my ($embed, $wfname, $template, $option) = ($&, $1, $3, $4);
1530 if (($wfname && $wfname eq $form{wikiform_targetform})
1531 || $i == $form{wikiform_index}) {
1532 $template =~ s/\\(.)/$1/g;
1533 $option =~ s/\\(.)/$1/g;
1534 my $param = bless {}, 'SuikaWiki::Plugin';
1535 $param->{page} = $form{mypage};
1536 $param->{form_index} = $i;
1537 $param->{form_name} = $wfname;
1538 $param->{anchor_index} = $anchor;
1539 $param->{argv} = \%form;
1540 $param->{default_name} = $1 if $content =~ /default-name="([^"]+)"/;
1541 $param->{default_name} ||= $DEFAULT_embed_comment_name;
1542 $fmt{form_option}->replace ($option, $param);
1543 my $t = 1;
1544 for (@{$param->{require}||[]}) {
1545 (undef $t, last) unless length $param->{argv}->{'wikiform__'.$_};
1546 }
1547 $t = $fmt{form_template}->replace ($template, $param) if $t;
1548 if (length $t) {
1549 if ($param->{output}->{reverse}) {
1550 $embed .= "\n" . $t;
1551 } else {
1552 $embed = $t . "\n" . $embed;
1553 }
1554 $write = 1;
1555 $form{__comment_anchor_index} = $anchor
1556 if $param->{anchor_index_}; ## $anchor is used!
1557 }
1558 $form{__wikiform_anchor_index} = $i;
1559 undef $form{wikiform_targetform}; ## make sure never to match
1560 undef $form{wikiform_index}; ## with WikiForm in rest of page
1561 }
1562 $i++; $embed;
1563 }ge;
1564 unless ($write) {
1565 #$content = "#?SuikaWiki/0.9\n\n" unless $content;
1566 #$content .= "\n" unless $content =~ /\n$/s;
1567 #
1568 }
1569 if ($write) {
1570 $form{mymsg} = $content;
1571 $form{mytouch} = 'on';
1572 &do_write;
1573 } else {
1574 $form{mycmd} = 'read';
1575 &do_read;
1576 }
1577 }
1580 # Walrus add (5) start
1581 sub do_interwiki_box {
1582 my $remoteurl = $interwiki{$form{'myintername'}};
1583 if ($remoteurl) {
1584 $remoteurl =~ s/\b(euc|sjis|ykwk|asis|isbn)\(\$1\)/&interwiki_convert($1, $form{'mylocalname'})/e;
1585 print "Location: $remoteurl\n\n";
1586 exit(1);
1587 } else {
1588 &do_read;
1589 }
1590 }
1591 # Walrus add (5) end
1593 # Walrus add (5) start
1594 sub make_interwiki_box {
1595 my ($localname, $intername) = @_;
1596 my %ignoretype = (
1597 'box' => 'text',
1598 'text' => 'text',
1599 'pass' => 'password',
1600 'password' => 'password'
1601 );
1602 my $converted = ($ignoretype{$localname}) ? <<EOD : undef;
1603 <form action="$url_cgi" method="post">
1604 <input type="hidden" name="mycmd" value="interwikibox">
1605 <input type="hidden" name="mypage" value="$form{mypage}">
1606 <input type="hidden" name="myintername" value="$intername">
1607 $intername:
1608 <input type="$ignoretype{$localname}" name="mylocalname" value="" size="10">
1609 <input type="submit" value="Submit">
1610 </form>
1611 EOD
1612 }
1613 # Walrus add (5) end
1615 sub code_convert {
1616 my ($contentref, $code) = (shift, shift || $kanjicode);
1617 $code = 'jis' if $code =~ /iso/;
1618 $code = 'euc' if $code =~ /euc/;
1619 $code = 'sjis' if $code =~ /shift/;
1620 $code = 'utf8' if $code =~ /utf/;
1621 &Jcode::convert($contentref, $code); # for Jcode.pm
1622 # &jcode::convert($contentref, $code); # for jcode.pl
1623 &jcode::tr ($contentref, "\xA3\xB0-\xA3\xB9\xA3\xC1-\xA3\xDA\xA3\xE1-\xA3\xFA\xA1\xF5\xA1\xA4\xA1\xA5\xA1\xA7\xA1\xA8\xA1\xA9\xA1\xAA\xA1\xAE\xA1\xB0\xA1\xB2\xA1\xBF\xA1\xC3\xA1\xCA\xA1\xCB\xA1\xCE\xA1\xCF\xA1\xD0\xA1\xD1\xA1\xDC\xA1\xF0\xA1\xF3\xA1\xF4\xA1\xF6\xA1\xF7\xA1\xE1\xA2\xAF\xA2\xB0\xA2\xB2\xA2\xB1\xA1\xE4\xA1\xE3\xA1\xC0\xA1\xA1" => q(0-9A-Za-z&,.:;?!`^_/|()[]{}+$%#*@='"~-><\ )) if $code eq 'euc';
1624 return $$contentref;
1625 }
1627 sub test_convert {
1628 my $txt = &text_to_html(<<"EOD", toc=>1);
1629 *HEADER1
1630 **HEADER1-1
1631 -ITEM1
1632 -ITEM2
1633 -ITEM3
1641 **HEADER1-2
1648 ----
1649 *HEADER2
1650 **HEADER2-1
1651 http://www.hyuki.com/
1652 **HEADER2-2
1654 [[YukiWiki2]]
1665 >LEVEL1
1666 >LEVEL1
1667 >LEVEL1
1668 >>LEVEL2
1669 >>LEVEL2
1670 >>LEVEL2
1671 >>>LEVEL3
1672 -HELLO-1
1673 --HELLO-2
1674 (HELLO-2, HELLO-2, HELLO-2)
1675 ---HELLO-3
1676 (HELLO-3, HELLO-3, HELLO-3)
1677 --HELLO-2
1678 ---HELLO-3
1679 --HELLO-2
1680 ---HELLO-3
1681 >>>LEVEL3
1682 >>>LEVEL3
1683 >>>LEVEL3
1684 >>>LEVEL3
1685 EOD
1686 print $txt;
1687 exit;
1688 }
1690 sub do_diff {
1691 if (not &is_editable($form{mypage})) {
1692 &do_read;
1693 return;
1694 }
1695 &open_diff;
1696 my $title = $form{mypage};
1697 &print_header($title, -noindex => 1);
1698 $_ = &escape($diffbase{$form{mypage}});
1699 &close_diff;
1700 print qq(<h3>$resource{difftitle}</h3>);
1701 print qq($resource{diffnotice});
1702 print qq(<pre class="diff">);
1703 foreach (split(/\n/, $_)) {
1704 if (/^\+(.*)/) {
1705 print qq(<b class="added">$1</b>\n);
1706 } elsif (/^\-(.*)/) {
1707 print qq(<s class="deleted">$1</s>\n);
1708 } elsif (/^\=(.*)/) {
1709 print qq(<span class="same">$1</span>\n);
1710 } else {
1711 print qq|??? $_\n|;
1712 }
1713 }
1714 print qq(</pre>);
1715 print qq(<hr>);
1716 &print_footer($title);
1717 }
1719 sub do_rss {
1720 my $rss = new Yuki::RSS(
1721 version => '1.0',
1722 encoding => $charset,
1723 );
1724 $rss->channel(
1725 title => $modifier_rss_title,
1726 link => $modifier_rss_link,
1727 description => $modifier_rss_description,
1728 );
1729 my $recentchanges = $database{$RecentChanges};
1730 my $count = 0;
1731 foreach (split(/\n/, $recentchanges)) {
1732 last if ($count >= 15);
1733 /^\- \d\d\d\d\-\d\d\-\d\d \([^)]+\) \d\d:\d\d:\d\d (\S+)/; # date format.
1734 my $title = &unarmor_name($1);
1735 my $escaped_title = &escape($title);
1736 my $link = $modifier_rss_link . '?' . &encode($title);
1737 my $description = $escaped_title . &escape(&get_subjectline($title));
1738 $rss->add_item(
1739 title => $escaped_title,
1740 link => $link,
1741 description => $description,
1742 );
1743 $count++;
1744 }
1745 # print RSS information (as XML).
1746 print scalar &make_navigate_links ('RssPage');
1747 print <<"EOD"
1748 Content-type: application/xml
1750 @{[$rss->as_string]}
1751 EOD
1752 }
1754 sub is_exist_page {
1755 my ($name) = @_;
1756 if ($use_exists) {
1757 return exists($database{$name});
1758 } else {
1759 return $database{$name};
1760 }
1761 }
1763 sub __get_database ($) { $database{ $_[0] } }
1764 sub __set_database ($$) { $database{ $_[0] } = $_[1] }
1766 sub do_wikiplugininfo {
1767 &print_header (q(WikiPluginInfo));
1768 print text_to_html (&SuikaWiki::Plugin::make_info_page);
1769 &print_footer (q(WikiPluginInfo));
1770 }
1772 package wiki::referer;
1773 sub add ($$) {
1774 my $page = shift;
1775 my $uri = shift;
1776 unless (ref $uri) {
1777 require URI;
1778 $uri = URI->new ($uri);
1779 ## Some schemes do not have query part.
1780 eval q{ $uri->query (undef) if $uri->query =~ /^[0-9]{6,8}$/ };
1781 $uri->fragment (undef);
1782 }
1783 $uri = $uri->canonical;
1784 return unless $uri;
1785 for my $regex (&get_dont_record) {
1786 return if $uri =~ /$regex/;
1787 }
1788 my %list = get ($page);
1789 $list{ $uri }++;
1790 set ($page, \%list);
1791 }
1792 sub get ($) {
1793 my $page = shift;
1794 split /"/, main::get_info ($page, 'Referer');
1795 }
1796 sub set ($%) {
1797 my $page = shift;
1798 my $list = shift;
1799 main::set_info ($page, Referer => join '"', %$list);
1800 }
1802 sub get_dont_record () {
1803 map {s/\$/\\\$/g; s/\@/\\\@/g; $_}
1804 grep !/^#/,
1805 split /[\x0D\x0A]+/, &main::__get_database ('RefererDontRecord');
1806 }
1807 sub get_site_name () {
1808 my @lines = grep /[^#]/, split /[\x0D\x0A]+/, &main::__get_database('RefererSiteName');
1809 my @item;
1810 for (@lines) {
1811 next if /^#/;
1812 my ($uri, $name) = split /\s+/, $_, 2;
1813 $uri =~ s/\$/\\\$/g; $uri =~ s/\@/\\\@/g; $uri =~ s/\//\\\//g;
1814 $name =~ s!([()/\\])!\\$1!g; $name =~ s/\$([0-9]+)/).__decode (\${$1}).q(/g;
1815 push @item, [$uri, qq(q($name))];
1816 }
1817 @item;
1818 }
1820 sub list_html ($) {
1821 my $page = shift;
1822 my %list = get ($page);
1823 my $r = '';
1824 my @name = get_site_name;
1825 for my $uri (sort keys %list) {
1826 my $title;
1827 for my $item (@name) {
1828 if ($uri =~ /$item->[0]/) {
1829 $title = $uri;
1830 eval qq{\$title =~ s/^.*$item->[0].*\$/$item->[1]/e}
1831 or die $@ ;#. qq{\$title =~ s/^.*$item->[0].*\$/$item->[1]/e};
1832 last;
1833 }
1834 }
1835 my $euri = main::escape ($uri);
1836 if ($title) {
1837 $r .= qq(<li>[$list{$uri}] <a href="$euri" title="URI: &lt;$euri&gt;">@{[main::escape ($title)]}</a></li>\n);
1838 } else {
1839 $r .= qq(<li>[$list{$uri}] &lt;<a href="$euri">$euri</a>&gt;</li>\n);
1840 }
1841 }
1842 $r ? qq(<ul>$r</ul>\n) : '';
1843 }
1845 sub __decode ($) {
1846 my $s = shift;
1847 $s =~ tr/+/ /;
1848 $s =~ s/%([0-9A-Fa-f][0-9A-Fa-f])/chr hex $1/ge;
1849 main::code_convert (\$s);
1850 }
1852 package wiki::useragent;
1854 sub add ($) {
1855 my $s = shift;
1856 return unless length $s;
1857 $s =~ s/([\x00-\x08\x0A-\x1F\x25\x7F-\xFF])/sprintf '%%%02X', unpack 'C', $1/ge;
1858 my %ua;
1859 for (split /\n/, &main::__get_database('WikiUserAgentList')) {
1860 if (/^-\[(\d+)\] (.+)$/) {
1861 my ($t, $n) = ($1, $2);
1862 $n =~ tr/\x0A\x0D//d;
1863 $ua{$n} = $t;
1864 }
1865 }
1866 $ua{$s}++;
1867 my $s = qq(#?SuikaWiki/0.9\n);
1868 for (sort {$ua{$a} <=> $ua{$b}} keys %ua) {
1869 $s .= sprintf qq(-[%d] %s\n), $ua{$_}, $_;
1870 }
1871 &main::__set_database ('WikiUserAgentList' => $s);
1872 }
1874 package SuikaWiki::Plugin;
1875 our $plugin_directory; # defined in top of this file.
1876 our %List;
1878 sub escape ($$) { main::escape ($_[1]) }
1879 sub unescape ($$) { main::unescape ($_[1]) }
1880 sub encode ($$) { main::encode ($_[1]) }
1881 sub decode ($$) { main::decode ($_[1]) }
1882 sub __get_datetime ($) { main::get_now () }
1884 sub regist ($@) {
1885 my $pack = shift;
1886 for (@_) {
1887 push @{$List{$_}}, $pack;
1888 }
1889 }
1891 sub import_plugins () {
1892 opendir PDIR, $plugin_directory;
1893 my @plugin = grep {s/\.pm$//} readdir (PDIR);
1894 closedir PDIR;
1895 for (@plugin) {
1896 eval qq{ use SuikaWiki::Plugin::$_ } unless /[^A-Za-z0-9_]/;
1897 push @{$List{_all}}, qq(SuikaWiki::Plugin::$_);
1898 }
1899 }
1901 sub make_info_page () {
1902 my $r = <<EOH;
1903 EOH
1904 unless ($List{_all}) {
1905 $r .= qq('''No plugin is installed!'''\n);
1906 } else {
1907 my $index = 0;
1908 for my $package (sort @{$List{_all}}) {
1909 $index++;
1910 my $prop = $package->property ();
1911 $r .= <<EOH;
1912 *$package
1914 [$index] '''$prop->{name}''' (Version $prop->{version})
1915 <$prop->{uri}>
1917 Provide:
1918 @{[do{my $t = ''; for my $f (@{$prop->{provide}||[]}) {
1919 $t .= qq(-''$f''\n);
1920 for (sort grep m#^\Q$f\E/#, keys %{$prop->{partinfo}}) {
1921 $t .= qq(--''$_'' -- $prop->{partinfo}->{$_}\n);
1922 }
1923 }$t}]}
1925 EOH
1926 }
1927 }
1928 $r;
1929 }
1931 &import_plugins ();
1933 package main;
1934 &main;
1935 exit 0;
1937 1;
1938 __END__
1939 =head1 NAME
1941 wiki.cgi - This is YukiWiki, yet another Wiki clone.
1943 =head1 DESCRIPTION
1945 YukiWiki is yet another Wiki clone.
1947 YukiWiki can treat Japanese WikiNames (enclosed with [[ and ]]).
1948 YukiWiki provides 'InterWiki' feature, RDF Site Summary (RSS),
1949 and some embedded commands (such as [[#comment]] to add comments).
1951 Read F<readme_en.txt> (English) or F<readme_ja.txt> (Japanese) in more detail.
1953 =head1 AUTHOR
1955 Hiroshi Yuki <hyuki@hyuki.com> http://www.hyuki.com/yukiwiki/
1957 =head1 LICENSE
1959 Copyright (C) 2000-2002 by Hiroshi Yuki.
1961 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
1962 modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
1964 =cut

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