
Contents of /suikawiki/script/misc/plugins/view/propedit.pm

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Revision 1.1 - (show annotations) (download)
Sun May 16 23:05:50 2010 UTC (14 years, 5 months ago) by wakaba
Branch: MAIN
CVS Tags: suikawiki3-redirect, HEAD
added latest .pm files

1 use strict;
2 package SuikaWiki::Plugin::Registry;
5 our %Info;
6 $Info{q#PropEdit#}->{Name} = q#PropEdit#;
7 $Info{q#PropEdit#}->{q#Version#} = q#2005.0315.0839#;
8 $Info{q#PropEdit#}->{q#InterfaceVersion#} = q#2.9.1#;
9 $Info{q#PropEdit#}->{q#mkpluginVersion#} = q#2.1.21#;
10 $Info{q#PropEdit#}->{q#module_name#} = q#SuikaWiki::Plugin::plugin::PropEdit1050215083940axZ0#;
11 $Info{q#PropEdit#}->{q#Date.RCS#} = q#$Date: 2005/02/06 12:24:08 $#;
12 $Info{q#PropEdit#}->{RequiredPlugin} = [q#WikiEdit#, q#WikiFormCore#];
13 $Info{q#PropEdit#}->{Description} = [[q#WikiPage Property Editor#, q#en#, q##]];
14 $Info{q#PropEdit#}->{License} = [[q#%%Perl%%#, q##, q##]];
15 $Info{q#PropEdit#}->{Author} = [[[[q#Wakaba#, q#ja#, q#Latn#]], [[q#w@suika.fam.cx#]], [q##]]];
17 push @SuikaWiki::View::Implementation::CommonViewDefs, {
18 condition => {q#mode#, q#pe__propedit#, q#http_method#, [q#GET#, q#HEAD#]},
19 object_class => q#SuikaWiki::Plugin::plugin::PropEdit1050215083940axZ0::pe__propedit1050215083940d0B_#,
20 };
21 package SuikaWiki::Plugin::plugin::PropEdit1050215083940axZ0::pe__propedit1050215083940d0B_;
24 our @ISA = q#SuikaWiki::View::template#;
26 sub main ($$$) {
27 my ($self, $opt, $opt2) = @_;
28 require SuikaWiki::Output::HTTP;
29 $opt2->{output} = SuikaWiki::Output::HTTP->new
30 (wiki => $self->{view}->{wiki},
31 view => $self->{view}, viewobj => $self);
32 for (@{$self->{view}->{wiki}->{var}->{client}->{used_for_negotiate}},
33 'Accept-Language') {
34 $opt2->{output}->add_negotiate_header_field ($_);
35 }
37 $opt2->{template} = q#%html-document (
38 title => {%res(name=>{PropEdit:WebPageTitle});}p,
39 link-meta => {%template (name => links);
40 %html-meta(name => ROBOTS, content => NOINDEX);}p,
41 content => {
42 %template (
43 name => ws--page,
44 -content => {
45 %section (
46 title => {%res (name => {PropEdit:Title});}p, heading,
47 content => {
48 %pe--propedit (template => {
49 %resource-as-plain-text (name => {PropEdit:Template});
50 }p);
51 }p,
52 );
53 },
54 );
55 }p,
56 );#;
57 $opt2->{o} = bless {
58 ## SuikaWiki 3 WikiPlugin interface
59 wiki => $self->{view}->{wiki},
60 plugin => $self->{view}->{wiki}->{plugin},
61 var => {},
62 }, 'SuikaWiki::Plugin';
63 $opt2->{output}->{status_code} = 200;
65 $opt2->{output}->{entity}->{media_type} = q#text/html#;
67 $opt2->{output}->{entity}->{charset} = $self->{view}->{wiki}->{config}->{charset}->{output};
68 $opt2->{output}->set_expires (%{$self->{view}->{wiki}->{config}->{entity}->{expires}->{q#edit#}});
69 $opt2->{output}->{entity}->{body_is_octet_stream} = 0;
71 $self->{view}->{wiki}->init_db;
72 $self->main_pre ($opt, $opt2);
74 require Message::Markup::XML::Serialize::HTML;
75 use Message::Util::Error;
76 try {
77 $opt2->{output}->{entity}->{body}
78 = Message::Markup::XML::Serialize::HTML::html_simple
79 (SuikaWiki::Plugin->formatter ('view')
80 ->replace ($opt2->{template}, param => $opt2->{o}));
81 } $self->{view}->{wiki}->{config}->{catch}->{ formatter_view };
82 $opt2->{output}->output (output => 'http-cgi');
84 $self->main_post ($opt, $opt2);
85 }
87 push @SuikaWiki::View::Implementation::CommonViewDefs, {
88 condition => {q#mode#, q#-pe__conflict#, q#http_method#, [q#GET#]},
89 object_class => q#SuikaWiki::Plugin::plugin::PropEdit1050215083940axZ0::pe__conflict10502150839409v13#,
90 };
91 package SuikaWiki::Plugin::plugin::PropEdit1050215083940axZ0::pe__conflict10502150839409v13;
94 our @ISA = q#SuikaWiki::View::template#;
96 sub main ($$$) {
97 my ($self, $opt, $opt2) = @_;
98 require SuikaWiki::Output::HTTP;
99 $opt2->{output} = SuikaWiki::Output::HTTP->new
100 (wiki => $self->{view}->{wiki},
101 view => $self->{view}, viewobj => $self);
102 for (@{$self->{view}->{wiki}->{var}->{client}->{used_for_negotiate}},
103 'Accept-Language') {
104 $opt2->{output}->add_negotiate_header_field ($_);
105 }
107 $opt2->{template} = q#%html-document (
108 title => {%res(name=>{PropEdit:Conflict:WebPageTitle});}p,
109 link-meta => {%template (name => links);
110 %html-meta(name => ROBOTS, content => NOINDEX);}p,
111 content => {
112 %template (
113 name => ws--page,
114 -content => {
115 %section (
116 title => {%res (name => {PropEdit:Conflict:Title});}p, heading,
117 content => {
118 %paragraph (content => {
119 %res (name => {PropEdit:Conflict:Description});
120 }p);
121 %pe--propedit (template => {
122 %resource-as-plain-text (name => {PropEdit:Template});
123 }p,
124 );
125 }p);},
126 );
127 }p,
128 );#;
129 $opt2->{o} = bless {
130 ## SuikaWiki 3 WikiPlugin interface
131 wiki => $self->{view}->{wiki},
132 plugin => $self->{view}->{wiki}->{plugin},
133 var => {},
134 }, 'SuikaWiki::Plugin';
135 $opt2->{output}->{status_code} = 409;
137 $opt2->{output}->{entity}->{media_type} = q#text/html#;
139 $opt2->{output}->{entity}->{charset} = $self->{view}->{wiki}->{config}->{charset}->{output};
140 $opt2->{output}->set_expires (%{$self->{view}->{wiki}->{config}->{entity}->{expires}->{q#error#}});
141 $opt2->{output}->{entity}->{body_is_octet_stream} = 0;
143 $self->{view}->{wiki}->init_db;
144 $self->main_pre ($opt, $opt2);
146 require Message::Markup::XML::Serialize::HTML;
147 use Message::Util::Error;
148 try {
149 $opt2->{output}->{entity}->{body}
150 = Message::Markup::XML::Serialize::HTML::html_simple
151 (SuikaWiki::Plugin->formatter ('view')
152 ->replace ($opt2->{template}, param => $opt2->{o}));
153 } $self->{view}->{wiki}->{config}->{catch}->{ formatter_view };
154 $opt2->{output}->output (output => 'http-cgi');
156 $self->main_post ($opt, $opt2);
157 }
159 package SuikaWiki::Plugin::plugin::PropEdit1050215083940axZ0;
161 $SuikaWiki::Plugin::Rule{view}->{pe__propedit} = {q#Parameter#, {q#template#, {q#Type#, q#template#, q#Default#, q#(required)#, q#Description#, [[q#Template of the content#, q#en#, q##]]}, q#page#, {q#Type#, q#WikiName#, q#Default#, q#(auto)#, q#Description#, [[q#WikiPage to be edited#, q#en#, q##]]}}, q#Description#, [[q#A property editor form#, q#en#, q##]], q#main#, sub {my ($f, $rule_name, $p, $o, %opt) = @_;
163 #line 1 "(WikiPlugin module source propedit.wp2, block FormattingRule[name()='[q#view#]/pe__propedit']/Formatting)"
164 $p->{q#page#} = do { my $r = $f->parse_attr ($p=>q#page#, $o, -non_parsed_to_node => 1, %opt); ref $r?$r->inner_text:$r};$p->{q#template#} = do { my $r = $f->parse_attr ($p=>q#template#, $o, -non_parsed_to_node => 1, %opt); ref $r?$r->inner_text:$r};
165 my $page = $o->{wiki}->name ($p->{page} || $o->{wiki}->{var}->{page});
166 my $template = $p->{template};
167 my $content = ($SuikaWiki::Plugin::Registry::Info{q#WikiEdit#}->{module_name} || SuikaWiki::Plugin->module_package (q#WikiEdit#))->get_content ($o, $page);
168 local $o->{var}->{content} = $content->{content};
169 local $o->{var}->{content_prop} = $content->{content_prop};
170 local $o->{var}->{source}->{prop} = sub {
171 my %opt = @_;
172 my $key = $opt{p}->{id};
173 my $uri = $opt{o}->{wiki}->{config}->{q#http://suika.fam.cx/~wakaba/archive/2004/7/20/sw-propedit\#prop#}->{$key}->{uri};
174 my $rv = {};
175 if ($uri) {
176 if (my $nv = $opt{o}->{wiki}->{input}->parameter ('PE--CTRL--'.$key)) {
177 $rv->{value} = $nv;
178 $rv->{class} = [qw/pe--from-parameter/];
179 } else {
180 $rv->{value} = $opt{o}->{var}->{content_prop}
181 ->get_attribute_value ($uri,
182 default => $opt{p}->{default});
183 }
184 } else {
185 $rv->{value} = $opt{p}->{default};
186 }
187 $rv;
188 };
189 ($SuikaWiki::Plugin::Registry::Info{q#WikiFormCore#}->{module_name} || SuikaWiki::Plugin->module_package (q#WikiFormCore#))->make_form_in_html
190 ($p->{-parent}, $template,
191 wiki => $o->{wiki},
192 o => $o,
193 index => -1,
194 local_id_prefix => 'PE--CTRL--',
195 output => {
196 mode => 'pe--write',
197 page => $page,
198 submit_button => 1,
199 hidden => sub {
200 my ($hidden, $o) = @_;
201 for ($hidden->append_new_node (type => '#element',
202 namespace_uri => q#http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml#,
203 local_name => 'input')) {
204 $_->set_attribute (type => 'hidden');
205 $_->set_attribute (name => 'pe--seq');
206 $_->set_attribute (value => $o->{var}->{content_prop}
207 ->get_attribute_value (q#http://suika.fam.cx/~wakaba/archive/2004/7/20/sw-propedit\#seq#,
208 default => 0));
209 $_->option (use_EmptyElemTag => 1);
210 }
211 },
212 });}}
213 #line 1 "(WikiPlugin module PropEdit, chunk 1)"
214 ;
216 push @{$SuikaWiki::View::Implementation::TemplateFragment{q#links#}}, {
217 Main => q#%link-wiki(mode => pe--propedit, up-to-date,
218 rel => edit, class => wiki-cmd,
219 description => {%res(name=>{PropEdit:Link:Description});}p);#,
220 Order => 0,
221 Description => [[q#Link to property edit mode of the WikiPage#, q#en#, q##]],
222 };
224 push @SuikaWiki::View::Implementation::CommonViewDefs, {
225 condition => {q#mode#, q#pe__write#, q#http_method#, [q#POST#]},
226 object_class => q#SuikaWiki::Plugin::plugin::PropEdit1050215083940axZ0::pe__write1050215083940kTAg#,
227 };
228 package SuikaWiki::Plugin::plugin::PropEdit1050215083940axZ0::pe__write1050215083940kTAg;
231 our @ISA = q#SuikaWiki::View::template#;
233 #line 1 "(WikiPlugin module source propedit.wp2, block ViewDefinition[Mode='pe__write']/Use)"
234 use Message::Util::Error;
236 sub main ($$) {
237 my ($self, $opt, $opt2) = @_;
239 #line 1 "(WikiPlugin module source propedit.wp2, block ViewDefinition[Mode='pe__write']/method[Name='main'])"
240 my $wiki = $self->{view}->{wiki};
241 $wiki->{var}->{db}->{read_only}->{'content'} = 1;
242 $wiki->{var}->{db}->{read_only}->{'content_prop'} = 0;
243 $wiki->{var}->{db}->{read_only}->{'lastmodified'} = 1;
244 $wiki->{var}->{db}->{read_only}->{'referer'} = 0;
245 $wiki->init_db;
246 my $page = $wiki->{var}->{page};
247 my $old_content = $wiki->{db}->get (content => $page);
248 my $prop = $wiki->{db}->get (content_prop => $page);
249 my $seq = $wiki->{input}->parameter ('pe--seq') || 0;
250 if ($seq != $prop->get_attribute_value (q#http://suika.fam.cx/~wakaba/archive/2004/7/20/sw-propedit\#seq#, default => 0)) {
251 $self->{view}->{wiki}->view_in_mode (mode => '-pe--conflict');
252 throw SuikaWiki::DB::Util::Error -type => 'ERROR_REPORTED';
253 }
254 my %pprop;
255 $pprop{my $page_name = $page->stringify (wiki => $wiki)}
256 = {prop => $prop, page => $page};
257 my $this_page_name = $page_name;
259 my $old_mt;
260 my $new_mt;
261 my %depend;
262 KEY: for my $key (grep s/^PE--CTRL--//, $wiki->{input}->parameter_names) {
263 my $propinfo = $wiki->{config}->{q#http://suika.fam.cx/~wakaba/archive/2004/7/20/sw-propedit\#prop#}->{$key};
264 next KEY unless $propinfo->{uri};
265 my $new_value = [$wiki->{input}->parameter ('PE--CTRL--'.$key)];
266 if (@$new_value == 1) {
267 if ($propinfo->{is_list}) {
268 $new_value = [split /\x0A|\x0D\x0A?/, $new_value->[0]];
269 }
270 if ($propinfo->{type} eq q#http://suika.fam.cx/~wakaba/-temp/2004/04/24/mt\#media-type#) {
271 next KEY if $new_value->[0] eq '#asis';
272 }
273 }
274 my $old_value = $prop->get_attribute_value ($propinfo->{uri});
275 if (ref $old_value and @$new_value == @$old_value) {
276 CHK: {
277 for my $i (0..$#$new_value) {
278 last CHK if $old_value->[$i] ne $new_value->[$i];
279 }
280 next KEY;
281 }
282 } elsif (not ref $old_value and @$new_value == 1) {
283 next KEY if $old_value eq $new_value->[0];
284 }
285 if ($propinfo->{uri} eq q#http://suika.fam.cx/~wakaba/-temp/2004/04/24/mt\#media-type#) {
286 $old_mt = $old_value;
287 $new_mt = $new_value->[0];
288 }
289 if (@$new_value) {
290 if ($propinfo->{is_list}) {
291 $prop->set_attribute ($propinfo->{uri} => $new_value);
292 } elsif (length $new_value->[0]) {
293 $prop->set_attribute ($propinfo->{uri} => $new_value->[0]);
294 } else {
295 $prop->remove_attribute ($propinfo->{uri});
296 }
297 if ($propinfo->{type} eq q#http://suika.fam.cx/~wakaba/archive/2004/7/20/sw\#WikiName# and
298 defined $propinfo->{q#http://suika.fam.cx/~wakaba/archive/2004/7/20/sw-propedit\#revWNList#}) {
299 PV: for my $wn (@$new_value) {
300 my $wiki_name = $wiki->name ($wn);
301 unless ($pprop{$wn}->{prop}) {
302 $pprop{$wn}->{prop}
303 = $wiki->{db}->get (content_prop => $wiki_name);
304 $pprop{$wn}->{page} = $wiki_name;
305 }
306 my $pv = $pprop{$wn}->{prop}->get_attribute_value
307 ($propinfo->{q#http://suika.fam.cx/~wakaba/archive/2004/7/20/sw-propedit\#revWNList#},
308 as_array => 1);
309 for (@$pv) {
310 next PV if $_ eq $this_page_name;
311 }
312 push @$pv, $this_page_name;
313 $pprop{$wn}->{prop}->set_attribute
314 ($propinfo->{q#http://suika.fam.cx/~wakaba/archive/2004/7/20/sw-propedit\#revWNList#} => $pv);
315 $pprop{$wn}->{modified} = 1;
316 }
317 }
318 } else {
319 $prop->remove_attribute ($propinfo->{uri});
320 }
321 $pprop{$page_name}->{modified} = 1;
322 $depend{$key} = $propinfo->{depend} if $propinfo->{depend};
323 }
324 DEPEND: for my $sub (keys %depend) {
325 for my $main (@{$depend{$sub}}) {
326 unless ($prop->get_attribute ($wiki->{config}->{q#http://suika.fam.cx/~wakaba/archive/2004/7/20/sw-propedit\#prop#}
327 ->{$main}->{uri})) {
328 $prop->remove_attribute ($wiki->{config}->{q#http://suika.fam.cx/~wakaba/archive/2004/7/20/sw-propedit\#prop#}
329 ->{$sub}->{uri});
330 next DEPEND;
331 }
332 }
333 }
334 last MODIFICATION unless $pprop{$page_name}->{modified};
335 for my $wn (keys %pprop) {
336 next unless $pprop{$wn}->{modified};
337 my $prop = $pprop{$wn}->{prop};
338 my $seq = $prop->get_attribute_value (q#http://suika.fam.cx/~wakaba/archive/2004/7/20/sw-propedit\#seq#, default => 0);
339 $prop->set_attribute (q#http://suika.fam.cx/~wakaba/archive/2004/7/20/sw-propedit\#seq# => $seq + 1);
340 try {
341 $self->{view}->{wiki}->{db}->set
342 (content_prop => $pprop{$wn}->{page} => $prop);
343 } catch SuikaWiki::DB::Util::Error with {
344 my $err = shift;
345 if ($err->{-type} eq 'ERROR_REPORTED') {
346 $err->throw;
347 } else {
348 $self->{view}->{wiki}->view_in_mode (mode => '-wdb--fatal-error');
349 throw SuikaWiki::DB::Util::Error -type => 'ERROR_REPORTED';
350 }
351 };
352 }
353 if ($new_mt) {
354 my $format = ($SuikaWiki::Plugin::Registry::Info{q#WikiFormat#}->{module_name} || SuikaWiki::Plugin->module_package (q#WikiFormat#))
355 ->handler (\$old_content,
356 serialized_media_type => $old_mt,
357 content_prop => $prop,
358 wiki => $wiki);
359 $format->content_type_changed_from (wiki => $wiki,
360 page => $page,
361 old_content => \$old_content,
362 new_content => \$old_content,
363 new_serialized_media_type => $new_mt,
364 content_prop => $prop);
365 }
366 my $format = ($SuikaWiki::Plugin::Registry::Info{q#WikiFormat#}->{module_name} || SuikaWiki::Plugin->module_package (q#WikiFormat#))
367 ->handler (\$old_content,
368 serialized_media_type => $new_mt,
369 content_prop => $prop,
370 wiki => $wiki);
371 $format->content_prop_modified (wiki => $wiki,
372 page => $page,
373 content_prop => $prop);
375 my $new_mode = $self->{view}->{wiki}->{input}->parameter
376 ('we--mode-modified');
377 $new_mode =~ s/[^0-9A-Za-z._-]+//g;
378 my $uri = $self->{view}->{wiki}->uri_reference
379 (page => $page,
380 mode => $new_mode,
381 up_to_date => 1,
382 param => {we__mode_modified => $new_mode});
383 require SuikaWiki::Output::HTTP;
384 my $output = SuikaWiki::Output::HTTP->new
385 (wiki => $self->{view}->{wiki});
386 $output->set_redirect (uri => $uri, status_code => 303);
387 $output->output (output => 'http-cgi');}
389 #line 1 "(WikiPlugin module PropEdit, chunk 3)"
391 package SuikaWiki::Plugin::plugin::PropEdit1050215083940axZ0;
393 $SuikaWiki::Plugin::Rule{form_input}->{pe__texts} = {q#Parameter#, {}, q#Description#, [[q#Multiple texts input#, q#en#, q##]], q#main#, sub {my ($f, $rule_name, $p, $o, %opt) = @_;
395 #line 1 "(WikiPlugin module source propedit.wp2, block FormattingRule[name()='[q#form-input#]/pe__texts']/Formatting)"
396 $p->{q#id#} = do { my $r = $f->parse_attr ($p=>q#id#, $o, -non_parsed_to_node => 1, %opt); ref $r?$r->inner_text:$r};$f->parse_attr ($p=>q#label#, $o, -non_parsed_to_node => 1, %opt);
397 my $id = ($SuikaWiki::Plugin::Registry::Info{q#WikiFormCore#}->{module_name} || SuikaWiki::Plugin->module_package (q#WikiFormCore#))
398 ->control_id ($o,
399 local_id => $p->{id},
400 require_local_id => 1);
401 my $has_label = 0;
402 if ($p->{label}->count) {
403 $has_label = 1;
404 for ($p->{-parent}->append_new_node
405 (type => '#element',
406 namespace_uri => q#http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml#,
407 local_name => 'label')) {
408 $_->set_attribute (for => $id->{global_id});
409 $_->append_node ($p->{label});
410 }
411 $p->{-parent}->append_new_node
412 (type => '#element',
413 namespace_uri => q#http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml#,
414 local_name => 'br')
415 ->option (use_EmptyElemTag => 1);
416 }
417 for ($p->{-parent}->append_new_node (type => '#element',
418 namespace_uri => q#http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml#,
419 local_name => 'textarea')) {
420 $_->set_attribute (name => $id->{local_id});
421 $_->set_attribute (id => $id->{global_id}) if $has_label;
422 $p->{q#size#} = do { my $r = $f->parse_attr ($p=>q#size#, $o, -non_parsed_to_node => 1, %opt); ref $r?$r->inner_text:$r};$p->{q#lines#} = do { my $r = $f->parse_attr ($p=>q#lines#, $o, -non_parsed_to_node => 1, %opt); ref $r?$r->inner_text:$r};$p->{q#description#} = do { my $r = $f->parse_attr ($p=>q#description#, $o, -non_parsed_to_node => 1, %opt); ref $r?$r->inner_text:$r};
423 $_->set_attribute (cols => ($p->{size}||20)*2); ## Length
424 $_->set_attribute (title => $p->{description}) if $p->{description};
425 $_->set_attribute (disabled => 'disabled') if $o->{form}->{disabled};
426 $p->{q#class#} = do { my $r = $f->parse_attr ($p=>q#class#, $o, -non_parsed_to_node => 1, %opt); ref $r?$r->inner_text:$r};
427 my @class = split /\s+/, $p->{class};
428 push @class, 'require' if $o->{form}->{require}->{id}->{$p->{id}};
429 $p->{q#source#} = do { my $r = $f->parse_attr ($p=>q#source#, $o, -non_parsed_to_node => 1, %opt); ref $r?$r->inner_text:$r};
430 my $items = 5;
431 if ($p->{source}) {
432 if (ref $o->{var}->{source}->{$p->{source}}) {
433 my $d = $o->{var}->{source}->{$p->{source}}
434 ->(p=>$p, o=>$o, type => q#http://suika.fam.cx/~wakaba/archive/2004/7/20/sw-propedit\#texts#);
435 $_->append_text (ref $d->{value} eq 'ARRAY' ?
436 join "\n", @{$d->{value}} : $d->{value});
437 push @class, @{$d->{class}||[]};
438 $items = @{$d->{value}} + 1 if ref $d->{value} eq 'ARRAY';
439 } else {
440 $_->append_text (ref $o->{var}->{$p->{source}} eq 'ARRAY' ?
441 join "\n", @{$o->{var}->{$p->{source}}} :
442 $o->{var}->{$p->{source}});
443 $items = @{$o->{var}->{$p->{source}}} + 1
444 if ref $o->{var}->{$p->{source}} eq 'ARRAY';
445 }
446 } else {
447 $p->{q#default#} = do { my $r = $f->parse_attr ($p=>q#default#, $o, -non_parsed_to_node => 1, %opt); ref $r?$r->inner_text:$r};
448 $_->append_text ($p->{default}); ## Default value
449 }
450 $_->set_attribute (rows => ($p->{lines} || $items)); ## Lines
451 $_->set_attribute (class => join ' ', @class) if @class;
452 }}}
453 #line 1 "(WikiPlugin module PropEdit, chunk 4)"
454 ;
456 package SuikaWiki::Plugin::Resource;
458 our $BaseResource;
459 $BaseResource->{q#en#}->{q##}->{q#Edit:SaveAnd:pe--propedit:Description#} = q#Save modified property values and show this property-editing mode again.#;
460 $BaseResource->{q#en#}->{q##}->{q#Edit:SaveAnd:pe--propedit:Label#} = q#Editing Properties#;
461 $BaseResource->{q#en#}->{q##}->{q#PropEdit:Conflict:Description#} = q#Properties for WikiPage %link-to-wikipage (label => {%link-to-it ( label => {%page-name;}p);}); has been modified during you are editing them. Please ensure that third-party's modification does not affect your submitting changes. #;
462 $BaseResource->{q#en#}->{q##}->{q#PropEdit:Conflict:Title#} = q#Confliction - Editing Content Properties#;
463 $BaseResource->{q#en#}->{q##}->{q#PropEdit:Conflict:WebPageTitle#} = q#CONFLICTION - %page-name; (Editing Content Properties)#;
464 $BaseResource->{q#en#}->{q##}->{q#PropEdit:Link:Description#} = q#Edit properties of this WikiPage#;
465 $BaseResource->{q#und#}->{q##}->{q#PropEdit:Template#} = q##;
466 $BaseResource->{q#en#}->{q##}->{q#PropEdit:Title#} = q#Editing Content Properties#;
467 $BaseResource->{q#en#}->{q##}->{q#PropEdit:WebPageTitle#} = q#%page-name; (Editing Content Properties)#;
468 package SuikaWiki::Plugin::Registry;
470 $Info{q#PropEdit#}->{provide} = {q#rule#, {q#form_input#, [q#pe__texts#], q#view#, [q#pe__propedit#]}, q#viewfragment#, [{q#Name#, q#links#}], q#viewdef#, [{q#Description#, [q#Editing WikiPage Properties#, q#en#, q##], q#Name#, q#pe__propedit#}, {q#Description#, [q#Editing WikiPage Properties -- Report Confliction#, q#en#, q##], q#Name#, q#-pe__conflict#}, {q#Description#, [q#Saving modified (new) WikiPage properties#, q#en#, q##], q#Name#, q#pe__write#}]};
472 1;

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