
Contents of /suikawiki/script/misc/plugins/SuikaWiki09.wp2

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Revision 1.22 - (show annotations) (download)
Fri Nov 18 14:25:28 2005 UTC (18 years, 11 months ago) by wakaba
Branch: MAIN
CVS Tags: suikawiki3-redirect, HEAD
Branch point for: helowiki, helowiki-2005
Changes since 1.21: +54 -6 lines
<http://suika.fam.cx/~wakaba/-temp/wiki/wiki?SuikaWiki%2F0.10%2F%2F1%2F%2F5> implemented

1 #?SuikaWikiConfig/2.0
3 Plugin:
4 @Name: SuikaWiki09
5 @Description:
6 @@@: SuikaWiki/0.9 and SuikaWiki/0.10 document formats
7 @@lang:en
8 @License: %%Perl%%
9 @Author:
10 @@Name:
11 @@@@: Wakaba
12 @@@lang:ja
13 @@@script:Latn
14 @@Mail[list]: w@suika.fam.cx
15 @Date.RCS:
16 $Date: 2005/07/04 12:27:23 $
17 @RequiredPlugin[list]:
18 Edit
19 WikiFormCore
20 WikiLinking
21 WikiStruct
22 @Use:
23 use Message::Markup::XML::QName qw/NS_xml_URI/;
24 my $Reg_Form_Content_M = qr{
25 \ \#form
26 \ (?:
27 \ \( (\w+) \) ## id
28 \ )?
29 \ : ' ((?>[^\\']*)(?>(?>[^\\']+|\\.)*)) ' ## input
30 \ (?> : ' ((?>[^\\']*)(?>(?>[^\\']+|\\.)*)) ' ## template
31 \ (?> : ' ((?>[^\\']*)(?>(?>[^\\']+|\\.)*)) ' )? )? ## option
32 }x;
33 my $Reg_Embed_Content_M = qr{
34 \ \#([a-z-]+)
35 \ (?>
36 \ \( (\w+) \) ## id
37 \ )?
38 \ (?>
39 \ : ( \w+ (?> : \w+ )* ) ## parameter
40 \ )?
41 }x;
42 my $Reg_URI_Opaque = qr{
43 \ (?>[^<>"]*)
44 \ (?>
45 \ (?>
46 \ [^<>"]+
47 \ | "(?>[^"\\]*)(?>(?>[^"\\]+|\\.)*)"
48 \ )*
49 \ )
50 }x;
54 PluginConst:
55 @NS_AA:
56 http://pc5.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/hp/1096723178/aavocab#
57 @NS_SW09:
58 urn:x-suika-fam-cx:markup:suikawiki:0:9:
59 @NS_SW010:
60 urn:x-suika-fam-cx:markup:suikawiki:0:10:
61 @NS_HTML3:
62 urn:x-suika-fam-cx:markup:ietf:html:3:draft:00:
63 @NS_XHTML1:
64 http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml
65 @NS_XHTML2:
66 http://www.w3.org/2002/06/xhtml2/
67 @NS_XML:
68 http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace
70 {($WIKIFORMCORE ||= SuikaWiki::Plugin->module_package ('WikiFormCore'))}
72 {($WIKILINKING ||= SuikaWiki::Plugin->module_package ('WikiLinking'))}
74 {($WIKIRESOURCE ||= SuikaWiki::Plugin->module_package ('WikiResource'))}
76 {($WIKISTRUCT ||= SuikaWiki::Plugin->module_package ('WikiStruct'))}
80 Format:
81 @ModuleName:
82 SuikaWiki::V0
83 @Description:
84 @@@: Dummy base format for SuikaWiki/0.*
85 @@lang:en
86 @Inherit[list]:
87 Text::Plain
89 Format:
90 @Name: SuikaWiki
91 @Version: 0.10
92 @Type:
93 @@@: text/x-suikawiki
94 @@version: 0.10
95 @ModuleName:
96 SuikaWiki::V0_10
97 @Inherit[list]:
98 SuikaWiki::V0_9
99 @Description:
100 @@@: SuikaWiki/0.10 document format (SuikaWiki/0.9 with minor additions)
101 @@lang: en
103 Format:
104 @Name: SuikaWiki
105 @Version: 0.9
106 @Type:
107 @@@: text/x-suikawiki
108 @@version: 0.9
109 @ModuleName:
110 SuikaWiki::V0_9
111 @Inherit[list]:
112 SuikaWiki::V0
113 @Description:
114 @@@: SuikaWiki/0.9 document format (Standard document format for SuikaWiki 2)
115 @@lang:en
117 @Use:
118 use Message::Markup::XML::QName qw/NS_xml_URI/;
119 use Message::Util::Error;
121 @Converter:
122 @@Type: text/html
123 @@IsFragment: 1
124 @@Description:
125 @@@@: Converting SuikaWiki/0.9 to Hypertext Markup Language fragment
126 @@@lang:en
127 @@Main:
128 $opt->{o}->{wiki} ||= $self->{wiki};
130 ## Text format -> XML format
131 my $xml = __FUNCPACK__->get_xml_tree (text => $source, opt => $opt,
132 wiki => $self->{wiki});
134 ## SuikaWiki/0.9 -> XHTML 1
135 __FUNCPACK__->sw09_to_xhtml1 (source => $xml, parent => $opt->{-parent},
136 o => $opt->{o}, page => $opt->{page});
138 if ($opt->{-with_annotation_input}) {
139 SuikaWiki::Plugin->module_package ('WikiFormCore')
140 ->make_content_form_in_html
141 ($opt->{-parent},
143 (name => 'SuikaWiki/0.9:form:footannotate:input',
144 o => $opt->{o}, wiki => $opt->{o}->{wiki}),
145 option => $WIKIRESOURCE->get
146 (name => 'SuikaWiki/0.9:form:footannotate:option',
147 o => $opt->{o}, wiki => $opt->{o}->{wiki}),
148 o => $opt->{o},
149 wiki => $opt->{o}->{wiki},
150 output => {
151 page => $opt->{page},
152 });
153 }
156 @Converter:
157 @@Type:
158 @@@@: application/x-suikawiki+xml
159 @@@version: 0.9
160 @@Description:
161 @@@@: Converting SuikaWiki/0.9 text format to XML format
162 @@@lang: en
163 @@Main:
164 my $xml = __FUNCPACK__->get_xml_tree (text => $source, opt => $opt,
165 wiki => $self->{wiki});
166 ## TODO: Make a clone
167 $opt->{-parent}->append_node ($xml);
169 @NextIndex:
170 @@Name: anchor
171 @@Main:
172 my $xml = __FUNCPACK__->get_xml_tree (text => $source, opt => \%opt,
173 wiki => $self->{wiki});
174 (__FUNCPACK__->get_last_anchor_index ($xml)) + 1;
176 @WikiForm:
177 @@Main:
178 ## Text format -> XML format
179 my $xml = __FUNCPACK__->get_xml_tree (text => $source, opt => \%opt,
180 wiki => $self->{wiki});
181 local $opt{o}->{var}->{sw09__anchor_index};
182 local $opt{o}->{var}->{sw09__document_tree} = $xml;
184 my $form;
185 if ($opt{o}->{form}->{output}->{id}) {
186 $form = __FUNCPACK__->get_element_by_id
187 ($xml, $opt{o}->{form}->{output}->{id});
188 undef $form unless ref $form and
189 $form->namespace_uri eq $NS_SW09 and
190 $form->local_name eq 'form';
191 } else {
192 $form = __FUNCPACK__->get_nth_element
193 ($xml, $NS_SW09 => 'form',
194 $opt{o}->{form}->{output}->{index});
195 }
197 my $ref;
198 if (ref $form) {
199 $ref = $form->get_attribute_value ('ref', default => 'form');
200 } else {
201 $ref = '#footannotate';
202 }
205 ## WikiForm Option
206 if ($ref eq 'form') {
207 $opt{option} ||= $form->get_attribute_value ('option');
208 } elsif ($ref eq 'comment') {
209 $opt{option} ||= $WIKIRESOURCE->get
210 (name => 'SuikaWiki/0.9:form:comment:option',
211 o => $opt{o}, wiki => $opt{o}->{wiki});
212 } elsif ($ref eq '#footannotate') {
213 $opt{option} ||= $WIKIRESOURCE->get
214 (name => 'SuikaWiki/0.9:form:footannotate:option',
215 o => $opt{o}, wiki => $opt{o}->{wiki});
216 } else {
217 ## TODO:
218 }
219 $WIKIFORMCORE->set_option ($opt{option} => $opt{o}) if $opt{option};
221 my @missing;
222 for (keys %{$opt{o}->{form}->{require}->{id}}) {
223 unless (length $opt{o}->{wiki}->{input}->parameter
224 ($WIKIFORMCORE->control_id ($opt{o}, local_id => $_,
225 local_id_prefix => 'wikiform__')
226 ->{local_id})) {
227 push @missing, $_;
228 }
229 }
230 if (@missing) {
231 return [{
232 type => 'required_param_missing',
233 missing_id => \@missing,
234 }];
235 }
237 ## Replace Output Template
238 my $result;
239 if ($ref eq 'form') {
240 $opt{template} ||= $form->get_attribute_value
241 ('template', default => '');
242 } elsif ($ref eq 'comment') {
243 $opt{template} ||= $WIKIRESOURCE->get
244 (name => 'SuikaWiki/0.9:form:comment:template',
245 o => $opt{o}, wiki => $opt{o}->{wiki});
246 } elsif ($ref eq '#footannotate') {
247 $opt{template} ||= $WIKIRESOURCE->get
248 (name => 'SuikaWiki/0.9:form:footannotate:template',
249 o => $opt{o}, wiki => $opt{o}->{wiki});
250 }
251 try {
252 $result = SuikaWiki::Plugin->text_formatter ('form_template')
253 ->replace ($opt{template}, param => $opt{o});
254 } catch Message::Util::Formatter::error with {
255 my $err = shift;
256 SuikaWiki::Plugin->module_package ('Error')
257 ->reporting_formatting_template_error
258 ($err, $err->{option}->{param}->{wiki});
259 ##TODO:
260 throw SuikaWiki::View::Implementation::error -type => 'ERROR_REPORTED';
261 };
263 ## Insert
264 if (length $result) {
265 if ($ref eq '#footannotate') {
266 my $parent;
267 for (@{$xml->child_nodes}) {
268 if ($_->node_type eq '#element' and
269 $_->local_name eq 'document') {
270 for (@{$_->child_nodes}) {
271 if ($_->node_type eq '#element' and
272 $_->local_name eq 'body') {
273 $parent = $_;
274 last;
275 }
276 }
277 }
278 }
279 CORE::die "Buggy implementation: no body element".$xml
280 unless ref $parent;
282 $parent->append_new_node (type => '#element',
283 namespace_uri => $NS_SW09,
284 local_name => 'text')
285 ->append_text ($result);
286 } else {
287 my $parent = $form->parent_node;
288 CORE::die "Byggy implementation: No parent of form" unless ref $parent;
289 my $children = $parent->child_nodes;
291 $result .= "\x0A" unless substr ($result, -1) eq "\x0A";
292 $parent->append_new_node (type => '#element',
293 namespace_uri => $NS_SW09,
294 local_name => 'text')
295 ->append_text ($result);
296 my $node = pop @{$children};
297 my $form_str = overload::StrVal ($form);
298 my $i = 0;
299 for (@{$children}) {
300 last if overload::StrVal ($_) eq $form_str;
301 $i++;
302 }
303 if ($opt{o}->{form}->{output}->{reverse}) {
304 splice @{$children}, $i + 1, 0, $node;
305 } else {
306 splice @{$children}, $i, 0, $node;
307 }
308 }
309 } else {
310 ## TODO:
311 }
313 ## XML format -> Text format
314 my $text = __FUNCPACK__->xml_to_text ($xml, {%opt});
316 my %fragment = (fragment => $opt{o}->{form}->{output}->{id}
317 || 'wikiform-'.$opt{o}->{form}->{output}->{index});
318 if (not $opt{o}->{form}->{output}->{reverse} and
319 $opt{o}->{var}->{sw09__anchor_index}) {
320 %fragment = (anchor_no => $opt{o}->{var}->{sw09__anchor_index});
321 }
323 my $action = [
324 {
325 type => 'write',
326 content => $text,
327 update_lastmodified => time,
328 },
329 {
330 type => 'ok',
331 %fragment,
332 },
333 ];
335 @HeadSummary:
336 @@Main:
337 my $xml = __FUNCPACK__->get_xml_tree (text => $source, opt => \%opt,
338 wiki => $self->{wiki});
339 return $xml->inner_text;
341 FormattingRule:
342 @Category[list]:form-template
343 @Name: index
344 @Description:
345 @@@: Next anchor index number
346 @@lang:en
347 @After:
348 if ($o->{var}->{sw09__anchor_index}) {
349 ++$o->{var}->{sw09__anchor_index};
350 } else {
351 $o->{var}->{sw09__anchor_index}
352 = 1 + __FUNCPACK__->get_last_anchor_index
353 ($o->{var}->{sw09__document_tree});
354 }
355 $p->{-result} .= $o->{var}->{sw09__anchor_index};
357 Function:
358 @Name: get_last_anchor_index
359 @Main:
360 my (undef, $xml) = @_;
361 my $anchor = 0;
362 my $get_anchor_no;
363 $get_anchor_no = sub {
364 my $node = shift;
365 for my $child (@{$node->child_nodes}) {
366 my $nt = $child->node_type;
367 if ($nt eq '#element') {
368 if ($child->namespace_uri => $NS_SW09 and
369 $child->local_name eq 'anchor-end') {
370 my $a = $child->get_attribute_value ('anchor', default => 0,
371 namespace_uri => $NS_SW09);
372 $anchor = 0+$a if $anchor < 0+$a;
373 } else {
374 $get_anchor_no->($child);
375 }
376 } elsif ($nt eq '#document' or $nt eq '#fragment') {
377 $get_anchor_no->($child);
378 }
379 }
380 };
381 $get_anchor_no->($xml);
382 $anchor;
385 Function:
386 @Name: get_xml_tree
387 @Main:
388 my (undef, %opt) = @_;
389 if ($opt{opt}->{page}) {
391 ## TODO:
392 unless ($__FUNCPACK__::DBLoaded) {
393 $opt{wiki}->{db}->_set_prop_db (sw09__xml_tree => {-db_open => sub {
394 require SuikaWiki::DB::Hash;
395 new SuikaWiki::DB::Hash;
396 }});
397 $__FUNCPACK__::DBLoaded++;
398 }
400 my $xml = new Message::Markup::XML::Node type => '#fragment';
401 __FUNCPACK__->text_to_xml (${$opt{text}}, {%{$opt{opt}}, -parent => $xml});
403 $opt{wiki}->{db}->set (sw09__xml_tree => $opt{opt}->{page} => $xml);
404 $xml;
405 } else {
406 my $xml = new Message::Markup::XML::Node type => '#fragment';
407 __FUNCPACK__->text_to_xml (${$opt{text}}, {%{$opt{opt}}, -parent => $xml});
408 $xml;
409 }
411 Function:
412 @Name: sw09_to_xhtml1
413 @Description:
414 @@lang:en
415 @@@: Transform a SuikaWiki/0.9 or SuikaWiki/0.10 XML tree to an XHTML tree.
416 @Main:
417 my (undef, %opt) = @_;
419 my ($apply_template, $apply_template_children);
420 $apply_template_children = sub {
421 for (@{$_[0]->child_nodes}) {
422 $apply_template->($_ => $_[1]) unless $_->node_type eq '#attribute';
423 }
424 };
425 $apply_template = sub {
426 my ($source, $result) = @_;
427 my $ln = $source->local_name;
428 if ($source->node_type eq '#text') {
429 $result->append_text ($source->inner_text);
430 } elsif ({qw/code 1 samp 1 var 1 dfn 1 kbd 1 sub 1 sup 1
431 cite 1 span 1/ ## SuikaWiki/0.10
432 }->{$ln}) {
433 my $node = $result->append_new_node
434 (type => '#element',
435 namespace_uri => $NS_XHTML1,
436 local_name => $ln);
437 my $class = $source->get_attribute_value ('class', default => '');
438 $node->set_attribute (class => $class) if $class;
439 my $lang = $source->get_attribute_value
440 ('lang', namespace_uri => NS_xml_URI);
441 if (defined $lang) {
442 $node->set_attribute (lang => $lang);
443 $node->set_attribute ('xml:lang' => $lang,
444 namespace_uri => NS_xml_URI,
445 namespace_prefix => 'xml');
446 }
447 $apply_template_children->($source => $node);
448 } elsif ({qw/ins 1 del 1 insert 1 delete 1/}->{$ln}) {
449 my $node = $result->append_new_node
450 (type => '#element',
451 namespace_uri => $NS_XHTML1,
452 local_name => {qw/ins ins insert ins
453 delete del del del/}->{$ln});
454 my $class = $source->get_attribute_value ('class', default => '');
455 $node->set_attribute (class => $class) if $class;
456 my $lang = $source->get_attribute_value
457 ('lang', namespace_uri => NS_xml_URI);
458 if (defined $lang) {
459 $node->set_attribute (lang => $lang);
460 $node->set_attribute ('xml:lang' => $lang,
461 namespace_uri => NS_xml_URI,
462 namespace_prefix => 'xml');
463 }
464 ## TODO: cite
465 $apply_template_children->($source => $node);
466 } elsif ({qw/table 1 tbody 1 tr 1 td 1 blockquote 1 ul 1 ol 1
467 li 1 pre 1 dl 1 dt 1 dd 1 em 1 strong 1/}->{$ln}) {
468 my $node = $result->append_new_node
469 (type => '#element',
470 namespace_uri => $NS_XHTML1,
471 local_name => $ln);
472 if ($ln eq 'td') {
473 my $colspan = $source->get_attribute_value ('colspan', default => 0);
474 $node->set_attribute (colspan => $colspan) if $colspan;
475 } elsif ($ln eq 'pre') {
476 $node->set_attribute (space => 'preserve',
477 namespace_uri => NS_xml_URI);
478 my $class = $source->get_attribute_value ('class', default => '');
479 $node->set_attribute (class => $class) if length $class;
480 }
481 $apply_template_children->($source => $node);
482 } elsif ($ln eq 'anchor') {
483 local $opt{o}->{var}->{sw09__anchor_content} = sub {
484 $apply_template_children->($source => shift);
485 };
486 SuikaWiki::Plugin->module_package ('WikiLinking')
487 ->to_wikipage_in_html ({
488 label => $WIKIRESOURCE->get_text
489 (name =>
490 'Link:SuikaWiki/0.9:toWikiPage:SourceLabel',
491 param => $opt{o},
492 wiki => $opt{o}->{wiki}),
493 } => {
494 base => $opt{o}->{wiki}->{var}->{page},
495 page_name => $opt{o}->{wiki}->name ($source->inner_text)
496 ->absolute (wiki => $opt{o}->{wiki},
497 nearest => 'content',
498 base => $opt{o}->{wiki}
499 ->{var}->{page}),
500 page_anchor_no => $source->get_attribute_value
501 ('anchor',
502 namespace_uri => $NS_SW09),
503 }, {
504 o => $opt{o},
505 parent => $result,
506 });
507 } elsif ($ln eq 'p') {
508 $apply_template_children->($source => $result->append_new_node
509 (type => '#element',
510 namespace_uri => $NS_XHTML1,
511 local_name => 'p'));
512 } elsif ($ln eq 'h') {
513 my $node;
514 if ($opt{o}->{var}->{ws__section_depth} > 6) {
515 $node = $result->append_new_node
516 (type => '#element',
517 namespace_uri => $NS_XHTML1,
518 local_name => 'div');
519 $node->set_attribute (class => 'heading h'.$opt{o}->{var}
520 ->{ws__section_depth});
521 } else {
522 $node = $result->append_new_node
523 (type => '#element',
524 namespace_uri => $NS_XHTML1,
525 local_name => 'h'.$opt{o}->{var}
526 ->{ws__section_depth});
527 }
528 $apply_template_children->($source => $node);
529 $WIKISTRUCT->set_section_id ($result, undef, $opt{o}->{wiki},
530 title => $source->inner_text);
531 } elsif ($ln eq 'ruby' or $ln eq 'rubyb') {
532 my @child;
533 for (@{$source->child_nodes}) {
534 if ({qw/rb 1 rt 1/}->{$_->local_name}) {
535 push @child, $_;
536 }
537 }
538 for ($result->append_new_node (type => '#element',
539 namespace_uri => $NS_XHTML1,
540 local_name => 'ruby')) {
541 if ($ln eq 'rubyb') {
542 my $class = join ' ',
543 'descriptive',
544 split /\s+/, $source->get_attribute_value
545 ('class', default => '');
546 $_->set_attribute (class => $class) if $class;
547 } else {
548 my $class = $source->get_attribute_value ('class', default => '');
549 $_->set_attribute (class => $class) if $class;
550 }
551 my $lang = $source->get_attribute_value
552 ('lang', namespace_uri => NS_xml_URI);
553 if (defined $lang) {
554 $_->set_attribute (lang => $lang);
555 $_->set_attribute ('xml:lang' => $lang,
556 namespace_uri => NS_xml_URI,
557 namespace_prefix => 'xml');
558 }
559 $apply_template_children->($child[0]
560 => $_->append_new_node (type => '#element',
561 namespace_uri => $NS_XHTML1,
562 local_name => 'rb'));
563 $_->append_new_node (type => '#element',
564 namespace_uri => $NS_XHTML1,
565 local_name => 'rp')
566 ->append_text ('(');
567 if ($child[1]) {
568 $apply_template_children->($child[1]
569 => $_->append_new_node (type => '#element',
570 namespace_uri => $NS_XHTML1,
571 local_name => 'rt'));
572 } else {
573 $_->append_new_node (type => '#element',
574 namespace_uri => $NS_XHTML1,
575 local_name => 'rt');
576 }
577 if ($child[2]) {
578 $_->append_new_node (type => '#element',
579 namespace_uri => $NS_XHTML1,
580 local_name => 'rp')
581 ->append_text ('/');
582 $apply_template_children->($child[2]
583 => $_->append_new_node (type => '#element',
584 namespace_uri => $NS_XHTML1,
585 local_name => 'rt'));
586 }
587 $_->append_new_node (type => '#element',
588 namespace_uri => $NS_XHTML1,
589 local_name => 'rp')
590 ->append_text (')');
591 }
592 } elsif ($ln eq 'abbr') {
593 my (@b);
594 for (@{$source->child_nodes}) {
595 push @b, $_ if {qw/rb 1 rt 1/}->{$_->local_name};
596 }
597 my $node = $result->append_new_node
598 (type => '#element',
599 namespace_uri => $NS_XHTML1,
600 local_name => 'abbr');
601 $node->set_attribute (title => $b[1]->inner_text) if $b[1];
602 my $lang = $source->get_attribute_value
603 ('lang', namespace_uri => NS_xml_URI);
604 if (defined $lang) {
605 $node->set_attribute (lang => $lang);
606 $node->set_attribute ('xml:lang' => $lang,
607 namespace_uri => NS_xml_URI,
608 namespace_prefix => 'xml');
609 }
610 $apply_template_children->($b[0] => $node);
611 } elsif ($ln eq 'qn') {
612 my (@b);
613 for (@{$source->child_nodes}) {
614 push @b, $_ if {qw/qname 1 nsuri 1/}->{$_->local_name};
615 }
616 my $node = $result->append_new_node
617 (type => '#element',
618 namespace_uri => $NS_XHTML1,
619 local_name => 'code');
620 $node->set_attribute (class => 'qname');
621 my $lang = $source->get_attribute_value
622 ('lang', namespace_uri => NS_xml_URI);
623 if (defined $lang) {
624 $node->set_attribute (lang => $lang);
625 $node->set_attribute ('xml:lang' => $lang,
626 namespace_uri => NS_xml_URI,
627 namespace_prefix => 'xml');
628 }
629 $node->set_attribute (title => '{<'.$b[1]->inner_text.'>}') if $b[1];
630 $apply_template_children->($b[0] => $node);
631 } elsif ($ln eq 'q') {
632 my $node = $result->append_new_node
633 (type => '#element',
634 namespace_uri => $NS_XHTML1,
635 local_name => 'q');
636 ## TODO: cite
637 my $lang = $source->get_attribute_value
638 ('lang', namespace_uri => NS_xml_URI);
639 if (defined $lang) {
640 $node->set_attribute (lang => $lang);
641 $node->set_attribute ('xml:lang' => $lang,
642 namespace_uri => NS_xml_URI,
643 namespace_prefix => 'xml');
644 }
645 $apply_template_children->($source => $node);
646 } elsif ($ln eq 'weak' or
647 $ln eq 'aa' ## SuikaWiki/0.10
648 ) {
649 my $node = $result->append_new_node
650 (type => '#element',
651 namespace_uri => $NS_XHTML1,
652 local_name => 'span');
653 my @class = split /\s+/,
654 $source->get_attribute_value ('class', default => '');
655 $node->set_attribute (class => join ' ', $ln, @class);
656 my $lang = $source->get_attribute_value
657 ('lang', namespace_uri => NS_xml_URI);
658 if (defined $lang) {
659 $node->set_attribute (lang => $lang);
660 $node->set_attribute ('xml:lang' => $lang,
661 namespace_uri => NS_xml_URI,
662 namespace_prefix => 'xml');
663 }
664 $apply_template_children->($source => $node);
665 } elsif ($ln eq 'src') { ## SuikaWiki/0.10
666 my $node = $result->append_new_node
667 (type => '#element',
668 namespace_uri => $NS_XHTML1,
669 local_name => 'cite');
670 my @class = split /\s+/,
671 $source->get_attribute_value ('class', default => '');
672 $node->set_attribute (class => join ' ', $ln, @class);
673 my $lang = $source->get_attribute_value
674 ('lang', namespace_uri => NS_xml_URI);
675 if (defined $lang) {
676 $node->set_attribute (lang => $lang);
677 $node->set_attribute ('xml:lang' => $lang,
678 namespace_uri => NS_xml_URI,
679 namespace_prefix => 'xml');
680 }
681 $node->append_text ("[");
682 $apply_template_children->($source => $node);
683 $node->append_text ("]");
684 } elsif ($ln eq 'csection') { ## SuikaWiki/0.10
685 my $node = $result->append_new_node
686 (type => '#element',
687 namespace_uri => $NS_XHTML1,
688 local_name => 'cite');
689 my @class = split /\s+/,
690 $source->get_attribute_value ('class', default => '');
691 $node->set_attribute (class => join ' ', $ln, @class);
692 $apply_template_children->($source => $node);
693 } elsif ($ln eq 'key') { ## SuikaWiki/0.10
694 my $node = $result->append_new_node
695 (type => '#element',
696 namespace_uri => $NS_XHTML1,
697 local_name => 'kbd');
698 my @class = split /\s+/,
699 $source->get_attribute_value ('class', default => '');
700 $node->set_attribute (class => join ' ', $ln, @class);
701 my $lang = $source->get_attribute_value
702 ('lang', namespace_uri => NS_xml_URI);
703 if (defined $lang) {
704 $node->set_attribute (lang => $lang);
705 $node->set_attribute ('xml:lang' => $lang,
706 namespace_uri => NS_xml_URI,
707 namespace_prefix => 'xml');
708 }
709 $apply_template_children->($source => $node);
710 } elsif ({qw/section 1 bodytext 1/}->{$ln}) {
711 my $node = $result->append_new_node
712 (type => '#element',
713 namespace_uri => $NS_XHTML1,
714 local_name => 'div');
715 $node->set_attribute (class => $ln);
716 local $opt{o}->{var}->{ws__section_depth}
717 = $opt{o}->{var}->{ws__section_depth} + 1;
718 $apply_template_children->($source => $node);
719 } elsif ($ln eq 'anchor-end') {
720 my $node = $result->append_new_node
721 (type => '#element',
722 namespace_uri => $NS_XHTML1,
723 local_name => 'a');
724 $node->set_attribute (id => 'anchor-'.$source->get_attribute_value
725 ('anchor', default => '0',
726 namespace_uri => $NS_SW09));
727 $node->set_attribute (name => 'anchor-'.$source->get_attribute_value
728 ('anchor', default => '0',
729 namespace_uri => $NS_SW09))
730 if $opt{o}->{wiki}->{var}->{client}->{downgrade}->{html_no_id};
731 $node->set_attribute (class => 'anchor');
732 $node->append_text ($source->inner_text);
733 } elsif ($ln eq 'anchor-internal') {
734 my $node = $result->append_new_node
735 (type => '#element',
736 namespace_uri => $NS_XHTML1,
737 local_name => 'a');
738 $node->set_attribute (href => '#anchor-'.$source->get_attribute_value
739 ('anchor',
740 namespace_uri => $NS_SW09, default => '0'));
741 $node->set_attribute (class => 'wiki-anchor');
742 $node->append_text ($source->inner_text);
743 } elsif ($ln eq 'anchor-external') {
744 local $opt{o}->{var}->{sw09__anchor_content} = sub {
745 $apply_template_children->($source => shift);
746 };
748 ->to_resource_in_html (
749 {
750 label => $WIKIRESOURCE
751 ->get_text (name =>
752 'Link:SuikaWiki/0.9:toResource:SourceLabel',
753 param => $opt{o},
754 wiki => $opt{o}->{wiki}),
755 }, {
756 resource_scheme =>
757 $source->get_attribute_value ('resScheme',
758 namespace_uri => $NS_SW09,
759 default => 'URI'),
760 resource_parameter =>
761 $source->get_attribute_value ('resParameter',
762 namespace_uri => $NS_SW09,
763 default => ''),
764 }, {
765 o => $opt{o},
766 parent => $result,
767 });
768 } elsif ($ln eq 'form') {
769 my $ref = $source->get_attribute_value ('ref', default => 'form');
770 if ($ref eq 'form') {
771 $WIKIFORMCORE->make_content_form_in_html
772 ($result,
773 $source->get_attribute_value
774 ('input', default => ''),
775 option => $source->get_attribute_value
776 ('option'),
777 name => $source->get_attribute_value ('id'),
778 o => $opt{o},
779 wiki => $opt{o}->{wiki},
780 output => {
781 page => $opt{page},
782 });
783 } elsif ($ref eq 'comment') {
784 $WIKIFORMCORE->make_content_form_in_html
785 ($result,
787 (name => 'SuikaWiki/0.9:form:comment:input',
788 o => $opt{o}, wiki => $opt{o}->{wiki}),
789 option => $WIKIRESOURCE->get
790 (name => 'SuikaWiki/0.9:form:comment:option',
791 o => $opt{o}, wiki => $opt{o}->{wiki}),
792 name => $source->get_attribute_value ('id'),
793 o => $opt{o},
794 wiki => $opt{o}->{wiki},
795 output => {
796 page => $opt{page},
797 });
798 } else {
799 ## TODO: Warning
800 $WIKIFORMCORE->make_content_form_in_html
801 ($result,
802 '',
803 option => '',
804 o => $opt{o},
805 wiki => $opt{o}->{wiki},
806 output => {
807 page => $opt{page},
808 });
809 }
810 } elsif ($ln eq 'dr') {
811 $apply_template_children->($source => $result);
812 } elsif ($ln eq 'replace') {
813 $result->append_text
814 ('__&&' . $source->get_attribute_value
815 ('by', default => '') . '&&__');
816 ## Not supported by this version of implementation.
817 } elsif ($ln eq 'ed' or $ln eq 'comment-p') { ## SuikaWiki/0.10 additions
818 my $ed = $result->append_new_node
819 (type => '#element',
820 namespace_uri => $NS_XHTML1,
821 local_name => 'div');
822 $ed->set_attribute (class => $ln);
823 $apply_template_children->($source => $ed->append_new_node
824 (type => '#element',
825 namespace_uri => $NS_XHTML1,
826 local_name => 'p'));
827 } elsif ($ln eq 'document') {
828 my $body;
829 for (@{$source->child_nodes}) {
830 $body = $_ and last if $_->local_name eq 'body';
831 }
832 my $body_block = $result->append_new_node
833 (type => '#element',
834 namespace_uri => $NS_XHTML1,
835 local_name => 'div');
836 $body_block->set_attribute (class => 'block SuikaWiki-0-9');
837 $apply_template_children->($body => $body_block);
838 } else {
839 my $node = $result->append_new_node
840 (type => '#element',
841 namespace_uri => $NS_XHTML1,
842 local_name => 'span');
843 $node->set_attribute (class => 'warn');
844 for ($node->append_new_node
845 (type => '#element',
846 namespace_uri => $NS_XHTML1,
847 local_name => 'ins')
848 ->append_new_node
849 (type => '#element',
850 namespace_uri => $NS_XHTML1,
851 local_name => 'code')) {
852 $_->set_attribute (class => 'XML element');
853 $_->append_text ("<".$source->namespace_uri.">:$ln");
854 }
855 $apply_template_children->($source => $node);
856 }
857 };
859 $apply_template_children->($opt{source} => $opt{parent});
862 Function:
863 @Name: xml_to_text
864 @Main:
865 my (undef, $src, $opt) = @_;
868 my %is_block = (
869 qw/p 1 blockquote 1 pre 1 ul 1 ol 1 dl 1 section 1 h 1
870 bodytext 1 document 1 head 1 body 1 table 1 text 1 form 1
871 insert 1 delete 1 ed 1 comment-p 1/
872 );
874 my %x2t;
875 %x2t = (
876 anchor => sub {
877 my $source = shift;
878 my $result = '[['
879 . $x2t{'#inline'}->($source, no_newline => 1)
880 . ']';
881 my $anchor = $source->get_attribute_value
882 ('anchor',
883 namespace_uri => $NS_SW09,
884 default => '');
885 if (length $anchor) {
886 $result .= '>>'.(0+$anchor);
887 } else {
888 $anchor = $source->get_attribute_value
889 ('resScheme',
890 namespace_uri => $NS_SW09);
891 if ($anchor) {
892 my $param = $source->get_attribute_value
893 ('resParameter',
894 namespace_uri => $NS_SW09);
895 if ($anchor eq 'URI' and $param =~ /^[0-9A-Za-z_+.%-]+:/) {
896 $result .= '<' . $param . '>';
897 } else {
898 $result .= '<' . $anchor . ':' . $param . '>';
899 }
900 }
901 }
902 $result . ']';
903 },
904 li => sub {
905 my $source = shift;
906 my $result = ({qw/ul - ol =/}->{$opt->{o}->{var}->{sw09__list_type}}
907 x $opt->{o}->{var}->{sw09__list_depth})
908 . ' ' . $x2t{'#flow'}->($source);
909 $result;
910 },
911 dt => sub {
912 ':' . $x2t{'#inline'}->(return, no_newline => 1) . ':';
913 },
914 h => sub {
915 ("*" x ($opt->{o}->{var}->{ws__section_depth} - 1))
916 . " "
917 . $x2t{'#inline'}->(shift, no_newline => 1);
918 },
919 'anchor-end' => sub {
920 return shift->inner_text;
921 },
922 'anchor-internal' => sub {
923 return shift->inner_text;
924 },
925 'anchor-external' => sub {
926 return '<'.shift->inner_text.'>';
927 },
928 form => sub {
929 my $source = shift;
930 my $ref = $source->get_attribute_value ('ref', default => 'form');
931 my $result = '[[#'.$ref;
932 my $name = $source->get_attribute_value ('id');
933 $name =~ s/([()\\])/\\$1/g;
934 $result .= '(' . $name . ')' if $name;
935 ## General WikiForm
936 if ($ref eq 'form') {
937 $result .= ":'";
938 my $input = $source->get_attribute_value ('input', default => '');
939 $input =~ s/(['\\])/\\$1/g;
940 $result .= $input . "':'";
941 my $template = $source->get_attribute_value ('template', default => '');
942 $template =~ s/(['\\])/\\$1/g;
943 $result .= $template . "'";
944 my $option = $source->get_attribute_value ('option');
945 if ($option) {
946 $option =~ s/(['\\])/\\$1/g;
947 $result .= ":'" . $option . "'";
948 }
949 ## Specific WikiForm
950 } else {
951 my $param = $source->get_attribute_value ('parameter');
952 if ($param) {
953 $result .= ':' . $param;
954 }
955 }
956 $result .= ']]';
957 },
958 pre => sub {
959 my $source = shift;
960 my $result = '[PRE';
961 my $class = $source->get_attribute_value ('class');
962 if ($class) {
963 $class =~ s/([\\()])/\\$1/g;
964 $result .= '(' . $class . ')';
965 }
966 $result .= "[\x0A"
967 . $x2t{'#inline'}->($source);
968 $result .= "\x0A" unless substr ($result, -1) eq "\x0A";
969 $result .= "]PRE]\x0A";
970 },
971 insert => sub {
972 my $source = shift;
973 my $result = '[INS';
974 my $class = $source->get_attribute_value ('class');
975 if ($class) {
976 $class =~ s/([\\()])/\\$1/g;
977 $result .= '(' . $class . ')';
978 }
979 local $opt->{o}->{var}->{sw09__list_depth} = 0;
980 $result .= "[\x0A"
981 . $x2t{'#block'}->($source);
982 $result .= "\x0A" unless substr ($result, -1) eq "\x0A";
983 $result .= "]INS]\x0A";
984 },
985 delete => sub {
986 my $source = shift;
987 my $result = '[DEL';
988 my $class = $source->get_attribute_value ('class');
989 if ($class) {
990 $class =~ s/([\\()])/\\$1/g;
991 $result .= '(' . $class . ')';
992 }
993 local $opt->{o}->{var}->{sw09__list_depth} = 0;
994 $result .= "[\x0A"
995 . $x2t{'#block'}->($source);
996 $result .= "\x0A" unless substr ($result, -1) eq "\x0A";
997 $result .= "]DEL]\x0A";
998 },
999 document => sub {
1000 my $source = shift;
1001 my $result = '';
1002 $result = '#?'
1003 . $source->get_attribute_value
1004 ('Name', namespace_uri => $NS_SW09,
1005 default => 'SuikaWiki')
1006 . '/'
1007 . $source->get_attribute_value
1008 ('Version', namespace_uri => $NS_SW09,
1009 default => '0.9');
1010 for (@{$source->child_nodes}) {
1011 $result .= ($x2t{$_->local_name} or $x2t{'#undef'})->($_)
1012 if $_->node_type eq '#element';
1013 if ($_->local_name eq 'head') {
1014 $result = '' if $result eq "#?SuikaWiki/0.9\x0A";
1015 }
1016 }
1017 $result;
1018 },
1019 head => sub {
1020 my $source = shift;
1021 my $result = '';
1022 ## ISSUE: '#?SuikaWiki/0.9 ' required...
1023 for (@{$source->child_nodes}) {
1024 if ($_->node_type eq '#element' and
1025 $_->local_name eq 'parameter') {
1026 $result .= ' '.$x2t{parameter}->($_);
1027 }
1028 }
1029 $result . "\x0A";
1030 },
1031 parameter => sub {
1032 my $source = shift;
1033 my $result = $source->get_attribute_value ('name', default => '')
1034 . '="';
1035 my @v;
1036 for (@{$source->child_nodes}) {
1037 push @v, $x2t{value}->($_) if $_->node_type eq '#element' and
1038 $_->local_name eq 'value';
1039 }
1040 $result .= join ',', @v;
1041 $result . '"';
1042 },
1043 value => sub {
1044 my $value = $x2t{'#inline'}->(shift, no_newline => 1);
1045 $value =~ s/(["\\])/\\$1/g;
1046 $value =~ tr/\x0A\x0D/ /;
1047 $value;
1048 },
1049 section => sub {
1050 local $opt->{o}->{var}->{ws__section_depth}
1051 = $opt->{o}->{var}->{ws__section_depth} + 1;
1052 $x2t{'#block'}->(shift);
1053 },
1054 body => sub {
1055 local $opt->{o}->{var}->{ws__section_depth} = 1;
1056 $x2t{'#block'}->(shift);
1057 },
1058 text => sub {
1059 my ($source, %opt) = @_;
1060 my $result .= '';
1061 for (@{$source->child_nodes}) {
1062 if ($_->node_type eq '#text') {
1063 $result .= $_->inner_text;
1064 } elsif ($_->node_type eq '#element') {
1065 $result .= ($x2t{$_->local_name} or $x2t{'#undef'})->($_);
1066 }
1067 }
1068 $result;
1069 },
1070 dr => sub {
1071 my $result = $x2t{'#list'}->(shift);
1072 if ($result) {
1073 $result . "\x0A";
1074 } else {
1075 "::\x0A";
1076 }
1077 },
1078 dt => sub {
1079 ':' . $x2t{'#inline'}->(shift, no_newline => 1) . ':';
1080 },
1081 dd => sub {
1082 $x2t{'#inline'}->(shift);
1083 },
1084 tr => sub {
1085 my $result = $x2t{'#list'}->(shift);
1086 if ($result) {
1087 substr ($result, 1) . "\x0A";
1088 } else {
1089 "',\x0A";
1090 }
1091 },
1092 td => sub {
1093 my $source = shift;
1094 my $result = $x2t{'#inline'}->($source, no_newline => 1);
1095 if ($result =~ /[,"\\]/ or $result =~ /==/) {
1096 $result =~ s/(["\\])/\\$1/g;
1097 $result = '"' . $result . '"';
1098 }
1099 my $colspan = $source->get_attribute_value ('colspan', default => 1);
1100 $result .= ("\t,==" x ($colspan - 1)) if $colspan > 1;
1101 "\t," . $result;
1102 },
1103 em => sub {
1104 "''" . $x2t{'#inline'}->($_, no_newline => 1) . "''";
1105 },
1106 strong => => sub {
1107 "'''" . $x2t{'#inline'}->($_, no_newline => 1) . "'''";
1108 },
1109 rb => sub {
1110 $x2t{'#inline'}->(shift, no_newline => 1);
1111 },
1112 qname => sub {
1113 $x2t{'#inline'}->(shift, no_newline => 1);
1114 },
1115 rt => sub {
1116 my $lang = $_[0]->get_attribute_value
1117 ('lang', namespace_uri => NS_xml_URI,
1118 default => '');
1119 $lang = '@' . $lang if length $lang;
1120 '] '.$lang.'[' . $x2t{'#inline'}->(shift, no_newline => 1);
1121 },
1122 nsuri => sub {
1123 my $lang = $_[0]->get_attribute_value
1124 ('lang', namespace_uri => NS_xml_URI,
1125 default => '');
1126 $lang = '@' . $lang if length $lang;
1127 '] '.$lang.'[' . $x2t{'#inline'}->(shift, no_newline => 1);
1128 },
1129 replace => sub {
1130 '__&&' . shift->get_attribute_value ('by', default => '') . '&&__';
1131 },
1132 bodytext => sub {
1133 my ($source, %opt) = @_;
1134 local $opt->{o}->{var}->{sw09__bq_depth}
1135 = $opt->{o}->{var}->{sw09__bq_depth} + 1;
1136 my @result;
1137 for (@{$source->child_nodes}) {
1138 if ($_->node_type eq '#element') {
1139 my $ln = $_->local_name;
1140 push @result, [($x2t{$ln} or $x2t{'#undef'})->($_),
1141 $ln];
1142 }
1143 }
1144 my $result = '';
1145 my $prev = '';
1146 for (@result) {
1147 my $s = $_->[0];
1148 if ($_->[1] eq 'p' or $_->[1] eq 'ed' or $_->[1] eq 'comment-p') {
1149 $result .= "\x0A" if length $result and
1150 substr ($result, -1) ne "\x0A";
1151 $result .= ('>' x $opt->{o}->{var}->{sw09__bq_depth}) . ' ';
1152 } elsif ($_->[1] eq 'form' or $_->[1] eq 'replace') {
1153 $result .= "\x0A" if length $result and
1154 substr ($result, -1) ne "\x0A";
1155 $result .= ('>' x $opt->{o}->{var}->{sw09__bq_depth})."\x0A";
1156 } elsif ($_->[1] eq 'blockquote' or $_->[1] eq 'text') {
1157 $result .= "\x0A" if length $result and
1158 substr ($result, -1) ne "\x0A";
1159 } else {
1160 unless ($prev eq 'text') {
1161 $result .= "\x0A" if length $result and
1162 substr ($result, -1) ne "\x0A";
1163 }
1164 $result .= ('>' x $opt->{o}->{var}->{sw09__bq_depth})."\x0A";
1165 }
1166 $result .= $s;
1167 $prev = $_->[1];
1168 }
1169 $result;
1170 },
1171 ## Note: This element will be interpreted as a paragraph
1172 ## unless format is SuikaWikiImage/0.9.
1173 image => sub {
1174 my ($source, %opt) = @_;
1175 return "\x0A__IMAGE__\x0A" . $source->inner_text . "\x0A";
1176 },
1177 'ed' => sub {
1178 my ($source, %opt) = @_;
1179 '@@ ' . $x2t{'#flow'}->($source);
1180 },
1181 'comment-p' => sub {
1182 my ($source, %opt) = @_;
1183 ';; ' . $x2t{'#flow'}->($source);
1184 },
1185 '#block' => sub {
1186 my ($source, %opt) = @_;
1187 my @result;
1188 for (@{$source->child_nodes}) {
1189 if ($_->node_type eq '#element') {
1190 my $ln = $_->local_name;
1191 push @result, [($x2t{$ln} or $x2t{'#undef'})->($_),
1192 $ln];
1193 }
1194 }
1195 my $result = '';
1196 my $prev = '';
1197 for (@result) {
1198 my $s = $_->[0];
1199 if ($_->[1] eq 'form') {
1200 $result .= "\x0A" if length $result and
1201 substr ($result, -1) ne "\x0A";
1202 $result .= "\x0A";
1203 } elsif ($_->[1] eq 'replace') {
1204 $result .= "\x0A" if length $result and
1205 substr ($result, -1) ne "\x0A";
1206 } elsif ($_->[1] eq 'text') {
1207 $result .= "\x0A" if length $result and
1208 substr ($result, -1) ne "\x0A";
1209 $result .= "\x0A" if $prev eq 'p' or $prev eq 'ed' or
1210 $prev eq 'comment-p';
1211 } else {
1212 if ($prev ne 'text' and $prev ne 'replace') {
1213 $result .= "\x0A" if length $result and
1214 substr ($result, -1) ne "\x0A";
1215 $result .= "\x0A";
1216 }
1217 }
1218 $result .= $s;
1219 $prev = $_->[1];
1220 }
1221 $result;
1222 },
1223 '#flow' => sub {
1224 my ($source, %opt) = @_;
1225 my @result;
1226 for (@{$source->child_nodes}) {
1227 if ($_->node_type eq '#element') {
1228 my $ln = $_->local_name;
1229 if ($is_block{$ln}) {
1230 push @result, [($x2t{$ln} or $x2t{'#undef'})->($_),
1231 $ln];
1232 } else {
1233 if (@result and ($result[$#result]->[1] eq '#inline')) {
1234 $result[$#result]->[0]
1235 .= ($x2t{$ln} or $x2t{'#undef'})->($_);
1236 } else {
1237 push @result, [($x2t{$ln} or $x2t{'#undef'})->($_),
1238 '#inline'];
1239 }
1240 }
1241 } elsif ($_->node_type eq '#text') {
1242 if (@result and ($result[$#result]->[1] eq '#inline')) {
1243 $result[$#result]->[0] .= $_->inner_text;
1244 } else {
1245 push @result, [$_->inner_text, '#inline'];
1246 }
1247 }
1248 }
1249 my $result = '';
1250 my $prev = '';
1251 for (@result) {
1252 my $s = $_->[0];
1253 if ($_->[1] eq '#inline') {
1254 if ($prev ne 'text' and $prev ne 'form' and $prev ne 'replace') {
1255 $result .= "\x0A" if length $result and
1256 substr ($result, -1) ne "\x0A";
1257 }
1258 $s =~ s/\x0D\x0A/\x0A/g;
1259 $s =~ s/\x0D/\x0A/g;
1260 $s =~ s/\x0A\x0A+/\x0A/g;
1261 $s =~ s/\x0A/\x20/g if $opt{no_newline};
1262 } elsif ($_->[1] eq 'form' or $_->[1] eq 'replace') {
1263 if ($prev ne '#inline') {
1264 $result .= "\x0A" if length $result and
1265 substr ($result, -1) ne "\x0A";
1266 }
1267 } elsif ($_->[1] eq 'text') {
1268 $result .= "\x0A" if length $result and
1269 substr ($result, -1) ne "\x0A";
1270 } else {
1271 unless ($prev eq 'text') {
1272 $result .= "\x0A" if length $result and
1273 substr ($result, -1) ne "\x0A";
1274 }
1275 }
1276 $result .= $s;
1277 $prev = $_->[1];
1278 }
1279 $result;
1280 },
1281 '#inline' => sub {
1282 my ($source, %opt) = @_;
1283 my $result .= '';
1284 for (@{$source->child_nodes}) {
1285 if ($_->node_type eq '#text') {
1286 $result .= $_->inner_text;
1287 } elsif ($_->node_type eq '#element') {
1288 $result .= ($x2t{$_->local_name} or $x2t{'#undef'})->($_);
1289 }
1290 }
1291 $result =~ s/\x0D\x0A/\x0A/g;
1292 $result =~ s/\x0D/\x0A/g;
1293 $result =~ s/\x0A\x0A+/\x0A/g;
1294 $result =~ s/\x0A/\x20/g if $opt{no_newline};
1295 $result;
1296 },
1297 '#list' => sub {
1298 my ($source, %opt) = @_;
1299 my $result .= '';
1300 for (@{$source->child_nodes}) {
1301 if ($_->node_type eq '#element') {
1302 $result .= ($x2t{$_->local_name} or $x2t{'#undef'})->($_);
1303 }
1304 }
1305 $result;
1306 },
1307 '#undef' => sub {
1308 my $source = shift;
1309 ## TODO:
1310 "<".$source->namespace_uri.">:".$source->local_name
1311 . $x2t{'#inline'}->($source);
1312 },
1313 );
1314 for (qw/blockquote dl tbody table/) {
1315 $x2t{$_} = sub { $x2t{'#list'}->(shift) };
1316 }
1317 for (qw/p dd/) {
1318 $x2t{$_} = sub { $x2t{'#flow'}->(shift) };
1319 }
1320 for my $type (qw/ul ol/) {
1321 $x2t{$type} = sub {
1322 my $source = shift;
1323 local $opt->{o}->{var}->{sw09__list_type} = $type;
1324 local $opt->{o}->{var}->{sw09__list_depth}
1325 = $opt->{o}->{var}->{sw09__list_depth} + 1;
1326 my @result;
1327 for (@{$source->child_nodes}) {
1328 push @result, $x2t{$_->local_name}->($_)
1329 if $_->node_type eq '#element';
1330 }
1331 my $result = '';
1332 for (@result) {
1333 $result .= "\x0A" unless substr ($result, -1) eq "\x0A";
1334 $result .= $_;
1335 }
1336 substr ($result, 1);
1337 };
1338 }
1339 for my $type (qw/code samp var dfn kbd sub sup weak q ruby rubyb
1340 abbr ins del aa src cite key qn csection span/) {
1341 $x2t{$type} = sub {
1342 my $source = shift;
1343 my $result = '['.uc $type;
1344 my $class = $source->get_attribute_value ('class', default => '');
1345 if ($class) {
1346 $class =~ s/([()\\])/\\$1/g;
1347 $result .= '(' . $class . ')';
1348 }
1349 my $lang = $source->get_attribute_value
1350 ('lang', namespace_uri => NS_xml_URI);
1351 if (defined $lang) {
1352 $result .= '@' . $lang;
1353 }
1354 $result .= '['
1355 . $x2t{'#inline'}->($source, no_newline => 1)
1356 . ']';
1357 my $anchor = $source->get_attribute_value
1358 ('anchor',
1359 namespace_uri => $NS_SW09,
1360 default => '');
1361 if (length $anchor) {
1362 $result .= '>>'.(0+$anchor);
1363 } else {
1364 $anchor = $source->get_attribute_value
1365 ('resScheme',
1366 namespace_uri => $NS_SW09);
1367 if ($anchor) {
1368 my $param = $source->get_attribute_value
1369 ('resParameter',
1370 namespace_uri => $NS_SW09);
1371 if ($anchor eq 'URI' and $param =~ /^[0-9A-Za-z_+.%-]+:/) {
1372 $result .= '<' . $param . '>';
1373 } else {
1374 $result .= '<' . $anchor . ':' . $param . '>';
1375 }
1376 }
1377 }
1378 $result .= ']';
1379 $result;
1380 };
1381 }
1383 $x2t{'#list'}->($src);
1385 Function:
1386 @Name: get_nth_element
1387 @Main:
1388 my (undef, $node, $ns => $ln, $n) = @_;
1389 return $n if $n < 1;
1390 if ($node->node_type eq '#element' and
1391 $node->namespace_uri eq $ns and
1392 $node->local_name eq $ln) {
1393 return $node unless --$n;
1394 }
1395 for (@{$node->child_nodes}) {
1396 if ($_->node_type eq '#element') {
1397 if ($_->namespace_uri eq $ns and
1398 $_->local_name eq $ln) {
1399 return $_ unless --$n;
1400 } else {
1401 $n = __FUNCPACK__->get_nth_element ($_, $ns => $ln, $n);
1402 return $n if ref $n;
1403 }
1404 } elsif ($_->node_type eq '#fragment' or $_->node_type eq '#document') {
1405 $n = __FUNCPACK__->get_nth_element ($_, $ns => $ln, $n);
1406 return $n if ref $n;
1407 }
1408 }
1409 return $n;
1411 Function:
1412 @Name: get_element_by_id
1413 @Main:
1414 my (undef, $node, $id) = @_;
1415 return $node if $node->node_type eq '#element'
1416 and $node->get_attribute_value ('id', default_value => '')
1417 eq $id;
1418 for (@{$node->child_nodes}) {
1419 if ({'#element'=>1, '#fragment'=>1, '#document'=>1}->{$_->node_type}) {
1420 my $r = __FUNCPACK__->get_element_by_id ($_, $id);
1421 return $r if $r;
1422 }
1423 }
1425 Function:
1426 @Name: text_to_xml
1427 @Description:
1428 @@@:
1429 Converting SuikaWiki/0.9 text format to XML representation
1430 @@lang: en
1431 @Main:
1432 my (undef, $source, $opt) = @_;
1433 $source =~ s/\x0D\x0A/\x0A/g;
1434 $source =~ tr/\x0D/\x0A/;
1435 $source .= "\x0A";
1436 my $root = $opt->{-parent}
1437 ->append_new_node (type => '#element',
1438 namespace_uri => $NS_SW09,
1439 local_name => 'document');
1440 my $head = $root->append_new_node (type => '#element',
1441 namespace_uri => $NS_XHTML2,
1442 local_name => 'head');
1443 $root->append_text ("\x0A");
1444 my $body = $root->append_new_node (type => '#element',
1445 namespace_uri => $NS_XHTML2,
1446 local_name => 'body');
1447 $root->append_text ("\x0A");
1449 if ($source =~ s#^\#\?(SuikaWiki(?:Image)?)/0\.9\b((?>.*))\s*##) {
1450 my $type = $1;
1451 my $param = $2;
1452 $root->set_attribute (Name => $type, namespace_uri => $NS_SW09);
1453 $root->set_attribute (Version => '0.9', namespace_uri => $NS_SW09);
1454 while ($param =~ /\G\s+([a-z-]+)="((?>[^"\\]*)(?>(?>[^"\\]+|\\.)*))"/g) {
1455 my ($name, $value) = ($1, $2);
1456 $value =~ s/\\(.)/$1/g;
1457 for ($head->append_new_node (type => '#element',
1458 namespace_uri => $NS_SW09,
1459 local_name => 'parameter')) {
1460 $_->set_attribute (name => $name);
1461 for my $value (split /,/, $value) {
1462 $_->append_new_node (type => '#element',
1463 namespace_uri => $NS_SW09,
1464 local_name => 'value')
1465 ->append_text ($value);
1466 }
1467 }
1468 $head->append_text ("\x0A");
1469 }
1471 if ($type eq 'SuikaWikiImage') {
1472 $source =~ s/\x0A__IMAGE__\x0A(.*)$//s;
1473 if (my $image = $1) {
1474 $image =~ s/^\s+//;
1475 $image =~ s/\s+$//;
1476 $root->append_new_node
1477 (type => '#element',
1478 namespace_uri => $NS_SW09,
1479 local_name => 'image')
1480 ->append_text ($image);
1481 $root->append_text ("\x0A");
1482 }
1483 }
1484 } else {
1485 #$root->set_attribute (Name => 'SuikaWiki', namespace_uri => $NS_SW09);
1486 #$root->set_attribute (Version => '0.9', namespace_uri => $NS_SW09);
1487 }
1489 __FUNCPACK__->block_text_to_xml (\$source => $body, opt => $opt);
1491 Function:
1492 @Name:block_text_to_xml
1493 @Description:
1494 @@@:
1495 SuikaWiki/0.9 text format to XML representation convertion - block
1496 level elements
1497 @@lang:en
1498 @Main:
1499 my (undef, $source, $current, %opt) = @_;
1500 my %depth = %{$opt{depth} || {}};
1501 my $back_to_section = sub {
1502 my $cur_type = $current->local_name;
1503 while (not (
1504 $cur_type eq 'section'
1505 or $cur_type eq 'body'
1506 or $cur_type eq 'bodytext'
1507 or $cur_type eq 'insert'
1508 or $cur_type eq 'delete'
1509 )
1510 ) {
1511 $current = $current->parent_node;
1512 $cur_type = $current->local_name;
1513 }
1514 delete $depth{list};
1515 };
1516 my $back_to_real_section = sub {
1517 my $cur_type = $current->local_name;
1518 while (not (
1519 $cur_type eq 'section'
1520 or $cur_type eq 'body'
1521 or $cur_type eq 'insert'
1522 or $cur_type eq 'delete'
1523 )
1524 ) {
1525 $current = $current->parent_node;
1526 $cur_type = $current->local_name;
1527 }
1528 delete $depth{bq};
1529 delete $depth{list};
1530 };
1531 while ($$source =~ /\G([^\x0A]*)\x0A/gc) {
1532 my $line = $1;
1533 if ($line eq '') {
1534 $back_to_real_section->();
1535 } elsif ($line =~ s/^([-=]+)\s*//) {
1536 my $list_type = substr ($1, -1) eq '-' ? 'ul' : 'ol';
1537 my $depth = length $1;
1538 my $parent_type = $current->parent_node->local_name;
1539 ## Parent node is list element
1540 if ($parent_type eq 'ul' or $parent_type eq 'ol') {
1541 if ($depth{list} == $depth) {
1542 if ($parent_type eq $list_type) {
1543 $current = $current->parent_node;
1544 } else {
1545 $current = $current->parent_node
1546 ->parent_node
1547 ->append_new_node
1548 (type => '#element',
1549 namespace_uri => $NS_XHTML2,
1550 local_name => $list_type);
1551 }
1552 } elsif ($depth < $depth{list}) {
1553 for ($depth+1..$depth{list}) {
1554 $current = $current->parent_node->parent_node;
1555 }
1556 $current = $current->parent_node;
1557 if ($current->local_name ne $list_type) {
1558 $current = $current->parent_node
1559 ->append_new_node
1560 (type => '#element',
1561 namespace_uri => $NS_XHTML2,
1562 local_name => $list_type);
1563 }
1564 $depth{list} = $depth;
1565 } else { # $depth{list} < $depth
1566 $current = $current->append_new_node
1567 (type => '#element',
1568 namespace_uri => $NS_XHTML2,
1569 local_name => $list_type);
1570 $depth{list}++;
1571 }
1572 ## Parent node is non-list element
1573 } else {
1574 $current = $current->append_new_node (type => '#element',
1575 namespace_uri => $NS_XHTML2,
1576 local_name => $list_type);
1577 $depth{list} = 1;
1578 }
1579 $current->append_text ("\x0A".(" " x $depth{list}));
1580 $current = $current->append_new_node (type => '#element',
1581 namespace_uri => $NS_XHTML2,
1582 local_name => 'li');
1583 __FUNCPACK__->inline_text_to_xml (\$line => $current, %opt);
1584 } elsif ($line =~ s/^(\*+)\s*//) {
1585 my $depth = length $1;
1586 $back_to_real_section->();
1587 if ($depth <= $depth{section}) {
1588 for ($depth..$depth{section}) {
1589 $back_to_real_section->();
1590 $current = $current->parent_node;
1591 }
1592 $depth{section} = $depth;
1593 } else { # $depth{section} < $depth
1594 for ($depth{section}+2..$depth) {
1595 $current = $current->append_new_node
1596 (type => '#element',
1597 namespace_uri => $NS_XHTML2,
1598 local_name => 'section');
1599 }
1600 $depth{section} = $depth;
1601 }
1602 $current = $current->append_new_node
1603 (type => '#element',
1604 namespace_uri => $NS_XHTML2,
1605 local_name => 'section');
1606 __FUNCPACK__->inline_text_to_xml (\$line =>
1607 $current->append_new_node (type => '#element',
1608 namespace_uri => $NS_XHTML2,
1609 local_name => 'h'), %opt,
1610 );
1611 } elsif ($line =~ s/^(?!>>[0-9])(>+)\s*//) {
1612 my $depth = length $1;
1613 if ($depth <= $depth{bq}) {
1614 for ($depth+1..$depth{bq}) {
1615 $back_to_section->();
1616 $current = $current->parent_node->parent_node;
1617 }
1618 $back_to_section->();
1619 $current->append_text ("\x0A");
1620 $depth{bq} = $depth;
1621 } else { # $depth{bq} < $depth
1622 $back_to_section->();
1623 for ($depth{bq}+1..$depth) {
1624 $current = $current->append_new_node
1625 (type => '#element',
1626 namespace_uri => $NS_XHTML2,
1627 local_name => 'blockquote')
1628 ->append_new_node
1629 (type => '#element',
1630 namespace_uri => $NS_HTML3,
1631 local_name => 'bodytext');
1632 $current->append_text ("\x0A");
1633 }
1634 $depth{bq} = $depth;
1635 }
1636 if (length $line) {
1637 if ($line =~ s/^\@\@\s*//) {
1638 $current = $current->append_new_node
1639 (type => '#element',
1640 namespace_uri => $NS_SW010,
1641 local_name => 'ed');
1642 } elsif ($line =~ s/^;;\s*//) {
1643 $current = $current->append_new_node
1644 (type => '#element',
1645 namespace_uri => $NS_SW010,
1646 local_name => 'comment-p');
1647 } else {
1648 $current = $current->append_new_node
1649 (type => '#element',
1650 namespace_uri => $NS_XHTML2,
1651 local_name => 'p');
1652 }
1653 __FUNCPACK__->inline_text_to_xml (\$line => $current, %opt);
1654 }
1655 } elsif ($line =~ s/^(?>:\s*)([^:]+?)\s*:\s*//) {
1656 my $parent_type = $current->local_name;
1657 if ($parent_type eq 'dd') {
1658 $current = $current->parent_node->parent_node;
1659 $current->append_text ("\x0A");
1660 } else { #if ($parent_type ne 'dl') {
1661 $current = $current->append_new_node (type => '#element',
1662 namespace_uri => $NS_XHTML2,
1663 local_name => 'dl');
1664 }
1665 $current = $current->append_new_node
1666 (type => '#element',
1667 namespace_uri => $NS_SW09,
1668 local_name => 'dr');
1669 __FUNCPACK__->inline_text_to_xml (\"$1" =>
1670 $current->append_new_node (type => '#element',
1671 namespace_uri => $NS_XHTML2,
1672 local_name => 'dt'), %opt,
1673 );
1674 $current->append_text ("\x0A");
1675 $current = $current->append_new_node (type => '#element',
1676 namespace_uri => $NS_XHTML2,
1677 local_name => 'dd');
1678 __FUNCPACK__->inline_text_to_xml (\$line => $current, %opt);
1679 } elsif ($line =~ /^\[(INS|DEL)(?>(\([^()\\]*\))?)\[\s*$/) {
1680 $current->append_text ("\x0A");
1681 my $mod = $current->append_new_node
1682 (type => '#element',
1683 namespace_uri => $NS_SW09,
1684 local_name => {qw/INS insert DEL delete/}->{$1});
1685 $mod->set_attribute (class => $2) if $2;
1686 __FUNCPACK__->block_text_to_xml ($source => $mod, %opt,
1687 'return_by_'.$1 => 1,
1688 depth => \%depth);
1689 } elsif ($line =~ /^\](INS|DEL)\]\s*$/) {
1690 if ($opt{'return_by_'.$1}) {
1691 return;
1692 } else {
1693 ## TODO: warn
1694 }
1695 } elsif ($line =~ /^\[PRE(?>(?>\(((?>[^()\\]*)(?>(?>[^()\\]+|\\.)*))\))?)\[\s*$/) {
1696 $current->append_text ("\x0A");
1697 my $pre = $current->append_new_node (type => '#element',
1698 namespace_uri => $NS_XHTML1,
1699 local_name => 'pre');
1700 $pre->set_attribute (class => $1) if $1;
1701 $pre->set_attribute (space => 'preserve', namespace_uri => NS_xml_URI);
1702 my $f = 1;
1703 while ($$source =~ /\G([^\x0A]*)\x0A/gc) {
1704 my $line = $1;
1705 if ($line =~ /^\]PRE\]\s*$/) {
1706 undef $pre;
1707 last;
1708 } else {
1709 $f ? undef $f : $pre->append_text ("\x0A");
1710 __FUNCPACK__->inline_text_to_xml (\$line => $pre, %opt);
1711 }
1712 }
1713 if (ref $pre) {
1714 # warn unmatched start-tag
1715 }
1716 } elsif ($line =~ /^\s/) {
1717 $current->append_text ("\x0A");
1718 my $pre = $current->append_new_node (type => '#element',
1719 namespace_uri => $NS_XHTML1,
1720 local_name => 'pre');
1721 $pre->set_attribute (space => 'preserve', namespace_uri => NS_xml_URI);
1722 __FUNCPACK__->inline_text_to_xml (\$line => $pre, %opt);
1723 while ($$source =~ /\G([^\x0A]*)\x0A/gc) {
1724 my $line = $1;
1725 if (length $line == 0) {
1726 pos ($$source) -= 1;
1727 last;
1728 } elsif ($opt{return_by_INS} and $line =~ /^\]INS\]\s*$/) {
1729 return;
1730 } elsif ($opt{return_by_DEL} and $line =~ /^\]DEL\]\s*$/) {
1731 return;
1732 } else {
1733 $pre->append_text ("\x0A");
1734 __FUNCPACK__->inline_text_to_xml (\$line => $pre, %opt);
1735 }
1736 }
1737 } elsif ($line =~ /^,/) {
1738 $current->append_text ("\x0A");
1739 my $tbody = $current->append_new_node (type => '#element',
1740 namespace_uri => $NS_XHTML2,
1741 local_name => 'table')
1742 ->append_new_node (type => '#element',
1743 namespace_uri => $NS_XHTML2,
1744 local_name => 'tbody');
1745 __FUNCPACK__->tablerow_text_to_xml (\$line => $tbody, %opt);
1746 while ($$source =~ /\G(,[^\x0A]*)\x0A/gc) {
1747 __FUNCPACK__->tablerow_text_to_xml (\"$1" => $tbody, %opt);
1748 }
1749 } else {
1750 my $current_type = $current->local_name;
1751 if ($current_type eq 'section'
1752 or $current_type eq 'body'
1753 or $current_type eq 'bodytext'
1754 or $current_type eq 'insert'
1755 or $current_type eq 'delete') {
1756 $current->append_text ("\x0A");
1757 if ($line =~ s/^__&&([^&]+)&&__//) {
1758 $current->append_new_node (type => '#element',
1759 namespace_uri => $NS_SW09,
1760 local_name => 'replace')
1761 ->set_attribute (by => $1);
1762 } elsif ($line =~ s/^\[\[$Reg_Form_Content_M\]\]//o) {
1763 for ($current->append_new_node (type => '#element',
1764 namespace_uri => $NS_SW09,
1765 local_name => 'form')) {
1766 $_->set_attribute (id => $1) if $1;
1767 my ($i, $t, $o) = ($2, $3 || '', $4 || '');
1768 s/\\(.)/$1/g for ($i, $t, $o);
1769 $_->set_attribute (input => $i);
1770 $_->set_attribute (template => $t);
1771 $_->set_attribute (option => $o);
1772 }
1773 } elsif ($line =~ s/^\[\[$Reg_Embed_Content_M\]\]//o) {
1774 for ($current->append_new_node (type => '#element',
1775 namespace_uri => $NS_SW09,
1776 local_name => 'form')) {
1777 $_->set_attribute (ref => $1);
1778 $_->set_attribute (id => $2) if $2;
1779 $_->set_attribute (parameter => $3) if defined $3;
1780 }
1781 }
1782 if (length $line) {
1783 if ($line =~ s/^\@\@\s*//) {
1784 $current = $current->append_new_node
1785 (type => '#element',
1786 namespace_uri => $NS_SW010,
1787 local_name => 'ed');
1788 } elsif ($line =~ s/^;;\s*//) {
1789 $current = $current->append_new_node
1790 (type => '#element',
1791 namespace_uri => $NS_SW010,
1792 local_name => 'comment-p');
1793 } else {
1794 $current = $current->append_new_node
1795 (type => '#element',
1796 namespace_uri => $NS_XHTML2,
1797 local_name => 'p');
1798 }
1799 __FUNCPACK__->inline_text_to_xml (\$line => $current, %opt);
1800 }
1801 } else {
1802 $current->append_text ("\x0A"); # replacement of prev.line's \n
1803 __FUNCPACK__->inline_text_to_xml (\$line => $current, %opt);
1804 }
1805 }
1806 }
1808 if ($opt{return_by_INS} or $opt{return_by_DEL}) {
1809 # warn
1810 }
1812 Function:
1813 @Name: tablerow_text_to_xml
1814 @Description:
1815 @@@:
1816 SuikaWiki/0.9 text format to XML representation - table row
1817 @@lang:en
1818 @Main:
1819 my (undef, $source => $current, %opt) = @_;
1820 $current->append_text ("\x0A");
1821 $current = $current->append_new_node (type => '#element',
1822 namespace_uri => $NS_XHTML2,
1823 local_name => 'tr');
1824 my $prev_cell;
1825 while ($$source =~ /\G,\s*/gc) {
1826 $$source =~ /\G([^,"][^,]*|"(?>[^"\\]*)(?>(?>[^"\\]+|\\.)*)"\s*)/gc;
1827 my $cell = $1;
1828 if ($cell =~ s/^"//) {
1829 $cell =~ s/"\s*$//g;
1830 $cell =~ s/\\(.)/$1/g;
1831 } else {
1832 $cell =~ s/\s+$//g;
1833 if ($cell eq '==') {
1834 if (ref $prev_cell) {
1835 $prev_cell->set_attribute (colspan =>
1836 $prev_cell->get_attribute_value ('colspan', default => 1)
1837 + 1);
1838 next;
1839 } else {
1840 # TODO: warn
1841 }
1842 }
1843 }
1844 $prev_cell = $current->append_new_node
1845 (type => '#element',
1846 namespace_uri => $NS_XHTML2,
1847 local_name => 'td');
1848 __FUNCPACK__->inline_text_to_xml (\$cell => $prev_cell, %opt);
1849 }
1850 # TODO: warn
1852 Function:
1853 @Name: inline_text_to_xml
1854 @Description:
1855 @@@:
1856 SuikaWiki/0.9 text format to XML representation - inline level elements
1857 @@lang:en
1858 @Main:
1859 my (undef, $source => $current, %opt) = @_;
1861 my $ElementDef = {
1862 ABBR => {ln => 'abbr', ns_uri => $NS_XHTML2},
1863 CODE => {ln => 'code', ns_uri => $NS_XHTML2},
1864 DEL => {ln => 'del', ns_uri => $NS_XHTML1},
1865 DFN => {ln => 'dfn', ns_uri => $NS_XHTML2},
1866 INS => {ln => 'ins', ns_uri => $NS_XHTML1},
1867 KBD => {ln => 'kbd', ns_uri => $NS_XHTML2},
1868 Q => {ln => 'q', ns_uri => $NS_XHTML1},
1869 RUBY => {ln => 'ruby', ns_uri => $NS_XHTML2},
1870 RUBYB => {ln => 'rubyb', ns_uri => $NS_SW09},
1871 SAMP => {ln => 'samp', ns_uri => $NS_XHTML2},
1872 SUB => {ln => 'sub', ns_uri => $NS_XHTML2},
1873 SUP => {ln => 'sup', ns_uri => $NS_XHTML2},
1874 VAR => {ln => 'var', ns_uri => $NS_XHTML2},
1875 WEAK => {ln => 'weak', ns_uri => $NS_SW09},
1876 AA => {ln => 'aa', ns_uri => $NS_AA}, ## SuikaWiki/0.10
1877 CITE => {ln => 'cite', ns_uri => $NS_XHTML2}, ## SuikaWiki/0.10
1878 CSECTION => {ln => 'csection', ns_uri => $NS_SW010}, ## SuikaWiki/0.10
1879 KEY => {ln => 'key', ns_uri => $NS_SW010}, ## SuikaWiki/0.10
1880 QN => {ln => 'qn', ns_uri => $NS_SW010}, ## SuikaWiki/0.10
1881 SPAN => {ln => 'span', ns_uri => $NS_XHTML2}, ## SuikaWiki/0.10
1882 SRC => {ln => 'src', ns_uri => $NS_SW010}, ## SuikaWiki/0.10
1883 anchor => {ln => 'anchor', ns_uri => $NS_SW09, has_fragment_no => 1},
1884 del => {has_cite => 1},
1885 ins => {has_cite => 1},
1886 nsuri => {ln => 'nsuri', ns_uri => $NS_SW010, is_nested => 1},
1887 ## SuikaWiki/0.10
1888 q => {has_cite => 1},
1889 qname => {ln => 'qname', ns_uri => $NS_SW010, is_nested => 1},
1890 ## SuikaWiki/0.10
1891 rb => {ln => 'rb', ns_uri => $NS_XHTML2, is_nested => 1},
1892 rt => {ln => 'rt', ns_uri => $NS_XHTML2, is_nested => 1},
1893 };
1895 if ($$source =~ /\G\[([0-9]+)\]/gc) {
1896 for ($current->append_new_node (type => '#element',
1897 namespace_uri => $NS_SW09,
1898 local_name => 'anchor-end')) {
1899 $_->set_attribute (anchor => 0+$1,
1900 namespace_uri => $NS_SW09);
1901 $_->append_text ('['.$1.']');
1902 }
1903 }
1904 my $depth = 0;
1905 while (pos $$source < length $$source) {
1906 if ($$source =~ /\G\[\[(?=\#)/gc) {
1907 my $form = $current->append_new_node (type => '#element',
1908 namespace_uri => $NS_SW09,
1909 local_name => 'form');
1910 if ($$source =~ /\G$Reg_Form_Content_M\]\]/ogc) {
1911 $form->set_attribute (id => $1) if $1;
1912 my ($i, $t, $o) = ($2, $3, $4);
1913 s/\\(.)/$1/g for ($i, $t, $o);
1914 $form->set_attribute (input => $i);
1915 $form->set_attribute (template => $t);
1916 $form->set_attribute (option => $o);
1917 } elsif ($$source =~ /\G$Reg_Embed_Content_M\]\]/ogc) {
1918 $form->set_attribute (ref => $1);
1919 $form->set_attribute (id => $2) if $2;
1920 $form->set_attribute (parameter => $3) if defined $3;
1921 } else {
1922 ## TODO: error
1923 SuikaWiki::Plugin->module_package('Error')->report_error_simple ($opt{opt}->{o}->{wiki}, InvalidForm => substr ($$source, pos ($$source)));
1924 }
1925 } elsif ($$source =~ /\G\[(?>([A-Z]+)(?>\(((?>[^()\\]*)(?>(?>[^()\\]+|\\.)*))\))?)?(?:\@([A-Za-z0-9-]+))?\[/gc) {
1926 my $type = $1 || 'anchor';
1927 my $param = $2;
1928 my $lang = $3;
1929 my $def = $ElementDef->{ $type };
1930 unless ($def) {
1931 ## TODO: error
1932 $def = $ElementDef->{CODE};
1933 }
1934 $current = $current->append_new_node (type => '#element',
1935 namespace_uri => $def->{ns_uri},
1936 local_name => $def->{ln});
1937 $current->set_attribute (class => $param) if $param;
1938 $current->set_attribute (lang => $lang, namespace_uri => NS_xml_URI)
1939 if defined $lang;
1940 if ($type eq 'RUBY' or $type eq 'RUBYB'
1941 or $type eq 'ABBR') {
1942 $current = $current->append_new_node
1943 (type => '#element',
1944 namespace_uri => $ElementDef->{rb}->{ns_uri},
1945 local_name => $ElementDef->{rb}->{ln});
1946 } elsif ($type eq 'QN') {
1947 $current = $current->append_new_node
1948 (type => '#element',
1949 namespace_uri => $ElementDef->{qname}->{ns_uri},
1950 local_name => $ElementDef->{qname}->{ln});
1951 }
1952 $depth++;
1953 } elsif ($$source =~ /\G\](?> <([0-9A-Za-z_+.%-]+):($Reg_URI_Opaque)>
1954 \ | >>([0-9]+) )?
1955 \ \]/gcox) {
1956 my ($scheme, $opaque, $anchor) = ($1, $2, $3);
1957 unless ($depth) {
1958 $current->append_text (substr ($$source, $-[0], $+[0]-$-[0]));
1959 next;
1960 }
1961 my $def = $ElementDef->{$current->local_name} || {};
1962 if (defined $anchor) {
1963 $current->set_attribute (anchor => $anchor + 0,
1964 namespace_uri => $NS_SW09);
1965 } elsif (defined $scheme) {
1966 if ($scheme =~ /[A-Z]/) {
1967 $current->set_attribute (resScheme => $scheme,
1968 namespace_uri => $NS_SW09);
1969 $current->set_attribute (resParameter => $opaque,
1970 namespace_uri => $NS_SW09);
1971 } else {
1972 $current->set_attribute (resScheme => 'URI',
1973 namespace_uri => $NS_SW09);
1974 $current->set_attribute (resParameter => "$scheme:$opaque",
1975 namespace_uri => $NS_SW09);
1976 }
1977 }
1978 $current = $current->parent_node;
1979 $current = $current->parent_node if $def->{is_nested};
1980 $depth--;
1981 } elsif ($$source =~ /\G\]\s*(?:\@([A-Za-z0-9-]+))?\[/gc) {
1982 my $lang = $1;
1983 if ($current->local_name eq 'rb' or $current->local_name eq 'rt') {
1984 $current = $current->parent_node
1985 ->append_new_node
1986 (type => '#element',
1987 namespace_uri => $ElementDef->{rt}->{ns_uri},
1988 local_name => $ElementDef->{rt}->{ln});
1989 $current->set_attribute (lang => $lang, namespace_uri => NS_xml_URI)
1990 if defined $lang;
1991 } elsif ($current->local_name eq 'qname') {
1992 $current = $current->parent_node
1993 ->append_new_node
1994 (type => '#element',
1995 namespace_uri => $ElementDef->{nsuri}->{ns_uri},
1996 local_name => $ElementDef->{nsuri}->{ln});
1997 $current->set_attribute (lang => $lang, namespace_uri => NS_xml_URI)
1998 if defined $lang;
1999 } else {
2000 $current->append_text (substr ($$source, $-[0], $+[0]-$-[0]-1));
2001 pos ($$source)--;
2002 }
2003 } elsif ($$source =~ /\G'''?/gc) {
2004 my $type = $+[0] - $-[0] == 3 ? 'strong' : 'em';
2005 if ($current->local_name eq $type) {
2006 $current = $current->parent_node;
2007 } else {
2008 $current = $current->append_new_node
2009 (type => '#element',
2010 namespace_uri => $NS_XHTML2,
2011 local_name => $type);
2012 }
2013 } elsif ($$source =~ /\G<([0-9A-Za-z_+.%-]+):($Reg_URI_Opaque)>/gco) {
2014 my ($scheme, $data) = ($1, $2);
2015 my $link = $current->append_new_node
2016 (type => '#element',
2017 namespace_uri => $NS_SW09,
2018 local_name => 'anchor-external');
2019 if (substr ($scheme, 0, 1) =~ /[A-Z]/) {
2020 $link->set_attribute (resScheme => $scheme,
2021 namespace_uri => $NS_SW09);
2022 $link->set_attribute (resParameter => $data,
2023 namespace_uri => $NS_SW09);
2024 } else { # URI Reference
2025 $link->set_attribute (resScheme => 'URI',
2026 namespace_uri => $NS_SW09);
2027 $link->set_attribute (resParameter => $scheme.':'.$data,
2028 namespace_uri => $NS_SW09);
2029 }
2030 $link->append_text ($scheme.':'.$data);
2031 } elsif ($$source =~ /\G__&&/gc) {
2032 if ($$source =~ /\G([^&]+)&&__/gc) {
2033 $current->append_new_node
2034 (type => '#element',
2035 namespace_uri => $NS_SW09,
2036 local_name => 'replace')
2037 ->set_attribute (by => $1);
2038 } else {
2039 $current->append_text ('__&&');
2040 }
2041 } elsif ($$source =~ /\G((?>
2042 [^'\[\]<>_]+
2043 | ' (?!')
2044 | \[ (?!\[|[A-Z]+(?>\([^()\\]*
2045 (?>[^()\\]+|\\.)*\))?
2046 (?>\@[A-Za-z0-9-]+)?\[)
2047 | \] (?! \]
2048 | >>[0-9]+\]
2049 | <[0-9A-Za-z_+.%-]+:$Reg_URI_Opaque>\]
2050 | \s*(?:\@[A-Za-z0-9-]+)?\[ )
2051 | < (?![0-9A-Za-z_+.%-]+:$Reg_URI_Opaque>)
2052 | > (?!>[0-9])
2053 | _ (?!_&&)
2054 )+)/oxgc) {
2055 $current->append_text ($1);
2056 } elsif ($$source =~ /\G>>([0-9]+)/gc) {
2057 for ($current->append_new_node (type => '#element',
2058 namespace_uri => $NS_SW09,
2059 local_name => 'anchor-internal')) {
2060 $_->set_attribute (anchor => 0+$1,
2061 namespace_uri => $NS_SW09);
2062 $_->append_text ('>>'.$1);
2063 }
2064 } else {
2065 CORE::die "Implementation buggy: ", substr ($$source, pos $$source);
2066 }
2067 }
2069 FormattingRule:
2070 @Category[list]:
2071 page-link
2072 link-to-resource
2073 @Name: sw09--link-anchor-content
2074 @Description:
2075 @@@:
2076 Output content of the anchor element
2077 @@lang:en
2078 @Formatting:
2079 if ($o->{var}->{sw09__anchor_content}) {
2080 $o->{var}->{sw09__anchor_content}->($p->{-parent});
2081 } else {
2082 $WIKIRESOURCE->append_tree
2083 (name => 'Link:SuikaWiki/0.9:link-anchor-content:InvalidContext',
2084 param => $o,
2085 -parent => $p->{-parent},
2086 wiki => $o->{wiki});
2087 }
2089 Resource:
2090 @Link:SuikaWiki/0.9:link-anchor-content:InvalidContext:
2091 @@@: %percent;sw09--link-anchor-content; cannot be used in this context.
2092 @@lang:en
2093 @Link:SuikaWiki/0.9:toResource:SourceLabel:
2094 @@@:
2095 %select_link_resource_scheme (
2096 URI => {<%link-to-it(
2097 label=>{%link-resource-parameters;}p,
2098 );>},
2099 IW => {%iw--source-label (default => {<%link-to-it (
2100 label => {%link-resource-scheme;:%link-resource-parameters;}p,
2101 );});},
2102 MAIL => {<%link-to-it(
2103 label => {%link-resource-parameters;}p,
2104 description
2105 => {%res (name=>{Link:MailAddress=});<%link-resource-parameters;>}p,
2106 );>},
2107 otherwise => {<%link-to-it(
2108 label => {%sw09--link-anchor-content;}p,
2109 description => {%res (name=>{Link:URIReference=});<%uri-reference;>}p,
2110 );>},
2111 );
2112 @@lang:en
2113 @Link:SuikaWiki/0.9:toWikiPage:SourceLabel:
2114 @@@:
2115 %link-to-it(
2116 label=>{%sw09--link-anchor-content;%if-linked-wikipage-exist(
2117 true=>{%if-link-has-dest-anchor-no(true=>{>>%link-dest-anchor-no;});},
2118 false=>{%res(name=>{Link:toWikiPage:NotExist:Mark});}
2119 );}p,
2120 description=>{%page-name(absolute);; %if-linked-wikipage-exist(
2121 true=>{%page-headline;},
2122 false=>{(%res(name=>{Link:toWikiPage:NotExist:Description});)},
2123 );}p,
2124 class=>{%if-linked-wikipage-exist(false=>{not-exist});}p,
2125 );
2126 @SuikaWiki/0.9:form:comment:input:
2127 %line (content => {%textarea (id=>msg,size=>20,lines=>3);}p);
2128 %line (content => {
2129 (%text (description => {%res (name => {Form:Description:HumanName});}p,
2130 id => name, size => 6);
2131 [%text (description =>
2132 {%res (name => {Form:Description:MailAddress});}p,
2133 id => mail, size => 5);]
2134 %check (default, id => record-date,
2135 label => {%res (name => {Form:Label:LogDate});}p,
2136 description => {%res (name => {Form:Description:LogDate});}p);)
2137 %submit (label => {%res (name => {Form:Label:Add});}p,
2138 description => {%res (name => {Form:Description:Add});}p);
2139 %we--update-lastmodified-datetime;
2140 }p);
2141 @SuikaWiki/0.9:form:comment:template:
2142 %n
2143 ;[%index;]%n
2144 ;%text(source=>msg);%n;(%name;%text(source=>mail,prefix=>" [",suffix=>"]");%iif(source=>record-date,true=>" [WEAK[%date;]]");)%n;
2145 @SuikaWiki/0.9:form:comment:option:
2146 %require (msg);
2147 @SuikaWiki/0.9:form:footannotate:input:
2148 %line (content => {%textarea (id=>msg,size=>20,lines=>3);}p);
2149 %line (content => {
2150 (%text (description => {%res (name => {Form:Description:HumanName});}p,
2151 id => name, size => 6);
2152 [%text (description =>
2153 {%res (name => {Form:Description:MailAddress});}p,
2154 id => mail, size => 5);]
2155 %check (default, id => record-date,
2156 label => {%res (name => {Form:Label:LogDate});}p,
2157 description => {%res (name => {Form:Description:LogDate});}p);)
2158 %submit (label => {%res (name => {Form:Label:Add});}p,
2159 description => {%res (name => {Form:Description:Add});}p);
2160 %we--update-lastmodified-datetime;
2161 }p);
2162 @SuikaWiki/0.9:form:footannotate:template:
2163 %n
2164 ;[%index;]%n
2165 ;%text(source=>msg);%n
2166 ;(%name;%text(source=>mail,prefix=>" [",suffix=>"]");%iif(source=>record-date,true=>" [WEAK[%date;]]");)%n;
2167 @SuikaWiki/0.9:form:footannotate:option:
2168 %require (msg);
2169 @WikiFormat:MediaType:Description:IMT:text/x-suikawiki;version="0.9"##:
2170 @@@: SuikaWiki/0.9 (text format), as used in SuikaWiki 2
2171 @@lang: en
2172 @WikiFormat:MediaType:Description:IMT:text/x-suikawiki;version="0.10"##:
2173 @@@: SuikaWiki/0.10 (text format)
2174 @@lang: en
2175 @WikiFormat:MediaType:Label:IMT:text/x-suikawiki;version="0.9"##:
2176 @@@: SuikaWiki/0.9 (text)
2177 @@lang: en
2178 @WikiFormat:MediaType:Label:IMT:text/x-suikawiki;version="0.10"##:
2179 @@@: SuikaWiki/0.10 (text)
2180 @@lang: en
2181 @WikiFormat:MediaType:Description:MAGIC:SuikaWiki/0.9##:
2182 @@@: SuikaWiki/0.9 (text format), as used in SuikaWiki 2
2183 @@lang: en
2184 @WikiFormat:MediaType:Description:MAGIC:SuikaWiki/0.10##:
2185 @@@: SuikaWiki/0.10 (text format)
2186 @@lang: en
2187 @WikiFormat:MediaType:Label:MAGIC:SuikaWiki/0.9##:
2188 @@@: SuikaWiki/0.9 (text format)
2189 @@lang: en
2190 @WikiFormat:MediaType:Label:MAGIC:SuikaWiki/0.10##:
2191 @@@: SuikaWiki/0.10 (text)
2192 @@lang: en
2195 Error:
2196 @Name: text_parse
2197 @Definition:
2199 @@@description:
2200 Close tag of element "%t (name => element_type);" not found.
2201 @@@level: non-fatal
2203 @@@description:
2204 Close tag of element "%t (name => element_type);" not found.
2205 @@@level: non-fatal
2207 @@@description:
2208 Invalid syntax of WikiForm
2209 @@@level: non-fatal
2211 Error:
2212 @Name: xml_to_text
2213 @IsA[list]:
2214 ::SuikaWiki::Format::
2215 @Definition:
2216 @@

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