# -*- perl -*- use strict; package main; our $VERSION = '2.'.do{my @r=(q$Revision: 1.5 $=~/\d+/g);sprintf "%d."."%02d" x $#r,@r}; binmode STDOUT; binmode STDIN; use Fcntl; require Yuki::YukiWikiCache; require SuikaWiki::Name::Space; require SuikaWiki::View; require SuikaWiki::Plugin; our %fmt; ## formatter objects our %embed_command = ( form => qr/\[\[\#form(?:\(([A-Za-z0-9-]+)\))?:'((?:[^'\\]|\\.)*)':'((?:[^'\\]|\\.)*)'(?::'((?:[^'\\]|\\.)*)')?\]\]/, ); our ($modifier_dbtype,$url_cgi,%uri,%PathTo); our (%PageName,$kanjicode,$lang); my %form; our %database; our $database = bless {}, 'wiki::dummy'; our %interwiki; my %command_do = ( default => \&do_view, adminchangepassword => \&do_adminchangepassword, write => \&do_write, searchform => \&do_searchform, comment => \&do_comment, RandomJump => \&do_random_jump, wikiform => \&do_wikiform, ); our $UA = ''; ## User agent name $| = 1; my $HAS_XML = SuikaWiki::Plugin->feature ('SuikaWiki::Markup::XML'); my $NS_XHTML1 = 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml'; sub main { $UA = $main::ENV{HTTP_USER_AGENT}; &open_db; &init_form; if ($command_do{$form{mycmd}}) { &{$command_do{$form{mycmd}}}; } else { &{$command_do{default}}; } &close_db; } sub do_view { my $content = $database{$form{mypage}}; my $lm = $database->mtime ($form{mypage}); wiki::referer::add ($form{mypage}, $ENV{HTTP_REFERER}); wiki::useragent::add ($ENV{HTTP_USER_AGENT}); &load_formatter ('view'); my $view = $form{mycmd}; if ($view eq 'edit') { $view = 'adminedit' if $form{admin}; } elsif ($view =~ /[^0-9A-Za-z_]/) { $view = 'default' } if ($view eq 'default' || !$view) { ## BUG: this code is not strict if ($main::ENV{HTTP_COOKIE} =~ /SelectedMode=([0-9A-Za-z]+)/) { $view = $1; } else { $view = 'read'; } } my ($magic, $content) = &SuikaWiki::Plugin::magic_and_content (undef, $content); $magic ||= '#?SuikaWiki/0.9'; my $o = bless {param => \%form, page => $form{mypage}, toc => [], magic => $magic, content => $content, formatter => $fmt{view}, &_compatible_options ()}, 'SuikaWiki::Plugin'; my $view_def = SuikaWiki::View->definition ($view); if (!$view_def->check ($o)) { print "Status: 406 Unsupported Media Type\n"; $view = '-UnsupportedMediaType'; $view_def = SuikaWiki::View->definition ($view); } my $media = $view_def->properties->{media}; if ($view_def->properties->{xmedia} && $UA =~ /Gecko/) { $media = $view_def->properties->{xmedia}; $o->{media} = $media; } elsif ($UA =~ m#Mozilla/0\..+Windows#) { $kanjicode = 'shift_jis'; } if ($magic =~ m!^\#\?SuikaWiki/0.9!) { &print_header ($form{mypage}, -last_modified => ($magic =~ /interactive="yes"/ ? time : $lm), -expires => ($magic =~ /interactive="yes"/ ? 1 : undef), o => $o, -media => $media, -magic => $magic, content => $content); } else { &print_header($form{mypage}, -media => $media, -magic => $magic, -last_modified => $lm, o => $o); } if ($kanjicode ne 'euc') { my $s = $fmt{view}->replace ($view_def->as_string => $o, {formatter => $fmt{view}}); print &code_convert (\$s => $kanjicode); } else { print $fmt{view}->replace ($view_def->as_string => $o, {formatter => $fmt{view}}); } } sub _do_view_msg (%) { my %option = @_; &load_formatter ('view'); my $o = bless {param => \%form, page => $option{-page}, toc => [], condition => \%option, formatter => $fmt{view}, &_compatible_options ()}, 'SuikaWiki::Plugin'; my $view_def = SuikaWiki::View->definition ($option{-view}); unless ($view_def->check ($o)) { print "Status: 406 Unsupported Media Type\n"; $option{-view} = '-UnsupportedMediaType'; $view_def = SuikaWiki::View->definition ($option{-view}); } my $media = $view_def->properties->{media}; if ($view_def->properties->{xmedia} && $UA =~ /Gecko/) { $media = $view_def->properties->{xmedia}; $o->{media} = $media; } &print_header($option{-page}, -media => $media, o => $o, -goto => $option{-goto}); print $fmt{view}->replace ($view_def->as_string => $o, {formatter => $fmt{view}}); } sub do_adminchangepassword { if ($form{mynewpassword} ne $form{mynewpassword2}) { &_do_view_msg (-view => '-error', -page => $form{mypage}, error_message => &Resource ('Error:PasswordMismatch')); return; } my ($validpassword_crypt) = $database->meta (AdminPassword => $PageName{AdminSpecialPage}); if ($validpassword_crypt) { if (not &valid_password($form{myoldpassword})) { &_do_view_msg (-view => '-error', -page => $form{mypage}, error_message => &Resource ('Error:PasswordIsIncorrect')); return; } } my ($sec, $min, $hour, $day, $mon, $year, $weekday) = localtime(time); my (@token) = ('0'..'9', 'A'..'Z', 'a'..'z'); my $salt1 = $token[(time | $$) % scalar(@token)]; my $salt2 = $token[($sec + $min*60 + $hour*60*60) % scalar(@token)]; my $crypted = crypt($form{mynewpassword}, "$salt1$salt2"); $database->meta (AdminPassword => $PageName{AdminSpecialPage} => $crypted); &_do_view_msg (-view => '-wrote', -page => $form{mypage}); } sub valid_password ($) { my ($validpassword_crypt) = $database->meta (AdminPassword => $PageName{AdminSpecialPage}); return crypt (shift, $validpassword_crypt) eq $validpassword_crypt ? 1 : 0; } sub do_write { if (&frozen_reject()) { return; } if (not &is_editable($form{mypage})) { &_do_view_msg (-view => '-error', -page => $form{mypage}, error_message => &Resource ('Error:ThisPageIsUneditable')); return; } ## Check confliction if ($form{myLastModified} ne $database->mtime ($form{mypage})) { &_do_view_msg (-view => '-conflict', -page => $form{mypage}); return; } if ($form{mymsg}) { if ($form{mytouch} || !ref $database) { $database{$form{mypage}} = $form{mymsg}; } else { $database->STORE ($form{mypage} => $form{mymsg}, -touch => 0); } $database->meta (IsFrozen => $form{mypage} => 0 + $form{myfrozen}); my $fragment = ''; $fragment .= qq(;after_edit_cmd=@{[&encode($form{after_edit_cmd})]}) if $form{after_edit_cmd}; if ($form{__comment_anchor_index}) { $fragment .= qq(#anchor-$form{__comment_anchor_index}); } elsif ($form{__wikiform_anchor_index}) { $fragment .= qq(#wikiform-$form{__wikiform_anchor_index}); } &_do_view_msg (-view => '-wrote', -page => $form{mypage}, -goto => $url_cgi.'?mycmd='.&encode($form{after_edit_cmd}||'default').';mypage='.&encode($form{mypage}).qq(;x-param=@{[time.[0..9]->[rand 10]]}$fragment)); } else { delete $database{$form{mypage}}; &_do_view_msg (-view => '-deleted', -page => $form{mypage}); } } sub _compatible_options () { (use_anchor_name => ($UA =~ m#Mozilla/[12]\.|Microsoft Internet Explorer# ? 1 : 0)); } sub get_search_result ($;%) { my $word = lc shift; my $SearchResult = SuikaWiki::Plugin->cache ('search'); my %option = @_; my @r; unless (defined $SearchResult->{$word}) { for my $page (keys %database) { next if !$option{-match_myself} && ($page eq $word); my $content = lc $database{$page}; $content =~ s/^[^\x0A\x0D]+[\x0D\x0A]+//s; if (index (lc $page, $word) > -1) { my $c = $content =~ s/\Q$word\E//g; push @r, [$page, $c+20]; } elsif (index ($word, lc $page) > -1) { my $c = $content =~ s/\Q$word\E//g; push @r, [$page, $c+10]; } elsif (my $c = $content =~ s/\Q$word\E//g) { push @r, [$page, $c]; } } @r = sort {$b->[1] <=> $a->[1] || $a->[0] cmp $b->[0]} @r; $SearchResult->{$word} = join "\x1E", map {$_->[0]."\x1F".$_->[1]} @r; } else { @r = map {[split /\x1F/, $_, 2]} split /\x1E/, $SearchResult->{$word}; } #my $em = sub { my $s = shift; $s =~ s#(\Q$word\E)#$1#gi; $s }; my $r = join "\n", map {qq(
  • [$_->[1]] @{[&escape($_->[0])]} @{[&escape(&get_subjectline($_->[0]))]}
  • )} @r; $r = qq|| if $r; wantarray? ($r, scalar @r): $r; } sub do_random_jump { my @list = keys %database; my $name = &encode ($list[rand @list]); print "Location: $uri{wiki}?$name\n"; print "\n"; } sub print_header ($;%) { my ($page, %option) = @_; my @head; $option{o}->{-header}->{class} = &is_frozen($page) ? 'frozen' : ''; $option{o}->{-header}->{class} .= " wiki-page-obsoleted" if $option{-magic} =~ /obsoleted="yes"/; if ($option{-goto}) { if ($UA =~ m#Opera|MSIE 2\.#) { ## WARNING: This code may output unsafe HTML document if ## $option{-goto} is not clean. $option{-goto} =~ tr/;/&/ if $UA =~ m#Opera#; print qq{Refresh: 0; url=$option{-goto}\n}; push @head, qq(); } elsif ($UA =~ /Gecko/) { print qq{Refresh: 0; url="$option{-goto}"\n}; push @head, qq(); } else { $option{-goto} =~ tr/;/&/ if $UA =~ m#Mozilla/[1-4]\.#; print qq{Refresh: 0; url="$option{-goto}"\n}; push @head, qq(); } } print qq{Last-Modified: @{[scalar gmtime $option{-last_modified}]}\n} if $option{-last_modified}; if ($option{-expires} != -1) { if (defined $option{-expires}) { ## TODO: Don't use asctime print qq{Expires: @{[scalar gmtime (time + $option{-expires})]}\n}; } elsif ($option{-media}->{expires} != -1) { print qq{Expires: @{[scalar gmtime (time + $option{-media}->{expires})]}\n}; } } if ($option{-media}->{charset} && $UA =~ m#Mozilla/[12]\.#) { my $ct = qq{$option{-media}->{type}; charset=@{[&get_charset_name($kanjicode,compatible=>1)]}}; print qq{Content-Type: $ct\n}; $option{o}->{-header}->{meta_ct} = qq{\n}; } elsif (!$option{-media}->{charset} || $UA =~ m#Infomosaic|Mozilla/0\.#) { print qq{Content-Type: $option{-media}->{type}\n}; $option{o}->{-header}->{meta_ct} = qq{\n}; } else { my $type = $option{-media}->{type}; $type = 'application/xml' if ($type =~ m!^application/(?:rdf|rss)\+xml$!) && ($UA =~ m#Gecko#); print qq{Content-Type: $type; charset=@{[&get_charset_name($kanjicode)]}\n}; } #if ($main::ENV{HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE}) { ## TODO: IMS support #} ## TODO: more Vary: support print <<"EOD"; Vary: Negotiate,User-Agent,Accept-Language Content-Style-Type: text/css EOD $option{o}->{-header}->{links} = join "\n", (@head); } sub get_charset_name ($;%) { my ($charset, %option) = (lc shift, @_); if ($charset =~ 'euc') { $charset = $option{compatible} ? 'x-euc-jp' : 'euc-jp'; } elsif ($charset =~ 'sjis' || $charset =~ 'shift') { $charset = $option{compatible} ? 'x-sjis' : 'shift_jis'; } elsif ($charset =~ 'jis') { $charset = 'iso-2022-jp'; } $charset; } sub escape { my $s = shift; $s =~ s|&|&|g; $s =~ s|<|<|g; $s =~ s|>|>|g; $s =~ s|"|"|g; return $s; } sub unescape { my $s = shift; $s =~ s|<|<|g; $s =~ s|>|>|g; $s =~ s|"|"|g; $s =~ s|&|&|g; return $s; } sub convert_format ($$$;%) { my ($content, $d => $t, %option) = @_; my $f = SuikaWiki::Plugin->format_converter ($d => $t); if (ref $f) { $option{content} = $content; $option{from} = $d; $option{to} = $t; &$f ({}, bless (\%option, 'SuikaWiki::Plugin')); } elsif ($option{-error_no_return}) { return undef; } elsif ($t =~ /HTML|xml/) { length $content ? '
    ' : ''; } else { $content; } } {my %FormIndex; sub make_custom_form ($$$$%) { my ($wfname, $definition, $template, $foption, $option) = @_; ## $template is currently not used in this procedure. #unless ($main::_EMBEDED) { $FormIndex{$option->{page}}++; if (length $definition) { my $param = bless {depth=>10}, 'SuikaWiki::Plugin'; my $lastmodified = $database->mtime ($option->{page}); &load_formatter (qw/form_input form_option/); $definition = &unescape ($definition); $definition =~ s/\\(['\\])/$1/g; $foption = &unescape ($foption); $foption =~ s/\\(['\\])/$1/g; $fmt{form_option}->replace ($foption, $param); $param->{output}->{form} = 1 unless defined $param->{output}->{form}; $param->{output}->{form} = 0 if $main::_EMBEDED; $definition .= ' %submit;' if $definition !~ /%submit/ && !$param->{output}->{nosubmit} && $param->{output}->{form}; $param->{output}->{page} ||= $option->{page}; $param->{form_disabled} = 1 if $database->meta (IsFrozen => $option->{page}); my $target_form = $param->{output}->{id}; my $r = ''; $r = <{output}->{form};
    EOH $r .= qq() if $UA =~ m#Mozilla/[12]\.#; $r .= $fmt{form_input}->replace ($definition, $param); $r .= "
    \n" if $param->{output}->{form}; $r; } else { ## No input-interface WikiForm qq(); } #} else { # qq(@{[&Resource('Error:WikiForm:EmbedIsNotSupported',escape=>1)]}); #} }} sub init_form { ## TODO: Support multipart/form-data my $query = ''; if (uc $main::ENV{REQUEST_METHOD} eq 'POST') { if (lc ($main::ENV{CONTENT_TYPE}) eq 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' || lc ($main::ENV{CONTENT_TYPE}) eq 'application/sgml-form-urlencoded') { read STDIN, $query, $main::ENV{CONTENT_LENGTH}; } else { $form{mycmd} = '___unsupported_media_type___'; $form{mypage} = $PageName{FrontPage}; return; } } $query .= ($query ? ';' : '') . $main::ENV{QUERY_STRING}; if ($main::ENV{REQUEST_METHOD} ne 'POST' && $main::ENV{QUERY_STRING} && $main::ENV{QUERY_STRING} !~ /[&;=]/) { my $query = &decode($main::ENV{QUERY_STRING}); $query = &code_convert(\$query, $kanjicode); $form{mypage} = $query; $form{mycmd} = 'default'; } else { for (split /[;&]/, $query) { if (my ($n, $v) = split /=/, $_, 2) { for ($n, $v) {tr/+/ /; s/%([0-9A-Fa-f][0-9A-Fa-f])/pack 'C', hex $1/ge}; $form{$n} = $v; } } unless (defined $form{mypage}) { $form{mypage} = $form{epage}; $form{mypage} =~ s/([0-9A-F]{2})/ord hex $1/g; } $form{mypage} = &code_convert (\$form{mypage}, $kanjicode); } $form{mypage} ||= $PageName{FrontPage}; $form{mypage} =~ tr/\x00-\x1F\x7F//d; $form{mypage} = SuikaWiki::Name::Space::normalize_name ($form{mypage}); $form{mycmd} ||= 'default'; $form{mycmd} =~ tr/-/_/; # mypreview_edit -> do_edit, with preview. # mypreview_adminedit -> do_adminedit, with preview. # mypreview_write -> do_write, without preview. foreach (keys %form) { if (/^mypreview_(.*)$/) { $form{mycmd} = $1; $form{mypreview} = 1; } } # # $form{mycmd} is frozen here. # for (grep /^(?:wikiform__|pi_)/, keys %form) { $form{$_} = &code_convert (\$form{$_}, $kanjicode); } $form{mymsg} = &code_convert(\$form{mymsg}, $kanjicode); $form{myname} = &code_convert(\$form{myname}, $kanjicode); } sub get_subjectline { my ($page, %option) = @_; my $SubjectLine = SuikaWiki::Plugin->cache ('headline'); unless (defined $SubjectLine->{$page}) { if (not &is_editable($page)) { $SubjectLine->{$page} = ""; } else { $SubjectLine->{$page} = do { my $s=$database{$page}; $s =~ s!^\#\?[^\x0A\x0D]+[\x0A\x0D]*!!s; $s =~ s/\x0D?\x0A.*//s; $s =~ s/^[-=]*\s*\[\d+\]\s*//; $s =~ s/'''?//g; $s =~ s/\[[A-Z]+(?:\([^)]+\))?\[([^]]+)\](?:\s\[([^]]+)\])?\]/$1$2/g; $s =~ s/\[\[([^]]+)\]\]/$1/g; $s}; } } if (length $SubjectLine->{$page}) { $option{delimiter} = defined $option{delimiter} ? $option{delimiter} : &Resource('Title-Summary Delimiter'); $option{delimiter}.$SubjectLine->{$page}.$option{tail}; } else { ''; } } sub open_db { if ($modifier_dbtype eq 'dbmopen') { dbmopen(%database, $PathTo{WikiDataBase}, 0666) or die "(dbmopen) $PathTo{WikiDataBase}"; } elsif ($modifier_dbtype eq 'AnyDBM_File') { eval q{use AnyDBM_File}; tie(%database, "AnyDBM_File", $PathTo{WikiDataBase}, O_RDWR|O_CREAT, 0666) or die ("(tie AnyDBM_File) $PathTo{WikiDataBase}"); } elsif ($modifier_dbtype eq 'Yuki::YukiWikiDB') { eval q{use Yuki::YukiWikiDB}; tie(%database, "Yuki::YukiWikiDB", $PathTo{WikiDataBase}) or die ("(tie Yuki::YukiWikiDB) $PathTo{WikiDataBase}"); } else { ## Yuki::YukiWikiDB || Yuki::YukiWikiDBMeta eval qq{use $modifier_dbtype}; $database = tie(%database, $modifier_dbtype => $PathTo{WikiDataBase}, -lock => 2, -backup => $wiki::diff::UseDiff) or die ("(tie $modifier_dbtype) $PathTo{WikiDataBase}"); } } sub close_db { if ($modifier_dbtype eq 'dbmopen') { dbmclose(%database); } else { untie(%database); } } sub editform (@) { my %option = @_; my $frozen = &is_frozen ($option{page}); $option{content} = $database{$option{page}} unless defined $option{content}; $option{content} = $database{NewPageTemplate} unless length $option{content}; $option{last_modified} = $database->mtime ($option{page}) unless defined $option{last_modified}; my $f = ''; my $magic = ''; $magic = $1 if $option{content} =~ m/^([^\x0A\x0D]+)/s; my $selected = 'default'; if ($form{after_edit_cmd}) { $selected = $form{after_edit_cmd}; } elsif ($magic =~ /Const|Config|CSS/) { $selected = 'edit'; } my $afteredit = < EOH $f .= <<"EOD";
    @{[ $option{conflict} ? '' : qq() ]} @{[ $option{admin} ? qq() : "" ]} [@{[&get_new_anchor_index($option{content})]}]

    @{[ $option{admin} ? qq(
    ) : "" ]} @{[ $option{conflict} ? "" : qq(
    $afteredit ) ]}
    EOD $f; } sub is_editable { my ($page) = @_; return 0 unless SuikaWiki::Name::Space::validate_name ($page); return 0 if $page =~ /[\x00-\x20\[\]\x7F]/; 1; } sub decode { my ($s) = @_; $s =~ tr/+/ /; $s =~ s/%([A-Fa-f0-9][A-Fa-f0-9])/pack("C", hex($1))/eg; return $s; } sub encode { my $s = shift; $s =~ s/([^0-9A-Za-z_-])/sprintf '%%%02X', ord $1/ge; $s; } sub get_now { my ($sec, $min, $hour, $day, $mon, $year) = localtime(time); $year += 1900; $mon++; $mon = "0$mon" if $mon < 10; $day = "0$day" if $day < 10; $hour = "0$hour" if $hour < 10; $min = "0$min" if $min < 10; #$sec = "0$sec" if $sec < 10; return "$year-$mon-$day $hour:$min"; } sub frozen_reject { my ($isfrozen) = $database->meta (IsFrozen => $form{mypage}); my ($willbefrozen) = $form{myfrozen}; if (not $isfrozen and not $willbefrozen) { # You need no check. return 0; } elsif (valid_password($form{mypassword})) { # You are admin. return 0; } else { &_do_view_msg (-view => '-error', -page => $form{mypage}, error_message => &Resource ('Error:PasswordIsIncorrect')); exit; } } sub is_frozen ($) { $database->meta (IsFrozen => $_[0]) ? 1 : 0 } sub do_comment { my ($content) = $database{$form{mypage}}; my $default_name; ## this code is not strict. $default_name = $1 if $content =~ /default-name="([^"]+)"/; my $datestr = '[WEAK['.&get_now.']]'; my $namestr = $form{myname} || $default_name || &Resource('WikiForm:WikiComment:DefaultName'); ($namestr = '', $datestr = '') if $form{myname} eq 'nodate'; if ($namestr =~ /^(?:>>)?[0-9]/) { $namestr = qq( ''$namestr'': ); } elsif (length $namestr) { $namestr = qq( ''[[$namestr]]'': ); } my $anchor = &get_new_anchor_index ($content); my $i = 1; my $o = 0; $content =~ s{(\[\[\#r?comment\]\])}{ my $embed = $1; if ($i == $form{comment_index}) { if ($embed ne '[[#rcomment]]') { $embed = "- [$anchor] $datestr$namestr$form{mymsg}\n$embed"; $o = 1; } else { $embed .= "\n- [$anchor] $datestr$namestr$form{mymsg}"; $o = 1; } } $i++; $embed; }ge; unless ($o) { $content = "#?SuikaWiki/0.9\n\n" unless $content; $content .= "\n" unless $content =~ /\n$/s; $content .= "- [$anchor] $datestr$namestr$form{mymsg}\n"; } $form{__comment_anchor_index} = $anchor; if ($form{mymsg} || $form{myname}) { $form{mymsg} = $content; $form{mytouch} = 'on'; &do_write; } else { ## Don't write $form{mycmd} = 'default'; &do_view; } } sub get_new_anchor_index ($) { my $content = shift; my $anchor = 0; $content =~ s/^(?:[-=]+\s*)?\[([0-9]+)\]/$anchor = $1 if $1 > $anchor; $&/mge; $anchor + 1; } sub load_formatter (@) { for my $t (@_) { unless ($fmt{$t}) { require Message::Util::Formatter; $fmt{$t} = Message::Util::Formatter->new; for (@{$SuikaWiki::Plugin::List{'wiki'.$t}||[]}) { $_->load_formatter ($fmt{$t}, type => 'wiki'.$t); } $fmt{$t}->option (return_class => 'SuikaWiki::Markup::XML') if $HAS_XML; } } } sub do_wikiform { my $content = $database{$form{mypage}}; my $anchor = &get_new_anchor_index ($content); &load_formatter (qw/form_template form_option/); my $write = 0; my $i = 1; $content =~ s{$embed_command{form}}{ my ($embed, $wfname, $template, $option) = ($&, $1, $3, $4); if (($wfname && $wfname eq $form{wikiform_targetform}) || $i == $form{wikiform_index}) { $template =~ s/\\([\\'])/$1/g; $option =~ s/\\([\\'])/$1/g; my $param = bless {depth=>10}, 'SuikaWiki::Plugin'; $param->{page} = $form{mypage}; $param->{form_index} = $i; $param->{form_name} = $wfname; $param->{anchor_index} = $anchor; $param->{argv} = \%form; $param->{default_name} = $1 if $content =~ /default-name="([^"]+)"/; $param->{default_name} ||= &Resource('WikiForm:WikiComment:DefaultName'); $fmt{form_option}->replace ($option, $param); my $t = 1; for (keys %{$param->{require}||{}}) { (undef $t, last) unless length $param->{argv}->{'wikiform__'.$_}; } $t = $fmt{form_template}->replace ($template, $param) if $t; if (length $t) { if ($param->{output}->{reverse}) { $embed .= "\n" . $t; } else { $embed = $t . "\n" . $embed; } $write = 1; $form{__comment_anchor_index} = $anchor if $param->{anchor_index_}; ## $anchor is used! } $form{__wikiform_anchor_index} = $i; undef $form{wikiform_targetform}; ## Make sure never to match undef $form{wikiform_index}; ## with WikiForm in rest of page! } $i++; $embed; }ge; unless ($write) { #$content = "#?SuikaWiki/0.9\n\n" unless $content; #$content .= "\n" unless $content =~ /\n$/s; # } if ($write) { $form{mymsg} = $content; $form{mytouch} = 'on'; &do_write; } else { ## Don't write! $form{mycmd} = 'default'; &do_view; } } sub code_convert { require Jcode; my ($contentref, $code) = (shift, shift || $kanjicode); if ($code =~ /euc/) { $code = 'euc' } elsif ($code =~ /iso/) { $code = 'jis' } elsif ($code =~ /shi/) { $code = 'sjis' } elsif ($code =~ /utf/) { $code = 'utf8' } $$contentref = Jcode->new ($contentref)->tr ("\xA3\xB0-\xA3\xB9\xA3\xC1-\xA3\xDA\xA3\xE1-\xA3\xFA\xA1\xF5\xA1\xA4\xA1\xA5\xA1\xA7\xA1\xA8\xA1\xA9\xA1\xAA\xA1\xAE\xA1\xB0\xA1\xB2\xA1\xBF\xA1\xC3\xA1\xCA\xA1\xCB\xA1\xCE\xA1\xCF\xA1\xD0\xA1\xD1\xA1\xDC\xA1\xF0\xA1\xF3\xA1\xF4\xA1\xF6\xA1\xF7\xA1\xE1\xA2\xAF\xA2\xB0\xA2\xB2\xA2\xB1\xA1\xE4\xA1\xE3\xA1\xC0\xA1\xA1" => q(0-9A-Za-z&,.:;?!`^_/|()[]{}+$%#*@='"~-><\ ))->$code; return $$contentref; } sub _rfc3339_date ($) { my @time = gmtime (shift); sprintf '%04d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:%02d+00:00', $time[5]+1900,$time[4]+1,@time[3,2,1,0]; } package wiki::referer; sub add ($$) { my $page = shift; my $uri = shift; unless (ref $uri) { require URI; $uri = URI->new ($uri); ## Some schemes do not have query part. eval q{ $uri->query (undef) if $uri->query =~ /^[0-9]{6,8}$/ }; $uri->fragment (undef); } $uri = $uri->canonical; return unless $uri; for my $regex (&get_dont_record) { return if $uri =~ /$regex/; } my %list = get ($page); $list{ $uri }++; set ($page, \%list); } sub get ($) { split /"/, $main::database->meta (Referer => $_[0]) } sub set ($%) { my $page = shift; my $list = shift; $main::database->meta (Referer => $page => join '"', %$list); } sub get_dont_record () { map {s/\$/\\\$/g; s/\@/\\\@/g; $_} grep !/^#/, split /[\x0D\x0A]+/, $main::database{RefererDontRecord}; } sub get_site_name () { my @lines = grep /[^#]/, split /[\x0D\x0A]+/, $main::database{RefererSiteName}; my @item; for (@lines) { next if /^#/; my ($uri, $name) = split /\s+/, $_, 2; $uri =~ s/\$/\\\$/g; $uri =~ s/\@/\\\@/g; $uri =~ s/\//\\\//g; $name =~ s!([()/\\])!\\$1!g; $name =~ s/\$([0-9]+)/).__decode (\${$1}).q(/g; push @item, [$uri, qq(q($name))]; } @item; } sub list_html ($) { my $page = shift; my %list = get ($page); my $r = ''; my @name = get_site_name (); for my $uri (sort {$list{$b}<=>$list{$a}||$a cmp $b} keys %list) { my $title; for my $item (@name) { if ($uri =~ /$item->[0]/) { $title = $uri; eval qq{\$title =~ s/^.*$item->[0].*\$/$item->[1]/e} or die $@ ;#. qq{\$title =~ s/^.*$item->[0].*\$/$item->[1]/e}; last; } } my $euri = main::escape ($uri); if ($title) { $r .= qq(
  • {$list{$uri}} @{[main::escape ($title)]}
  • \n); } else { $r .= qq(
  • {$list{$uri}} <$euri>
  • \n); } } $r ? qq(\n) : ''; } sub __decode ($) { my $s = shift; $s =~ tr/+/ /; $s =~ s/%([0-9A-Fa-f][0-9A-Fa-f])/chr hex $1/ge; main::code_convert (\$s); } package wiki::useragent; our $UseLog; sub add ($) { my $s = shift; return unless length $s; return unless $UseLog; $s =~ s/([^\x20-\x24\x26-\x7E])/sprintf '%%%02X', unpack 'C', $1/ge; my %ua; for (split /\n/, $main::database{$main::PageName{UserAgentList}}) { if (/^-\[(\d+)\] (.+)$/) { my ($t, $n) = ($1, $2); $n =~ tr/\x0A\x0D//d; $ua{$n} = $t; } } $ua{$s}++; my $s = qq(#?SuikaWiki/0.9\n); for (sort {$ua{$a} <=> $ua{$b}} keys %ua) { $s .= sprintf qq(-[%d] %s\n), $ua{$_}, $_; } $main::database->STORE ($main::PageName{UserAgentList} => $s, -touch => 0); } package wiki::dummy; sub mtime (@) {undef} sub meta (@) {undef} sub Yuki::YukiWikiDB2::meta (@) {undef} package main; &SuikaWiki::Plugin::import_plugins (); &main (); =head1 NAME lib/suikawiki.pl --- SuikaWiki transitional library =head1 AUTHOR Hiroshi Yuki (YukiWiki) Makio Tsukamoto (WalWiki) Wakaba =head1 LICENSE Copyright AUTHORS 2000-2003 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =cut 1; # $Date: 2003/05/07 08:57:34 $