
Contents of /suikawiki/script/bin/mkplugin2.pl

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Revision 1.4 - (show annotations) (download)
Thu Oct 30 07:48:04 2003 UTC (21 years ago) by wakaba
Branch: MAIN
Changes since 1.3: +19 -11 lines
File MIME type: text/plain
Support new format of ViewFragment

1 #!/usr/bin/perl
2 use strict;
3 our $VERSION = do{my @r=(q$Revision: 1.3 $=~/\d+/g);sprintf "%d."."%02d" x $#r,@r};
4 require SuikaWiki::Markup::SuikaWikiConfig20::Parser;
6 {
7 my $src = '';
8 my $srcfile = shift;
9 open SRC, $srcfile or die "$0: $!"; {
10 local $/ = undef;
11 $src = <SRC>;
12 } close SRC;
14 sub literal ($) {
15 my $s = shift;
16 if (ref ($s) eq 'ARRAY') {
17 q<[> . list (@$s) . q<]>;
18 } elsif (ref ($s) eq 'HASH') {
19 q<{> . hash (%$s) . q<}>;
20 } elsif (ref ($s) eq 'bare') {
21 $$s;
22 } else {
23 $s =~ s/([#\\])/\\$1/g;
24 q<q#> . $s . q<#>;
25 }
26 }
27 sub list (@) {
28 join ', ', map {literal $_} @_;
29 }
30 sub hash (%) {
31 my $i = 0;
32 list map {($i++ % 2) ? $_ : do {my $s = $_; $s =~ s/(?<=.)-/_/; $s}} @_;
33 }
34 sub n11n ($) {
35 my $s = shift;
36 $s =~ s/\s+/ /g;
37 $s;
38 }
39 sub m13ed_val_list ($$) {
40 my ($src, $key) = @_;
41 my @r;
42 for (@{$src->child_nodes}) {
43 if ($_->local_name eq $key) {
44 push @r, [scalar $_->inner_text,
45 scalar $_->get_attribute ('lang', make_new_node => 1)
46 ->inner_text,
47 scalar $_->get_attribute ('script', make_new_node => 1)
48 ->inner_text];
49 }
50 }
51 list @r;
52 }
53 sub barecode ($) {
54 bless \$_[0], 'bare';
55 }
56 sub code ($$) {
57 my ($Info, $code) = @_;
58 for (keys %{$Info->{const}}) {
59 $code =~ s/\$$_\b/literal $Info->{const}->{$_}/ge;
60 }
61 $code =~ s/__FUNCPACK__/$Info->{module_name}/g;
62 $code;
63 }
65 my $parser = SuikaWiki::Markup::SuikaWikiConfig20::Parser->new;
66 my $plugins = $parser->parse_text ($src);
67 my $meta = $plugins->get_attribute ('Plugin')
68 or die "$0: Required 'Plugin' section not found";
69 my %Info = (provide => {},
70 Name => n11n $meta->get_attribute ('Name')->value);
71 $Info{name_literal} = literal $Info{Name};
72 my @date = gmtime;
73 $Info{LastModified} = sprintf '%04d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:%02d+00:00',
74 $date[5] + 1900, $date[4] + 1, @date[3,2,1,0];
75 $Info{Version} = sprintf '%04d.%02d%02d.%02d%02d',
76 $date[5] + 1900, $date[4] + 1, @date[3,2,1];
77 $Info{InterfaceVersion} = '2.9.1';
78 $Info{mkpluginVersion} = '2.'.$VERSION;
79 $Info{module_name} = q#SuikaWiki::Plugin::plugin#;
80 $Info{module_name} = random_module_name (\%Info, $Info{Name});
82 print <<EOH;
83 use strict;
84 package SuikaWiki::Plugin::Registry;
85 our \%Info;
86 \$Info{$Info{name_literal}}->{Name} = $Info{name_literal};
87 EOH
88 for (qw/Version InterfaceVersion mkpluginVersion/) {
89 print qq{\$Info{$Info{name_literal}}->{$_} = v$Info{$_};\n};
90 }
91 for (qw/LastModified/) {
92 $Info{$_} = n11n $meta->get_attribute ($_,make_new_node=>1)->value;
93 next unless length $Info{$_};
94 print qq{\$Info{$Info{name_literal}}->{$_} = } . literal $Info{$_};
95 print ";\n";
96 }
97 for (qw/RequiredPlugin RequiredModule/) {
98 $Info{$_} = $meta->get_attribute ($_);
99 next unless ref $Info{$_}; $Info{$_} = $Info{$_}->value;
100 print qq{\$Info{$Info{name_literal}}->{$_} = [};
101 print join ', ', map {literal $_} @{$Info{$_}};
102 print "];\n";
103 }
104 for (qw/Description License RelatedWikiPage RelatedURI/) {
105 my $r = m13ed_val_list $meta, $_;
106 next unless $r;
107 print qq{\$Info{$Info{name_literal}}->{$_} = [$r];\n};
108 }
110 print qq{\$Info{$Info{name_literal}}->{Author} = [} .( list map {
111 [
112 [ barecode m13ed_val_list ($_, 'Name') ],
113 [ $_->get_attribute ('Mail', make_new_node => 1)->value ],
114 [ $_->get_attribute ('URI', make_new_node => 1)->value ],
115 ]
116 } grep { $_->local_name eq 'Author' } @{$meta->child_nodes}
117 ). qq{];\n};
119 for (@{$plugins->child_nodes}) {
120 if ($_->local_name eq 'FormattingRule') {
121 print "\n", make_rule ($_, \%Info);
122 } elsif ($_->local_name eq 'ViewDefinition') {
123 print "\n", make_viewdef ($_, \%Info);
124 } elsif ($_->local_name eq 'ViewFragment') {
125 print "\n", make_viewfragment ($_, \%Info);
126 } elsif ($_->local_name eq 'Function') {
127 print "\n", make_function ($_, \%Info);
128 } elsif ($_->local_name eq 'Resource') {
129 print "\n", make_resdef ($_, \%Info);
130 } elsif ($_->local_name eq 'PluginConst') {
131 register_plugin_const ($_, \%Info);
132 }
133 }
135 print qq{\npackage SuikaWiki::Plugin::Registry;\n\n};
136 print qq{\$Info{$Info{name_literal}}->{provide} = } . literal $Info{provide};
137 print qq{;\n};
139 print "\n1;\n";
140 exit;
141 }
143 sub make_function ($$) {
144 my ($src, $Info) = @_;
145 ## TODO: support of ARGV property
146 my $r = <<EOH;
147 package $Info->{module_name};
148 sub @{[$src->get_attribute_value ('Name')]} {
149 @{[code $Info, $src->get_attribute_value ('Main')]}
150 }
151 EOH
152 }
154 sub register_plugin_const ($$) {
155 my ($src, $Info) = @_;
156 for (@{$src->child_nodes}) {
157 $Info->{const}->{$_->local_name} = $_->value;
158 }
159 }
161 sub make_resdef ($$) {
162 my ($src, $Info) = @_;
163 my $r = qq{package SuikaWiki::Plugin::Resource;\nour \$BaseResource;\n};
164 for (@{$src->child_nodes}) {
165 if ($_->node_type eq '#element') {
166 my $lang = literal ($_->get_attribute_value ('lang') || 'und');
167 my $script = literal $_->get_attribute_value ('script');
168 my $name = literal $_->local_name;
169 my $val = literal n11n $_->value;
170 $r .= qq{\$BaseResource->{$lang}->{$script}->{$name} = $val;\n};
171 }
172 }
173 $r;
174 }
176 sub make_viewfragment ($$) {
177 my ($src, $Info) = @_;
178 my $r = '';
179 my $body = <<EOH;
180 {
181 Main => @{[literal $src->get_attribute_value ('Formatting')]},
182 Order => @{[0+$src->get_attribute_value ('Order')]},
183 Description => [@{[m13ed_val_list $src, 'Description']}],
184 };
185 EOH
186 ## Recommended format
187 my $name = $src->get_attribute_value ('Template');
188 if (ref ($name) and @$name > 1) {
189 $r .= qq({my \$def = $body;\n);
190 for (@$name) {
191 my $name = $_; $name =~ tr/-/_/;
192 $r .= qq(push \@{\$SuikaWiki::View::Implementation::TemplateFragment{@{[literal $name]}}}, \$def;\n);
193 push @{$Info->{provide}->{viewfragment}}, {Name => $name};
194 }
195 $r .= qq(}\n);
196 } else { ## Obsoleted format
197 $name = ref $name ? $name->[0] : $src->get_attribute_value ('Name');
198 $name =~ tr/-/_/;
199 $r .= qq(push \@{\$SuikaWiki::View::Implementation::TemplateFragment{@{[literal $name]}}}, $body);
200 push @{$Info->{provide}->{viewfragment}}, {Name => $name};
201 }
202 $r;
203 }
205 sub make_viewdef ($$) {
206 my ($src, $Info) = @_;
207 my $ViewProp = {};
208 my $r = '';
209 $ViewProp->{Name} = n11n $src->get_attribute ('Mode')->value;
210 $ViewProp->{pack_name} = random_module_name ($Info, $ViewProp->{Name});
212 $ViewProp->{condition_stringified} = hash
213 mode => $ViewProp->{Name},
214 map {($_->local_name => $_->value)}
215 @{$src->get_attribute ('Condition',make_new_node=>1)->child_nodes};
217 $r .= <<EOH;
218 push \@SuikaWiki::View::Implementation::CommonViewDefs, {
219 condition => {$ViewProp->{condition_stringified}},
220 object_class => q#$ViewProp->{pack_name}#,
221 };
222 package $ViewProp->{pack_name};
223 our \@ISA = q#SuikaWiki::View::template#;
224 EOH
225 for (@{$src->child_nodes}) {
226 if ($_->local_name eq 'template') {
227 $r .= make_view_template_method ($_, $Info);
228 } elsif ($_->local_name eq 'method') {
229 $r .= ({
230 main => q(sub main ($$) {)."\n".q(my ($self, $opt) = @_;)."\n",
231 main_pre => q(sub main_pre ($$$) {)."\n".q(my ($self, $opt, $opt2) = @_;)."\n",
232 main_post => q(sub main_post ($$$) {)."\n".q(my ($self, $opt, $opt2) = @_;)."\n",
233 }->{$_->get_attribute ('Name')->value}
234 ||qq(sub @{[$_->get_attribute ('Name')->value]} {\n))
235 . code ($Info, $_->value)
236 . qq(\n}\n);
237 }
238 }
239 my $prop = {Name => $ViewProp->{Name},
240 Description => barecode m13ed_val_list $_, 'Description'};
241 push @{$Info->{provide}->{viewdef}}, $prop;
242 $r;
243 }
245 sub make_view_template_method ($$) {
246 my ($src, $info) = @_;
247 my $r = <<EOH;
249 sub main (\$\$\$) {
250 my (\$self, \$opt, \$opt2) = \@_;
251 require SuikaWiki::Output::HTTP;
252 \$opt2->{output} = SuikaWiki::Output::HTTP->new
253 (wiki => \$self->{view}->{wiki},
254 view => \$self->{view}, viewobj => \$self);
255 for (\@{\$self->{view}->{wiki}->{var}->{client}->{used_for_negotiate}},
256 'Accept-Language') {
257 \$opt2->{output}->add_negotiate_header_field (\$_);
258 }
260 \$opt2->{template} = @{[literal $src->get_attribute ('body', make_new_node => 1)->inner_text]};
261 \$opt2->{o} = bless {
262 ## Compatible options for SuikaWiki 2 WikiPlugin interface
263 param => \\\%main::form,
264 page => \$main::form{mypage},
265 toc => [],
266 #magic
267 #content
268 #use_anchor_name
269 media => {@{[hash
270 type => ($src->get_attribute ('media-type',make_new_node=>1)->inner_text
271 || 'application/octet-stream'),
272 charset => ($src->get_attribute ('use-media-type-charset',make_new_node=>1)
273 ->inner_text || 0),
274 ## In fact, this value is not referred from any SuikaWiki 2 WikiPlugin rule.
275 #expires => ($src->get_attribute ('expires',make_new_node=>1)->inner_text
276 # || 0)
277 ]}},
278 ## SuikaWiki 3 WikiPlugin interface
279 wiki => \$self->{view}->{wiki},
280 plugin => \$self->{view}->{wiki}->{plugin},
281 var => {},
282 }, 'SuikaWiki::Plugin';
283 @{[do{my $x=$src->get_attribute('http-status-code',make_new_node=>1)->inner_text;
284 $x?q{$opt2->{output}->{status_code} = }.(0 + $x).q{;}:q{}}]}
285 @{[do{my $x=$src->get_attribute('http-status-phrase',make_new_node=>1)->inner_text;
286 $x?q{$opt2->{output}->{reason_phrase} = }.literal($x).q{;}:q{}}]}
287 \$opt2->{output}->{entity}->{media_type} = @{[literal
288 $src->get_attribute ('media-type',make_new_node=>1)
289 ->inner_text || 'application/octet-stream']};
290 @{[($src->get_attribute ('use-media-type-charset',make_new_node=>1)
291 ->inner_text || 0) ?
292 q{$opt2->{output}->{entity}->{charset} = $self->{view}->{wiki}->{config}->{charset}->{output};}:
293 q{}]}
294 @{[do{my $x = $src->get_attribute ('expires',make_new_node=>1)->inner_text;
295 if ($x =~ /%%(\w+)%%/) {
296 qq{\$opt2->{output}->set_expires (%{\$self->{view}->{wiki}->{config}->{entity}->{expires}->{@{[literal $1]}}});};
297 } else {
298 qq{\$opt2->{output}->set_expires (delta => @{[0 + $x]});};
299 }
300 }]}
302 \$self->{view}->{wiki}->init_db;
303 \$self->main_pre (\$opt, \$opt2);
305 ## TODO: formal SuikaWiki 3 interface
306 my \$fmt = SuikaWiki::Plugin->formatter ('view');
307 \$opt2->{output}->{entity}->{body}
308 = \$fmt->replace (\$opt2->{template} => \$opt2->{o},
309 {formatter => \$fmt});
310 \$opt2->{output}->output (output => 'http-cgi');
312 \$self->main_post (\$opt, \$opt2);
313 }
314 EOH
315 }
317 ## TODO: Implements SuikaWiki 3 interface
318 sub make_rule ($$) {
319 my ($src, $Info) = @_;
320 my $type = $src->get_attribute ('Category', make_new_node => 1)->value || [];
321 my $name = $src->get_attribute ('Name', make_new_node => 1)->value;
322 $name =~ s/(?=.)-/_/g;
323 my $main = code $Info, $src->get_attribute_value ('Formatting');
324 $main = q{my ($p, $o) = @_;}."\n" . $main
325 if $main =~ /\$p/ || $main =~ /\$o/;
326 if ($main =~ /\$r/) {
327 $main = q{my $r = '';} . "\n" . $main;
328 $main .= q{$r};
329 }
331 my $main = <<EOH;
332 {
333 Formatting => sub {$main},
334 Description => [@{[m13ed_val_list $src, 'Description']}],
335 Parameter => {@{[do{
336 my @r;
337 for (@{$src->child_nodes}) {
338 if ($_->local_name eq 'Parameter') {
339 push @r, $_->get_attribute_value ('Name')
340 => {Type => $_->get_attribute_value ('Type'),
341 Default => $_->get_attribute_value ('Default'),
342 Description => [barecode m13ed_val_list $_, 'Description']};
343 }
344 }
345 list @r;
346 }]}},
347 }
348 EOH
349 my $r;
350 if (@$type == 1) {
351 $type->[0] =~ tr/-/_/;
352 $r = qq{\$SuikaWiki::Plugin::Rule{$type->[0]}->{$name} = $main;\n};
353 push @{$Info->{provide}->{rule}->{$type->[0]}}, $name;
354 } else {
355 $r = qq({my \$def = $main;\n);
356 for my $type (@$type) {
357 $type =~ tr/-/_/;
358 $r .= qq{\$SuikaWiki::Plugin::Rule{$type}->{$name} = \$def;\n};
359 push @{$Info->{provide}->{rule}->{$type}}, $name;
360 }
361 $r .= qq(};\n);
362 }
363 $r;
364 }
367 sub random_module_name ($;$) {
368 my ($Info, $subname) = @_;
369 $subname =~ s/[^0-9A-Za-z_:]//g;
370 my @date = gmtime;
371 my @rand = ('A'..'Z','a'..'z',0..9,'_');
372 sprintf '%s::%s%s%s', $Info->{module_name}, $subname,
373 sprintf ('%02d%02d%02d%02d%02d%02d', @date[5,4,3,2,1,0]),
374 join ('', @rand[rand@rand,rand@rand,rand@rand,rand@rand]);
375 }

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