
Contents of /suikawiki/script/bin/mkplugin2.pl

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Revision 1.15 - (show annotations) (download)
Fri Mar 19 03:46:22 2004 UTC (20 years, 7 months ago) by wakaba
Branch: MAIN
Changes since 1.14: +47 -2 lines
File MIME type: text/plain
New 'FormattingRuleAlias' implemented

1 #!/usr/bin/perl
2 use strict;
3 our $VERSION = do{my @r=(q$Revision: 1.14 $=~/\d+/g);sprintf "%d."."%02d" x $#r,@r};
4 require Message::Markup::SuikaWikiConfig20::Parser;
6 {
7 my $src = '';
8 my $srcfile = shift;
9 open SRC, $srcfile or die "$0: $!"; {
10 local $/ = undef;
11 $src = <SRC>;
12 } close SRC;
14 sub literal ($) {
15 my $s = shift;
16 if (ref ($s) eq 'ARRAY') {
17 q<[> . list (@$s) . q<]>;
18 } elsif (ref ($s) eq 'HASH') {
19 q<{> . hash (%$s) . q<}>;
20 } elsif (ref ($s) eq 'bare') {
21 $$s;
22 } else {
23 $s =~ s/([#\\])/\\$1/g;
24 q<q#> . $s . q<#>;
25 }
26 }
27 sub list (@) {
28 join ', ', map {literal $_} @_;
29 }
30 sub hash (%) {
31 my $i = 0;
32 list map {($i++ % 2) ? $_ : do {my $s = $_; $s =~ s/(?<=.)-/_/; $s}} @_;
33 }
34 sub n11n ($) {
35 my $s = shift;
36 $s =~ s/\s+/ /g;
37 $s;
38 }
39 sub m13ed_val_list ($$) {
40 my ($src, $key) = @_;
41 my @r;
42 for (@{$src->child_nodes}) {
43 if ($_->local_name eq $key) {
44 push @r, [scalar $_->inner_text,
45 scalar $_->get_attribute ('lang', make_new_node => 1)
46 ->inner_text,
47 scalar $_->get_attribute ('script', make_new_node => 1)
48 ->inner_text];
49 }
50 }
51 list @r;
52 }
53 sub barecode ($) {
54 bless \$_[0], 'bare';
55 }
56 sub code ($$) {
57 my ($Info, $code) = @_;
58 for (keys %{$Info->{const}}) {
59 $code =~ s/\$$_\b/$Info->{const}->{$_}/ge;
60 }
61 $code =~ s/__FUNCPACK__/$Info->{module_name}/g;
62 $Info->{-message_error_used} = 1 if $code =~ /\buse\s+Message::Util::Error\b/;
63 if (not $Info->{-message_error_used} and
64 ($code =~ /\btry\s*\{/ or $code =~ /\bcatch\s*\{/)) {
65 warn "Message::Util::Error MUST be 'use'd before 'try'...'catch' block used";
66 }
67 $code;
68 }
69 sub change_package ($$) {
70 my ($Info, $pack) = @_;
71 unless ($Info->{current_package} eq $pack) {
72 $Info->{current_package} = $pack;
73 return qq{package $pack;\n\n};
74 } else {
75 return '';
76 }
77 }
78 sub quoted_string ($) {
79 my $s = shift;
80 $s =~ s/([\\"])/\\$1/g;
81 '"'.$s.'"';
82 }
83 sub line ($;%) {
84 my ($Info, %opt) = @_;
86 unless ($opt{file}) {
87 if ($opt{reset}) {
88 $opt{file} = sprintf '(WikiPlugin module %s, chunk %d)',
89 $Info->{Name},
90 ++$Info->{chunk_count};
91 } elsif ($opt{realfile}) {
92 $opt{file} = sprintf '(WikiPlugin module %s, chunk from %s)',
93 $Info->{Name},
94 $opt{realfile};
95 } else {
96 $opt{file} = sprintf '(WikiPlugin module source %s, block %s)',
97 $Info->{source_file},
98 $opt{node_path};
99 }
100 }
102 $opt{file} =~ s/"/''/g;
103 sprintf '%s#line %d "%s"%s', "\n", $opt{line_no} || 1, $opt{file}, "\n";
104 }
105 sub literal_or_code ($$) {
106 my ($Info, $s) = @_;
107 substr ($s, 0, 1) ne '{' ? literal ($s)
108 : code ($Info, substr ($s, 1, length ($s) - 2));
109 }
111 my $parser = Message::Markup::SuikaWikiConfig20::Parser->new;
112 my $plugins = $parser->parse_text ($src);
113 my $meta = $plugins->get_attribute ('Plugin')
114 or die "$0: Required 'Plugin' section not found";
115 my %Info = (provide => {},
116 Name => n11n $meta->get_attribute ('Name')->value);
117 $Info{source_file} = $srcfile;
118 $Info{name_literal} = literal $Info{Name};
119 my @date = gmtime;
120 $Info{LastModified} = sprintf '%04d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:%02d+00:00',
121 $date[5] + 1900, $date[4] + 1, @date[3,2,1,0];
122 $Info{Version} = sprintf '%04d.%02d%02d.%02d%02d',
123 $date[5] + 1900, $date[4] + 1, @date[3,2,1];
124 $Info{InterfaceVersion} = '2.9.1';
125 $Info{mkpluginVersion} = '2.'.$VERSION;
126 $Info{module_name} = q#SuikaWiki::Plugin::plugin#;
127 $Info{module_name} = random_module_name (\%Info, $Info{Name});
129 print <<EOH;
130 use strict;
131 @{[change_package \%Info, 'SuikaWiki::Plugin::Registry']}
132 our \%Info;
133 \$Info{$Info{name_literal}}->{Name} = $Info{name_literal};
134 EOH
135 for (qw/Version InterfaceVersion mkpluginVersion module_name/) {
136 print qq{\$Info{$Info{name_literal}}->{@{[literal $_]}} = @{[literal $Info{$_}]};\n};
137 }
138 for (qw/LastModified Date.RCS/) {
139 $Info{$_} = n11n $meta->get_attribute ($_,make_new_node=>1)->value;
140 next unless length $Info{$_};
141 print qq{\$Info{$Info{name_literal}}->{@{[literal $_]}} = } . literal $Info{$_};
142 print ";\n";
143 }
144 for (qw/RequiredPlugin RequiredModule/) {
145 $Info{$_} = $meta->get_attribute ($_);
146 next unless ref $Info{$_}; $Info{$_} = $Info{$_}->value;
147 print qq{\$Info{$Info{name_literal}}->{$_} = [};
148 print join ', ', map {literal $_} @{$Info{$_}};
149 print "];\n";
150 }
151 for (qw/Description License RelatedWikiPage RelatedURI/) {
152 my $r = m13ed_val_list $meta, $_;
153 next unless $r;
154 print qq{\$Info{$Info{name_literal}}->{$_} = [$r];\n};
155 }
157 print qq{\$Info{$Info{name_literal}}->{Author} = [} .( list map {
158 [
159 [ barecode m13ed_val_list ($_, 'Name') ],
160 [ $_->get_attribute ('Mail', make_new_node => 1)->value ],
161 [ $_->get_attribute ('URI', make_new_node => 1)->value ],
162 ]
163 } grep { $_->local_name eq 'Author' } @{$meta->child_nodes}
164 ). qq{];\n};
166 my $use = $meta->get_attribute ('Use');
167 if (ref $use) {
168 print change_package \%Info, $Info{module_name};
169 print line \%Info, node_path => 'Plugin/Use';
170 print code \%Info, $use->inner_text;
171 print line \%Info, reset => 1;
172 }
174 for (@{$plugins->child_nodes}) {
175 if ($_->local_name eq 'FormattingRule') {
176 print "\n", make_rule ($_, \%Info);
177 } elsif ($_->local_name eq 'ViewDefinition') {
178 print "\n", make_viewdef ($_, \%Info);
179 } elsif ($_->local_name eq 'ViewFragment') {
180 print "\n", make_viewfragment ($_, \%Info);
181 } elsif ($_->local_name eq 'Function') {
182 print "\n", make_function ($_, \%Info);
183 } elsif ($_->local_name eq 'Resource') {
184 print "\n", make_resdef ($_, \%Info);
185 } elsif ($_->local_name eq 'PluginConst') {
186 register_plugin_const ($_, \%Info);
187 } elsif ($_->local_name eq 'Format') {
188 print "\n", make_format ($_, \%Info);
189 } elsif ($_->local_name eq 'FormattingRuleAlias') {
190 print "\n", make_rule_alias ($_, \%Info);
191 # Parameter
192 # PluginCategory
193 }
194 }
196 print change_package \%Info, q(SuikaWiki::Plugin::Registry);
197 print qq{\$Info{$Info{name_literal}}->{provide} = } . literal $Info{provide};
198 print qq{;\n};
200 print "\n1;\n";
201 exit;
202 }
204 sub make_format ($$) {
205 my ($src, $Info) = @_;
206 my $module_name = 'SuikaWiki::Format::Definition::'.$src->get_attribute_value ('ModuleName');
207 my $r = change_package $Info, $module_name;
208 local $Info->{-message_error_used} = 0;
209 $r .= qq{our \@ISA;\n};
210 if (my $isa = $src->get_attribute_value ('Inherit')) {
211 for (@$isa) {
212 $r .= qq{push \@ISA, @{[literal 'SuikaWiki::Format::Definition::'.$_]};\n};
213 }
214 } else {
215 $r .= qq{push \@ISA, 'SuikaWiki::Format::Definition::template';\n};
216 }
217 if (my $name = $src->get_attribute_value ('Name')) {
218 $r .= qq{\$SuikaWiki::Format::Definition::Class{@{[literal '/'.$name.'/'.$src->get_attribute_value ('Version', default => '').'//']}} = '$module_name';\n};
219 }
220 if (my $type = $src->get_attribute_value ('Type')) {
221 $type .= join '', map {
222 ';'. $_->local_name .'='. quoted_string $_->inner_text
223 } sort {
224 $a->local_name cmp $b->local_name
225 } @{$src->get_attribute ('Type')->child_nodes};
226 $r .= qq{\$SuikaWiki::Format::Definition::Class{@{[literal $type.'//']}} = '$module_name';\n};
227 }
229 my $convert = line $Info, line_no => __LINE__ + 2, realfile => __FILE__;
230 $convert .= <<'EOH';
231 our $Converter;
232 sub convert ($$;%) {
233 my ($self, $source, %opt) = @_;
234 my $converter;
235 my $flag = '//';
236 $flag .= 'f' if $opt{IsFragment};
237 $flag .= 'p' if $opt{IsPlaceholder};
238 my $type = $opt{Type} ?
239 $opt{Type} .
240 SuikaWiki::Format::Definition->__get_param_string
241 ($opt{Type_param}) : undef;
242 if ($Converter->{$type.$flag}) {
243 $converter = $Converter->{$type.$flag};
244 } elsif ($Converter->{$opt{Name}.'/'.$opt{Version}.$flag}) {
245 $converter = $Converter->{'/'.$opt{Name}.'/'.$opt{Version}.$flag};
246 }
247 return ($converter->{$opt{return_type} or 'Main'} or
248 CORE::die "Buggy implementation: $type $opt{Name}/$opt{Version}$flag/@{[$opt{return_type} or 'Main']} not defined")
249 ->($self, $source, \%opt)
250 if $converter;
251 $self->SUPER::convert ($source, %opt);
252 }
253 EOH
255 for (@{$src->child_nodes}) {
256 if ($_->local_name eq 'Converter') {
257 if ($convert) {
258 $r .= $convert;
259 $r .= line $Info, reset => 1;
260 undef $convert;
261 }
262 $r .= make_format_converter ($_, $Info);
263 } elsif ($_->local_name eq 'WikiForm') {
264 $r .= q(sub wikiform {)."\n".q(my ($self, $source, %opt) = @_;);
265 $r .= line $Info, node_path => qq(Format[module-name()=$module_name]/WikiForm);
266 $r .= code $Info, $_->get_attribute_value ('Main');
267 $r .= line $Info, reset => 1;
268 $r .= qq(}\n);
269 } elsif ($_->local_name eq 'HeadSummary') {
270 $r .= q(sub headsummary {)."\n".q(my ($self, $source, %opt) = @_;);
271 $r .= line $Info, node_path => qq(Format[module-name()=$module_name]/HeadSummary);
272 $r .= code $Info, $_->get_attribute_value ('Main');
273 $r .= line $Info, reset => 1;
274 $r .= qq(}\n);
275 } elsif ($_->local_name eq 'NextIndex') {
276 my $name = $_->get_attribute_value ('Name', default => '');
277 $r .= q(sub next_index_for_).$name
278 . q( {)."\n".q(my ($self, $source, %opt) = @_;)
279 . line $Info, node_path => qq(Format[module-name()=$module_name]/NextIndex[Name=$name]);
280 $r .= code $Info, $_->get_attribute_value ('Main');
281 $r .= line $Info, reset => 1;
282 $r .= qq(}\n);
283 } elsif ($_->local_name eq 'Use') {
284 $r .= line $Info, node_path => qq(Format[module-name()=$module_name]/Use);
285 $r .= code $Info, $_->inner_text;
286 }
287 }
288 $r;
289 }
291 sub make_format_converter ($$) {
292 my ($src, $Info) = @_;
293 my %def;
294 $def{Type} = $src->get_attribute ('Type');
295 if (ref $def{Type}) {
296 $def{Type} = $def{Type}->inner_text
297 . join '', map {
298 ';'. $_->local_name .'='. quoted_string $_->inner_text
299 } sort {
300 $a->local_name cmp $b->local_name
301 } @{$def{Type}->child_nodes};
302 } else {
303 delete $def{Type};
304 }
305 $def{Name} = $src->get_attribute_value ('Name');
306 delete $def{Name} unless defined $def{Name};
307 $def{Version} = $src->get_attribute_value ('Version');
308 delete $def{Version} if not defined $def{Version} or
309 not defined $def{Name};
311 my $flag = '//';
312 $flag .= 'f' and $def{IsFragment} = 1
313 if $src->get_attribute_value ('IsFragment');
314 $flag .= 'p' and $def{IsPlaceholder} = 1
315 if $src->get_attribute_value ('IsPlaceholder');
317 for (qw/Main ToString ToOctetStream/) {
318 my $def = $src->get_attribute_value ($_);
319 next unless $def;
320 $def{$_} = line ($Info, node_path => '//Converter/'.$_)
321 . $def
322 . line ($Info, reset => 1);
323 if ($def{$_} =~ /\$r\b/) {
324 $def{$_} = 'my $r;'."\n".$def{$_}."\n".'$r';
325 }
326 $def{$_} = barecode code $Info,
327 'sub {my ($self, $source, $opt) = @_;'
328 . $def{$_} . '}';
329 }
331 my $r = list %def;
332 if ($def{Type}) {
333 $r = qq{\$Converter->{@{[literal $def{Type}.$flag]}} = {$r};\n};
334 $r .= qq{\$Converter->{@{[literal '/'.$def{Name}.'/'.$def{Version}.$flag]}} = \$Converter->{@{[literal $def{Type}.$flag]}};\n}
335 if $def{Name};
336 } elsif ($def{Name}) {
337 $r = qq{\$Converter->{@{[literal '/'.$def{Name}.'/'.$def{Version}.$flag]}} = {$r};\n};
338 } else {
339 $r = 'BEGIN { die "Invalid Syntax of Converter: Type or Name property required" }';
340 }
341 $r;
342 }
344 sub make_function ($$) {
345 my ($src, $Info) = @_;
346 ## TODO: support of ARGV property
347 my $name;
348 my $r = <<EOH;
349 @{[change_package $Info, $Info->{module_name}]}
350 sub @{[$name = $src->get_attribute_value ('Name')]} {
351 @{[line $Info, node_path => "Function[Name='$name']/Main"]}@{[
352 code $Info, $src->get_attribute_value ('Main')
353 ]}
354 }
355 @{[line $Info, reset => 1]}
356 EOH
357 }
359 sub register_plugin_const ($$) {
360 my ($src, $Info) = @_;
361 for (@{$src->child_nodes}) {
362 $Info->{const}->{$_->local_name} = literal_or_code $Info, $_->value;
363 }
364 }
366 sub make_resdef ($$) {
367 my ($src, $Info) = @_;
368 my $r = change_package $Info, 'SuikaWiki::Plugin::Resource';
369 local $Info->{-message_error_used} = 0;
370 $r .= qq{our \$BaseResource;\n};
371 for (@{$src->child_nodes}) {
372 if ($_->node_type eq '#element') {
373 my $lang = literal ($_->get_attribute_value ('lang') || 'und');
374 my $script = literal $_->get_attribute_value ('script');
375 my $name = literal $_->local_name;
376 my $val = literal n11n $_->value;
377 $r .= qq{\$BaseResource->{$lang}->{$script}->{$name} = $val;\n};
378 }
379 }
380 $r;
381 }
383 sub make_viewfragment ($$) {
384 my ($src, $Info) = @_;
385 my $r = '';
386 my $body = <<EOH;
387 {
388 Main => @{[literal $src->get_attribute_value ('Formatting')]},
389 Order => @{[0+$src->get_attribute_value ('Order')]},
390 Description => [@{[m13ed_val_list $src, 'Description']}],
391 };
392 EOH
393 ## Recommended format
394 my $name = $src->get_attribute_value ('Template');
395 if (ref ($name) and @$name > 1) {
396 $r .= qq({my \$def = $body;\n);
397 for (@$name) {
398 my $name = $_; $name =~ tr/-/_/;
399 $r .= qq(push \@{\$SuikaWiki::View::Implementation::TemplateFragment{@{[literal $name]}}}, \$def;\n);
400 push @{$Info->{provide}->{viewfragment}}, {Name => $name};
401 }
402 $r .= qq(}\n);
403 } else { ## Obsoleted format
404 $name = ref $name ? $name->[0] : $src->get_attribute_value ('Name');
405 $name =~ tr/-/_/;
406 $r .= qq(push \@{\$SuikaWiki::View::Implementation::TemplateFragment{@{[literal $name]}}}, $body);
407 push @{$Info->{provide}->{viewfragment}}, {Name => $name};
408 }
409 $r;
410 }
412 sub make_viewdef ($$) {
413 my ($src, $Info) = @_;
414 my $ViewProp = {};
415 my $r = '';
416 $ViewProp->{Name} = n11n $src->get_attribute_value ('Mode');
417 $ViewProp->{Name} =~ s/(?<=.)-/_/g;
418 $ViewProp->{pack_name} = random_module_name ($Info, $ViewProp->{Name});
420 $ViewProp->{condition_stringified} = hash
421 mode => $ViewProp->{Name},
422 map {($_->local_name => $_->value)}
423 @{$src->get_attribute ('Condition',make_new_node=>1)->child_nodes};
425 $r .= <<EOH;
426 push \@SuikaWiki::View::Implementation::CommonViewDefs, {
427 condition => {$ViewProp->{condition_stringified}},
428 object_class => q#$ViewProp->{pack_name}#,
429 };
430 @{[change_package $Info, $ViewProp->{pack_name}]}
431 our \@ISA = q#SuikaWiki::View::template#;
432 EOH
433 local $Info->{-message_error_used} = 0;
434 my $use = $src->get_attribute ('Use');
435 if (ref $use) {
436 $r .= line $Info, node_path => "ViewDefinition[Mode='$ViewProp->{Name}']/Use";
437 $r .= code $Info, $use->inner_text;
438 $r .= "\n\n";
439 }
441 for (@{$src->child_nodes}) {
442 if ($_->local_name eq 'template') {
443 $r .= make_view_template_method ($_, $Info, $ViewProp);
444 } elsif ($_->local_name eq 'method') {
445 my $method_name = $_->get_attribute_value ('Name');
446 $r .= ({
447 main => q(sub main ($$) {)."\n".q(my ($self, $opt, $opt2) = @_;)."\n",
448 main_pre => q(sub main_pre ($$$) {)."\n".q(my ($self, $opt, $opt2) = @_;)."\n",
449 main_post => q(sub main_post ($$$) {)."\n".q(my ($self, $opt, $opt2) = @_;)."\n",
450 }->{$method_name}
451 ||qq(sub @{[$method_name]} {\n))
452 . line ($Info, node_path => "ViewDefinition[Mode='$ViewProp->{Name}']/method[Name='$method_name']")
453 . code ($Info, $_->value)
454 . qq(}\n)
455 . line ($Info, reset => 1);
456 }
457 }
458 my $prop = {Name => $ViewProp->{Name},
459 Description => barecode m13ed_val_list $_, 'Description'};
460 push @{$Info->{provide}->{viewdef}}, $prop;
461 $r;
462 }
464 sub make_view_template_method ($$) {
465 my ($src, $Info, $ViewProp) = @_;
466 my $r = <<EOH;
468 sub main (\$\$\$) {
469 my (\$self, \$opt, \$opt2) = \@_;
470 require SuikaWiki::Output::HTTP;
471 \$opt2->{output} = SuikaWiki::Output::HTTP->new
472 (wiki => \$self->{view}->{wiki},
473 view => \$self->{view}, viewobj => \$self);
474 for (\@{\$self->{view}->{wiki}->{var}->{client}->{used_for_negotiate}},
475 'Accept-Language') {
476 \$opt2->{output}->add_negotiate_header_field (\$_);
477 }
479 \$opt2->{template} = @{[literal $src->get_attribute ('body', make_new_node => 1)->inner_text]};
480 \$opt2->{o} = bless {
481 ## SuikaWiki 3 WikiPlugin interface
482 wiki => \$self->{view}->{wiki},
483 plugin => \$self->{view}->{wiki}->{plugin},
484 var => {},
485 }, 'SuikaWiki::Plugin';
486 @{[do{my $x=$src->get_attribute('http-status-code',make_new_node=>1)->inner_text;
487 $x?q{$opt2->{output}->{status_code} = }.(0 + $x).q{;}:q{}}]}
488 @{[do{my $x=$src->get_attribute('http-status-phrase',make_new_node=>1)->inner_text;
489 $x?q{$opt2->{output}->{status_phrase} = }.literal($x).q{;}:q{}}]}
490 \$opt2->{output}->{entity}->{media_type} = @{[literal
491 $src->get_attribute ('media-type',make_new_node=>1)
492 ->inner_text || 'application/octet-stream']};
493 @{[($src->get_attribute ('use-media-type-charset',make_new_node=>1)
494 ->inner_text || 0) ?
495 q{$opt2->{output}->{entity}->{charset} = $self->{view}->{wiki}->{config}->{charset}->{output};}:
496 q{}]}
497 @{[do{my $x = $src->get_attribute ('expires',make_new_node=>1)->inner_text;
498 if ($x =~ /%%(\w+)%%/) {
499 qq{\$opt2->{output}->set_expires (%{\$self->{view}->{wiki}->{config}->{entity}->{expires}->{@{[literal $1]}}});};
500 } else {
501 qq{\$opt2->{output}->set_expires (delta => @{[0 + $x]});};
502 }
503 }]}
504 \$opt2->{output}->{entity}->{body_is_octet_stream} = @{[
505 $src->get_attribute ('body')->get_attribute_value ('is-octet-stream', default_value => 0)
506 or 0
507 ]};
509 \$self->{view}->{wiki}->init_db;
510 \$self->main_pre (\$opt, \$opt2);
512 use Message::Util::Error;
513 try {
514 \$opt2->{output}->{entity}->{body}
515 = SuikaWiki::Plugin->formatter ('view')
516 ->replace (\$opt2->{template}, param => \$opt2->{o});
517 } \$self->{view}->{wiki}->{config}->{catch}->{ @{[
518 $ViewProp->{Name} eq '-error' ? 'formatter_view_error'
519 : 'formatter_view' ]} };
520 \$opt2->{output}->output (output => 'http-cgi');
522 \$self->main_post (\$opt, \$opt2);
523 }
524 EOH
525 }
527 sub make_rule ($$) {
528 my ($src, $Info) = @_;
529 my $type = $src->get_attribute ('Category', make_new_node => 1)->value || [];
530 my $name = $src->get_attribute ('Name', make_new_node => 1)->value;
531 $name =~ s/(?<=.)-/_/g;
533 my $reg_block;
534 $reg_block = qr/[^{}]*(?>[^{}]+|{(??{$reg_block})})*/;
535 my %code;
536 for my $codename ([qw/Formatting main/], [qw/After after/],
537 [qw/Before before/], [qw/Pre pre/], [qw/Post post/],
538 [qw/Attribute attr/]) {
539 my $main = code $Info, $src->get_attribute_value ($codename->[0]);
540 next unless $main;
541 $main = line ($Info, node_path =>
542 "FormattingRule[name()='@{[list $type]}/$name']/".$codename->[0])
543 . $main;
545 if ( $main =~ /\$f\b/
546 or $main =~ /\$rule_name\b/
547 or $main =~ /\$[opr]\b/
548 or $main =~ /[%\$]opt\b/
549 or $main =~ /\$param_(?:name|value)\n/) {
550 if ($codename->[0] ne 'Attribute') {
551 $main = q{my ($f, $rule_name, $p, $o, %opt) = @_;}."\n".$main;
552 } else {
553 $main = q{my ($f, $rule_name, $p, $o, $param_name => $param_value, %opt) = @_;}."\n".$main;
554 }
555 }
556 if ($main =~ /\$r\b/) {
557 warn qq(Rule @{[list $type]}/$name: Use of \$r is deprecated);
558 $main = q{my $r = '';} . "\n" . $main . "\n"
559 . q{$p->{-parent}->append_node ($r, node_or_text => 1);};
560 }
561 $main =~ s{__ATTR(TEXT|NODE)?:%(\w+|{$reg_block})(?:->{($reg_block)})?__;}
562 {($1 eq 'TEXT' ? '$p->{'.literal_or_code($Info, $2)
563 .'} = do { my $r = ' : '')
564 .'$f->parse_attr ($p=>'.literal_or_code($Info, $2).', $o, '
565 .($3?'-parent => '.$3.', ':'')
566 .($1?'-non_parsed_to_node => 1, ':'')
567 .'%opt)'
568 .($1 eq 'TEXT' ? '; ref $r?$r->inner_text:$r}'
569 : '')
570 .';'}ge;
571 $code{$codename->[1]} = barecode "sub {$main}";
572 }
574 my $main = literal {
575 Description => [barecode m13ed_val_list $src, 'Description'],
576 Parameter => {do {
577 my @r;
578 for (@{$src->child_nodes}) {
579 if ($_->local_name eq 'Parameter') {
580 push @r, $_->get_attribute_value ('Name')
581 => {Type => $_->get_attribute_value ('Type'),
582 Default => $_->get_attribute_value ('Default'),
583 Description => [barecode m13ed_val_list $_, 'Description']};
584 }
585 }
586 @r;
587 }},
588 %code,
589 };
590 $main .= line $Info, reset => 1;
593 my $amain = <<EOH;
594 {
595 main => sub {$main},
596 @{[line ($Info, reset => 1)]}
597 Description => [@{[m13ed_val_list $src, 'Description']}],
598 Parameter => {@{[do{
599 }]}},
600 }
601 EOH
602 my $r = change_package $Info, $Info->{module_name};
603 local $Info->{-message_error_used} = 0;
604 if (@$type == 1) {
605 $type->[0] =~ tr/-/_/;
606 $r .= qq{\$SuikaWiki::Plugin::Rule{$type->[0]}->{$name} = $main;\n};
607 push @{$Info->{provide}->{rule}->{$type->[0]}}, $name;
608 } else {
609 $r .= qq({my \$def = $main;\n);
610 for my $type (@$type) {
611 $type =~ tr/-/_/;
612 $r .= qq{\$SuikaWiki::Plugin::Rule{$type}->{$name} = \$def;\n};
613 push @{$Info->{provide}->{rule}->{$type}}, $name;
614 }
615 $r .= qq(};\n);
616 }
617 $r;
618 }
620 =item FormattingRuleAlias
622 Generating an alias name for a formatting rule that is already loaded.
623 Example:
625 FormattingRuleAlias:
626 @Category[list]:
627 category-1
628 category-2
629 ...
630 @Name: new-rule-name
631 @Reference:
632 @@Category: one-of-category
633 @@Name: one-of-name
635 associates C<(I<category-1>, I<new-rule-name>)>,
636 C<(I<category-2>, I<new-rule-name>)>, ...
637 with C<(I<one-of-category>, I<one-of-name>)>.
639 =cut
641 sub make_rule_alias ($$) {
642 my ($src, $Info) = @_;
643 my $type = $src->get_attribute ('Category', make_new_node => 1)->value || [];
644 my $name = $src->get_attribute ('Name', make_new_node => 1)->value;
646 my $ref = $src->get_attribute ('Reference', make_new_node => 1);
647 my $c = $ref->get_attribute_value ('Category');
648 my $n = $ref->get_attribute_value ('Name');
650 s/(?<=.)-/_/g for $n, $name;
651 tr/-/_/ for $c, @$type;
653 my $def = qq{\$SuikaWiki::Plugin::Rule{@{[literal $c]}}->{@{[literal $n]}} or warn qq{Formatting rule "$c/$n" not defined}};
655 my $r = change_package $Info, $Info->{module_name};
656 for my $type (@$type) {
657 $r .= qq{\$SuikaWiki::Plugin::Rule{@{[literal $type]}}->{@{[literal $name]}} = $def;\n};
658 push @{$Info->{provide}->{rule}->{$type}}, $name;
659 }
660 $r;
661 }
664 sub random_module_name ($;$) {
665 my ($Info, $subname) = @_;
666 $subname =~ s/[^0-9A-Za-z_:]//g;
667 my @date = gmtime;
668 my @rand = ('A'..'Z','a'..'z',0..9,'_');
669 sprintf '%s::%s%s%s', $Info->{module_name}, $subname,
670 sprintf ('%02d%02d%02d%02d%02d%02d', @date[5,4,3,2,1,0]),
671 join ('', @rand[rand@rand,rand@rand,rand@rand,rand@rand]);
672 }
674 =head1 NAME
676 mkplugin2.pl - SuikaWiki: WikiPlugin Generator
678 =head1 SYNOPSIS
680 mkplugin2.pl pluginsrc.wp2 > plugin.pm
682 =head1 DESCRIPTION
684 C<mkplugin2.pl> generates WikiPlugin module as a Perl module file
685 from WikiPlugin source description. WikiPlugin source description
686 is described in SuikaWikiConfig/2.0 format and it contains
687 definitions of wiki constructions (such as formatting rules and
688 WikiView definitions) as both machine understandable code and
689 human readable documentation. For more information, see
690 <http://suika.fam.cx/~wakaba/-temp/wiki/wiki?WikiPlugin>.
692 This script is part of SuikaWiki.
696 C<mkplugin2.pl> introduced as part of SuikaWiki 3.
697 It converts SuikaWiki 3 WikiPlugin source descriptions
698 (in SuikaWikiConfig/2.0) into Perl modules with SuikaWiki 3 interface.
700 SuikaWiki 2 has C<mkplugin.pl>. It also converts WikiPlugin
701 source descriptions into Perl modules. But it support
702 SuikaWiki 2 format of WikiPlugin source description that differs from
703 SuikaWiki 3 format. Wiki programming interface (not limited to
704 WikiPlugin related one) of SuikaWiki 3 also incompatible with that
705 of SuikaWiki 2 so that it is impossible to use SuikaWiki 2 WikiPlugin
706 module with SuikaWiki 3 and vice versa.
708 =head1 SEE ALSO
710 C<SuikaWiki::Plugin>, SuikaWiki:WikiPlugin
711 <http://suika.fam.cx/~wakaba/-temp/wiki/wiki?WikiPlugin>.
713 =head1 LICENSE
715 Copyright 2003-2004 Wakaba <w@suika.fam.cx>. All rights reserved.
717 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
718 modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
720 =cut
722 1; # $Date: 2004/03/11 04:04:06 $

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